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Govt. shutdown

In 2013, under His Lord Savior, the Black Grace, the Great Orator, the Speaker Divine, his Holiness and the FBP, he caused a 16 day Government shut down.

It furloughed 800,000 employees and cost $24 BILLION.

As with every other selective outrage moment, you didn't give one flying **** then. Those 800,000 people that were furloughed you did not shed a tear for.

I'm not interested in the past! It's meaningless (unless it's anything Trump)

- Tibs
It used to be done by private companies. The Airlines pushed for the formation of the TSA to limit their liability. It could be done by private companies again very easily.

Also the govt employee unions since it would give them more dues-paying Democrat-voting members.
Shut it down. **** the Democratic counties around DC. Let them experience a recession for a change.

But they went to a college better than ours.
Their careers should be taking off
I didn't even realize the government was shut down until a few days ago. I hadn't been following the news over the holidays. I still wouldn't know if i hadn't read about it. My daily life is not impacted at all.

That's the real reason why Dems freak out over the shutdowns. They need it to end before people realize they really don't need all this extra bullshit they are being taxed for.
1053. Government shutdown manipulation (12/22/2018)

There was a crisis of government shutdown. It was resolved like this:

Senate approves bill to keep government running into 2019

Senators passed the measure, which would keep government running to Feb. 8, by voice vote without a roll call.


I view it as a Feds oriented plot. Feb.5/2019 is Chinese New Years Day. My family members used to gather together to celebrate it. Feds also used to chose such date to carry on a raid. Why do they relate it to a government shutdown? Because that is a framed case, the Feds will kill many people because they are innocent. Some law enforcement officers and correctional officers may not be there to do the bail work. That's why the Feds used to frame a case on Friday, the jail won't do bail on week end. A shut down gives the Feds more time to commit murder while innocents are in custody.

What surprises me is this morning's news(12/22) says Trump refusing to sign the budget because it doesn't include the fund to build a wall to the US-Mexico border. The abrupt action of Trump indicates how eagerly the Feds is to finish my case.They even can't wait to February - their original plan date. Today is 12/22. My family members have a dinner party for Christmas. I think that is the recent target of the Feds.

One thing I'd like to remind people, the Feds used to activate big event to distract a big case. The distract case will be bigger than North California wild fire(Paradise fire) or Las Vegas mass shooting. And mass murder will take place.

Can you keep your conspiracy theory **** in your own threads and not pollute the serious discussions with it?

Thanking you in advance.
Tibsy says.....

A little clarity on exactly what's going on with this Trump government shutdown, and it has nothing to do with the Dems in the House.

Bullshit I says....



and no matter how convincing your argument.....they are not listening to any of it. Democrat TDS is the order of the day.

Democrats can't be bothered, they are off celebrating in Puerto Rico.
MSNBC reporting WaPo, ABCN, and CNN polling data. So trustworthy.
Then shutdown has impacted my life exactly zero percent.

I found out the do-not-call website is down and I can't report the telemarketers.
Personally, I think this shutdown has jumped the shark. We aren’t getting anywhere, probably aren’t going to, and if I’m Trump I’m not sure this is the sword I wanna fall on. At some point, popular opinion is going to turn on him, and if the msm is to be believed (lol) it already has. I just don’t think anyone wins this one.

As I said before, I feel like he missed an opportunity when he took his case to America on TV. Rather than touting just the wall, he should have framed it as a complete border security package with the wall being a part of that. By railing on about just the wall, he made it easier for his opponents to be against it. The can be against building a wall without being against border security. He ****** that up. He missed a great opportunity there, IMHO.
I saw a post on FB by the Libertarian Party of Alaska. It said words to the effect of the Media is making a big deal over government workers not being able to "put food on the table" but never making a peep when private businesses go under as a result of government policy and there employees are in the same boat.
negotiation takes two.


Democrats decline White House meeting on shutdown: 'It's kind of a mess'


The White House sent invitations to a bipartisan group of lawmakers for a meeting Tuesday afternoon aimed at finding a solution to ending the government shutdown — now in its 25th day as the longest in US history — but no Democrats are expected to attend.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed no Democrats were attending, listing instead nine Republican members of the House who will.

"Today, the President offered both Democrats and Republicans the chance to meet for lunch at the White House," Sanders said in a statement. "Unfortunately, no Democrats will attend. The President looks forward to having a working lunch with House Republicans to solve the border crisis and reopen the government. It's time for the Democrats to come to the table and make a deal."

As negotiations have come to a complete halt, President Donald Trump and his allies are interested in putting pressure on congressional Democrats to budge on their refusal to give Trump additional money for his campaign promise of a border wall. But the White House's attempt to put daylight between rank-and-file moderate members of the Democratic caucus and its leadership did not appear, at least by Tuesday's meeting, to have paid off.

Several House Democrats who had been invited to the White House told CNN in advance of the meeting they had been given little to no information about what the meeting would entail and have either rejected the invite or wouldn't confirm whether they would attend. The invitations did not all go out at once, but over the course of Monday night, and consisted of a three-line email asking only if the member would "attend lunch at the White House tomorrow, January 15 at 12:30 PM," according to a copy read to CNN. The email was sent on behalf of the President.
How would your children be at risk, if they already have their vaccinations?
How would your children be at risk, if they already have their vaccinations?

Did you just imply that vaccines are a bullet-proof, 100% guarantee that you will NOT get what it is you've been vaccinated for???

Man I cannot wait for you blockbuster best selling book!

And what about the children here who are not vaccinated? We should welcome the spread of these conditions because Liberals must have immigrants to sustain their voting base?
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I found out the do-not-call website is down and I can't report the telemarketers.

Some telemarketers are easy to prank back lol.
Had a guy a couple months ago begging me to stop callIing him. Probably have only been bothered twice since