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Geez, did Tibs go off the deep end?


Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, and his very close confidant former British ambassador Craig Murray just confirmed TRUMP IS RIGHT! (h/t Craigmurray.org)

Murray backed up Assange’s claim, saying:

“There is no Russian involvement in the leaks of emails showing Clinton’s corruption…I know who leaked them…I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian.”

“As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two.”
Supe that means nothing. The fact Assange states something about a specific leak has zero impact on other- parallel - hacking that looks to have taken place.

You have entirely too much faith in our government.
And I think you have entirety too much faith in Vladimir Putin and the Russian government.

They got into private servers with mail that never should have been there. Right. So really what we're seeing is the Democrats complaining about the country seeing dirty laundry that they simply never wanted aired. Had they NOT used improper servers and channels, had they been LESS corrupt, had they been MORE forthcoming none of this would have ever been an issue.

wig, I'm sensing a bit of head-in-the-sand syndrome.

BREAKING: RNC Emails Hacked By Russia, Damning Evidence Exposed

It has recently been revealed that Russian intelligence agents also attacked the Republican National Committee email servers, similar to those hacks that resulted in the release of thousands of emails from the Democratic Party.

Last week, news hit that the CIA had been undergoing a secret investigation into the DNC emails released by WikiLeaks and had concluded that the Russian intelligence agencies and the hackers involved did so specifically to elevate Republican candidate Donald Trump into the White House.

According to The Washington Post, the cyberattacks prioritized the Democratic Party, although they had managed to infiltrate the mail servers of both parties. The Washington Posts states:

‘U.S. officials said the Republican National Committee’s computer systems were also probed and possibly penetrated by hackers tied to Russian intelligence services, but that it remains unclear how much material — if any — was taken from the RNC.’

It was this fact that led the CIA to believe that the cyberattacks, along with the specificity of the emails released, by the the Russians were working to favor Donald Trump for the U.S. presidency, rather than simply working to create chaos during the election.

The Smoking Gun (TSG) has revealed new information that shows that the GOP party’s servers were breached, and that emails from various Republicans were discarded from release.

According to the investigative website, the RNC was also a subject of infiltration by Russian hackers. Along with emails from the Democratic National Committee staffers were emails from former secretary of state, Republican Colin Powell, as well as emails from the Open Society Foundation distributed on the “DC Leaks” website, which appeared online last summer and seems to now be dormant. U.S. intelligence agents have identified DC Leaks as set up by Russian hackers. Found on the DC Leaks website is a number of hacked emails filed under “E-mails of Republican Party employees.”

According to The Smoking Gun:

‘While the nearly 300 Republican-related e-mails posted on DC Leaks are uniformly innocuous, the collection is noteworthy for the scope of victims it reveals. The material includes correspondence lifted from the campaign committees of various elected officials, including Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham, and Representative Robert Hurt. Several state GOP organizations, Republican PACs, and campaign consultants also had their e-mail accounts compromised.’

The website reports that the emails that appear on the site were all sent by Republicans using a Tennessee tech provider called Smartech to host their websites and email. The company has provided services for George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and even the Koch Brothers.
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if Russia was/is so bad, and such a global terrorist, why did Hillary allow the sale of uranium to them? why did Bill (Hillary's husband for public appearances) give a speech in Russia? Why, Tibs, Why?
It makes perfect sense, if you think about it.

Actually, it's tyrannical. It makes no sense. The people spoke. The will of the people. Undermine it? Dangerous, dangerous ground.
wig, I'm mostly shocked this issue of a foreign entity hacking into - and meddling in - an American election isn't met with outrage regardless of political affiliation. Never seen anything like it.

Uh, yeah you have - in Israel, when Der Fuhrer Obammy FUNDED an organization to work to ensure Benjamin Netanyahu didn't win re-election.

Oh, there's much precedence. Ye sheeple need only open your blind eyes.
So again, you guys are telling me this is all made up and there isn't an ounce of truth to it? Along with all the other physical evidence regarding the hacking itself, all pointing to Russia. This is all just a ploy by disgrunted Hillary supporters, just made up out of thin air.

Like a lemming singing the script, I laugh at you. You're pathetic. Let's steer the direction away from what was IN the emails to how someone GOT the emails.

Now, which of the two is more important? On the one hand, you have the content of the emails that show how the Democratic party (that wields amazing power and control and influence) has lied, cheated, stolen, attempted to influence our elections at home by manipulating our own media and turning it an American version of Pravda, and has undermined democracy by systematically orchestrating to ensure one candidate won a primary over another. The contents exposed Bill Clinton's trips to Lolita Island. They exposed the Clinton's pay to play criminal enterprise. They exposed the wealth, the corruption.

Then you have the worry of who did the hacking. Hmmm. Could be Russia? Could be Obama? Could be a DNC operative mole? Could be Iran?

Which is more important? What would the average, sane American say to that question, knowing the facts listed above? Every day around the world hackers are trying to get into American financial, government, and defense systems. EVERY DAY. This isn't news. We know this. We have anti-cyber terrorism units. There's great wealth to be had in these fields for future computer rock stars.

What we don't see every day is the utter corruption of our internal politics exposed.

That is the story. The deep, dirty, dark, ugly underbelly of our Democratic Liberal machine destroying democracy here at home.

But Tibs, keep on singing from that sheet music Debbie Wasserman Shultz handed out to all of you. Heil!
I'm so glad that Fibs came back to answer the question in the thread title. I'd say he's proven the answer was, and is, a definite affirmative.
Like a lemming singing the script, I laugh at you. You're pathetic. Let's steer the direction away from what was IN the emails to how someone GOT the emails.

Now, which of the two is more important? On the one hand, you have the content of the emails that show how the Democratic party (that wields amazing power and control and influence) has lied, cheated, stolen, attempted to influence our elections at home by manipulating our own media and turning it an American version of Pravda, and has undermined democracy by systematically orchestrating to ensure one candidate won a primary over another. The contents exposed Bill Clinton's trips to Lolita Island. They exposed the Clinton's pay to play criminal enterprise. They exposed the wealth, the corruption.

Then you have the worry of who did the hacking. Hmmm. Could be Russia? Could be Obama? Could be a DNC operative mole? Could be Iran?

Which is more important? What would the average, sane American say to that question, knowing the facts listed above? Every day around the world hackers are trying to get into American financial, government, and defense systems. EVERY DAY. This isn't news. We know this. We have anti-cyber terrorism units. There's great wealth to be had in these fields for future computer rock stars.

What we don't see every day is the utter corruption of our internal politics exposed.

That is the story. The deep, dirty, dark, ugly underbelly of our Democratic Liberal machine destroying democracy here at home.

But Tibs, keep on singing from that sheet music Debbie Wasserman Shultz handed out to all of you. Heil!

if all that is true, then the only safe way to communicate electronically is to be off the government grid, and set up a server that cannot be located in the usual physical placement.
Tibs, if the "Russians" have Republican emails, I suspect we'll see all that dirty laundry as well. I imagine the Republicans sold some weapons to Iran. This could possibly help garner some positive influence and get some hostages freed. On another positive note, they could take the money from the sales and use it to fund the Contra's in Nicaragua.

Man, I hope THAT **** doesn't come to light. It could ruin the Republican Party!
Tibs, if the "Russians" have Republican emails, I suspect we'll see all that dirty laundry as well.

Nope, ironically nothing from the RNC hacks came to light. I wonder why?

‘U.S. officials said the Republican National Committee’s computer systems were also probed and possibly penetrated by hackers tied to Russian intelligence services, but that it remains unclear how much material — if any — was taken from the RNC.’

It was this fact that led the CIA to believe that the cyberattacks, along with the specificity of the emails released, by the the Russians were working to favor Donald Trump for the U.S. presidency, rather than simply working to create chaos during the election.
He does make a valid point.


Blaming Putin for Trump’s Victory Overlooks Role Played by Idiots, Experts Say


WASHINGTON--Blaming Donald Trump’s victory on Vladimir Putin ignores the pivotal role played by millions of idiots, experts say. “Vladimir Putin did not act alone,” Davis Logsdon, a political scientist at the University of Minnesota, said.

“To elect Donald Trump, you needed millions of Americans making a shockingly dumb decision at exactly the same time.”

Logsdon fears that, because of the media’s fascination with Russian skullduggery as the cause of Trump’s election, America’s historic level of stupidity isn’t being given its due.

“At the end of the day, to pin this whole thing on Putin is very, very unfair to idiots,” he said.
Really? We're going to post pictures of voters to show how stupid they are? Any idea what a goldmine of dem voter pics is out there? This crew you picked looks like a think tank by comparison.
Really? We're going to post pictures of voters to show how stupid they are? Any idea what a goldmine of dem voter pics is out there? This crew you picked looks like a think tank by comparison.
Lighten up Stanley, it's satire.
Sure anyone who doesn't buy the lefty grift is an idiot. When facts are sketchy character assassination is so effective in proving your points validity. Classic.
And a continuation of the Algonquin Roundtable of Brilliant Democrat voters:

Need I go on?
I see Tibs is back on the Podesta payroll.

That Hillary won by 2.8 M votes crap is so much about why we have the electoral college in the first place. I guess we are just supposed to bow to New York and California's wishes and wims. Hillary had almost 2m vote advantage in new York alone, so the rest of the Country doesn't count ?

This year, Trump won the popular vote in 30 states that have 306 electoral votes, 36 more than the 270 needed to win. Clinton carried 20 states and the District of Columbia with 232 electors.

One of the drivers for the attempt to negate the Electoral College result is that by running up big margins in populous states like California and New York, Clinton beat Trump by at least 2.8 million ballots in the nationwide popular vote. That’s the largest gap for a candidate who didn’t win the White House. Clinton is only the fifth presidential candidate in U.S. history to win the popular vote and finish second in electoral votes, joining Andrew Jackson in 1824, Samuel Tilden in 1876, Grover Cleveland in 1888 and Al Gore in 2000.
And this hacking by the Russians....all phony baloney.

Rush knows.....
This is not good, folks. I mean, they're reporting on me accurately. This is not normal. There is no snark. There is no reference or there are no allusions to how I am off on a wacko conspiracy theorist tangent. All they do is report me and quote me accurately. But I pointed out nobody's alleged that the Russians actually hacked the election. To hack the election, they would have to do one of two things. They would have to hack the way people voted or hack the way the votes were counted. That's how you hack an election, if you even can.

Now, what they're alleging is, ladies and gentlemen, that the Russians stole the election. That whole narrative hinges on the preposterous supposition that millions of people voted for Trump instead of Hillary because of what they saw in the Podesta emails.

Now, never mind at the time when the Podesta emails were being reported on, and the Drive-Bys did, they reported on 'em, I mean, it was too juicy not to. But while they were reporting on the contents of the Podesta emails, the Drive-Bys, the media was assuring everybody there was nothing to see here, there was nothing new, that the Podesta emails revealed nothing of any real importance.

Let me do a little pop quiz. How many of you, if I had you on the phone right now, could answer a question, what do you remember that was in the emails? You got 10 seconds. Okay, how they diss their own donors, made fun -- yes, yes, of course. But my point is that not enough of that could have happened for the election to be elected by it.

The latest news is that Putin was directly involved. Yeah, it came all the way from the Politburo. It came all the way from the Kremlin. Putin himself was involved. And now Josh Earnest, White House press secretary -- oh, is the media in a dizzy over this. Remind me, press briefing, that's all you gotta say. Josh Earnest is out there saying, "Trump was in on it. Trump knew. Trump was urging Putin to hack the Democrats." It's a laughable joke.

late in the campaign there were all kinds of allusions to the fact that somebody had those 33,000 emails and was gonna release them, but it never happened. So during the debate Trump cracked a joke, "Maybe the Russians can find them." That's all they've got because people are humorless. The people on the left have no sense of humor. They are supposedly the greatest comedians in the world and the finest minds in the world, but they have no sense of humor, and particularly if you're laughing at them or mocking them.

The U.K. Daily Mail has a story documenting with great detail who actually did this. It was a Democrat committee member insider upset at the fact that Hillary Clinton had rigged the game against Bernie Sanders. U.K. Daily Mail. Why isn't anybody paying attention to that story?

Oh..welcome back Tibs, I hope your contract doesn't get terminated again. The good news I guess is that CAP is redoubling it's efforts and must have a pocket full of cash.

Looking to build itself into a nerve center for the anti-Donald Trump resistance, the liberal Center for American Progress think tank is relaunching its advocacy-focused arm Thursday and bringing on a longtime senior aide to Sen. Harry Reid to help lead the charge.

Adam Jentleson, Reid’s deputy chief of staff, will work to steer the new war room at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, which its leaders hope will provide Democrats with a centralized resource to oppose the president-elect’s moves — starting with his Cabinet nominations.


Again Tibs, its fake news, they don't know it when they see it.

Incorrect analysis. Specifically, the reference to satire related solely to how dumb (R) voters supposedly are. Tibs is completely serious when referencing bogus news regarding Trump's purported physical relations with his daughter.

I was the one who pointed out the hypocrisy in the supposed antipathy the left has for "fake news," which was somehow absent and apparently suspended relative to the bogus news on the supposed pedophilia involving Trump and Ivanka.

You see that, don't you?
Steeltime, get over yourself. Borowitz is a famed satirist, that's what he's always done. Sure this stuff goes over your head, I understand that. But at least try to keep up.

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. In 2001, he created the Borowitz Report, a satirical news column that has millions of readers around the world, for which he won the first-ever National Press Club award for humor.

Look, they even wrote an article just for you on this topic.

The New Yorker Clarifies: The Borowitz Report Is ‘Not the News'

“Obviously Andy’s stories are not real. We always want to make it clear that it’s satire."

“You don’t want to have to have a headline that says: ‘This is a Joke, Trump to Split Time Between Trump Tower and the Kremlin,’” said Thompson. “You want somebody to look at that and then realize it’s a joke.”
tibs you are just annoying now...before you had your opinions and that was fine. Now, after you were a little whiny ***** and had to go hide when the election did not go as you wished, it is extremely difficult to have any respect for you. How many of us bailed from this site after President Obama won the past two elections? None that I know of....but like a typical liberal you bailed like a child....
tibs you are just annoying now...before you had your opinions and that was fine. Now, after you were a little whiny ***** and had to go hide when the election did not go as you wished, it is extremely difficult to have any respect for you. How many of us bailed from this site after President Obama won the past two elections? None that I know of....but like a typical liberal you bailed like a child....
Ok, I'll bail again. No need to annoy all you big swinging dicks around here. Have fun. <br>