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Govt. shutdown

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That is funny.
Lefties are entertaining, if nothing else.

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Sounds like someone who has been financially responsible and has saved appropriately.

This. So last night the local news ran a piece meant to garner crocodile tears about a federal prison guard out here whose last pay check was 10 days ago. They showed him sitting with bills in front of him, his wife and daughter by his side. The wife works as a teachers aid, and understandably doesn't contribute a lot to the household.

But here's the kicker I found interesting, he stated between the mortgage and car payments, he has over $3,500 in payments!

Um, no sympathy from me on your poor financial decisions on the size of your house and what you choose to drive. I realize there are a lot of people that live paycheck to paycheck, but if you choose to not pay yourself first, that's on you.
This. So last night the local news ran a piece meant to garner crocodile tears about a federal prison guard out here whose last pay check was 10 days ago. They showed him sitting with bills in front of him, his wife and daughter by his side. The wife works as a teachers aid, and understandably doesn't contribute a lot to the household.

But here's the kicker I found interesting, he stated between the mortgage and car payments, he has over $3,500 in payments!

Um, no sympathy from me on your poor financial decisions on the size of your house and what you choose to drive. I realize there are a lot of people that live paycheck to paycheck, but if you choose to not pay yourself first, that's on you.

I’ve been in banking for 30 years. Most people who find themselves in financial trouble of any kind have contributed partially or completely the their problems. This goes for people on all income levels.
That story is a bunch of BS. The first federal paycheck to be missed is tomorrow. Nobody is reporting that almost every Federal offices associated Credit Unions are offering zero interest loans during the shutdown and that every employee is going to be back paid for every single hour of the shutdown....PAID VACATION!!!!!!

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That story is a bunch of BS. The first federal paycheck to be missed is tomorrow. Nobody is reporting that almost every Federal offices associated Credit Unions are offering zero interest loans during the shutdown and that every employee is going to be back paid for every single hour of the shutdown....PAID VACATION!!!!!!

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

That doesn’t meet the media’s agenda, so not worth reporting.
I’ve been in banking for 30 years. Most people who find themselves in financial trouble of any kind have contributed partially or completely the their problems. This goes for people on all income levels.

After getting out of the military and finding a stable job my wife and I applied for pre approval of a home loan. We figured out our budget and had our "number" in terms of max price. The bank come back with a number that was 30% over our max. Some People just accept that **** and quickly figure out all too quickly that they're in over their head.
That is funny. Lefties are entertaining, if nothing else.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">;) <a href="https://t.co/TbDWqXOm7B">pic.twitter.com/TbDWqXOm7B</a></p>— Paul Lee Ticks (@PaulLeeTicks) <a href="https://twitter.com/PaulLeeTicks/status/1083406128728367104?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 10, 2019</a></blockquote>
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So now there is no crisis at the border - Trump manufactured it. Just a month ago there was a massive humanitarian crisis at the border and Trump caused it. I guess he fixed it and doesn't know it.
This. So last night the local news ran a piece meant to garner crocodile tears about a federal prison guard out here whose last pay check was 10 days ago. They showed him sitting with bills in front of him, his wife and daughter by his side. The wife works as a teachers aid, and understandably doesn't contribute a lot to the household.

But here's the kicker I found interesting, he stated between the mortgage and car payments, he has over $3,500 in payments!

Um, no sympathy from me on your poor financial decisions on the size of your house and what you choose to drive. I realize there are a lot of people that live paycheck to paycheck, but if you choose to not pay yourself first, that's on you.

That's like the woman I saw last week. Her and her husband both work for the government and their biggest bills are the mortgage and child care. Hello if you're at home you might want to take care of the kids yourself instead of hanging out in a coffee shop working on your photo album. Just saying
So now there is no crisis at the border - Trump manufactured it. Just a month ago there was a massive humanitarian crisis at the border and Trump caused it. I guess he fixed it and doesn't know it.

He's magic like that. The same way he is a evil super genius and a moron at the same time.
I would say The President and the majority in the U S Senate have more power than Nancy in control of the House


Mitch McConnell blocks Senate Democrats' move to reopen government

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked a move by Senate Democrats on Thursday to get the chamber to vote on spending bills to reopen the government on day 20 of the ongoing partial shutdown.

In a back-and-forth on the Senate floor, Senate Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, on Thursday called for the Senate to take up legislation advanced by House Democrats to reopen shuttered parts of the federal government and argued that parts of the federal government not related to the border wall should be re-opened immediately as negotiations continue over the border wall, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell objected to the move, saying that "political stunts are not going to get us anywhere."

McConnell has made clear that he won't take up any legislation related to the shutdown in the Senate that President Donald Trump won't sign. And the President has dug in in his refusal to sign legislation that does not meet his demand for roughly $5 billion for a border wall, which Democrats refuse to provide. "The last thing we need to do right now is trade pointless -- absolutely pointless -- show votes back and forth across the aisle," McConnell said on the floor. He added, "The political stunts are not going to get us anywhere." McConnell instead blamed Democrats for the impasse, saying that the shutdown has been "prolonged by my Democratic colleagues' refusal to even come to the table."

It doesn't take a big reduction in TSA workers to make airline travel a nightmare. Not looking forward to this, but happy to endure it.
It doesn't take a big reduction in TSA workers to make airline travel a nightmare. Not looking forward to this, but happy to endure it.

That doesn't effect the majority of the country. Sorry.

The only area that is going to be seriously affected is the DC area. I am very happy about that.
It doesn't take a big reduction in TSA workers to make airline travel a nightmare. Not looking forward to this, but happy to endure it.

It used to be done by private companies. The Airlines pushed for the formation of the TSA to limit their liability. It could be done by private companies again very easily.
A little clarity on exactly what's going on with this Trump government shutdown, and it has nothing to do with the Dems in the House.

Trump rejects shutdown deal Republicans negotiated with Republicans

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) had credible reasons to believe he could help negotiate some kind of resolution to the ongoing government shutdown. Not only does the GOP senator enjoy close ties to Donald Trump, he’s also played a key role within his party on immigration policy, having helped craft the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” bill.

With this in mind, when there was scuttlebutt on Capitol Hill this week about Graham working behind the scenes on a possible deal, it was at least worth watching. Yesterday, however, those efforts collapsed – because of White House opposition. Politico reported:

President Donald Trump has rejected a plan proposed by a bloc of Senate Republicans who had hoped to break an impasse over the government shutdown, leaving Congress and the White House with little obvious way out of the extended battle over Trump’s border wall.

On the 20th day of the shutdown, the GOP group tried to jump start bipartisan talks before Trump declares a national emergency to get his wall. But the president rejected their idea to allow congressional committees to sort out his border wall request while the government reopened, deeming the idea likely to leave him with nothing to show for the shutdown.

Some of the relevant details of the plan remain elusive, but by all accounts, there was a proposal on the table. Vice President Mike Pence and acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney took it to the president, who balked.

Of particular interest, though, is whom Graham negotiated with. In this case, the Republican South Carolinian worked on a deal with other Republicans, and Democrats were excluded from the process altogether. Despite the fact that Dems control the House, and many Democratic votes would be needed in the Senate, the party was “left out” of the talks and “were never read in” on the proposal.

Even Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), arguably Congress’ most conservative Democrat, and a lawmaker who said he’s prepared to work on a possible compromise, wasn’t invited to the discussions.

What we’re left with is a dynamic in which Republicans negotiated a deal with other Republicans, only to be shot down by a Republican president.

Not surprisingly, Graham announced soon after he’d given up on trying to find a resolution to the shutdown.
A little clarity on exactly what's going on with this Trump government shutdown, and it has nothing to do with the Dems in the House.

Trump rejects shutdown deal Republicans negotiated with Republicans

Because Nancy told Trump, point blank, no money for the wall even if you open the government. Why would he open the Government to negotiate with people who won't.

When the government unions quit getting their kickbacks, maybe the Democrats will listen?
That doesn't effect the majority of the country. Sorry. The only area that is going to be seriously affected is the DC area. I am very happy about that.

I am very happy about that.
Yeah, it's an absolute hoot

Aside from its effects on workers and local businesses, the shutdown will also reverberate across the US economy. According to S&P Global Ratings, the shutdown could shave approximately $1.2 billion off real GDP for each week that the government is partially closed.

Yeah, it's an absolute hoot

My Selective Outrage meter just went off. Sure enough, Tibor's here screaming, pouting and generally having a tantrum because Trump is mean.

Human's repeat history because they don't learn history. You should review yours Tibor.

In 2013, under His Lord Savior, the Black Grace, the Great Orator, the Speaker Divine, his Holiness and the FBP, he caused a 16 day Government shut down.

It furloughed 800,000 employees and cost $24 BILLION.

As with every other selective outrage moment, you didn't give one flying **** then. Those 800,000 people that were furloughed you did not shed a tear for.

It is LITERALLY comical watching your foibles.
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It is LITERALLY comical watching your foibles.
I understand it can't be easy supporting a criminal mob boss and a traitor. At some point, that's gotta chap your hide. I feel for you Timmy, really do. The life of a Trump apologist gets harder by the week. To try to sugarcoat his missteps and wanton behavior, while at once coming up with ways to distract and obfuscate. Try to hang on somehow, Timothy, you got this.
I understand it can't be easy supporting a criminal mob boss and a traitor. At some point, that's gotta chap your hide. I feel for you Timmy, really do. The life of a Trump apologist gets harder by the week. To try to sugarcoat his missteps and wanton behavior, while at once coming up with ways to distract and obfuscate. Try to hang on somehow, Timothy, you got this.

No he is calling out your hypocrisy.

Obama does the same thing = No big deal

Trump does it = oh woe is me the sky is falling

Still only guilty of winning !

But it's coming, just wait.

Government shutdown won’t delay tax refunds: White House

WASHINGTON — Taxpayers who are owed refunds will be paid on time, despite the government shutdown that has closed many federal agencies, a Trump administration official said as concern mounted over the risk that the payments could be delayed.

The acting director of the White House budget office, Russell Vought, said customary rules will be changed to make the payments possible. He told reporters that an “indefinite appropriation” was available for the refunds, which would go out as normal.
