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who was the big surprise last night? assuming not TS or it would be everywhere
I always enjoy seeing people from all walks of life who are actually paying attention.

This one just happens to be a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills.

Looked at Ballotpedia this morning and from all indications, it seems to be a fairly unbiased site. Amazed at all the issues where Harris, or for that matter Biden, have no opinion on.
Boggles my mind that half the country is going to vote based on memes, 20 second sound bites, and singular social issues.
It doesn't boggle my mind. Most people don't watch any news. Only soundbites.

White, obese, childless cat ladies don't watch news. They were all set to vote for Joe. Now they will vote for Kamala. Only because she is democrat.

If Joe hadn't stabbed Nancy and Obama in the back it would have been Newsome. But this is just as bad. Nancy will have Newsome all ready in 4 years.
I got carsick today.

Saw my first Harris bumper sticker.
Absolutely nothing. The crowd was waiting for Swift or Beyonce to show up and it didn't happen.

It was a scam. The Dems know nobody likes Kamala so they were all over lying that Swift or Beyonce would be there to get people to watch. I hope the disappointed viewers learn that the whole Dem platform is bait and switch.
download (62).png
In the shower with his daughter?

Although probable, no.

Tara Reade 1995. In one particular story, she explained in detail how Biden cornered her. Upon resisting she quoted Biden as saying C'mom man, do you know who I am?
Eventually her and her lawyer dropped the case. Can anyone say "paid off"?

Didn't look for Reade's account of the incident, I just grabbed this link.

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Biden actually did that but the media you listen to didn't delve much in on it.
I didn't know that. Appreciate the info - I'm not a close minded man. I'm just going off the interview that I saw Mr. Trump conduct w/ the blonde haired interviewer...
Trump’s policies work. Kamala’s don’t. It’s that simple. All this other stuff is distraction.

Your choice is voting for somebody you may not like, but his policies will help the country.

Or for Kamala who will tell you anything you want to hear then enact policies that will hurt the economy, flood the country with illegal immigrants who will immediately be given money and overrun poor communities, weaken us on the world stage and further build a surveillance and censorship state that will strip your rights.
I didn't know that. Appreciate the info - I'm not a close minded man. I'm just going off the interview that I saw Mr. Trump conduct w/ the blonde haired interviewer...

I'm still voting for $2 gas and affordable groceries.
I didn't know that. Appreciate the info - I'm not a close minded man. I'm just going off the interview that I saw Mr. Trump conduct w/ the blonde haired interviewer...

And the present POTUS literally ***** his pants on camera, and his fill-in is also an apparent imbecile with strong Marxist tendencies, who got not even one delegate to support her bid for the Dem nomination just a few years ago.
I know it doesn't really matter, but is it even legal for a sitting president decide to bow out at the last minute and appoint who succeeds him on the ticket?
The people did not vote vot her ahe was chosen. Doesn't seem legal