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Going green with the globalists: Obama steps up costly global warming game


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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The jolly green giant has a fan in the White House. President Obama has signed us up to salute the United Nations‘ climate change agenda. By pledging allegiance to the Global Climate Treaty, the president won’t actually accomplish much in weather control beyond enriching the likes of Al Gore and his friends in the renewable energy industry.

Playing God is just another day in the Oval Office for the spender in chief, but it requires the American taxpayer to worship with dollars at the altar of environmental extremism.

Here’s the expensive part: New restrictions on emissions from power plants are imposed under the Clean Air Act, which forces dozens of coal-burning plants to install air scrubbers, at a cost of billions, or close down. Rules will limit emissions from vehicles and oil and gas production, which will raise the price of electricity for all Americans. States that have adopted renewable energy mandates, which required utilities to purchase expensive power generated by inefficient solar and wind generation, have already suffered soaring electricity costs.

Consumers will be hit again when they pony up the U.S. share of a $100 billion slush fund the U.N. collects from developed nations to subsidize the inefficient renewable energy projects in poor countries.

And here’s the foolish part: The president’s scheme will prevent a decrease of only 0.001 degree Celsius in global temperature per year, according to the calculations of Chip Knappenberger, a climatologist at the Cato Institute. That’s a minuscule reward for the big price tag. The Environmental Protection Agency says the president’s plan will cost about $8.8 billion a year, but other studies have placed the cost at $41 billion annually. Playing God is not a role for mortals.

Until the dawn of the Age of Obama, the U.S. military kept its eye on its actual mission, to be prepared to kill people and break things before the nation’s enemies do that to us. But the Pentagon has fallen in line with liberal wishes and dreams, designating climate change as an immediate risk to U.S. national security. (The generals and admirals haven’t yet figured out who to shoot at.)



Meanwhile, attorneys for 17 states, mostly led by Democrats, and several cities joined in support of the EPA.

What is it with socialists and their God Complex?

So every tax paying American that gets his power from coal with have to pay extra for electricity so China can expand...but hey, that's wealth distribution for you

Obama’s Strategy on Climate Change, Part of Global Deal, Is Revealed

WASHINGTON — The White House on Tuesday introduced President Obama’s blueprint for cutting greenhouse gas emissions in the United States by nearly a third over the next decade.

The United States and China are the world’s two largest greenhouse gas polluters. Mr. Obama said the United States would cut its emissions by 26 to 28 percent by 2025, while Mr. Xi said that China’s emissions would drop after 2030


Looks like the Carolinas and Kentucky will be hardest hit.....ah well, nobody important there

The Associated Press reports more than 32 mostly coal-fired power plants will close and another 36 plants could also be forced to shut down as a result of new EPA rules regulating air pollution.

And here’s the foolish part: The president’s scheme will prevent a decrease of only 0.001 degree Celsius in global temperature per year, according to the calculations of Chip Knappenberger, a climatologist at the Cato Institute.

The global warmers point out, however, that none of their models has been accurate in calculating expected temperature changes due to man-made CO2 emissions, so hey, it could be something like 0.002 degrees!!
fight this ******* every step of the way

GOP warns U.N. Obama's climate actions can be undone

Obama is about to commit the United States to meet greenhouse gas emission targets in an international agreement without consulting Congress, the agencies, or the states.

Republicans are warning other countries that the president's executive orders can be overturned and that any negotiations should take that into account

"Considering that two-thirds of the U.S. federal government hasn't even signed off on the Clean Power Plan and 13 states have already pledged to fight it, our international partners should proceed with caution before entering into a binding, unattainable deal,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog...mate_actions_can_be_undone.html#ixzz3WAIuWL27



India Rejects Climate Deal With Obama

India has rejected pleas from the Obama administration to enter into an agreement to put a future limit on its greenhouse gas emissions in order to fight global warming.

Barack Obama went abroad hoping to strike a climate deal with India — the world’s third-largest greenhouse-gas emitter — in order to build support for an international global warming treaty ahead of a United Nations summit later this year. But India had other ideas.

Obama wanted India to announce it would peak its greenhouse gas emissions by a certain year, mirroring a pledge China made last year to peak its emissions by 2030. But India’s government refused, not wanting to have to make a China-sized promise on climate.

Coronal mass ejections by the sun, thier frequency and intensity have more to do with our temperatures here on earth than co2. We also have no control over magma flows or ejections either. This green adgenda is a fools game for only the wealthy like al gore to profit.
Energy prices went down a little and we are in danger of peoples' standard of living going up so Bomma needs to find a way to **** it up.
I do not understand how banning the use of coal here in the US, then turning around and selling that same coal to 3rd world countries that have virtually no clean air restrictions is a good idea. If they really want to get clean coal technologies started, ban the sale of ALL US COAL. As soon as the coal can no longer be sold, you can bet new tech will be developed to make it cleaner. Those that own all the coal will not be willing to sit on a useless resource.
I do not understand how banning the use of coal here in the US, then turning around and selling that same coal to 3rd world countries that have virtually no clean air restrictions is a good idea. If they really want to get clean coal technologies started, ban the sale of ALL US COAL. As soon as the coal can no longer be sold, you can bet new tech will be developed to make it cleaner. Those that own all the coal will not be willing to sit on a useless resource.

The politicians are heavily invested in solar and wind projects... in fact expect a push for high altitude wind programs to be made soon... its a tech fraught with issues but seems to be the next holy grail of climate change persons and its gonna make a lot of shady characters a **** ton of money before it fails too.
Also remember that every single plan for cutting out CO2 emissions come with heavy restrictions on power use. they aren't really expecting to replace the power off the grid, they are expecting to force people to use less

The politicians are heavily invested in solar and wind projects... in fact expect a push for high altitude wind programs to be made soon... its a tech fraught with issues but seems to be the next holy grail of climate change persons and its gonna make a lot of shady characters a **** ton of money before it fails too.

I am not against investment in newer cleaner technology, I am actually for it.

Allowing US Coal to be sold overseas while banning it here is just nuts. I am sure glad that we have isolated our air here in the US, so those pollutants from somewhere else don't get in.
I am not against investment in newer cleaner technology, I am actually for it.

Allowing US Coal to be sold overseas while banning it here is just nuts. I am sure glad that we have isolated our air here in the US, so those pollutants from somewhere else don't get in.

Straight from tribal lands to Oz, so its ok
I am not against investment in newer cleaner technology, I am actually for it.

Allowing US Coal to be sold overseas while banning it here is just nuts. I am sure glad that we have isolated our air here in the US, so those pollutants from somewhere else don't get in.

Oh I agree... its just all a political game though.

Germany's Green Energy Failure

WASHINGTON – The Institute for Energy Research today released the first entry in a new series of case studies on Europe’s green energy programs. For years, some policymakers have pointed to Europe as an exemplar of good energy policy, arguing that the U.S. should subsidize renewables through programs like the wind production tax credit or green energy mandates. Now that Europe’s green energy policies have been in place for years, IER decided to see how they were working.

The first case study focuses on Germany’s energy policies and finds that these policies are driving up energy prices and forcing hundreds of thousands of people into energy poverty. Specifically, the study found:

Residential German electricity prices are nearly three times higher than electricity prices in the U.S.
  • As many as 800,000 Germans have had their power cut off because of an inability to pay for rising energy costs.
  • Germany’s feed-in tariff scheme provides lavish subsidies to renewable energy producers.
  • On-shore wind has required feed-in tariffs that are in excess of 300 percent higher than market prices.
  • Germany’s Renewable Energy Levy, which subsidizes renewable energy production, cost German households €7.2 billion ($9.6 billion) in 2013.
  • The cost to expand transmission networks to integrate renewables stands at $33.6 billion, which grid operators say accounts “for only a fraction of the cost of the energy transition.”
I am not against investment in newer cleaner technology, I am actually for it.

Allowing US Coal to be sold overseas while banning it here is just nuts. I am sure glad that we have isolated our air here in the US, so those pollutants from somewhere else don't get in.

I'm totally against the federal gov't being involved in this scam. The tax payer has lost billions of dollars on this scheme to give public money to private corporations. Mostly democratically owned and operated companies. It's a boondoggle.
I am for govt investment in tech that will benefit all americans, where I differ is that I believe that that investment should be as a SHAREHOLDER. If the USA puts up 80% of the capitol, we own 80% of the company and tech developed. Once there is an opportunity to divest, then sell that portion of the business and return the money to the taxpayers.

Germany's Green Energy Failure

WASHINGTON – The Institute for Energy Research today released the first entry in a new series of case studies on Europe’s green energy programs. For years, some policymakers have pointed to Europe as an exemplar of good energy policy, arguing that the U.S. should subsidize renewables through programs like the wind production tax credit or green energy mandates. Now that Europe’s green energy policies have been in place for years, IER decided to see how they were working.

The first case study focuses on Germany’s energy policies and finds that these policies are driving up energy prices and forcing hundreds of thousands of people into energy poverty. Specifically, the study found:

Residential German electricity prices are nearly three times higher than electricity prices in the U.S.
As many as 800,000 Germans have had their power cut off because of an inability to pay for rising energy costs.
Germany’s feed-in tariff scheme provides lavish subsidies to renewable energy producers.
On-shore wind has required feed-in tariffs that are in excess of 300 percent higher than market prices.
Germany’s Renewable Energy Levy, which subsidizes renewable energy production, cost German households €7.2 billion ($9.6 billion) in 2013.
The cost to expand transmission networks to integrate renewables stands at $33.6 billion, which grid operators say accounts “for only a fraction of the cost of the energy transition.”

As long as the Republicans keep pointing out that it was all Bomma and the Democrats' idea.
I am for govt investment in tech that will benefit all americans, where I differ is that I believe that that investment should be as a SHAREHOLDER. If the USA puts up 80% of the capitol, we own 80% of the company and tech developed. Once there is an opportunity to divest, then sell that portion of the business and return the money to the taxpayers.

It would be nice if that actually worked. However, this is why we have the crony capitalism we have. Government doesn't make decisions based upon economic results and only makes decisions based upon politics. Giving the government this much power is why we are in the mess we are in, now.
I am for govt investment in tech that will benefit all americans, where I differ is that I believe that that investment should be as a SHAREHOLDER. If the USA puts up 80% of the capitol, we own 80% of the company and tech developed. Once there is an opportunity to divest, then sell that portion of the business and return the money to the taxpayers.

Ha! Foolish mortal. I see that you still believe that the money the government has belongs to the people. Re-education is obviously needed here.

It would be nice if that actually worked. However, this is why we have the crony capitalism we have. Government doesn't make decisions based upon economic results and only makes decisions based upon politics. Giving the government this much power is why we are in the mess we are in, now.

Yep. A TRUE communist form of living would not be all bad were it not for the same necessary ingredient in this scenario. People. The natural tendency of man toward greed, avarice and a lust for power renders many "good" ideas bad.
Looks like the Carolinas and Kentucky will be hardest hit.....ah well, nobody important there

Red states. **** 'em. They're not voting for me and my party anyway. /Bomma