It's not even a debate? You mean because you linked to an article from a right wing hack who is a joke among real journalists
Who is Ben Shapiro?
I can also post links, except mine have facts in them.
5 Huge Lies From the Right Wing Media That Conservatives Still Think Are True
The most recent set of headlines that raised eyebrows came from Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro, who claimed that anonymous sources had informed him that secretary of defense nominee Chuck Hagel had met with a group called “Friends of Hamas.”
Unfortunately for Shapiro, New York Daily News writer Ben Friedman came clean early last week. Friedman published a piece in which he made clear that he was the “source” of the Friends of Hamas rumor, which originated when he made a joke on a media call, asking a staffer if Hagel had spoken with any other anti-Israeli groups like the Junior League of Hezbollah or the Friends of Hamas. Shapiro took the joke and ran it as news, claiming that a White House spokesman had “dodged” a question on Hagel’s relationship to Friends of Hamas.
Rather than correct himself, Shapiro doubled down on the nonsense, calling Friedman a “hack” and declaring, “welcome to the Obama media, where protecting Chuck Hagel and attacking any media who question Hagel is par for the course.” Shapiro went on to claim that “the story Breitbart News ran originally was accurate” and that Friedman wasn’t the source of the story.
And in case you’re still wondering, no, “Friends of Hamas” doesn’t exist and Ben Shapiro hasn’t provided any sources or proof.
So this is your source to be taken seriously?
You mean because you linked to an article from a left wing hack who is a joke among real journalists
Who is Ben Friedman?
All the president does is wrong to people like you.
Which is he a muslim leader or a disciple of Rev. Wright? I'm really confused with all of the different conspiracies you guys have warehoused in those twisted minds.
Can you clear that up for me so I won't be a dipshit anymore?
Probably won't cure your dipshitism but he's a chameleon. He can be wahtever is most expedient or appropriate at a given moment. IMO the mans only real convictions are that America is bad and must pay for her "transgressions" of success and that he is the universe's anointed savior.
I'm not enthralled by any politician I am merely fed up with the bashing of the president and the regurgitation of nonsense by tea party morons. We all know that bashing is in probably 75% of cases motivated by race.
In your mind maybe. I know no such thing but maybe you could advise us as to the methodology you employed in arriving at such an unsupportable and outrageous conclusion.
All false. The Native Americans lived in peace an harmony amongst each other trading pots of gold they found at the end of rainbow and riding unicorns to love fests.
Then came the WHITE man to destroy them. You ******* revisionists irk me.
Ark's irked.
Our culture is not patriarchal. Let me guess American public school education with American history books, right? Throw in some Fox News and reich wing radio and here is the finished product.
I have two words for you CLAN MOTHER.
Now use that public school education and tell me when woman were given the vote in 'White America'.
As an Iroquois you can also thank my ancestors for our constitution while you're at it. If not for the constitution and the long delayed but final enforcement of it you people might be even more savage than you already are.
"You people." Really? I have two words for you......mother is one.
Just curious, which of the 5 (later 6) tribes do you claim?
Who is this "Creator" so often referenced in the Iroquois Constitution?
Here's an interesting excerpt from that document regarding immigration. Curious how you feel about it?
74. When any alien nation or individual is admitted into the
Five Nations the admission shall be understood only to be a
temporary one. Should the person or nation create loss, do
wrong or cause suffering of any kind to endanger the peace of
the Confederacy, the Confederate Lords shall order one of their
war chiefs to reprimand him or them and if a similar offence is
again committed the offending party or parties shall be
expelled from the territory of the Five United Nations.
75. When a member of an alien nation comes to the territory
of the Five Nations and seeks refuge and permanent residence,
the Lords of the Nation to which he comes shall extend
hospitality and make him a member of the nation. Then shall he
be accorded equal rights and privileges in all matters except
as after mentioned.
76. No body of alien people who have been adopted temporarily
shall have a vote in the council of the Lords of the
Confederacy, for only they who have been invested with Lordship
titles may vote in the Council. Aliens have nothing by blood
to make claim to a vote and should they have it, not knowing
all the traditions of the Confederacy, might go against its
Great Peace. In this manner the Great Peace would be
endangered and perhaps be destroyed.
77. When the Lords of the Confederacy decide to admit a
foreign nation and an adoption is made, the Lords shall inform
the adopted nation that its admission is only temporary. They
shall also say to the nation that it must never try to control,
to interfere with or to injure the Five Nations nor disregard
the Great Peace or any of its rules or customs. That in no way
should they cause disturbance or injury. Then should the
adopted nation disregard these injunctions, their adoption
shall be annuled and they shall be expelled.