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Govt. shutdown

move along, please
Why do you guys love spreading fake news so much? It's like you thrive on it. What's the point, it's so easily disproven.


Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, visits with Soldiers serving in Iraq from her native state of California during a visit to Sather Air Base in Baghdad, Iraq, May 10, 2009.


Pelosi, Delegation visits troops in Afghanistan on Mother’s Day 05.13.2012


Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi and Anna Eshoo greet U.S. Soldiers with the 3rd Cavalry Regiment from California during a visit to Tactical Base in Gamberi, Afghanistan.


Speaker Pelosi, Congressional Delegation members, and Ching Eikenberry, with Major General Nick Carter (United Kingdom), commander of the South Region of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). 1 January 1980
Btw Supe nice to know you follow QAnon and buy into that crap. Puts things into perspective and helps decipher your posts and those of Timmy, Stewey, SteelChip, Indy and the rest of the SN Trump rugrats. Makes perfect sense and provides a clear view into the bottomless rabbit's hole you all inhabit mentally and psychologically. Duly noted.

This study by Pew Research is pretty interesting, but doesn't have data from last couple years. But it documents that since the great recession more Mexicans have left
the United States than have come here. If walls keep people out, they also keep people in. We should be doing things that increase the outflow, rather than shutting down
the government when a problem is heading in a positive direction.
Btw Supe nice to know you follow QAnon and buy into that crap. Puts things into perspective and helps decipher your posts and those of Timmy, Stewey, SteelChip, Indy and the rest of the SN Trump rugrats. Makes perfect sense and provides a clear view into the bottomless rabbit's hole you all inhabit mentally and psychologically. Duly noted.

Says the guy that posted on an on about an American Indian knowing literally nothing of which he was speaking and factually embarrassed the hell out of himself being wrong more than a half dozen times.

You're just a mentally and morally inept Leftard spewing fake news LEFT and...well never right.

But please give us another meme from Peter Daou or some other reputable, trustworthy, American Hero.
The overinflated housing prices, the massive state income tax, the increasing property taxes, the huge gasoline tax (now more than 60 cents per gallon), and the ridiculously-high sales tax in LA County (raised to 9.75% in 1994 as an "emergency" measure and never lowered to its pre-"emergency" level thereafter) make the place crushing for the middle and upper middle class.

It's a great place to be poor, with massive giveaways, welfare, public assistance, school lunches, "free" health care (meaning you don't pay for it, but I do), blah-dee-*******-blah, but a terrible place to work and earn a genuine living.

Oh, and my new home has one problem I guess - trespassers. Here they were again just yesterday:

View attachment 4321

I don't think any of us can see attachments when we try to open them but I can definitely see them in the thumbnail. Gotta be a nice change of scenery.

And MTC, I know I called California a cesspool but it's mainly for the reasons Steeltime mentioned above. The housing prices, taxes, lack of infrastructure funding/care, overpopulation & traffic are out of control, but it's also a place where, depending on where you live, you can go to the beach or snow-capped mountains within basically an hour's time. There are many things to do and there are some interesting places to see as well, you just have to look for them.
Says the guy that posted on an on about an American Indian knowing literally nothing of which he was speaking and factually embarrassed the hell out of himself being wrong more than a half dozen times. You're just a mentally and morally inept Leftard spewing fake news LEFT and...well never right. But please give us another meme from Peter Daou or some other reputable, trustworthy, American Hero.
Okay QAnon-Timmy, I'll do just that.
Okay QAnon-Timmy, I'll do just that.

Point out a time I've quoted QAnon as a source of any form of verifiable information. Go on. I'll wait.

Fake news is in your blood. Just another example right here folks.
WTF is QAnon?
Point out a time I've quoted QAnon as a source of any form of verifiable information. Go on. I'll wait.

Fake news is in your blood. Just another example right here folks.

And we wait...

OHHHHHH! You're going to hell for that one!

While on the subject.....

WASHINGTON, D.C.—As President Trump began addressing the nation Tuesday evening, he said, "Good evening" to the camera, drawing an immediate flurry of fact checks from publications all across the country.

The New York Times pointed out that the meaning of the phrase was vague and that Trump could have meant any one of several things by the statement. Finally, they concluded that since Trump stubbornly insists on existing in our plane of reality, the statement that the evening was "good" in any way couldn't possibly be true:


CNN, meanwhile, fact-checked the concept of "good" altogether. "Hold it right there," one anchor said, pausing the broadcast to interject his comments. "What is this hateful, absolute, objective idea of good that Trump's talking about here? Correct me if I'm wrong, Brian, but it seems to me that Trump is advocating for a national religion and the execution of all Muslims with this statement."

"This is a very grave day in America," he added solemnly. "We rate this statement 'Pants on Fire.'"

Fox News rated the statement as a "mixture" of truth and falsehood, since with Trump in the White House, "it's actually a GREAT evening!"


Meanwhile Federal workers remain off the job and the repercussions are starting to mount.

It's from your fake news post on Pelosi never visiting the troops. You posted it yourself.

i posted a meme. i have no idea what QAnon is.
Do you know who Dan Crenshaw is?

The Hill@thehill

Dem lawmaker calls on colleagues to "give Trump the money" for his border wall



Did you read the replies to that article ? Talk about some brain washed ignorant Liberals. If there was a common thread to their replies, it was an overwhelming TDS overload. They don't care what it is as long as Trump has anything to do with it...it is bad..period, end of discussion.

Now that's some sick minded stuff right there.


Damn, Pelosi just slammed Trump to the curb. Trump tried to get all huffy puffy insisting he'll go ahead and hold the State of the Union address even though she already told him no. This is her response. Damn, she's cold-blooded. Slammed the door right in his face. Tells you everything you need to know how low this presidency has sunk when you get *****-slapped by Nancy Pelosi.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: <a href="https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SpeakerPelosi</a> to decline steps to permit a State of the Union Jan 29 <a href="https://t.co/ZDbKGjduNT">pic.twitter.com/ZDbKGjduNT</a></p>— Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) <a href="https://twitter.com/KellyO/status/1088157878928764928?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 23, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Government partial shutdown, day what-the-****-ever.

***** given? None.

Who-gives-a-***** registered? Infinite.

The news media are desperate to find some way to spin this as Americans giving a flying **** about the partial shutdown, when in fact the care level is damn near zero. Who exactly is out protesting and ranting about this issue? Oh, government employees and their spouses. Anybody else? Nope.
Government partial shutdown, day what-the-****-ever.

***** given? None.

Who-gives-a-***** registered? Infinite.

The news media are desperate to find some way to spin this as Americans giving a flying **** about the partial shutdown, when in fact the care level is damn near zero. Who exactly is out protesting and ranting about this issue? Oh, government employees and their spouses. Anybody else? Nope.

President Trump isn't going to give a ****. He'll do it from the Senate or somewhere else by himself.
Government partial shutdown, day what-the-****-ever.

***** given? None.

Who-gives-a-***** registered? Infinite.

The news media are desperate to find some way to spin this as Americans giving a flying **** about the partial shutdown, when in fact the care level is damn near zero. Who exactly is out protesting and ranting about this issue? Oh, government employees and their spouses. Anybody else? Nope.

And the socialists voted against a Republican-sponsored bill that would pay the government employees during the shutdown. They are pure hypocrites with severe TDS and STDs.
There is some good news today


Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is reportedly resigning as chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and as chair of a congressional subcommittee amid allegations she retaliated against a former staffer who claimed she was raped by a foundation supervisor.

Both BuzzFeed and The New York Times report Jackson Lee will leave as chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, a non-profit group closely aligned with the Congressional Black Caucus.

She will also leave her position temporarily as chair of a House Judiciary subcommittee.

The Democrat came under pressure last week to resign her posts after she was accused in a Jan. 11 lawsuit of retaliating against a former staffer who claimed she was sexually assaulted by Damien Jones, a former intern supervisor at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. Lawsuit Claims Sheila Jackson Lee Fired A Staffer To Cover Up A Rape

Her latest gem -
WASHINGTON – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the lone House Democrat Wednesday to vote against leadership-backed bills to reopen the government because she opposes money for Immigration and Customs Enforcement or additional border security measures.

“We were having conversations with our community after we voted for DHS [Department of Homeland Security] funding the first time,” Ocasio-Cortez told The Post after House votes. “We’re hearing back a lot from our local community and they’re uncomfortable with any vote on funding for ICE.”

Her Queens and Bronx district has a significant immigrant and Latino population and her constituents are already feeling pressure from ICE deportations.

While she voted in favor of DHS funding in the past to reopen the government, after hearing from her voters, now she’s “a solid no for funding ICE at all,” spokesman Corbin Trent added.


A real inspiration.