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Global warming science keeps making the same mistakes and proclaiming unrealistic tim

Global Cooling Alert!

April in the U.S. was remarkably cold in the midst of global warming

It was the 13th-coldest April in the United States, where records date back to 1895. The Upper Midwest was particularly cold — Iowa and Wisconsin had their all-time coldest April while temperatures in surrounding states in the Central and Northeast U.S. were well-below average. From Minnesota to Mississippi, nine states had their coldest April overnight lows.

In Minnesota, ice-out came as late in the season as it ever has. Ice-out is when the ice has completely melted after winter. At Lake Minnetonka just west of Minneapolis, ice-out is usually in mid-April. This year, the lake wasn’t ice-free until May 5, which was 21 days later than normal.

Ice hasn’t lasted this far into spring on the 14,500-acre lake since 1857, the Star Tribune reported.

We were getting snow flurries in western PA until the end of April.
Good article, my favorite part -
Some of the more vocal of the establishment climate researchers have fallen into a mode of open denigration of climate sceptics (“deniers” is the offensive popular terminology of the day). They insist that only researchers directly within the climate-change community are capable of giving authoritative advice. They insist that one can find true and reputable science only in peer-reviewed climate literature. But most significantly, they seem to have evolved a policy of deliberately excluding sceptics from climate-change forums of one sort or another, and indeed of refusing to take part in any forum where sceptics may share the podium.

Their high-handedness, Paltridge says, is redolent of “medieval religion”:

The priests of that time opposed translation of the written scriptures from Latin into the local languages. They believed that only people fully trained in the theology of the time were capable of interpreting the scriptures correctly. They believed it would be highly dangerous to allow non-trained people to have direct access to the word of God because the chances were high that they would get it wrong. They were not backward in applying their peculiarly nasty forms of denigration on those who thought otherwise about the matter.

After this whole volcano thing dies down, climate "scientists" are going to somehow link this to CO2 emissions. You just watch.

maybe it never stops erupting

Hawaii volcano's 'explosive' eruption sends ash plume soaring

PAHOA, Hawaii (AP) _ Hawaii's Kilauea volcano has erupted from its summit, sending a dusty plume of ash about 30,000 feet into the sky.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park officials said the caldera — the depression at the center of the volcano — dropped more than three feet overnight, triggering frequent earthquakes that have cracked highways in the area. As the caldera sinks further, it may set off additional steam-driven explosions, they said.


sooooo have tickets to go to the big island in early July. obviously change plans. ideas?
sooooo have tickets to go to the big island in early July. obviously change plans. ideas?

Go to Kauai. We stayed at the Pono Kai resort last year and loved it. The only downside is the beach there is very rough. Not good for kids. There is a breaker to the north of the resort, where you can at least enjoy the water without constant bombardment of waves.

It has it's own international airport and is far enough from Hawai'i to be safe from eruption.
It's all cracking open!

“Now it’s a big crater that opened up where the small little crack in the ground was”



Sometimes I think these climitards just try to out stupid one another.

Solution For Global Warming: Poison The Air, Cut Down Trees

Climate change alarmists have never been apt to shy away from courting controversy with their dire forecasts of coming environmental apocalypse, but their latest "solution" takes the biscuit - they want to pollute the air with sulphur and cut down pristine beautiful old growth forests to stop global warming!

No you didn't read that wrong - scientists really are proposing to obliterate majestic canopies of forest that are hundreds of years old while pumping the upper atmosphere full of an acid-rain causing pollutant, changing the very color of our serene blue skies, all in the name of saving the environment.

Lava reaches ocean in Hawaii, creating toxic cloud over island


Lava waterfall!
It's all cracking open!



It's a sign

Kilauea's lava is causing eerie blue flames

It's a sign

Kilauea's lava is causing eerie blue flames


Maybe that's the "blue wave." Though undoubtedly not as destructive as an election "blue wave," which costs trillions and winds up making Americans much worse off.
The gods hate alternative energy

Lava engulfs geothermal power plant well in Hawaii

Lava from Hawaii‘s erupting Kilauea volcano has covered a potentially explosive well at a geothermal power station and threatened another, after flowing onto the site, officials said.

The Hawaii Civil Defense Agency said the wells “are stable and secure,” and Hawaii Governor David Ige said that the plant was “sufficiently safe” from the lava that has plowed through backyards and streets and burned dozens of homes.



But lava has never engulfed a geothermal plant anywhere in the world and the potential threat is untested, according to the head of the state’s emergency management agency. Local residents fear an explosive emission of deadly hydrogen sulfide and other gases should wells be ruptured.

The molten rock was expected to continue to flow across the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) facility, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.


Greenland Adds 600 Billion Tons Of Ice

Hurricane 2018 season looks dampened

These are tough times for the US climate-ambulance chasers, who like to use every extreme-weather event as a God-sent sign the climate is going to hell in a handbasket.

Joe Bastardi at Weatherbell noted that US tornado activity is near a record low so far this year.

And despite claims by some US alarmist agencies of record high global temperatures occurring year after year, tornado activity over the past decades has in fact been trending downward, and so stands in stark contrast to the media and climate alarmism hysteria of greater and more frequent weather extremes.


Moreover a number of meteorologists are also hinting that the 2018 hurricane season could be weaker than normal, due to unusually cool tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures – especially off the west coast of Africa where many hurricanes are spawned.

You ever have a drink overflow when the ice cubes melt?

Didn't think so

Science again shows that fracking doesn't pollute groundwater

A recent media report on a peer-reviewed study based on 180 samples from water wells near Ohio fracking sites was headlined: “Univ. of Cincy fracking study finds surprising groundwater results.”

The report is one of more than two dozen scientific studies published since 2010 that concluded fracking is not a major threat to groundwater. No fewer than 10 peer-reviewed studies examining more than 3,000 water wells across virtually every major U.S. shale play have been released in the past five years, with each one finding no evidence of that fracking has contaminated groundwater.

The reason? As the EPA’s landmark, six-year study on the subject concluded in 2016, “[H]ydraulic fracturing operations are unlikely to generate sufficient pressure to drive fluids into shallow drinking water zones,” due to the fact that the process typically occurs a mile or more below the surface.

To put this another way, even though the claim that fracking contaminates groundwater continues to be a cornerstone of the “Keep It in the Ground” movement’s unrelenting campaign to undermine American energy production, there is simply no credible scientific evidence to support that claim.

Basically, there wasn’t a shred of evidence that fracking contaminated water. This was the complete opposite of what the researchers hypothesized

It's all cracking open!

Guatemala's Fuego volcano erupts, killing 25 and injuring hundreds

President considers declaring state of emergency in region as smoke and ash forces closure of capital’s La Aurora airport

At least 25 people, including three children, have been killed and nearly 300 injured on Sunday in the most violent eruption of Guatemala’s Fuego volcano in more than four decades, officials said.


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