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Helter Skelter - 'Baltimore police say gangs 'teaming up' to take out officiers'

burn baby burn


Oh, and let me tell you, having lived through the 1992 Los Angeles riots ... any person who lives in Baltimore, and just wants to go to work, pay his bills, raise his family, and is not one of the lunkhead ******** (or their dumpster fire of a family) will appreciate why I will NEVER again accept that protesters should be given some leeway, or understanding, or anything other than a bullet in the skull.

******* mayor basically ignored the rioters in 1992, thinking they would "let off some steam" and things would get better.

Yeah, right. Instead, the **** got worse the next day. Night 2 of the animals running wild:


Eventually, property owners had to take care of their own safety. These guys defending their stores:


I cannot get worked up over the animals in Baltisore burning their own city and destroying the very shops and and stores that feed them, clothe them, give them jobs, pay taxes, etc. because I have not forgotten 1992, and realize what scum those clowns are.

So to sum up ... **** these scum.
Yeah, and I'm sure that the lower-than-pondscum losers who are destroying Baltisore are going to be remembered for who and what they are ... and some ******* false narrative will not be built up about the "frustration" of the wonderful citizens in Baltisore trying to "overcome" a racist police department. Why, here are some of those altruistic protesters circa 1992, taking revenge on ... Reginald Denny, a name maybe 1 in 50 Angelenos ******* remembers today, as the guy was just doing his ******* job:



Yeah, but it's all good. Denny once knew a guy whose great-great grandparents worked for a guy whose uncle once owned slaves, so he was asking for it.
Things are going to Khrushchev's plan...America will destroy itself from within
So. This is all supposed to because they are "outraged" because they believe Mr. Gray was killed needlessly.... fair enough. Tell me though, where is the outrage when young black men, just like Freddy Gray, are killed needlessly by other young black men for having the wrong color bandanna or some other ridiculous reason these guys come up with to kill each other. The truth is they couldn't care less about Freddy Gray. Its all just an excuse to loot.
I am guessing that these looters/rioters do not stay current with the news. Why are they burning stuff? The world is already WAY too hot, they are contributing to the death of penguins, polar bears, and impoverished children.
This country needs a good hood rat cleaning
We used to shoot looters. Like, non-violent looters. These ******** are violent. Shoot them. Seems like we, as a pussified PC society, have given the green light to this ****.
Lot's of pent-up frustration being let off...looting, rioting, violence, mayhem becoming the norm. It will take years, maybe decades for the city to recover. They're destroying their own shops, their own senior citizen housing blocks, their own infrastructure, their own city. It's about as nihilistic as it gets. This is an omnious sign if Baltimore is any indication of the simmering anger, resentment, distrust and lack of parenting on the streets of big American cities.
We used to shoot looters. Like, non-violent looters. These ******** are violent. Shoot them. Seems like we, as a pussified PC society, have given the green light to this ****.

Winner-winner chicken dinner. It's not like it's a new idea.

Katrina: Governor Orders Troops to Shoot and Kill Looters

James Joyner · Friday, September 2, 2005 ·

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has ordered the National Guard to “shoot and kill” looters in New Orleans.

BUT...in another thread we are discussing Jade helm 15 and the legality of federal troops being used as law enforcement. Indeed, were I still on active duty, I would refuse this order as illegal. Not only does the use of the military for domestic law enforcement rather clearly violate the posse comitatus law but shooting unarmed civilians violates all the ethics of professional soldiering that I learned.

As I have already stated, there are ways to discourage this behavior without the use of deadly force by federal troops and making sure that these criminals remember for a long time how painful it was, would be my main objective.
The mayor said over the weekend that the protesters needed a safe space "to destroy." She's now backtracking on that, saying the media twisted her words. She is culpable for this for encouraging the low information MORONS to "go destroy." **** her and **** the criminals.

Praying for Baltirmore- for the innocent people there who just want to live their lives.
I don't know that carrying would even help much in this situation. These are mobs of people throwing rocks and bricks and setting fires and stuff. Only so many of them you can shoot.

For the first time in my life I am seriously considering going to buy a gun tomorrow though.

You'd only have to shoot one or two.....the rest of these anonymous, cowardly punk assed pieces of **** would btfu.....

I understand what you are saying. You have to protect yourself, whether it be with a gun, a dog, or some other means. Personally, I have no problem with any person who simply wants to live and let live. But this stuff like what is going on in Baltimore is only going to spread. Our government seemingly has no interest in quelling it, and almost seems to be encouraging this type of behavior. You should protect yourself, the government isn't going to.

"Almost"? "Seems to be encouraging"? Got news for ya friend, the current admin is actively fomenting and promoting this behavior.

So. This is all supposed to because they are "outraged" because they believe Mr. Gray was killed needlessly.... fair enough. Tell me though, where is the outrage when young black men, just like Freddy Gray, are killed needlessly by other young black men for having the wrong color bandanna or some other ridiculous reason these guys come up with to kill each other. The truth is they couldn't care less about Freddy Gray. Its all just an excuse to loot.

I think hell may just have frozen over.

This is an omnious sign if Baltimore is any indication of the simmering anger, resentment, distrust and lack of parenting on the streets of big American cities.

How long have you been in that coma?
The mayor said over the weekend that the protesters needed a safe space "to destroy." She's now backtracking on that, saying the media twisted her words. She is culpable for this for encouraging the low information MORONS to "go destroy." **** her and **** the criminals.

Praying for Baltirmore- for the innocent people there who just want to live their lives.

Saw that.... she accuses the press of.twisting her words? Ummm, no quoting you exactly ma'am.......
Saw that.... she accuses the press of.twisting her words? Ummm, no quoting you exactly ma'am.......

Yep!!! She's on video!!! Can't deny what was said. ******* moron. I KNEW as soon as I heard about that that she would try to backtrack.
Winner-winner chicken dinner. It's not like it's a new idea.

Katrina: Governor Orders Troops to Shoot and Kill Looters

James Joyner · Friday, September 2, 2005 ·

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has ordered the National Guard to “shoot and kill” looters in New Orleans.

BUT...in another thread we are discussing Jade helm 15 and the legality of federal troops being used as law enforcement. Indeed, were I still on active duty, I would refuse this order as illegal. Not only does the use of the military for domestic law enforcement rather clearly violate the posse comitatus law but shooting unarmed civilians violates all the ethics of professional soldiering that I learned.

As I have already stated, there are ways to discourage this behavior without the use of deadly force by federal troops and making sure that these criminals remember for a long time how painful it was, would be my main objective.

That's what the National Guard is for.

Lot's of pent-up frustration being let off...looting, rioting, violence, mayhem becoming the norm. It will take years, maybe decades for the city to recover. They're destroying their own shops, their own senior citizen housing blocks, their own infrastructure, their own city. It's about as nihilistic as it gets. This is an omnious sign if Baltimore is any indication of the simmering anger, resentment, distrust and lack of parenting on the streets of big American cities.

And all big cities have been run exclusively by Democrats for generations. How's that working out? I'll note that a number of blacks on TV have said that the police brutality ramped up about 15 years ago under Mayor O'Malley, now Gov. O'Malley, and currently a Democrat candidate for President. He'd still get 95% of the black vote though because Republicans don't like black people.
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That's what the National Guard is for.

You are correct JonBoy......

The Act does not apply to the National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission. While the Act does not explicitly mention the naval services (United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps), the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the Act force with respect to those services as well.

The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of federal military forces to "execute the laws"; however, there is disagreement over whether this language may apply to troops used in an advisory, support, disaster response, or other homeland defense role, as opposed to conventional law enforcement.[1]

On March 10, 2009, active duty U.S. Army Military Police troops from Fort Rucker were deployed to Samson, Alabama, in response to a murder spree. Samson officials confirmed that the soldiers assisted in traffic control and securing the crime scene. The governor of Alabama did not request military assistance nor did President Obama authorize their deployment. Subsequent investigation found that the Posse Comitatus Act was violated and several military members received "administrative actions".
Well, my husband just got an email from his boss..."Board meetings on. Been out and around, totally safe."


I appreciate any prayers or well wishes for his safety. He's supposed to stay there tonight and be at another meeting tomorrow morning.
I am most disappointed with the incompetent Mayor of Baltimore.
I don't know that carrying would even help much in this situation. These are mobs of people throwing rocks and bricks and setting fires and stuff. Only so many of them you can shoot.

For the first time in my life I am seriously considering going to buy a gun tomorrow though.

Just remember, there is never any reason a regular citizen would need a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds.....
Just remember, there is never any reason a regular citizen would need a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds.....

Oh you know me, I'm a vicious killer who can't wait to fire as many rounds as I can into a school full of children.

Honestly, the only thing that's stopping me is I'm such a klutz I'd probably shoot myself trying to load it or clean it or something. Guess I need to take some classes or something first.
y'know, this would be an awesome time for the Big O, the annointed Messiah, the Holy Savior from on High to step up and actively - vocally - call for an end to this ****. His true colors would show in a crisis such as this.

but, since that would require having balls (and not the ones bouncing off his *** in a bath house), all we can do is watch the news reports and wonder which of these thugs would look like Barry's son if he had one.
Oh you know me, I'm a vicious killer who can't wait to fire as many rounds as I can into a school full of children.

Honestly, the only thing that's stopping me is I'm such a klutz I'd probably shoot myself trying to load it or clean it or something. Guess I need to take some classes or something first.

and get a pit bull
then you'll be a 'merican