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Geez, did Tibs go off the deep end?

I agree. We all have our opinions when it comes to politics. If Tibs or any of the other Clinton voters have their differences, cool. I respect that. I just see no reason to get frustrated or angry just cause Trump won or we fail to see eye to eye in social issues. Libs have their way and we "alt-right" have ours. Most normal americans put those differences aside and work together rather than spewing frustrated garbage at the opposition. Just as in life, I take criticism with a grain of salt and move on

Thing is that for Democrats having the government control peoples' lives and being in charge of all the switches and levers is like oxygen to them. If the Dems aren't in charge they have no reason to live. Maybe 50 years ago the Dems were about doing your own thing but these days that's the Libertarians and the Dems are about as much control over peoples' lives as possible.

Btw, who was the poster that claimed there would not be another Republican president for the next 50 years?

May not be a Democrat President now for 50 years. The Dems have no bench, partly because Hildebeast kept the competition out and partly because people at the state level aren't buying what they're selling. There's only like 13 or 14 Democrat governors left and the House may never have a Dem majority again.
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I just see no reason to get frustrated or angry just cause Trump won

ha ha - you must have forgot all the **** they were spewing right up to the very end, when they thought they were going to win easily, still choking on crow I bet


ha ha - you must have forgot all the **** they were spewing right up to the very end, when they thought they were going to win easily, still choking on crow I bet



That's my point. They were so hateful all election. Even after the results. Yet they want to label us sexist or racist. Bullshit. They are just mad cause their liberal arts degree will have as much value as the bulk toilet paper at Costco
Thing is that for Democrats having the government control peoples' lives and being in charge of all the switches and levers is like oxygen to them. If the Dems aren't in charge they have no reason to live. Maybe 50 years ago the Dems were about doing your own thing but these days that's the Libertarians and the Dems are about as much control over peoples' lives as possible.

May not be a Democrat President now for 50 years. The Dems have no bench, partly because Hildebeast kept the competition out and partly because people at the state level aren't buying what they're selling. There's only like 13 or 14 Democrat governors left and the House may never have a Dem majority again.

Saying this is equally as ridiculous as saying that there won't be another GOP President for 50 years. A Republican has won the popular vote ONCE in the last 25 years. ONCE. And yes Donald Trump won the electoral college but he also managed to piss off enough of the voting demographic that a sweeping reform to that degree in Washington is damn near impossible. We'll see how this plays out but it's coming back to the Dems. The question is whether it is 4 years or 8.
Holy ****, Trump won the presidency? I've been curled up in the fetal position in my safe space for the past month. Can I come back to the board?

So strange, I wake up each and every morning surrounded by snowflakes. Everywhere I go, there are snowflakes gently dropping from the sky onto my head, my shoulders. I'm surrounded by snowflakes. In fact, I'm starting to feel like a snowflake myself. All curled up, sucking my thumb. Sad, depressed, tired, mystified by the onset of the Trump phenomena. This must be a dream.

Can I come back to the Steelers neo nazi, alt right board and start posting again? I don't know. Not sure this is the right time to start injecting sanity and facts into the discourse. Perhaps I should wait a few more weeks until Heil Trump is sworn in until I start - continue - to call you out on all your bullshit.

My God, I take a few weeks off and this place goes straight to hell. Exactly where Trump and Putin want to see the dialogue sink to.

Congrats to all you America haters. The demise of the nation is upon us, you have only yourselves to pat on the back.

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Git you bowl of crow served up cold!


Nobody ******* cares what losers say

Spike, you are now officially the Donald Trump president-elect blowhard. When you have the chance - and can remove Trump's tiny wanker from your mouth for a moment- you shall explain, defend and communicate the Commander in Chief's every move.

One small request. Please try to do this in your own words, not what's published in the Pravda or Breitbart.

Spike - and many others on this board - fought long and hard to elect Trump president. From this point on, you own this *****.
Long live Trump! Even the racist Jim Brown fell in love with him today.
For all you Trump supporters:

1. Congrats on winning the election.
2. Get the vaseline out and lube up, cause he's set to **** you up the ***, in every which way.
3. Same goes for the country as a whole. Unfortunately, it's not just Trump supporters that will get it up the ***.
4. You can't say I didn't warn you
For all you Trump supporters:

1. Congrats on winning the election.
2. Get the vaseline out and lube up, cause he's set to **** you up the ***, in every which way.
3. Same goes for the country as a whole. Unfortunately, it's not just Trump supporters that will get it up the ***.
4. You can't say I didn't warn you

Welcome back Tibs.

Is it possible that you understand now as many felt in 2008 and 2012?
Turnabout is fair play.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
To a lefty American success stories are painful. Go figure.
The "Welcome Back Kotter" theme is ear worming me right now. Welcome back Tibs.
For all you Trump supporters:

1. Congrats on winning the election.
2. Get the vaseline out and lube up, cause he's set to **** you up the ***, in every which way.
3. Same goes for the country as a whole. Unfortunately, it's not just Trump supporters that will get it up the ***.
4. You can't say I didn't warn you

you act as if President Obama hasn't been doing that for 8 years....Hillary lost to a community organizer and a reality TV personality....and bernie couldn't even beat her....how bad do they suck.....
Spike - and many others on this board - fought long and hard to elect Trump president. From this point on, you own this *****.

I'm good with that.
Trump wasn't my first choice, I voted for Rand Paul in the primary and was even out getting his petition signed to be on the PA ballot, but Trump is still far better than the alternative.
RAND 2024!!!
I thought I smelled something foul. **** you Tibs! The good guy won and you can't handle it. That's what you get, 8 years of hell for you socialists who wanted to see America die. Instead, liberalism died. We won the presidency, the house, the senate, more governors, more state congresses...It was a devastating election for you libtards and I love it. Tidy up your safe space and bake a shitload of cookies because you're going to spending most of your time there.
Ha ha, Borowitz has been on fire of late...

Trump to Split Time Between Trump Tower and Kremlin


NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Donald Trump stirred controversy on Monday by revealing that he intends to spend only half his time as President at the Kremlin—and the remainder at Trump Tower in Manhattan.

His decision to limit his time at the Kremlin reportedly stemmed from his wife Melania’s desire not to uproot the Trump family by relocating full-time to Moscow.

“It was part of the deal when he ran for President that he would go to the Kremlin and she would stay behind in New York,” a source close to the Trumps said.

Appearing on Russian television, Trump surrogate Kellyanne Conway said that Trump’s decision to split his time between Moscow and New York would have “no impact whatsoever” on his ability to function as an integral part of the Kremlin team.

“Mr. Trump doesn’t need to be physically down the hall from President Putin,” she said. “When he’s at Trump Tower, they’re on the phone with each other all day. It’s all good.”

In a televised interview later in the day, however, the Russian President expressed displeasure at the amount of time that Trump plans to be away from the Kremlin. “This is not what Russian taxpayers paid for,” he said.

Putin Agrees to Receive Intelligence Briefings in Trump’s Place

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—In what Donald Trump’s transition-team members are calling a further example of international coöperation, Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed to receive daily U.S. intelligence briefings in the place of the President-elect.

Trump, who had earlier decided that he did not need the briefings and had assigned Vice-President-elect Mike Pence to receive them, said on Tuesday that Putin was a “much better choice.”

“No offense to Mike, but Vladimir Putin is just a terrific, terrific guy to do this,” he said. “He knows all the players.”

Trump said that, while he was “totally uninterested” in receiving the briefings, Putin appeared to be “extremely interested.”

“He’s just terrific,” he said.

Trump also touted his deal-making prowess in securing the Russian President’s services. “The American people are getting an amazing deal here,” he said. “Putin is doing this totally for free.”
**** you Tibs for calling all of us Nazis. I would tell you to suck a bag of dicks for that, but you are a **** sucker and I know you would enjoy that. So instead I will simply point out that the Nazis were socialist, that's right they were on the left side of the aisle. Your side of the island. So you own that ************.

I love all the Neo-socialist vapors and megrims with the baseless claims that Trump is going to ruin the country. In point of fact the country has always prospered with lower taxes and smaller government.
All of the fake news comes from the left and includes the MSM.
My grandparents escaped Nazism with their three small children. The fear of getting caught and killed was very real. I'm confident that you have no idea what you're talking about. What else is new though. Spouting off ridiculous views is what you specialize in.
Tibs thinks Bammy was the best thing for us since sliced bread. How that would be is the unknown. Reality is that Odummy hasn't impacted my life positively in any way shape or manor.

Hope and Change became a Phone and a Pen. The President of the Divided States of America. His race baiting is directly responsible for the issues our men in Blue face needlessly. He has allowed our Military to become thin and dis-respected around the globe. I hold him responsible for ALL of those terrorist attacks on American soil, yeah, the ones he denies happened. January can not get here soon enough.

Trump has done more for this countries benefit in his days as PE than Barry Soetoro did in his entire eight years.

Stick around Tibs, you of all people should see just how GREAT America will once again be.
All of the fake news comes from the left and includes the MSM.

Here is a handy chart to help you out. Direct your attention to the bottom right corner. Perhaps this will help explain your completely unhinged and skewered world view.

It's going to be fun to just point to successes as they happen, as opposed to liberals, who have to try and contort failure after failure into something else.