I know that a lot of you are combat veterans of various conflicts, and have first hand experience in respective theaters. But Polamalu 43 saw a poster once, so I would suggest that the rest of you accept that he knows better, so stfu.
I know that a lot of you are combat veterans of various conflicts, and have first hand experience in respective theaters. But Polamalu 43 saw a poster once, so I would suggest that the rest of you accept that he knows better, so stfu.
You're a ******* retard. That is all.
Umm, Polo, there WAS an official military investigation into the matter in 2010, and it was determined at that point that Bergdahl was a deserter. Nice try, but you clearly don't have a clue what you're talking about.
And if he is a deserter without knowing what state of mind he was in we should just leave him with the Taliban?
By that logic we shouldn't treat or help any soldier coming back with PTSD or whatever because they're just ******* right? Let them work it out on their own?
Is that the type of twisted logic people like you subscribe to?
So rescue a deserter because we don't know his state of mind. Drone strike American civilians who disagree with BLM. Is that the type of twisted logic people like you subscribe to?
No it would be drone strike American civilians pointing weapons at law enforcement. Did you notice the moocher/criminal Bundy didn't have any of his family out there pointing weapons? Just because you're a thief-bigot doesn't mean you have to be a dumb *** I guess, let others take that role.
So pointing a weapon at law enforcement is worse than desertion?
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." -Thomas Jefferson
Rosa Parks was a criminal also...........
The law was criminal in Park's case. In Bundy's the federal government has constitutional authority to manage that land for the people.
The law was criminal in Park's case. In Bundy's the federal government has constitutional authority to manage that land for the people.
Do you really need that answered? What would you rather have a hippie running off to Canada avoiding Nam, or a hippie killing a cop?
The only thing I fear myself is a Space Hippie, but that's for fashion and talent reasons. Oh and they really don't know the way to Eden they must have got lost with all those mushrooms they consumed on Altair VI.
So rescue a deserter because we don't know his state of mind. Drone strike American civilians who disagree with BLM. Is that the type of twisted logic people like you subscribe to?
The law was criminal in Park's case. In Bundy's the federal government has constitutional authority to manage that land for the people.
A hippie running off to Canada to avoid Nam is draft dodging, not deserting. One has a sentence of prison and a fine, the other has a sentence of execution. .
This is beautiful. Says so much. Preach on, Komrade!The law was criminal in Park's case. In Bundy's the federal government has constitutional authority to manage that land for the people.
Yes and an intellectual giant like yourself with Ferris Bueller and Jimmy Buffet quotes in their sig would be more than qualified to make that assessment.
Whatever they have or haven't seen is irrelevant as far as other events that are documented.
me too
They are in honor of my father who passed away almost 2 years ago. So keep up your stupidity and insults and you will be gone. That's your warning.
Have you visited the Guantanamo Bay Health & Beauty Spa for Muslims? I'd like to see some photos from there.
Right but you can insult me? Spoken like a true fascist. Go ahead show us what power you wield, get rid of me so the reich wing men on here can go back to their regularly scheduled reich wing circle jerk/facialize each other party.
Maybe as their next evolutionary baby step they can learn how to fling their poop at those who aren't party members....well never mind.
can you get me a ticket? I'd absolutely love to walk up through that ************ with an AR-15 and a few thousand rounds of bacon-grease dipped ammo.