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Geez, did Tibs go off the deep end?

You can tell who Fibs idolizes here based on his likes. I bet he was just chomping at the bit to log in here to soak up the conservatism that deep down he knows is the correct path for our country. Denial can be so detrimental to your psyche.
Here is a handy chart to help you out. Direct your attention to the bottom right corner. Perhaps this will help explain your completely unhinged and skewered world view.


The line on the right side of Skews Conservative is in perfect position. Everything to the left is fake news, everything to the right including most of Fox is fact.
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Here is a handy chart to help you out. Direct your attention to the bottom right corner. Perhaps this will help explain your completely unhinged and skewered world view.


The fact that the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CNN and NPR show up as "Minimal Partisan" invalidates the whole chart.
It's going to be fun to just point to successes as they happen, as opposed to liberals, who have to try and contort failure after failure into something else.

Okay, let's start with pointing to this wonderful accomplishment right out of the gate.


Trump Is the Least Popular President-elect in Modern American History

Like all other president-elects in the modern era, Donald Trump has enjoyed a surge in popularity since winning the White House. But if you surge up a mile from the bottom of the deep sea, you’ll still find yourself underwater. And after securing the honor of “least popular major-party nominee in recorded history,” Trump now lays claim to the title of least popular president-elect in modern memory.

Recent polls from YouGov and Morning Consult have put Trump’s approval rating in the mid-40s. At around this point in 2008, Gallup put Obama’s favorable rating at 68 percent; that figure was 59 percent for George W. Bush in mid-December 2000, and 58 percent for Bill Clinton in November 1992.

And when voters are asked to judge Trump’s performance as president-elect, he gets even worse marks. A new Pew poll finds that only 40 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s cabinet choices, while just 41 percent approve of the job he’s done so far in detailing his policies and plans for the future. As you can see from this graphic, both those figures are historically low.


What’s more, 38 percent of Americans expect Trump to make a poor or terrible president — 3 percent more than those who believe he will be a good or great one (18 percent think he will be just average).

A majority of Americans (54 percent) also say that their president-elect has “done too little” to distance himself from “white nationalist groups.” And nearly everyone in America — Democrat or Republican — thinks Trump needs to think more before he tweets: 82 percent of the public says Trump “will need to be more cautious about the kinds of things he says and tweets” once he takes office.

Separately, Pew’s survey suggests that liberals have one thing to thank Trump for — the president-elect has dramatically raised awareness about the level of bigotry that Muslims and African-Americans face in the United States.

In 2013, 45 percent of Americans told Pew there was “a lot” of discrimination against Muslims in America, while 22 percent said the same about African-Americans — today, those figures are 57 and 41 percent respectively.


So, a majority of America sees its president-elect as a reckless loudmouth who is soft on white nationalism, running a historically bad transition, and likely to have a presidency that’s average at best, and terrible at worst.

If only America were a democracy.
BWAhahahahah - nobody cares about your stupid whiny loser **** anymore! YOU LOST!


You run off an hide for a month in shame and humiliation for being WRONG about EVERYTHING, then come back like nothing happened?

OH NO - we will shut that **** down!


KNEEL *****!




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Look at those tiny hands, oof. No wonder he has Napoleon complex.
Not saying it's gonna happen, but still remarkable it's even being discussed.

More GOP electors are open to dumping Trump, Electors Trust organizer says

If 37 GOP electors break with Trump, he might not become president.

On election night, Donald Trump presumably won 306 electoral votes — 36 more than needed to become president-elect. But he’s not officially president until those presumed electoral votes become official ones, a step that is likely to take place when the Electoral College meets December 19.

But there’s no guarantee.

Some state parties make electors take a moral pledge to vote for the candidate who won the popular vote there. Electors aren’t legally prohibited from casting their ballot for another candidate, however.

So far, just one Republican elector — Chris Suprun of Texas — has announced he won’t support Trump. Thirty-five more Republican electors must decide to follow Suprun’s lead between now and next Monday for Trump to be rejected, in which case the decision over who becomes president will be sent to the GOP-controlled House of Representatives.

One reason Electoral College members are turning against Trump: Faith

“As a person of faith…I can choose a good candidate, or even a great candidate.”

But Larry Lessig — an anti-Trump Harvard University constitutional law professor and co-founder of “Electors Trust,” which provides “free and strictly confidential legal support to any elector who wishes to vote their conscience” — says at least 20, and perhaps as many as 30, Republican electors are considering rejecting Trump.

Citing “three groups that I know of working with /supporting electors,” Lessig told ThinkProgress in an email that his figure is “based on my confidence in the reports from these three groups.”

During an MSNBC interview with Chuck Todd on Tuesday, Lessig said the goal he shares with groups like Hamilton Electors is to persuade at least 40 Republican electors to say they’re considering dumping Trump.

“Of course if they don’t get to 37 I doubt any of them beyond [Suprun] is going to vote against Donald Trump,” he said. “But if the number gets to 40, or around 40, I think you’re going to see a very interesting dynamic as they see there’s a reason for them to exercise the vote of conscience which I think they’re all struggling with right now.”

Lessig explained why he thinks electors who break their pledge to support Trump and vote for somebody else might actually be doing just what the Founding Fathers intended.

“One they take the pledge, they must vote that way — unless there’s an overriding moral reason not to vote that way,” he said. “Reasons like the threat of foreign government involvement in our election — or a candidate who refuses to live up to the foreign bribery clause by disassociating himself or divesting himself from assets that could be affected by foreign governments — raise exactly that reason.”
Not saying it's gonna happen, but still remarkable it's even being discussed.

More GOP electors are open to dumping Trump, Electors Trust organizer says

If 37 GOP electors break with Trump, he might not become president.

So hysterical. If I could have predicted how you'd renter this arena, tail between legs, I would have predicted it would have been crossing your fingers and clicking your heels and hoping Trump wouldn't make it to the White House - still. LOL, and there you go, as I imagined.

I posted this elsewhere yesterday. Like a lemming (and you're a really, really good little Liberal lemming), you've followed their suit.

Remember this: Donald Trump Says He May Not Accept Election Results

Gnashing teeth, screaming, wailing, indignation, anger from the Left - How Dare he! He cannot! He would stand in the way of Democracy!?

Now? LMAO at the utter disgusting hypocrisy of the communist Left. Not only have they not accepted the results of the election, and not only have they challenged the results, they've explored THREE different avenues by which to try to derail Democracy:

1. The Recount - failed, miserably - Trump secured more votes
2. Trying to blame Russia for undermining our electoral process. The Direct of National Intelligence cried bullshit over that. Bolton suspects the hacking was an Obama false flag op.
3. Now, having list at options 1 and 2 to derail Democracy, the communists are back to intimidating and influencing electoral college votes to vote for Hillary.

Despicable. Literally and utterly contemptible human beings.

Wouldn't shock me in the least if Trump were dead before January. WikiLeaks etc have proven, the Left is a religion and they will literally stop at nothing to ensure victory.
The line on the right side of Skews Conservative is in perfect position. Everything to the left is fake news, everything to the right including most of Fox is fact.

What you WANT to believe has nothing to do with fact or fiction.
What you WANT to believe has nothing to do with fact or fiction.

What I KNOW is fact. Trump is the most powerful man in the world right now. You libtards are so distressed about it that you believe fake news from everyone to the left of that line just for the meager hope that it will keep you from slitting your wrists. Good luck with that.
Merry Christmas, Tibtard.
Thank you IndySteel. I also wish you - and your tormented soul - a Merry Christmas. I know it gets hot down there, where you reside, but hopefully you'll find something to soothe the pain.

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What I KNOW is fact. Trump is the most powerful man in the world right now. You libtards are so distressed about it that you believe fake news from everyone to the left of that line just for the meager hope that it will keep you from slitting your wrists. Good luck with that.

You don't know ****. You didn't know Pizzagate (which fell to the right of the line) was a bunch of ******* nonsense. You're torturing yourself by entertaining your twisted mind. You (and the guy that opened fire at the Pizza place) just enjoy getting pissed off at things that fall to the left of your beliefs. Angry young men need to grow up. IndySelfRighteousIndignation.
More GOP electors are open to dumping Trump, Electors Trust organizer says

(ThinkProgress is an American political news blog. It is a project of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a progressive public policy research and advocacy organization)

LOL....This news brought to you by the same bias losers that predicted a Hillary landslide.

So we have the exact same type of campaign that the 'Loving Libs' continue to put before us, time and again....

Electors must dump Donald Trump or we’re doomed


The clock is ticking. We have until Dec. 19 to act. And the future of the country — indeed, the world — depends on it.

That’s the day the Electoral College votes and makes Donald Trump’s status as president-elect official. The electors have a duty to refuse to seat Trump — quite simply, on the grounds that he is a dangerous fascist, and it is unacceptable for a fascist to become the president of the United States.

So, as to be expected, the lead Lib digs under some rocks and finds a couple willing shills for his game.

On Monday John Podesta, the chair of the Clinton campaign, issued a statement saying that they supported a request by 10 electoral college voters - nine Democrats and one Republican - to receive a briefing from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on evidence that the Russian government meddled in the US presidential election.

Complicating matters further is the fact 29 states have laws that require presidential electors to support the candidate who wins a plurality of votes in their state.

Only a few weeks ago Hillary Clinton’s campaign was denouncing Donald Trump as un-American for saying the election might be “rigged.”. But now that Mrs. Clinton has lost, her campaign is claiming the election really was rigged, albeit for Mr. Trump by Russian meddling, and it wants the Electoral College to stage what amounts to a coup.

Meanwhile should the “fake news” mainstream media cabal be successful in their “silent coup” to overthrow President-elect Trump, the United States, will head to the brink of all-out civil war—and exactly what Hillary Clinton warned about if she was defeated and Trump elected—and that the United States has done for decades to other nations too.

You are now witnessing a new type of American Revolution. The Clintons and Podesta initiated a silent coup to undermine the USG through corruption and co-optation of the elite political leaders.

With Podesta's move, the Democrats open themselves up to charges that they're sore losers - and with only a week before the electoral college votes, any efforts to block Mr Trump's path to the presidency are almost certainly hopeless.
It certainly looks like the biggest enemy to our constitution republic is the socialists(used to be democrat) . The worst enemy this country could ever have is from within. Very nasty power hungry bunch. What they're doing now is reprehensible in trying to undermine the president elect. Each election cycle gets a little nastier than the last. You don't see kind of crap coming from the republicans or libertarians.

This country has needed a major political enema for a long time. I'm crossing my fingers we're going to get it soon. A lot of weeds have grown in the garden.
Do these Neo-Socialist **** bags even think about what would occur if the electors take it upon themselves to cast votes for someone other than Trump? Disenfranchise half the voting public and you will start a civil war. It's like these "Elites" are begging to be made into lamppost ornaments.
What they're doing now is reprehensible in trying to undermine the president elect. You don't see kind of crap coming from the republicans or libertarians.

What in the hell are you talking about?

Trump said before the election he might not accept the results if Hillary won, and has since said he could have won California if not for millions of illegals voting (more fake news).
What in the hell are you talking about?

Trump said before the election he might not accept the results if Hillary won, and has since said he could have won California if not for millions of illegals voting (more fake news).

Unnamed sources claimed millions of illegals voting in California -- FAKE NEWS!
Unnamed sources claim Russia, under the watchful eye of Putin, manipulated the election in Trump's favor -- MUST BE TRUE, Overthrow Electoral Votes!