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Going back-back, to cali cali... I mean Iraq

Really? 'religion' can only mean Christianity?

How far have Islamic cultures fallen since the middle ages when they led the world in science, the arts, literature? Why have they fallen behind the rest of the world? I'll give you a clue, they sat around praying for a fish.

Don't get me started on the christian morons that inhabit most of the southern part of the U.S. They're in a High School class room and don't even know what a scientific theory is. Ahhhh those madrasas. I knew what it was when I was 13.

The guy at the end will be so butthurt if he ever finds out he evolved from a black person, not the other way around.

I find it interesting that people of color often accuse white people of stereotyping.

Do you think most white people sit around and worry about who they evolved from? I could care less. It makes my life no better or worse one way or the other. I think another thing that has been overdone is this "Jesus was white" stuff. Again, who gives a damn what color he was? The paintings in church or on the windows were just that, paintings. I never once in my life looked at them and thought that Jesus looked like that. How the hell would anyone know? White people do not worry on these things, for the most part. Se do not get out of bed, gather the family together at breakfast and say, "How can we keep the people of color down today?"
The problem is people who have self loathing to that degree never rise to the position he has.

He would have to hate himself for your premise to be true, right?


I actually think self-loathing is the root of a lot of anti-social behavior. In this case though, he's more of a narcissist with a God complex than a self-loather. There are plenty of mixed race people who identify as one race or another, don't you think? First black president and all. But really, I think he sees himself as a hero of the downtrodden. The problem is that what he wants to do to fix things for them has historically, only made things worse. He doesn't understand how prosperity happened in this country, or how to make it happen again.
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It's not even a debate? You mean because you linked to an article from a right wing hack who is a joke among real journalists
Who is Ben Shapiro?

I can also post links, except mine have facts in them.


5 Huge Lies From the Right Wing Media That Conservatives Still Think Are True

The most recent set of headlines that raised eyebrows came from Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro, who claimed that anonymous sources had informed him that secretary of defense nominee Chuck Hagel had met with a group called “Friends of Hamas.”

Unfortunately for Shapiro, New York Daily News writer Ben Friedman came clean early last week. Friedman published a piece in which he made clear that he was the “source” of the Friends of Hamas rumor, which originated when he made a joke on a media call, asking a staffer if Hagel had spoken with any other anti-Israeli groups like the Junior League of Hezbollah or the Friends of Hamas. Shapiro took the joke and ran it as news, claiming that a White House spokesman had “dodged” a question on Hagel’s relationship to Friends of Hamas.

Rather than correct himself, Shapiro doubled down on the nonsense, calling Friedman a “hack” and declaring, “welcome to the Obama media, where protecting Chuck Hagel and attacking any media who question Hagel is par for the course.” Shapiro went on to claim that “the story Breitbart News ran originally was accurate” and that Friedman wasn’t the source of the story.

And in case you’re still wondering, no, “Friends of Hamas” doesn’t exist and Ben Shapiro hasn’t provided any sources or proof.

So this is your source to be taken seriously?

You mean because you linked to an article from a left wing hack who is a joke among real journalists
Who is Ben Friedman?

All the president does is wrong to people like you.

Which is he a muslim leader or a disciple of Rev. Wright? I'm really confused with all of the different conspiracies you guys have warehoused in those twisted minds.

Can you clear that up for me so I won't be a dipshit anymore?

Probably won't cure your dipshitism but he's a chameleon. He can be wahtever is most expedient or appropriate at a given moment. IMO the mans only real convictions are that America is bad and must pay for her "transgressions" of success and that he is the universe's anointed savior.

I'm not enthralled by any politician I am merely fed up with the bashing of the president and the regurgitation of nonsense by tea party morons. We all know that bashing is in probably 75% of cases motivated by race.

In your mind maybe. I know no such thing but maybe you could advise us as to the methodology you employed in arriving at such an unsupportable and outrageous conclusion.

All false. The Native Americans lived in peace an harmony amongst each other trading pots of gold they found at the end of rainbow and riding unicorns to love fests.

Then came the WHITE man to destroy them. You ******* revisionists irk me.

Ark's irked.

Our culture is not patriarchal. Let me guess American public school education with American history books, right? Throw in some Fox News and reich wing radio and here is the finished product.

I have two words for you CLAN MOTHER.

Now use that public school education and tell me when woman were given the vote in 'White America'.

As an Iroquois you can also thank my ancestors for our constitution while you're at it. If not for the constitution and the long delayed but final enforcement of it you people might be even more savage than you already are.


"You people." Really? I have two words for you......mother is one.

Just curious, which of the 5 (later 6) tribes do you claim?

Who is this "Creator" so often referenced in the Iroquois Constitution?

Here's an interesting excerpt from that document regarding immigration. Curious how you feel about it?

74. When any alien nation or individual is admitted into the

Five Nations the admission shall be understood only to be a

temporary one. Should the person or nation create loss, do

wrong or cause suffering of any kind to endanger the peace of

the Confederacy, the Confederate Lords shall order one of their

war chiefs to reprimand him or them and if a similar offence is

again committed the offending party or parties shall be

expelled from the territory of the Five United Nations.

75. When a member of an alien nation comes to the territory

of the Five Nations and seeks refuge and permanent residence,

the Lords of the Nation to which he comes shall extend

hospitality and make him a member of the nation. Then shall he

be accorded equal rights and privileges in all matters except

as after mentioned.

76. No body of alien people who have been adopted temporarily

shall have a vote in the council of the Lords of the

Confederacy, for only they who have been invested with Lordship

titles may vote in the Council. Aliens have nothing by blood

to make claim to a vote and should they have it, not knowing

all the traditions of the Confederacy, might go against its

Great Peace. In this manner the Great Peace would be

endangered and perhaps be destroyed.

77. When the Lords of the Confederacy decide to admit a

foreign nation and an adoption is made, the Lords shall inform

the adopted nation that its admission is only temporary. They

shall also say to the nation that it must never try to control,

to interfere with or to injure the Five Nations nor disregard

the Great Peace or any of its rules or customs. That in no way

should they cause disturbance or injury. Then should the

adopted nation disregard these injunctions, their adoption

shall be annuled and they shall be expelled.
Oh, here's more......

Religious Ceremonies Protected

99. The rites and festivals of each nation shall remain

undisturbed and shall continue as before because they were

given by the people of old times as useful and necessary

for the good of men.

100. It shall be the duty of the Lords of each brotherhood

to confer at the approach of the time of the Midwinter

Thanksgiving and to notify their people of the approaching

festival. They shall hold a council over the matter and

arrange its details and begin the Thanksgiving five days

after the moon of Dis-ko-nah is new. The people shall

assemble at the appointed place and the nephews shall notify

the people of the time and place. From the beginning to

the end the Lords shall preside over the Thanksgiving and

address the people from time to time.

101. It shall be the duty of the appointed managers of the

Thanksgiving festivals to do all that is needed for carrying

out the duties of the occasions.

The recognized festivals of Thanksgiving shall be the

Midwinter Thanksgiving, the Maple or Sugar-making Thanksgiving,

the Raspberry Thanksgiving, the Strawberry Thanksgiving, the

Cornplanting Thanksgiving, the Corn Hoeing Thanksgiving, the

Little Festival of Green Corn, the Great Festival of Ripe Corn

and the complete Thanksgiving for the Harvest.

Each nation's festivals shall be held in their Long


102. When the Thansgiving for the Green Corn comes the

special managers, both the men and women, shall give it

careful attention and do their duties properly.

103. When the Ripe Corn Thanksgiving is celebrated the Lords

of the Nation must give it the same attention as they give

to the Midwinter Thanksgiving.

104. Whenever any man proves himself by his good life and his

knowledge of good things, naturally fitted as a teacher of good

things, he shall be recognized by the Lords as a teacher of

peace and religion and the people shall hear him.

No "separation of church and state." Interesting
Get Some.....


Iraq Militants Plan to Attack Britain, David Cameron Says
LONDON - British Prime Minister David Cameron said Wednesday that Sunni Islamist insurgents fighting in Iraq were planning to attack Britain and that "ungoverned spaces" where militants thrived had to be shut down.

Cameron spoke out as Iran's president vowed to defend Shiite holy sites in Iraq, where Sunni militants battled their way into the biggest oil refinery in what is rapidly turning into a sectarian war across the frontiers of the Middle East.

Sign up for breaking news alerts from NBC News

Britain has ruled out any military involvement in Iraq, but has sent an "operational liaison and reconnaissance team" to Baghdad and is providing humanitarian aid. It has also pledged to crack down on Britons travelling to the region to fight alongside the insurgents.
Raise your hand if this makes you want to sign up

al-Furq¨¡n Media presents a new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sh¨¡m: ¡°Clanging of the Swords, Part 4¡å

Fire up the drones

Dempsey: Iraq asks U.S. for air power

Gen. Martin Dempsey, the senior ranking member of the U.S. armed forces, spoke before the Senate Appropriations Committee Wednesday on Capitol Hill in Washington, saying that the United States' "national security interest (is) to counter (ISIS) where we find them."

ISIS is the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

Comprising mostly Sunni Muslims, ISIS is an al Qaeda splinter group that wants to establish a caliphate, or Islamic state, that would stretch from Iraq into northern Syria. The group has had substantial success in Syria battling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's security forces. Since launching their offensive in Iraq, ISIS claims to have killed at least 1,700 Shiites.

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have fled, prompting fears of a brewing humanitarian crisis.

Qassim Atta, a spokesman for Iraqi security forces, on Wednesday night said an investigation had been ordered into 59 high-ranking security officials accused of leaving their posts. The officials could be executed if found guilty, Atta said.

Earlier in the day, concerns over an oil refinery in the Iraqi town of Baiji continued, a key consideration because so much of Iraq's economy depends on its oil production. The country produces 3.3 million barrels per day and has the world's fourth-largest proven crude oil reserves, according to OPEC.

Atta said in a televised news conference that Iraqi forces had killed 40 ISIS militants in Baiji, 225 kilometers (140 miles) north of Baghdad, the capital.

"The situation in Tal Afar, Samarra, and Baiji is under control," Atta said.

Atta claimed that Iraq's military were "defeating ISIS in the Baiji area" and that "most of the areas" around the northwestern city of Tal Afar were liberated.

CNN's Nic Robertson reported from Baghdad, Ed Payne reported in Atlanta and Laura Smith-Spark wrote in London. CNN's Mohammed Tawfeeq, Sara Mazloumsaki, Diana Magnay, Jim Sciutto, Barbara Starr, Jim Acosta, Ted Barrett, Lisa Desjardins, Ali Younes, Salma Abdelaziz, Raja Razek, Neha Sharma and Gul Tuysuz contributed to this report.

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No blood for solar!!!
No blood, just large bombs. Then send the bill
Iraq is on fire, Russian tanks roll through the Ukraine and what is Barry's and Dems biggest concern?

you guessed it, protecting sodomites

Dems File Bill To Make Gay Rights U.S. “Foreign Policy Priority"

Libya is in chaos. Baghdad is about to fall to a new and toxic strain of Islamism. Syria is in civil war. Israeli teenagers have been kidnapped by terrorists.

Russia is expanding, taking over Crimea, threatening Ukraine. Russia and China have signed trade deals.

Violence between Buddhists and Muslims in Sri Lanka has lead to terror killings. Thailand has been taken over by a military junta.

Somali radicals have attacked a Kenyan town, killing dozens.

President Obama’s critics accuse him of being soft or absent from most of these conflicts and many others. They say the US has ceded its global leadership role.

One area where the US under Obama has not retreated, indeed has ramped up American pressure, is in the promotion of LGBT rights. He issued a 2011 Presidential Memorandum that did just that.

Senator Edward Markey of Massachusetts and 24 Democratic senators want to make this policy a part of U.S. law.

In legislation introduced last Friday, LGBT rights would become an official foreign policy priority of the United States and would include US training of “professional foreign military.”

that's just goddamn great.
we must argue the sexual preferences of the people we choose to send into harm's way (but some pols want to refuse to allow them to have the right to bear arms at home) instead of focusing on the bigger picture. This goddamn Omnistration is ******* things up in ways until now never thought possible.
One area where the US under Obama has not retreated, indeed has ramped up American pressure, is in the promotion of LGBT rights. He issued a 2011 Presidential Memorandum that did just that.

Oooohh, he issued a Memorandum. I bet it was strongly worded too.
Iraq is on fire, Russian tanks roll through the Ukraine and what is Barry's and Dems biggest concern?

you guessed it, protecting sodomites

Actually they've moved on to the offensive term Washington Redskins. I admit I agree with the Washington part being offensive. Harry Reid on the floor of the senate today having a hissy fit over the name. Feds supposedly revoked the trademark and patent for the Redskins. Sorry no link, saw it on the racist Fox network and don't have time to copy and paste because I have to work for a living.
Where's the WMd's? I don't see no WMD's.
Actually they've moved on to the offensive term Washington Redskins. I admit I agree with the Washington part being offensive. Harry Reid on the floor of the senate today having a hissy fit over the name. Feds supposedly revoked the trademark and patent for the Redskins. Sorry no link, saw it on the racist Fox network and don't have time to copy and paste because I have to work for a living.

Yes, please get back to work. Thousands of Democrats are waiting for a piece of your pie.
Let's let India have some fun......

Forty Indian construction workers were abducted near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul as they attempted to flee a violent rampage by an Al Qaida splinter group, officials said Wednesday.

The Indian nationals were working for the Baghdad-based Tariq Noor Al Huda construction company, Indian foreign ministry spokesman Syed Akbaruddin told reporters in New Delhi. Expressing “deep, deep sadness,” Akbaruddin said the Indian government had received no ransom demand and ha no information about the workers’ whereabouts.
Meh, India has nukes.