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Freedom of political belief is now under fire by the left.

If there was a civil war, I'd take the conservatives and give up about 14 points.
Unless Darth Bellicheat and Marcia went with the Libtards. Then I'd only take the conservatives - 5 or so.

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No, but Liberals are bent on violence at this point in time. It's happening, and it will escalate. Facts.

Let the record show that Flogomanbun is calling for, nay, pleading for a race war.
Let the record show that Flogomanbun is calling for, nay, pleading for a race war.

So did Charles Manson, therefore Trog = Charles Manson. /Libtard Logic
Let the record show that Flogomanbun is calling for, nay, pleading for a race war.

Take Heed Flog.jpg

Summer after summer, year after year, cities burn, innocent bystanders killed or maimed, and personal property gets destroyed because feelings are hurt. The Tea Party rallied peacefully but probably won't put up with much more of this crap.


Step lightly libs, Americans are armed to the teeth and have had enough.
View attachment 4018

Summer after summer, year after year, cities burn, innocent bystanders killed or maimed, and personal property gets destroyed because feelings are hurt. The Tea Party rallied peacefully but probably won't put up with much more of this crap.


Step lightly libs, Americans are armed to the teeth and have had enough.

Yeah, it wasn't libtards who amassed record gun sales during the Obummer years.
Ever been to a rural trailer park or the inner city?

Yes, and trust me, they’re spoiled compared to the people who live in the slums of third world country. We’re the only country in the world who’s poor people have cable TV, internet, drug and alcohol addiction and obesity.
Yes, and trust me, they’re spoiled compared to the people who live in the slums of third world country. We’re the only country in the world who’s poor people have cable TV, internet, drug and alcohol addiction and obesity.

You are generalizing. You aren't looking at the truly poor in this country, and they are out there.
Yes, and trust me, they’re spoiled compared to the people who live in the slums of third world country. We’re the only country in the world who’s poor people have cable TV, internet, drug and alcohol addiction and obesity.


Don't you agree that Democratically officials publically telling to accost Republican elected or appointed officials at movie theaters, grocery stores, or restaurants is wrong? Yes or no?

Maxine Waters and others like her need to step down now. Or they will become the poster people in the 2018 election with their words of hate being displayed for the voters who might only get their news from say CNN
Yes, and trust me, they’re spoiled compared to the people who live in the slums of third world country. We’re the only country in the world who’s poor people have cable TV, internet, drug and alcohol addiction and obesity.
Really? I thought you all felt really empathetic for our "poor"? What's with all the social programs and mandatory minimum wage etc.?

Bernie kicks sand in Dems faces, AGAIN!

Bernie Sanders: Sarah Sanders has the right to 'go into a restaurant and have dinner

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday came to the defense of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, saying individuals should "have the right to go into a restaurant and have dinner."

"I'm not a great fan of shouting down people or being rude to people," Bernie Sanders said.

Boom! Such Truth. People like Tibs don't realize that they are lemmings and have become these people. You are what you eat. Well people like Tibs consume this left-driven vitriol and hate. We've seen the change in him, as we have in most Liberals. Rationality gone. The ability to debate with reason and not insult is gone. TDS takes over and they insult. And they get violent. And they take the streets...

And as this article states, when given the choice, moderates and centrists and independents will choose to swing RIGHT, not LEFT when the Left becomes so vile, so brazen, so ALT.

As long as they continue to behave this way, I can't see the Democrats winning an election for some time to come.


Teeing Off on Trump
When voters have to choose between left and right incivility, Democrats will lose.

Why blame Maxine Waters ?

The combustible, tenured congresswoman from California is being run through the tut-tut wringer for calling down her version of jihad on an elected president.

“If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station,” Rep. Waters said in her normal habit of discourse—a shout—“you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them.”

This isn’t an original thought. Ever since the election returns unexpectedly said Donald Trump had defeated Hillary Clinton, the left hasn’t needed marching orders from Maxine Waters. The American left is always cocked, locked and ready to go into the streets, shout someone down, confront, harass and punish.

A week after the election, thousands of anti-Trump activists, some carrying pictures of Donald Trump and Hitler, shut down highways and blocked commuters going home during rush hour around New York and other cities. On Inauguration Day, they fought cops in the streets of Washington.

The Trump decision to separate migrant children from their parents flipped a familiar switch. Activists from the Democratic Socialists of America burst into a crowded D.C. restaurant to scream at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, while the owner of the Red Hen restaurant in Virginia sanctimoniously kicked out Sarah Sanders and her family.

The media is calling this “the civility feud,” though the word “civility” looks quaint and innocent among this crowd.

The political question of the moment is about something more: Can the Democratic Party control its left?

History suggests that centrist and independent American voters become uncomfortable when the news is dominated, as increasingly it is now, by the left pushing politics by other means. Voters in the past have turned rightward for solutions.

Richard Nixon in part rode the “law and order” issue into the White House during a publicly disordered time. Ronald Reagan ran on order, too.

Eventually, Democrats saw they would continue to lose elections if they nominated left-wing presidential candidates like George McGovern or Walter Mondale, and so they turned to centrist Southern governors such as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

For today’s Democrats, the centrist Southern governor option is gone. As of this week, President Trump’s opponent in 2020 will be a man or woman of the Democratic left.

Bernie Sanders lost the 2016 nomination to Mrs. Clinton, but he won the party. Supporting Sen. Sanders’s Medicare-for-all option is now mandatory writ for the party’s 2020 contenders. If anyone, say Joe Biden, had a doubt about where the party has landed, that ended with Tuesday’s primaries. The most famous Democrat in the U.S. right now is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old member of the Democratic Socialists of America from Queens, N.Y.

Her primary opponent, Democratic Rep. Joe Crowley, was considered unbeatable. Yet atop a wave of social-media progressivism, she sent Mr. Crowley into retirement. The national Democratic template is set: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is it.

The X-factor for the Democratic path back to national power is Donald Trump. The always-whirling Mr. Trump is capable of spinning himself off his gyroscope. What he has going for himself is that his opponents are crazed. Mr. Trump knows this, because he keeps feeding their mania.

The Trump opposition justifies what it says and does—such as equating the border actions with Auschwitz—as a moral imperative. The restaurant owner who drove out Sarah Sanders announced: “This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”

Psychologists will study for years how a candidate and now president whose substantive threat to “our democracy” consists mainly of unprecedented boorishness drove normally temperate people into a frenzy.

Classical conservatives, including the Founders, have warned that a society too far gone on political obsessions and animosities would put its ability to function at risk. We’re just about there, unable or not even willing to let political normality exist.

When the right tips over, it mostly gets grouchy, spending its energies defining people out of conservatism. The problem for the Democratic Party is that its left wing’s frenzies can turn ugly. If politics doesn’t go their way, they go into the streets, or invade a restaurant to shriek at a cabinet secretary.

Over the past week or so, two activist groups in Oregon—Occupy ICE PDX and Direct Action Alliance—have shut down the federal immigration-service building in Portland. “If they arrest us on federal property,” said one organizer, “we’ll shut the roads down. You can’t stop us.”

Our politics are putting a lot of pressure on voters, who are expected to sort it all out. When they enter the voting booth—this November and in two years—the choice will be more complicated than picking between a president who tweets insults and tens of thousands of left-wing Democrats promising “we’ll shut the roads down.” But if the choice is between two brands of incivility, the Democratic version generally loses.
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You are generalizing. You aren't looking at the truly poor in this country, and they are out there.

Unless you are talking about the mentally ill or drug addicted homeless, U.S. poverty is nothing like Mumbai (for example). The poor in the U.S. don’t live in their own garbage and sewers.

Don't you agree that Democratically officials publically telling to accost Republican elected or appointed officials at movie theaters, grocery stores, or restaurants is wrong? Yes or no?

Maxine Waters and others like her need to step down now. Or they will become the poster people in the 2018 election with their words of hate being displayed for the voters who might only get their news from say CNN

It’s not what I would have done. Don’t you think Trump’s behavior is wrong? If Waters had promised to pay the legal fees of anyone who assaulted a Republican, how would that be any different?
nearly two pages and flogomanbun has yet to refute the statement that he is yearning for a 2nd Civil War.

so it is said, so it is done.
Superstrawman. Supertrollman.

then ... explain...

So you’re saying it will be conservatives and republicans will start the civil war? Or they aren’t fat, lazy, stupid and spoiled? Because YES they are! The people in this country who have not lost perspective about how easy they have it are few and far in between. We have an abundance of people who like to ***** about things and few that actually want to do something about it.

How are the sides in this civil war going to be drawn? Conservative and liberal militias? The Americans that aren’t too ******* lazy to engage in a civil war are the ones who have something to lose.

Bernie kicks sand in Dems faces, AGAIN!

Bernie Sanders: Sarah Sanders has the right to 'go into a restaurant and have dinner

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday came to the defense of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, saying individuals should "have the right to go into a restaurant and have dinner."

"I'm not a great fan of shouting down people or being rude to people," Bernie Sanders said.


Thank you, Bernie. I don't agree with your politics very often, but you're honest with integrity. Something the left is sorely needing right now,
So you are requesting me to explain my request for those predicting civil war to explain how it would come about. Good grief!

Yes. And all the while ignoring dozens of posts by Spike and others with 'WAR!!!!!' proclamations and posts and memes proclaiming the right needs to 'hit back.'

Just another average, regular day here at SN. :crazy:
It’s not what I would have done. Don’t you think Trump’s behavior is wrong? If Waters had promised to pay the legal fees of anyone who assaulted a Republican, how would that be any different?

Then join in and get her Waters out of the party. She's making things much worse. Getting in peoples faces ambush style away from work and with their family or friends can get ugly. This can not become the new normal.

It wasn't so far back when a left wing nut job tried to shoot up a softball team of republicans. I understand the new supreme court pick is going to be a tough one for you, but if the political process comes to mob like intimidation, our democracy is being threatened.

No Waters paying legal fees would be any different. She's lucky none of her goons that listen to her assaulted people.
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It pains me to say as far as his statement on the poor he is right. A overwhelming majority of the poor in this country live like kings compared to other countries. The problem he is missing is that they also contribute nothing of real value to our economy in many many cases because they are just spending our hard earned money and not working to contribute to society and still continuing to procreate faster than those that have money by a large margin introducing more into this poverty and draining more resources from the rest of us. At some point the scales will tip and we will collapse under this weight. The result could well be a civil war or at least mast riots and violence. The cause of this is cultural and political as we incentivize this lifestyle through entitlements without an expectation of reciprocal vale in labor and improvement of fiscal position by those being “helped” by those entitlements. I don’t just blame Democrats for this as the Republicans have not had the political balls to force a change because they are only concerned with staying in power the same as the Dem. Many of those poor in other countries that have less are actually happier constructive members of society than our fat and lazy poor because they have to work together as a community to feed each other.
So you are requesting me to explain my request for those predicting civil war to explain how it would come about. Good grief!

that's not what you're doing, and you know it.