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Here we are, again. Who is to blame?

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I'm gonna just admit I am sick and tired of this same movie playing over and over again: Ben get's injured, we have jack **** at back up QB and we have the team with the most injuries, by far, in the NFL.

Oh, and throw in multiple players missing significant time for not being able to STAY OFF THE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

Same story, AGAIN.

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Once again, another season appears to be wasted.

But the Steelers like to operate in an unaccountable manner. We aren't allowed to know who is making what decisions. Love or hate Jerry Jones, but at least he has the balls to admit he is making the decisions, good or bad.

So, who exactly is making the decisions that have us in the same, pernicious state?

I want to know who, exactly, decided that Landy Jones was a sufficient back up QB. Who made that call? Tomlin? I don't think he makes those kinds of calls, even though the head coach usually does. Colbert? Not sure.

My gut tells me the Rooneys themselves are calling the shots that lead us to where we are - they still do many things on the cheap. Signing a quality back up QB takes $. It is cheaper and easier to just keep horse **** at back up QB and just hope and pray that Ben doesn't go down.

Who has been our most promising backup QB in the last 20 years?

How come we NEVER stumble into a diamond in the rough? Why is it we don't fall into finding a Dak Prescott?

Why does this team have so many injuries every single year?

Do they also go cheap on their strength and conditioning program as well?

I happen to know they definitely did, not sure if they still do.

Someone be ******* accountable for once.
Jerry is looking like a genius for drafting Dak in the 4th rd

Didn't somebody here want him?
Jerry is looking like a genius for drafting Dak in the 4th rd

Didn't somebody here want him?

If we had Dak right now, our season would not appear in deep doo doo. Dallas is a better team with Dak in for Romo.
Someone be ******* accountable for once.

The transition from the 3-4 to the nickel / dime defense that has the DB's playing well off the LOS has been a painful one.

Players like Aaron Smith, Casey Hampton, Joey Porter, Ike Taylor, Troy Polamalu, Deshea Townsend, Brett Keisel, James Farrior, Lamar Woodley ( He was good for a few years ) , and Ryan Clark are long gone.

I listed 10 players.

All that remains from the old guard, A.K.A. Bill Cowher players are James Harrison, and he's got little left. There you have it, our starting defense in 2008 minus Larry Foote.

Any one of these players would the exception of Foote be starting or playing a major role on the current defense. You could argue Heyward and Shazier belong in the above group, but Shazier is hurt again, and Heyward is also out.

What's left is a group of down 4 lineman that lacks a Nost Tackle, and outside of Heyward has little or no ability to rush the passer.

The OLB's are a complete mess. The worst group I've even seen as a Steeler fan. And the DB's are playing off by design, to mask weakness, and have yet to record one interception in six weeks of play.

How did it come to this?

Never find a diamond in the rough? What about a 6th round receiver?
Coach is talking about the defense

Face it - "Blitzburgh" is a relic of the past - the days of stealing tweener OLB's in the draft are over. The Steelers are no different from any other team on D now. They are nothing special.

Unless they hit on the next Aaron Smith or Casey Hampton or Troy they will have a team of just plain average joes for a long time to come. Schemes mean nothing without the players.

All our star power is on offense now, and we should be strengthening all those positions even more, go for 40+ points a game, I say.
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It didn't help that Gradkowski couldn't stay healthy, if he could, Jones probably would be long gone.
The FO has an investment in Landry and they don't like to cut their projects. We used our picks this year to shore up the defense and even at that we are short handed. We should be looking into drafting a backup QB for Ben or if they like what Mettenberger brings let him earn that backup spot.

QB is the most important position on the field. Not all 32 teams have a great QB to start with, so to find a competent backup in a league where not all 32 teams have the same quality at starter is not easy.
You can't spend crazy on a back up QB when you have so many upper tier offensive starters about to eat up your cap space. Not many teams have backups worth a ****, and the teams that do are usually terrible somewhere else. It's time to spend a real draft pick on the next one though. His shelf life isn't as long as some seem to think, it's just not in his nature to curl up like a ***** when there's pressure. As he gets older that will cost him a lot more games. This team has other needs, but there is no bigger need than a real QB.
Never find a diamond in the rough? What about a 6th round receiver?

I was specifically refer to keeping a effort going on trying to find a QB diamond in the rough.

You WILL NOT find such when you JUST keep a KNOWN BELOW AVERAGE QB on your roster instead of trying other unknown options, and keep trying until you find something.

They seem to think it is better to keep a KNOWN BELOW average QB in place instead of trying new guys who have an unknown ceiling. We KNOW Landry's ceiling and only dwarfs won't hit their head on it.

But once the Rooneys are told they need to fix something, they dig their heels in and try to prove everyone wrong, just as the did with the QB position for 2 decades, as they did with the OL for a decade longer than they should have, and most recently, with the CB group.

I am sick of their egocentric ways and how it hurts the team's hope for another ring. ANYONE bothering to notice saw we needed better backup QBs, but not the team itself. Unreal.
You can't spend crazy on a back up QB when you have so many upper tier offensive starters about to eat up your cap space. Not many teams have backups worth a ****, and the teams that do are usually terrible somewhere else. It's time to spend a real draft pick on the next one though. His shelf life isn't as long as some seem to think, it's just not in his nature to curl up like a ***** when there's pressure. As he gets older that will cost him a lot more games. This team has other needs, but there is no bigger need than a real QB.

FAB, not asking to spend crazy on a backup QB, but how about drafting them, or even signing undrafted free agents, who have a CHANCE at developing? That is all I ask. Just don't stick to a known **** ball who will never get better than below average.
The FO has an investment in Landry and they don't like to cut their projects. We used our picks this year to shore up the defense and even at that we are short handed. We should be looking into drafting a backup QB for Ben or if they like what Mettenberger brings let him earn that backup spot.

QB is the most important position on the field. Not all 32 teams have a great QB to start with, so to find a competent backup in a league where not all 32 teams have the same quality at starter is not easy.

Again, not asking for great, but how about shooting for someone with POTENTIAL. You don't find guys unless you at least ATTEMPT it. Look how many QBs around the league who came from low round picks or undrafted free agents. You can't find them if you never even try.

Romo - undrafted
Dak - 4th round
Brady - 6th round
Moon - undrafted
Dave Kreig - undrafted
Russell Wilson - 3rd
Jeff Garcia - undrafted
Kurt Warner - undrafted
Mark Brunell - 5th round
Joe Montana - 3rd
Rich Gannon - 4th

I am not saying we will likely find a QB as good as the above, but I KNOW FOR A FACT WE WON'T IF WE NEVER TRY. They just sit pat with their Landry Jones "hand" and it's a pair of two's at best. Not gonna win many hands with that.
If the QB goes down isn't that up to the front office to find a replacement/back up? Or even coaches for not having the back up ready. You can point fingers at the janitor now. Football is a team sport
If the QB goes down isn't that up to the front office to find a replacement/back up? Or even coaches for not having the back up ready. You can point fingers at the janitor now. Football is a team sport

SOMEONE made the decision to stick with Jones over trying to find other possible guys to develop who don't have KNOWN low ceilings. Who made that decision? Not the janitor. Doubtful Tomlin. Let's face it: The Steelers are TOO in love with keeping things status quo. Yes, having stability is a good thing, as opposed to being a joke like the Browns, but you can overdo it, and they are. Most everyone of us, watching Landy in preseason, knew that we need someone better than that, especially on his THIRD year. He ain't no rookie. But he has made very little progress and it would have been better to get someone else in here. But, no, they are the smartest guys in the room and refused to do something about our **** QB backups.
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