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Govt. shutdown

How would your children be at risk, if they already have their vaccinations?

Why is it that the libtards(sans Tibs) here never contribute for the luxury of posting here? You are like a bunch of welfare moms, expecting everything for free. Typical.
How bout this new law. No govt persons in either house will receive any pay, health coverage...etc while during a got shutdown. The fact these ***** continue to get paid playing games needs changed

Yep, 535, plus staff, non essential personnel.
How bout this new law. No govt persons in either house will receive any pay, health coverage...etc while during a got shutdown. The fact these ***** continue to get paid playing games needs changed

That's all well and good, but most members of congress have been there so long that they are millionaires. Probably wouldn't affect them a whole lot.
That's all well and good, but most members of congress have been there so long that they are millionaires. Probably wouldn't affect them a whole lot.

Even MORE reason that they should be the first without a paycheck during a shutdown THEY control. TSA workers are working for free, but those in Congress remain paid??

It's wrong on every level.
Even Oterrorist's Border Patrol Chief knows that the southern border is a problem.

The former Border Patrol Chief under former President Barack Obama is calling out liberal pundits for “dismissing facts” when discussing the border crisis that some are calling “manufactured.”

Mark Morgan, who was asked to step down from his position as President Donald Trump’s administration took over in January of 2017, is still defending Trump’s effort to better secure the border and build the wall.

“I see a lot of the pundits talking and they have never been to the border, and they never talk to the experts, and they’re absolutely dismissing the facts,” said Morgan.

He also admitted to laughing out loud when he saw video of CNN’s Jim Acosta walking near the U.S.-Mexico border in McAllen, Texas where he inadvertently made the case for the construction of a border wall

Inhofe Announces Bill to Fully Fund Border Wall
Thursday, November 1, 2018

U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) announced today that he was introducing the WALL Act, legislation that would fully fund the border wall along the southern border. His legislation is also the first bill that will fund the wall by identifying specific funding sources.

“We need to build the wall along the southern border—President Trump has called for the wall and I agree. As a former builder and developer in south Texas I know border security is national security and we need to do more to deter the growing numbers of unauthorized immigrants coming across our borders. That’s why I’ve outlined specific ways to fund the border wall by assessing penalties on illegal immigration and closing loopholes that allow unauthorized immigrants to receive federal benefits. We’re going to build the wall through new sources of funds by protecting the integrity of hardworking American citizens’ tax dollars.”

Inhofe’s legislation will fully fund the President’s $25 billion border wall while providing specific ways to pay for it:

Require a work-authorized Social Security Number (SSN) to claim refundable tax credits, like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or the Child Tax Credit:

Currently only the child needs a SSN, not the parent benefiting from the refundable child tax credit. My bill would require the parent to have a valid work-eligible social security number.
Before 2003, the Social Security Agency did not distinguish between work-eligible and non-work eligible SSNs. Therefore, there are individuals benefiting from the EITC they are not authorized to receive because they are non-work eligible.

Require welfare applicants (food stamps, TANF, HUD, etc) to verify citizenship:

Currently someone only needs to “declare” citizenship and provide a SSN to receive some of these benefits.
Inhofe’s bill requires states verify citizenship prior to granting benefits using E-verify and require a work-authorized SSN for eligibility.

Increasing the minimum fines on illegal border crossers.

This legislation is designed to complement the Asylum Abuse Reduction Act that Sen. Inhofe introduced in August, legislation that will address immigration loopholes to improve the integrity of the asylum process. The United States experienced a 234 percent increase in asylum applications from 2014 to 2016, generating a backlog in our immigration courts. That number is expected to increase.

The Asylum Abuse Reduction Act would:

Require migrants declare asylum at our embassies/consulates in Mexico or Canada before entering the United States:

Currently, migrants who cross the border illegally and declare asylum are released pending credible fear screenings and other legal procedures, but rarely show up for proceedings – never completing the asylum process.
The dramatic increase in asylum claims, as urged by smugglers, creates a huge strain on our resources, a backlog in the immigration process and most migrants don’t show up for their court date.
The Asylum Abuse Reduction Act requires individuals seeking asylum to have their preliminary credible fear screening at an embassy or consulate outside the United States prior to being considered for admittance for asylum purposes.

Create a criminal bench warrant for immigrants that have failed to appear for immigration court:

Currently, when illegal immigrants fail to show up for court, their information is not entered into police databases.
With Inhofe’s bill, if migrants don’t appear for court, they will be given a bench warrant so if they are stopped for an unrelated offense, like speeding, there will be a warrant for them in the system for violating immigration law.

Create a pilot program for alternatives to detention:

The Flores decision says that we can’t detain illegal immigrants with children or families for more than 20 days. Currently, that usually means they are released pending trial – and then fail to appear.
Inhofe’s bill establishes a pilot program that would allow families to be released to a qualified organization, contracted with the federal government, to ensure migrants comply with immigration proceedings.
Holy ****. No bench warrant for being here illegally and skipping your hearing? That is ridiculous.
Never work. Princess Pelosi has spoken.
It's absolutely amazing to me that the party of free healthcare & education for all won't give the POTUS $5.7 billion for border wall funding. It's literally a drop in the bucket.
So drug smugglers were just caught trying to smuggle 700 lbs of cocaine across the southern border in an area where a barrier has not been built.


That's also a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of the drug-smuggling racket, but how many times do you think this has happened before because there's no barrier and not enough security at the border?
I know, but something you know.
That's all well and good, but most members of congress have been there so long that they are millionaires. Probably wouldn't affect them a whole lot.
I know, but something you know.

Well. Now that I think about it. Didn’t that new chick, you know for NY ***** when she won “where’s my new home and paycheck bs”. So not all would be happy about not getting a check
Is California really that bad?

The overinflated housing prices, the massive state income tax, the increasing property taxes, the huge gasoline tax (now more than 60 cents per gallon), and the ridiculously-high sales tax in LA County (raised to 9.75% in 1994 as an "emergency" measure and never lowered to its pre-"emergency" level thereafter) make the place crushing for the middle and upper middle class.

It's a great place to be poor, with massive giveaways, welfare, public assistance, school lunches, "free" health care (meaning you don't pay for it, but I do), blah-dee-*******-blah, but a terrible place to work and earn a genuine living.

Oh, and my new home has one problem I guess - trespassers. Here they were again just yesterday:

Yard Photo.jpg
Yeah, this is really a must-have. Well worth shutting down the federal government so long as Trump can't have his way.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Will Hurd’s Texas district alone spans 42% of the entire US-Mexico border<br><br>Hurd is a former CIA agent<br><br>He is a Republican<br><br>He opposes the wall <a href="https://t.co/quJsU8c46n">https://t.co/quJsU8c46n</a></p>— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) <a href="https://twitter.com/JohnJHarwood/status/1086804716632313857?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Yeah, this is really a must-have. Well worth shutting down the federal government so long as Trump can't have his way.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Will Hurd’s Texas district alone spans 42% of the entire US-Mexico border<br><br>Hurd is a former CIA agent<br><br>He is a Republican<br><br>He opposes the wall <a href="https://t.co/quJsU8c46n">https://t.co/quJsU8c46n</a></p>— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) <a href="https://twitter.com/JohnJHarwood/status/1086804716632313857?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

so which politician was lying to us about the crisis at the border, Tibs?


The idea of the federal government mounting something with a name like Operation Wetback may seem next to impossible in this day and age. But as the issue of immigration has become intertwined with those of drugs and national security, several American presidents have brushed up against it in unpleasant ways:

▪ Carter's seizure of hundreds of boats from the private flotilla that went to the port of Mariel to pick up the 125,000 or so Cubans freed to leave by a Fidel Castro fit of pique in 1980. "On the one hand, Carter was making this grand humanitarian gesture, welcoming everybody in, and with the other, he was behaving so vindictively, taking the boats that brought the refugees in," said Fox-Isicoff, who as a young attorney just out of law school was working as a federal immigration prosecutor.

Fox-Isicoff handled scores of the seizures. Already growing dubious about federal treatment of undocumented workers who, in her view, were guilty of nothing more than wanting to work for a living, she was so dismayed by what she saw as the unfairness of the seizures that she switched sides, going into private practice to represent immigrants rather than the government.

▪ Immigration activists began calling President Obama the Deporter-in-Chief after his administration booted 2.5 million undocumented immigrants out the country during his presidency, more than all previous presidents put together. He also began the policy of detaining entire undocumented families to await their day before an immigration judge, rather than releasing them on parole as previous administrations had done.

"They were kept on horrible conditions," said Fox-Issicoff. "They were in facilities that were so cold that everybody called them 'meat lockers.' The children were sick all the time and they had no toys, nothing to do. Nobody is as bad as Trump, but I blame Obama for many of the problems we have now. There were so many things he could have done to ward off the disaster that Trump has created."

▪ Bill Clinton's decision to send tens of thousands of first Haitian and then Cuban refugees to live in tents at the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo Bay. The refugees were, in many respects, treated worse than the accused terrorists housed in prison there today. The prisons have air conditioning and running water; the refugees had neither.

"We lived in tents in groups of 22 people. It was really in overcrowded conditions," said Moraima Alfonso, a TV makeup artist who spent more than a year in the camps after the U.S. Coast Guard picked up the raft upon which she was escaping Cuba in 1994. "We were like prisoners. They would put us out in the scalding sun for hours at a time to count us."

The refugees, for a time, also had to endure intermittent harassment from the U.S. military, which had been instructed to try to get them to voluntarily repatriate to Fidel Castro's side of the island. "Some nights, at 3 in the morning, soldiers would come in with loudspeakers and start yelling, 'You are not going to go to the United States,' " Alfonso said.
Now you done it Supe. That may take days for him to find another argument to try to justify the liberal stupidity.

Yeah, this is really a must-have. Well worth shutting down the federal government so long as Trump can't have his way.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Will Hurd’s Texas district alone spans 42% of the entire US-Mexico border<br><br>Hurd is a former CIA agent<br><br>He is a Republican<br><br>He opposes the wall <a href="https://t.co/quJsU8c46n">https://t.co/quJsU8c46n</a></p>— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) <a href="https://twitter.com/JohnJHarwood/status/1086804716632313857?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Funny, I could have sworn Trump offered the Dems everything they wanted in a compromise yesterday to open the government back up and they still refused. I wonder why? Here's a hint. Because the Dems don't give a ******* rats *** about immigrants, legal or illegal. It's all talk. They only want to **** over Trump and they are more than willing to **** over the American people to do it. They are complete phonies.

move along, please