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Going back-back, to cali cali... I mean Iraq

The blood is on Barry's hands

Impeach him now!

U.S. spy agencies warned Maliki was 'alienating' Iraq's Sunnis

U.S. intelligence agencies have repeatedly warned top government officials that Iraq's Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al Maliki and his policies were gravely antagonizing his country's Sunni population, two U.S. security officials said on Friday.

The officials said the warnings were contained in secret intelligence reports and analyses presented in the last two years to policymaking officials, including President Barack Obama.


"The blood is in Barry's hands"....? You're joking right?
All the Middle East is Barry's fault - he owns it

remember that Arab Spring?

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Meets Obama in White House

A senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood was recently hosted at the White House for a meeting with President Barack Obama, prompting an outcry from critics of the global Islamist organization.


oops, Barry on the wrong side of history again

Muslim Brotherhood's Spiritual Leader Sentenced to Death in Egypt

MINYA, Egypt—The Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader and more than 180 others were sentenced to death Saturday by an Egyptian court in the latest mass trial following last year's overthrow of the country's Islamist president.

No wonder Barry has been trying so hard to blame Iraq's government

Obama Administration has been arming ISIS in Syria

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Sunday that the Sunni militants taking over Iraq have quickly gained power because the United States has armed their group in Syria.

“I think we have to understand first how we got here,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “We have been arming [the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria] ISIS in Syria.”

ISIS, an al Qaeda offshoot, has been collaborating with the Syrian rebels whom the Obama administration has been arming in their efforts to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Paul explained.

“That is the real contradiction to this whole policy,” Paul said. “If we were to get rid of Assad,” it would become a “jihadist wonderland in Syria.”

Can this Administration do anything that will result in a benefit to our country? That is a serious question.
Barry owns it

The Man Who Broke the Middle East

There’s always Tunisia. Amid the smoking ruins of the Middle East, there is that one encouraging success story. But unfortunately for the Obama narratives, the president had about as much as to do with Tunisia’s turn toward democracy as he did with the World Cup rankings. Where administration policy has had an impact, the story is one of failure and danger.

The Middle East that Obama inherited in 2009 was largely at peace, for the surge in Iraq had beaten down the al Qaeda-linked groups. U.S. relations with traditional allies in the Gulf, Jordan, Israel and Egypt were very good. Iran was contained, its Revolutionary Guard forces at home. Today, terrorism has metastasized in Syria and Iraq, Jordan is at risk, the humanitarian toll is staggering, terrorist groups are growing fast and relations with U.S. allies are strained.

How did it happen? Begin with hubris: The new president told the world, in his Cairo speech in June 2009, that he had special expertise in understanding the entire world of Islam—knowledge “rooted in my own experience” because “I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed.” But President Obama wasn’t speaking that day in an imaginary location called “the world of Islam;” he was in Cairo, in the Arab Middle East, in a place where nothing counted more than power.

Obama began with the view that there was no issue in the Middle East more central than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Five years later he has lost the confidence of both Israeli and Palestinian leaders, and watched his second secretary of state squander endless efforts in a doomed quest for a comprehensive peace. Obama embittered relations with America’s closest ally in the region and achieved nothing whatsoever in the “peace process.” The end result in the summer of 2014 is to see the Palestinian Authority turn to a deal with Hamas for new elections that—if they are held, which admittedly is unlikely—would usher the terrorist group into a power-sharing deal. This is not progress.

But these errors are minor when compared to those in Iraq and Syria. When the peaceful uprising against President Bashar al-Assad was brutally crushed, Obama said Assad must go; when Assad used sarin gas, Obama said this was intolerable and crossed a red line. But behind these words there was no American power, and speeches are cheap in the Middle East.

The humanitarian result has been tragic: At least 160,000 killed in Syria, perhaps eight million displaced. More than a million Syrian refugees in Lebanon (a country of four million people, before Obama added those Syrians), about a million and a quarter Syrian refugees in Jordan (population six million before Obama). Poison gas back on the world scene as a tolerated weapon, with Assad using chlorine gas systematically in “barrel bombs” this year and paying no price whatsoever for this and for his repeated attacks on civilian targets. Both of the key officials handling Syria for Obama—State Department special envoy Fred Hof and Ambassador Robert Ford—resigned in disgust when they could no longer defend Obama’s hands-off policy

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...oke-the-middle-east-108140.html#ixzz35RZgnKHK
Spike, Spike, Spike.....smh.......Bad Chicken will be along shortly to administer your "intellectual" beat down, explain why this is all the fault of Abraham Lincoln and post a clown car video.
Spike, Spike, Spike.....smh.......Bad Chicken will be along shortly to administer your "intellectual" beat down.

ha ha - like I care what some anti-American terrorist sympathizer has to say

I'd ship him to Somalia for a year for a re-education

Spike, Spike, Spike.....smh.......Bad Chicken will be along shortly to administer your "intellectual" beat down, explain why this is all the fault of Abraham Lincoln and post a clown car video.

I actually agree with you guys. If Obama had never gotten us into Iraq by lying about WMD'S we'd never be in this mess.

So no clown car today but I do like the way the Reich wing does the Iraq Lobster. We all know who threw this dance.

CNN is hilarious - didn't you hear the "militants" are taking over Iraq? wiping out any border with Syria and now headed to do the same to Jordan.

They aren't some militant UAW workers going on strike - they are bloodthirsty Muslim jihadist savages that want to slit the throats of anyone in their way, but the media is too chickenshit to call Barry's friends for what they are.

The only thing these ******** understand is superior firepower.

Time to teach em a lesson that even these goat ******* can understand - for the children

CNN is hilarious - didn't you hear the "militants" are taking over Iraq? wiping out any border with Syria and now headed to do the same to Jordan.

They aren't some militant UAW workers going on strike - they are bloodthirsty Muslim jihadist savages that want to slit the throats of anyone in their way, but the media is too chickenshit to call Barry's friends for what they are.

The only thing these ******** understand is superior firepower.

Time to teach em a lesson that even these goat ******* can understand - for the children


I guess that lesson would be that we can be more bloodthirsty?

Yeah that'll fix it because it's worked great so far.
I guess that lesson would be that we can be more bloodthirsty?

Yeah that'll fix it because it's worked great so far.
Better yet. Let's take the most ruthless of our enemies, store them at Gitmo because they are too dangerous to let go, who have sworn to attack us if let go, and let them go.
Weren't these the same type of enemies, in past wars, that we would stand in front of a firing squad, and remove from the future threat pool? Hmmm.
Even better, let's declare victory, pull our troops, and leave our enemy intact, with the expectation that they won't pick up where they left off.

Modern warfare has become so civilized. That's awesome!

Just curious, which of the 5 (later 6) tribes do you claim?

Who is this "Creator" so often referenced in the Iroquois Constitution?

Here's an interesting excerpt from that document regarding immigration. Curious how you feel about it?

74. When any alien nation or individual is admitted into the

Five Nations the admission shall be understood only to be a

temporary one. Should the person or nation create loss, do

wrong or cause suffering of any kind to endanger the peace of

the Confederacy, the Confederate Lords shall order one of their

war chiefs to reprimand him or them and if a similar offence is

again committed the offending party or parties shall be

expelled from the territory of the Five United Nations.

75. When a member of an alien nation comes to the territory

of the Five Nations and seeks refuge and permanent residence,

the Lords of the Nation to which he comes shall extend

hospitality and make him a member of the nation. Then shall he

be accorded equal rights and privileges in all matters except

as after mentioned.

76. No body of alien people who have been adopted temporarily

shall have a vote in the council of the Lords of the

Confederacy, for only they who have been invested with Lordship

titles may vote in the Council. Aliens have nothing by blood

to make claim to a vote and should they have it, not knowing

all the traditions of the Confederacy, might go against its

Great Peace. In this manner the Great Peace would be

endangered and perhaps be destroyed.

77. When the Lords of the Confederacy decide to admit a

foreign nation and an adoption is made, the Lords shall inform

the adopted nation that its admission is only temporary. They

shall also say to the nation that it must never try to control,

to interfere with or to injure the Five Nations nor disregard

the Great Peace or any of its rules or customs. That in no way

should they cause disturbance or injury. Then should the

adopted nation disregard these injunctions, their adoption

shall be annuled and they shall be expelled.

Oh, here's more......

Religious Ceremonies Protected

99. The rites and festivals of each nation shall remain

undisturbed and shall continue as before because they were

given by the people of old times as useful and necessary

for the good of men.

100. It shall be the duty of the Lords of each brotherhood

to confer at the approach of the time of the Midwinter

Thanksgiving and to notify their people of the approaching

festival. They shall hold a council over the matter and

arrange its details and begin the Thanksgiving five days

after the moon of Dis-ko-nah is new. The people shall

assemble at the appointed place and the nephews shall notify

the people of the time and place. From the beginning to

the end the Lords shall preside over the Thanksgiving and

address the people from time to time.

101. It shall be the duty of the appointed managers of the

Thanksgiving festivals to do all that is needed for carrying

out the duties of the occasions.

The recognized festivals of Thanksgiving shall be the

Midwinter Thanksgiving, the Maple or Sugar-making Thanksgiving,

the Raspberry Thanksgiving, the Strawberry Thanksgiving, the

Cornplanting Thanksgiving, the Corn Hoeing Thanksgiving, the

Little Festival of Green Corn, the Great Festival of Ripe Corn

and the complete Thanksgiving for the Harvest.

Each nation's festivals shall be held in their Long


102. When the Thansgiving for the Green Corn comes the

special managers, both the men and women, shall give it

careful attention and do their duties properly.

103. When the Ripe Corn Thanksgiving is celebrated the Lords

of the Nation must give it the same attention as they give

to the Midwinter Thanksgiving.

104. Whenever any man proves himself by his good life and his

knowledge of good things, naturally fitted as a teacher of good

things, he shall be recognized by the Lords as a teacher of

peace and religion and the people shall hear him.

No "separation of church and state." Interesting

I actually agree with you guys. If Obama had never gotten us into Iraq by lying about WMD'S we'd never be in this mess.

So no clown car today but I do like the way the Reich wing does the Iraq Lobster. We all know who threw this dance.

Hey, I realize you're over worked trying to keep up with responses to your bullshit and all, but you bring that on yourself now, dontcha? So please mighty red warrior princess/prince whatever.....address the above from a couple of pages ago before you go looking for another "cute" video to post, mmmkay? Thaaaannnnks.
Hey, I realize you're over worked trying to keep up with responses to your bullshit and all, but you bring that on yourself now, dontcha? So please mighty red warrior princess/prince whatever.....address the above from a couple of pages ago before you go looking for another "cute" video to post, mmmkay? Thaaaannnnks.

Posting cute videos is MY job around here.

this really is the religion of peace
Balls deep.....


Military aircraft that conducted air strikes against ISIS military targets in western Iraq are believed to have been from Syria's air force, a U.S. official told ABC News.

Such air strikes would be a regional escalation of the conflict inside Iraq where the Islamic militants have taken over cities in northern and western Iraq and threatened the stability of the Iraqi government.

It would also make Syria the second country that has been hostile to the U.S. apparently helping Iraq. There have been reports of Iranian troops intervening on behalf of the beleaguered Iraqi government.

ISIS fighters operate on both sides of the Syrian and Iraqi border. Syrian airstrikes would indicate that the government of Syrian President Bashar al Assad finds it advantageous in supporting the beleaguered government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki.

Terrorists Team Up in Syria to Build Next Generation of Bombs

Iraqi Military Out of Hellfires in Battle Against ISIS