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PRESIDENT Trump the Socialist: 12 billion in Welfare Handouts for Farmers

Gulp. It's The Hill a readily available, widely read news site. And the article that's referenced is from the Wall St. Journal. Real murky, quirky stuff.

The Hill is the newsletter of the deep state though. Legit news but hardly unbiased. Most of the commenters on their website are Federal employees in the D.C. area.
Man/women/or an IT feeds people, people eating said food say **** them. Yup sounds like a dem
Gulp. It's The Hill a readily available, widely read news site. And the article that's referenced is from the Wall St. Journal. Real murky, quirky stuff.

I know they're two reputable publications, I'm just having a hard time with the content and the source(s) in this case. And I'm not a fanatical Trumptard or whatever the left likes to call people.

Somebody perhaps twisting or stretching the truth to make this guy look as bad as possible? It's not like it would be anything new.
Look almost every news source is biased by the nature of the ratings and sales game... even the AP sold out... unbiased news has never been on the us airwaves, but at least agendas were tempered for most of the last century.

The 1990s saw the polarization of news sources and the death of the cut and dry news...

Lets put it this way... you have to read the post gazzette and trib and drudge and the hill and the huffington post and the new york times and post and watch fox and Cnn just to get a feel for each sides spin and try to find the truth buried deep inside all the bullshit...

Ive said for years we need an unbiased news source that was ratings independent that only reports confirmed unspun facts. And anyone trying to use it as a political weapon should be tarred and feathered
The Hill is the newsletter of the deep state though. Legit news but hardly unbiased. Most of the commenters on their website are Federal employees in the D.C. area.

"The deep state".......you guys...

The deep state is to Alt-Righters as the devil is to Christians; a convenient myth to hide the hypocrisy.

Go watch some more Alex Jones.

Isn't it funny how the Scumbag in Chief just pays off everyone he screws? Stormy Daniels, McDougal, and now American farmers!

His M.O. on so many things is simpleton like, and easily predictable. " If any Russians are listening get Hillary's e-mails." Just telegraphs it.....what a moron.

Yeah Middle America is doing horrible under Trump. Oh wait no it's not, I live there and it's thriving. Go back to watching Young Turks idiot.
Yeah Middle America is doing horrible under Trump. Oh wait no it's not, I live there and it's thriving. Go back to watching Young Turks idiot.

Trump's done nothing for middle America, but drive remaining industries out with his tariffs, and hurt farmers and their communities.

Hey, farmers are going to get welfare though, that will help. And that help will drive up the debt...remember the debt? Yeah you guys used to lament about it to no end a few years ago.......now not a whisper....not a whisper as the Moron in Chief through his tax cuts drives us deeper in......My....my...... what hypocrites.
Trump's done nothing for middle America, but drive remaining industries out with his tariffs, and hurt farmers and their communities.

Hey, farmers are going to get welfare though, that will help. And that help will drive up the debt...remember the debt? Yeah you guys used to lament about it to no end a few years ago.......now not a whisper....not a whisper as the Moron in Chief through his tax cuts drives us deeper in......My....my...... what hypocrites.

You live in a dream world. I pity you.
Not hard to figure out where Trump's next big socialist bail-out package is going....

The NRA Says It’s in Deep Financial Trouble, May Be ‘Unable to Exist’

The National Rifle Association warns that it is in grave financial jeopardy, according to a recent court filing obtained by Rolling Stone, and that it could soon “be unable to exist… or pursue its advocacy mission.” (Read the NRA’s legal complaint at the bottom of this story.)

The reason, according to the NRA filing, is not its deep entanglement with alleged Russian agents like Maria Butina. Instead, the gun group has been suing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the state’s financial regulators since May, claiming the NRA has been subject to a state-led “blacklisting campaign” that has inflicted “tens of millions of dollars in damages.”

In the new document — an amended complaint filed in U.S. District Court in late July — the NRA says it cannot access financial services essential to its operations and is facing “irrecoverable loss and irreparable harm.”

Specifically, the NRA warns that it has lost insurance coverage — endangering day-to-day operations. “Insurance coverage is necessary for the NRA to continue its existence,” the complaint reads. Without general liability coverage, it adds, the “NRA cannot maintain its physical premises, convene off-site meetings and events, operate educational programs … or hold rallies, conventions and assemblies.”

The complaint says the NRA’s video streaming service and magazines may soon shut down.

“The NRA’s inability to obtain insurance in connection with media liability raises risks that are especially acute; if insurers remain afraid to transact with the NRA, there is a substantial risk that NRATV will be forced to cease operating.” The group also warns it “could be forced to cease circulation of various print publications and magazines.”
