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PRESIDENT Trump the Socialist: 12 billion in Welfare Handouts for Farmers

Trump follows plenty of left leaning principles... and for the record keeping farmers well off is a great plan.... you never want to outsource food production... its an acceptable area for subsidized compensation
And of course let's not forget that 99.99999999% of farmers are white.

and there you have it. Let the crops and food dry up. F the farmers! Hot Pockets for everyone!
My criticism of bad behavior is legit, especially when it involves my tax dollars. Your obsession with race is truly disturbing and pathological. You may want to seek help to explore this unhealthy behavior.

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Did I use the term " baby daddies" or did you?

Tell me again who the racist is?
That avatar's sole purpose is to trigger you lefty nuts. Seems to be working.

View attachment 4055

Did I use the term " baby daddies" or did you?

Tell me again who the racist is?
You are the racist. You interjected race, not me. Baby daddy is a term used to describe a man responsible for a baby out of wedlock, regardless of race, religion, or national origin.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app
People act like the soybean price falling is the end of the world (again).

For 8 straight months of Obama's last term (August 2015 - March 2016), prices for soybeans were down around where they are now. Did the media go apeshit back then? No. Most of the price decrease was a result of over production and competition. Next year, less farmers in America will grow soybeans.

Once again, the media loves to create a "crisis" that doesn't exist only to perpetuate their own importance in the "Never Trump" movement. All the while pushing more and more people to vote for Trump in the first place.

It's just bullshit. All of it.
People act like the soybean price falling is the end of the world (again)... Once again, the media loves to create a "crisis" that doesn't exist only to perpetuate their own importance in the "Never Trump" movement. All the while pushing more and more people to vote for Trump in the first place.....t's just bullshit. All of it.

Disappointing how lazy you've gotten of late on some of these issues. You swing and miss by a large margin on this, given that you completely ignore the fact these actions are a direct result of Trump's mindless trade tariffs. You 'dumb down' and simplify the issue in true Trumpian fashion. All for what? To defend this President and his dumbass policy moves? Maybe the mindless Trump cult members here buy this bs, but it's easy to see right through your hollow arguments.

Trump offers $12B in aid to farmers hit by tariffs

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Tuesday announced it would offer $12 billion in aid to farmers hindered by retaliatory tariffs imposed on U.S. grain, produce and meat exports as the Trump administration digs in for a protracted trade battle.

The department will use the emergency aid to assist and buy crops from farmers who’ve lost billions of dollars in sales from foreign buyers in the European Union, Canada, Mexico and China.

President Trump has stood behind his decision to impose tariffs on a broad array of goods despite mounting criticism, but he has promised to aid farmers harmed by the retaliatory measures.

The White House had hinted for months at an impending relief package for farmers losing business to cheaper foreign competitors unrestrained by tariffs.

American farmers have been targeted by top U.S. trading partners in response to Trump’s imposition of levies on imported aluminum, steel and Chinese goods. The EU, Canada, Mexico and China have responded with tariffs on key U.S agricultural exports like corn, soybeans, beef, poultry and apples, sinking global demand for American farm goods.

Billions of pounds of American crops and meat have reportedly sat idle in storage facilities while their producers lose money from canceled sales.

The USDA will provide direct payments to producers of soybeans, sorghum, corn, wheat, cotton, dairy and hogs to help them cover their losses and find new markets for their goods. The department will also purchase surpluses of fruits, nuts, rice, legumes, beef, pork and milk “for distribution to food banks and other nutrition programs,” the USDA announced.

Trump and his aides have sought to impose further tariffs on Chinese imports and have eyed levies on foreign automobiles against the advice of lawmakers and a handful of Cabinet officials.

Republicans and Democrats panned the aid package as details of the plan first emerged and called on Trump to abandon the tariffs that necessitated the relief to farmers in the first place.

“They put in place a policy that requires our farmers to go on welfare and, you know, it’s a ridiculous policy that just needs to be reversed,” said Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who has sought to repeal Trump’s tariffs.
Disappointing how lazy you've gotten of late on some of these issues. You swing and miss by a large margin on this, given that you completely ignore the fact these actions are a direct result of Trump's mindless trade tariffs. You 'dumb down' and simplify the issue in true Trumpian fashion. All for what? To defend this President and his dumbass policy moves? Maybe the mindless Trump cult members here buy this bs, but it's easy to see right through your hollow arguments.

Trump offers $12B in aid to farmers hit by tariffs

.... president clinton enacted policies that obliterated the cattle industry while tyson chicken was a huge contributor to his campaign and profited greatly.... president Bush part2 did the exact opposite and collected tons from the cattlemen while enacting policies that dropped chicken prices into the gutter...

Clinton Dumped a large portion of the grain reserves temporarily flooding the markets then creating a shortage during elections season... dozens of examples of administration policy affecting farmers for agenda purposes on both sides
Disappointing how lazy you've gotten of late on some of these issues. You swing and miss by a large margin on this, given that you completely ignore the fact these actions are a direct result of Trump's mindless trade tariffs. You 'dumb down' and simplify the issue in true Trumpian fashion. All for what? To defend this President and his dumbass policy moves? Maybe the mindless Trump cult members here buy this bs, but it's easy to see right through your hollow arguments.

Trump offers $12B in aid to farmers hit by tariffs

The idea is not for tariffs to be permanent. The idea is for the EU and China to reduce or eliminate their tariffs on our stuff and we will reduce or eliminate our tariffs on their stuff.
It's a negotiation. Just wait and watch.


Pay people who actually work for a living instead of pay folks to do nothing. What a concept.
The idea is not for tariffs to be permanent. The idea is for the EU and China to reduce or eliminate their tariffs on our stuff and we will reduce or eliminate our tariffs on their stuff.
It's a negotiation. Just wait and watch.

He just doesn't get it.

He wanted status quo on everything. Or for us to roll over on trade because "We can't let soybeans fall for 2 months!!!", "Woe, the children!!!". God forbid you have to actually fight for good trade deals. Or does Tibs think other country's medias are spouting "sky is falling" rhetoric because of THEIR trade war with the U.S. (it does go both ways).

Germany, EU, China, hell, even Canada are all willing to swallow some bad tasting medicine knowing it will help get better deals. America used to be that way. Not anymore. Christ, one little hiccup and the leftist media just brings out the hounds.

Again, search for "Glut in Soybean market in 2015" and the ONLY journalists that even mention it are in trade magazines. Main stream media didn't even touch it. How on earth did America's agricultural industry survive EIGHT MONTHS of what we've only had six weeks of because of the trade policies. You listen to our media and you think this is the next coming of 1929 (hell, I heard that today on NPR).

I give the trades wars two years. If we are still in trade wars (major ones) without some good deals signed by the 2020 election cycle, I'll start listening. Until then, shut the **** up. We're not the only ones taking it on the chin. Let China stew in their trade war a while as well.
China, and any other nation with a tremendous trade surplus has the most to lose. What you'll see is more USA companies filling in the domestic needs in time, which means more jobs here, lower unemployment, and more people paying taxes.

If I were Trump I would do this after mid terms. But I hope he keeps on course. It won't take that long for China and the others to say okay, we want to work with you on the trade deficit.
What's next? Encouraging consumption of some **** fuel made from corn through subsidies and regulations?

That sounds like it would drive the price for corn way up causing feed prices to soar and having farmers flip land to corn to make up the demand that in turn shorts production for a dozen more crops that drivesthe price up.... fortunetly the production process for ethanol is almost as environmentally damaging as just burning oil based products, so at least we did all that so idiots who don’t understand anything can feel good about some mythical lie that they are doing good things...

Its very important to keep idiots happy, after all... they outnumber us by a great deal...

WASHINGTON (AP) — After striking an elusive nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration found itself in a quandary in early 2016: Iran had been promised access to its long-frozen overseas reserves, including $5.7 billion stuck in an Omani bank.

To spend it, Iran wanted to convert the money into U.S. dollars and then euros, but top U.S. officials had repeatedly promised Congress that Iran would never gain access to America’s financial system.

Those assurances notwithstanding, the Obama administration secretly issued a license to let Iran sidestep U.S. sanctions for the brief moment required to convert the funds through an American bank, an investigation by Senate Republicans released Wednesday showed. The plan failed when two U.S. banks refused to participate.

The Treasury Department license, issued in February 2016 and never disclosed, would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at Oman’s Bank of Muscat from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into dollars. If the Omani bank had allowed the exchange without such a license, it would have violated sanctions that bar Iran from transactions that touch the U.S. financial system.

The situation resulted from the fact that Iran had stored billions in Omani rials, a currency that’s notoriously hard to convert. The U.S. dollar is the world’s dominant currency, so allowing it to be used as a conversion instrument for Iranian assets was the easiest and most efficient way to speed up Iran’s access to its own funds.

“Yikes,” one former Treasury official told colleagues in an email, as described by the report. “It looks like we committed to a whole lot beyond just allowing the immobilized funds to settle out.”

The Obama administration approached two U.S. banks to facilitate the conversion, the report said, but both refused, citing the reputational risk of doing business with or for Iran.

Issuing the license was not illegal. Still, it went above and beyond what the Obama administration was required to do under the terms of the nuclear agreement, in which the U.S. and world powers gave Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief in exchange for curbing its nuclear program.

The license issued to Bank Muscat stood in stark contrast to repeated public statements from the Obama White House, the Treasury and the State Department, all of which denied that the administration was contemplating allowing Iran access to the U.S. financial system.



noun trea·son \ ˈtrē-zᵊn \

Definition of treason
1 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family
2 : the betrayal of a trust :
1. This never took place

2.Allowing conversion into euros through dollars even if it had happened would not constitute access to our financial systems, they could not buy anything with dollars it was merely a formality.

3. Again: even if it had taken place there would have been nothing illegal about it.

4. Again: it was THEIR money moron.
You are the racist. You interjected race, not me. Baby daddy is a term used to describe a man responsible for a baby out of wedlock, regardless of race, religion, or national origin.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app

WOW....so now we'll go ahead and up the ante: first you go with plain ol racism, now you step it up to faux cultural appropriation so as to cover up your racism.

Sorry champ, you are truly exposed now no matter how many times you play the "I know you are but what am I?" gambit.

Now a term created in the African-American community and used almost exclusively by that community..........is a term used by everyone regardless of race, religion, or national origin. LMAO....


That's 2 gerbils for the price of one.

Too, TOO easy....lol
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“Trump is a business man, he’ll run the country like a business”

Trump Airlines
Trump Casinos
Trump University
Trump Tariffs

Don't forget the steaks.....that orange turd is a major LOSER.

What does that say about his base?
The people who always cry "Racist!" and see racism everywhere they look are the true racists. Twatty is the biggest racist of all.
The idea is not for tariffs to be permanent. The idea is for the EU and China to reduce or eliminate their tariffs on our stuff and we will reduce or eliminate our tariffs on their stuff.
It's a negotiation. Just wait and watch.

That's all fine and dandy circa 1924.

That's not how the modern global economy works anymore.