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Freedom of political belief is now under fire by the left.

Yes, the first female president, Ivanka Trump.

But I thought Ivanka had dem views? I don't know cause I don't follow her. But just because she's her daddy's daughter doesn't mean I wouldn't listen to what she has to say.
I thought the Klan disappeared when Crystal Pepsi ceased to exist. They are a pimple on a donkey's ***.
HA! I do have the same feelings, though, even though I didn't wrote it. Out with the old, in with the new, fresh ideas and leadership. Anyone that can make a difference. All the tired ones mentioned can go.

Same. I hold no contempt for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, but WHY are they still in office? They need to take a look around and see new views and welcome the young. Go ******* retire, Lord knows they have enough money.
Do you mean the one where all of about 50 klan members showed up, and haven't done **** since?

That was the total Klan membership in the whole nation. Well, there's about 50 more but they're all FBI informants.
Same. I hold no contempt for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, but WHY are they still in office?

They need to take a look around and see new views and welcome the young. Go ******* retire, Lord knows they have enough money.
They have their agenda and will give it up when you pry it from their cold dead hands.
Speaking of, Hildebeast is still campaigning in case you hadn't noticed. If she still has a pulse in 2020 she's running again. Bernie already said he's running again.

They have their agenda and will give it up when you pry it from their cold dead hands.
Speaking of, Hildebeast is still campaigning in case you hadn't noticed. If she still has a pulse in 2020 she's running again. Bernie already said he's running again.

I don't think Weekend at Bernie has a chance. He has some good ideas, but his base is as small as the Pirates yearly attendance. Billary should go away. She's as exciting as Stormy Daniel's strip club tour. "Oh, you sucked off a married, old, rich man and got paid? Greeeeat."

They have their agenda and will give it up when you pry it from their cold dead hands.
Speaking of, Hildebeast is still campaigning in case you hadn't noticed. If she still has a pulse in 2020 she's running again. Bernie already said he's running again.

This would shock me actually, really. And Bernie? I don't dislike him, grandpa type, but wants to give tooooooo much away for free even for my liking. And God he'd be like closing in on 1,000 years old. Come on.....
I don't think Weekend at Bernie has a chance. He has some good ideas, but his base is as small as the Pirates yearly attendance. Billary should go away. She's as exciting as Stormy Daniel's strip club tour. "Oh, you sucked off a married, old, rich man and got paid? Greeeeat."

The Dems still have no one else who is well-known and popular. Hildebeast will run as being the only one who can save the party and the nation from the horrors of Trump. And lose by a greater margin than last time.

Was in this discussion on FB the other day on the page of a black friend. School teacher and far-Lefty but we're cool. One of her (black) friends said no, the Dems have Kamala Harris and Corey Booker and will win for sure in 2020. I laughed for a good ten minutes.
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The Dems still have no one else who is well-known and popular. Hildebeast will run as being the only one who can save the party and the nation from the horrors of Trump. And lose by a greater margin than last time.

Was in this discussion on FB the other day on the page of a black friend. School teacher and far-Lefty but we're cool. One of her (black) friends said no, the Dems have Kamala Harris and Corey Booker and will win for sure in 2020. I laughed for a good ten minutes.

They are grasping at straws to who can overtake Trump and they have a good reason. Who is really out there? They have been counting down the days to vote (D) since he won. Holy crap, just thinking about the next election, i.e. mud slinging, dirty pool, insults, etc, I shudder of what kind of **** show that is going to be. 2015-16 was sure something. Just wait. . .
IMHO, the left has to put up a POC or woman as candidate. If they nominate a white man, like Bernie Sanders, it completely undermines their entire platform.
While I somewhat agree that history is repeating itself, I find it frustrating (from both sides) that people are so quick to throw out the labels of "communists", "nazi" & "fascist" against the opposition.

First, NOTHING in today's world is going to duplicate the fall of monarchies and colonialism in the 1800's and the rise of Marxism/Leninism and European Fascism (Mussolini and Hitler). It's not going to happen. And those that say it, are crying chicken little on both sides (and constantly have too much of that going on right now).

Today, we are seeing a similar struggle. There was/is a rise of "European Socialism" and a group of "Nationalism" is rising as it's antithesis. And of course on both sides there are extremes that want to glorify the past Marxists and Fascists. But they are truly the minority and don't really understand or drive the narrative in today's world (they can tilt the narrative and the media LOVES to use the extremists to make points however).

We really have to get back to respecting the rule of law. And if there is one concern I have with the left right now, it is their ignorance and arrogance with respect to the law. The left IS protesting more than the right. The left IS using street violence to spread their voice more than the right. The left IS using propaganda and media spin more than the right in my opinion. Those are scary tactic and slippery slopes to me. Because they are trying to accomplish things beyond the law.

I'm not going to protest. I vote. I'm not going to yell and scream at someone publicly because I don't agree with them. I will write letters or e-mails. I do not advocate "opinion journalism" or even much like FOX news or any of the many left-leaning alphabet soup. I don't think entertainers should say "**** You" to a ANY President.

There is a growing acceptance of the left that "public protests" are all just fine and dandy no matter how hateful or divisive they are (or how violent they sometimes get). The left is attacking the LAWFUL authority of the state and have humiliated police, border control and military.

The rule of law and out Constitution are the only way we AVOID what happened to Europe last century. We can survive swings between socialism and nationalism as long as the LAW works. I just don't see a lot of that type of thinking right now from the left. They seem hell-bent on winning, the law be damned. And if they cross that line, others will in response and then the country really is in danger.
IMHO, the left has to put up a POC or woman as candidate. If they nominate a white man, like Bernie Sanders, it completely undermines their entire platform.

so, just off the top of my head, you have Michelle Obama, The Rock, Oprah & Hillary as possible ring throwers. Some of them has a chance like a fart in the wind. Any real candidates in the arsenal, I'm not aware or pay attention to. Sorry. What you say makes total sense, though. They need the Yin to Trump's Yang.
Or maybe never actually did.............

IMHO, the left has to put up a POC or woman as candidate. If they nominate a white man, like Bernie Sanders, it completely undermines their entire platform.

Sen. Kamala Harris is a POC and a woman so that's hitting on almost all cylinders for the Democrats. Problem is there are so many skeletons in her closet that I hope she DOES run.
Sen. Kamala Harris is a POC and a woman so that's hitting on almost all cylinders for the Democrats. Problem is there are so many skeletons in her closet that I hope she DOES run.

She is an embarrassment. Her current seat of power was brought about entirely because she ****** an old, corrupt pol, Willie Brown.

As speaker of the California State Assembly from 1980 to 1995, Willie Brown was by far the Golden State’s most powerful shot-caller. In 1994 Brown, 60, met Kamala Harris, a full 30 years his junior, and she became “the Speaker’s new steady,” Brown’s “girlfriend” and “frequent companion.” The two-year relationship worked out well for Harris.

Willie Brown appointed Harris to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, which paid $97,088 a year. She served six months and Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, which met only once a month but paid Harris $72,000. Call it “poontronage,” a politician’s appointment of his steady girlfriend, frequent companion, and main squeeze to a lucrative government position requiring little work.

Brown also raised money for Harris in her run for San Francisco district attorney in 2003. She defeated her former boss Terence Hallinan but promised never to seek the death penalty. She kept that promise the next year when gang member David Hill used an AK-47 to gun down San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza. Even Dianne Feinstein took Harris to task, as she alienated police across the state.

The new span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge—10 years late, $5 billion over budget and riddled with safety issues—had whistleblowers calling for a criminal investigation. Duly apprised of the fathomless corruption, Harris failed to launch any criminal probe. With voter fraud and violent crime she simply looked the other way.

I know it's difficult to understand complex issues. Yes, I stood up - and will always stand up - in opposition to fascists, Nazis, the KKK and white supremacists.

AntiFA is the most fascist organization we have in this country right now. Again - I've asked you before - go look up the definition of fascism. AntiFA stifles free speech. They want only one type of speech. Other speech is squelched. And they use intimidation and violence to achieve it.

You called them Freedom Fighters.

Double Standards Ride On!

Or maybe never actually did.............

Oh my god, you're 12. When my sons were in 8th grade, they used to do things like that...and found himself clever too.

Well, here's some civility from the left. Leaving a burned animal carcass on the porch of a Republican Staffer. Nice.


These VIOLENT and barbaric acts by the violent, radical Left are tearing apart the Democratic Party itself. This from the UBER LA Times:

Resist too far? Pelosi tries to tamp down progressives' public shaming of Trump officials

The recent public shaming of Trump administration officials in restaurants has triggered an internal debate among Democrats over how far they should go in confronting the president and his policies.

The boisterous protests against Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Trump advisor Stephen Miller as they dined in different Mexican restaurants, and the ejection of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders by the owner of a Virginia eatery, caused some Democrats to embrace the strategy as an effective way to rally supporters and hold officials responsible.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles), a frequent critic of the administration, gave a high-profile boost to the tactic by saying members of the Trump administration should be repeatedly confronted in their everyday lives.

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they are not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Waters said at a rally in Los Angeles on Saturday.

On MSNBC the next day, she doubled down, saying that Americans are fed up. “The people are going to turn on them, they are going to protest, they are going to absolutely harass them,” she said.

But on Monday, several Democrats warned that such actions could backfire by eliciting sympathy for Trump officials, rallying Republicans to the polls in midterms or leading to similar protests against liberals by Trump supporters.

President Trump quickly tried to use the protests to portray his administration as a victim, falsely claiming on Twitter that Waters had advocated for his supporters to be harmed.

The Democrats’ debate is not unlike the one raging over whether to openly call for the impeachment of Trump, something party leaders like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi say is not appropriate at this time, especially as Democrats are trying to regain control of the House.

Pelosi urged caution Monday about expanding the protests against Trump Cabinet members beyond official events. Linking to an article about Waters’ comments, Pelosi took to Twitter to urge civility.

“Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable. As we go forward, we must conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea," she said.

Other high-profile Democrats, like former Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod, called it counter-productive.

“Disgusted with this admin’s policies? Organize, donate, volunteer, VOTE! Rousting Cabinet members from restaurants is an empty and, ultimately, counter-productive gesture that won’t change a thing,” he said in a tweet.

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer of New York went even further on the Senate floor Monday, saying that copying the president’s abusive tactics isn’t the answer.

"No one should call for the harassment of political opponents. That's not right. That's not American," he said. “The president's tactics and behavior should never be emulated. It should be repudiated by organized, well informed and passionate advocacy."

The recent confrontations marked an escalation of ongoing progressive political protests. For months activists have protested outside the home offices of members of Congress, with some voyaging to their homes as well. They’ve marched in cities across the country, flooded Capitol Hill with phone calls and emails.

"Some folks feel that this [escalation] is justified because the normal routes of protest don't seem to have an effect on this administration,” Menlo College political science professor Melissa Michelson said.

But Michelson said there’s always the chance that undecided voters might be turned off by such aggressive tactics, or that Republicans will be inspired to vote to counteract it.

“If you are a Republican or you are a supporter of the Trump administration, and you see your team being attacked, then you want to come out and defend them,” she said.

But national Democratic strategist Tom Bonier said few voters are likely to be swayed by whether a Cabinet official gets to finish a meal or not. “These incidents may drive chatter inside the Beltway and with voters who are already dug in, but their impact on the broader electorate is nominal, if not nonexistent,” Bonier said.

Democratic leaders now must find a way to avoid extinguishing the passionate progressive backlash against Trump that they will need in the next election, without allowing the outrage to divide or define the entire party. That was the lesson of the GOP tea party wave, when conservative protesters filled town halls to oppose passage of the 2010 Affordable Care Act. Eventually Republican leaders lost control of the movement, partly clearing a path for Trump’s populist takeover of the party.

Protesters chanting “shame, shame, shame” drove DHS Secretary Nielsen from a Mexican restaurant in Washington last week. A larger group continued the chants outside her Virginia home, decrying the Trump administration for separating families at the Southern border, and loudly playing audio of children begging for their parents in Spanish.
I think we are days away from another Liberal like James Hodgkinson pulling a trigger.

You'll hear Tibs say "well it's Trump's fault, he started it"

This escalation by the Democrats is now officially getting scary. Blood will be shed.


A group of chanting protesters gathered outside White House adviser Stephen Miller’s Washington D.C. apartment on Monday.

But before the chanting really picked up, the crowd circulated “Wanted” flyers expressing the contention that Miller is guilty of “crimes against humanity,” among other things.

The reward? “Defeating Fascism and the Trump regime.”


The dozen or so protesters then shouted slogans including, “say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcome here,” and, “Stephen Miller, you’re a villain, locking up immigrant children,” while marching around the area.



Miller is considered by many to be the architect behind President Trump’s border detention policy even though the policy has been in place through three presidential administrations. (RELATED: Here Are The Photos Of Obama’s Illegal Immigrant Detention Facilities The Media Won’t Show You)
The Russians are laughing their ***** off. They wanted a President who would divide and weaken America and it is working perfectly.
Even Harley Davidson is packing up and moving some of their operations to Europe. How much is Putin paying Trump?
I've never openly - or privately - applauded AntiFa. I made that clear in post after post, thread after thread. I support the Constitutional rights of free speech and peaceful protest. Nothing more, nothing less. I know it's fun and easy to put words into my mouth and paint me as the enemy. But that would be lying, something of course you'd never do. I do agree with you on one thing. I too can't wait till November.

God I love the SN Wayback Machine. Exposing you as a hypocrite is like my 3rd favorite sport.

I remember a time, way back when, when Tibsie said:

Tibs: I've made the distinction clear that I may hold some liberal views, but I do not support nor do I condone anything AntiFa does. Again, when you write I seem to idolize AntiFa, please point out to me what gives you that idea.

That was so idealistic, but...

Then you said

Tibs: Remember, regardless of what you think of AntiFa - protestors that stand against Racists and Fascists - those on the other side are ******* Nazis!"

You went from not condoning ANYTHING AntiFA does to seeming to support the fact that they "stand against racists and fascists."

In this very thread we are in today, you are in fact defending AntiFA. But you used to not condone anything they do. Now you selectively condone what they do as long as it doesn't involve violence...

You're beginning to see why it's so damned hard to keep track with your ever-waffling statements.

When someone brought up the fact, during the Charlottesville thread, that AntiFA vermin thugs attacked Boston police and 27 of them were arrested, your response was very telling. You didn't condemn AntiFA, as you should have and could have. Instead, you basically tried to say "what they did, eh, not a big deal." In so doing you defended AntiFA while simultaneously saying "it just doesn't really bother me all that much." You excused the whole thing through deflection.

Tibs: I believe there were 40,000 protestors on the streets that day in Boston, and police made 27 arrests, which is a 0,07% crime rate for the event. I reckon it's higher at a typical baseball game.

But by all means let's focus on the few bad apples and not 39,973 people that came out and peacefully protested. Rinse and repeat on this board. Anyone and everyone that stands against Trump and the Far Right are vile, bloodthirsty communists, anarchists and terrorists. We know the drill.

Anyway, onward...

Then there is your very infamous, now redacted post where you posted a meme...you've since removed it, but it got many here completely up in arms, like Sarge, a military veteran. The meme I believe was this one:


To which Sarge was so enraged, he replied:

But just so you understand....My grandparents fled Nazi Germany during WWII. For you to post a meme, one I hope you didn't create, suggesting that a group like AntiFa had ANYTHING to do with defeating Nazi's in WWII is offensive to me. AntiFa is nothing like the greatest generation, don't even imply it. And they are nothing like our modern military, defending freedom the world over.

AntiFa is a far left, riot inciting, property destroying, group of scum bag domestic terrorists. Their work is well documented, even if you refuse to see it. They are not heroes. They do not stand against fascists. They are fascists.

Just stop Tibs.

I went through two pages of search results. I could come up with more.

You have been anything but clear. You've been terribly confusing. Through your words OR your actions you've defended and applauded AntiFA, only to turn on a dime later and they say "no I did not!"

You've back pedaled, gyrated...but the history is there. You're labeled an AntiFA sympathizer for a reason - your actions.
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The Russians are laughing their ***** off. They wanted a President who would divide and weaken America and it is working perfectly.
Even Harley Davidson is packing up and moving some of their operations to Europe. How much is Putin paying Trump?

YOur delusional for every one story about someone moving overseas I have seen 3 about jobs coming back. Many Steel plants are firing up operations here in anticipation of actually selling steel here again. The ONLY division is coming from schmucks like you who can't accept the election results.
YOur delusional for every one story about someone moving overseas I have seen 3 about jobs coming back. Many Steel plants are firing up operations here in anticipation of actually selling steel here again. The ONLY division is coming from schmucks like you who can't accept the election results.

Yep Trump is still guilty of only one thing. Winning the damn election.
I don't even like Trump for a variety of reasons but I have enough objectivity to understand that the level of over the top hatred of him surpasses anything we've seen before from either side of the aisle. While I don't like everything he says and does I also don't spend all my time ascribing the darkest, most sinister, evilest motives to his every word and action and the words and actions of his family members; or anyone even tangentially related to him. I thought the W hatred was bad but this is almost comical if it wasn't also kind of terrifyingly deranged. I know a whole bunch of people who really just need to calm down or take a valium or something.