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So here we are again...

Then they change his position to cheerleader coach and have him field a squad.

You then hire a new HC that can do the job. You NEVER leave someone in charge and take away all their responsibilities. That is a recipe for disaster of epic proportions.

Good leaders are those that recognize their weaknesses and hire people to cover those areas and allow them to do their jobs. Tomlin is NOT nor has he ever been that “Good” leader. His record proves out that he at best, was a marginal leader in over his head. Those are the type of leaders you move on from.
Hey I'm not a Tomlin supporter, I'm just saying that if he had surrounded himself with the right talent he would have been a great coach instead of Mr. Never a losing season
Another clown with the belicheat nonsense

If you can't recognize a better organization from top to bottom you're hopeless MTFORG
What are you talking about?
Darth Hoodie was the fortunate beneficiary of poor drafting, Ernie Adam's brilliance that led to incredible stats and Marsha's great career, with 6 SB's had nothing to do with cheating?

Give your head a shake, do some reading.
Hey I'm not a Tomlin supporter, I'm just saying that if he had surrounded himself with the right talent he would have been a great coach instead of Mr. Never a losing season
That’s how it goes when you limit your coaching hires only to people you know or worked with before. His best coordinators were the ones he didn’t hire, that much is clear at this point.
Bingo! Now that system died when Adams retired and Brady left. Billiecheat is back to being the same ****** coach he was when he coached the Browns.

And his ****** 2-10 team still beat the Steelers.
He beat us because all the cheating notes he had were still valid. Shades hasn't had anything renamed, modified, etc. He's not allowing that. Belicheat knows that, so game planning was simple, again.
Because when he was playoff productive was when he was still mobile. Remember in the jags playoff game where he threw like 4 picks early? He could no longer "scramble" receivers open. When you took away that part of his game he wasn't the same. He didn't start off as a pocket passer/great scheme QB, and even though he evolved partly into one with Haley's help it still came back to haunt him late. He was what he was...doesn't matter how many yards he threw for, those between the ears deficiencies could no longer be compensated for with athletic ability. Brady or Rodgers he never was.

And many, many, of those yards have more to do with AB than Ben. I know that's not popular to say, but the truth seldom is.
That's the wrong game, he had one INT in that game, he had a QB rating of 110.5, 469 yards and 5 TD's, as with the past 4 playoff losses the defense couldn't stop anyone. I love how when it comes to Ben his success is because of everyone else, like his yards had more to do with AB, funny thing is if those yards had more to do with AB then why did JuJu lead the team in yards in 2018?
That’s how it goes when you limit your coaching hires only to people you know or worked with before. His best coordinators were the ones he didn’t hire, that much is clear at this point.
Exactly, Randy Fichtner was Tomlin's coaching buddy in college, they've been friends for 2 decades, Randy was Tomlin's first hire in 2007. Then Canada helped recruit Tomlin's son to Maryland, both guys would do exactly as Tomlin says.
He took control from LeBeau, LeBeau left, then Keith Butler was DC, after he retired, he was on the radio saying he would've liked to have the chance to call games.
He beat us because all the cheating notes he had were still valid. Shades hasn't had anything renamed, modified, etc. He's not allowing that. Belicheat knows that, so game planning was simple, again.

We've all rehashed the outlier statistics on offense and defense for years. Nobody goes to superbowls about 50% of the time (9)over a decade without help. Drafting last or next to last.
Because when he was playoff productive was when he was still mobile. Remember in the jags playoff game where he threw like 4 picks early? He could no longer "scramble" receivers open. When you took away that part of his game he wasn't the same. He didn't start off as a pocket passer/great scheme QB, and even though he evolved partly into one with Haley's help it still came back to haunt him late. He was what he was...doesn't matter how many yards he threw for, those between the ears deficiencies could no longer be compensated for with athletic ability. Brady or Rodgers he never was.

And many, many, of those yards have more to do with AB than Ben. I know that's not popular to say, but the truth seldom is.
I hear ya...

But Brady and Rodgers couldn't shrug off 300 pound defensive linemen to extend plays either..

BTW--- I would take Ben over Rodgers any day...and twice on Sundays.
That's the wrong game, he had one INT in that game, he had a QB rating of 110.5, 469 yards and 5 TD's, as with the past 4 playoff losses the defense couldn't stop anyone. I love how when it comes to Ben his success is because of everyone else, like his yards had more to do with AB, funny thing is if those yards had more to do with AB then why did JuJu lead the team in yards in 2018?
I stand corrected...memory is fading. And I never said Ben's success is solely because of everyone else. His career yardage though has a lot to do with the AB years. Schuster had a little over 100 yards more than AB that year. And that was the year AB was coming apart at the seams mentally, so your point isn't really a point. To have two great wide outs (one that had he not lost it would have been the GOAT)and yet want to only give credit to the QB is what's really funny.
So I implore all of you to speak up and voice your displeasure with the mediocre steelers and maybe, just maybe someone from the steelers front office will listen, and if not, we'll know we at least tried with good conscience to voice the true opinions of the old school fans. I hope 2024 is a strong and prosperous year for all Steelers fans and also brings the leadership change that has been so desperately needed in the Steelers organization to put this team back on the path to relevancy.
It seems overly apparent that the only kind of "noise" that Art will "listen to" is the semi-anarchy act such as cheering - at Steeler games and other Pgh sporting event - to "fire so in so" and that's about it. The "Fire Canada" campaign (although considered crude and semi-outrageous by some) seems like the only message Art will react to. (Expect redundancy here) That procession of events marks the ONLY TIME an assistant coach was fired during a season since 1941, so you know it got to him; he got the message, finally, loud and clear.

But I'm afraid that any effort short of that, won't impact Art enough to act other than fans stop buying tickets. Art does care about his wallet.
That’s the problem..
Rooney doesn’t like his hands dirty..
Nope AND he doesn't like being inconvenienced either; Art has stated on-record that moving a new coach in is more work than he wishes. Said it's problematic to have to move a whole family into town, which explains why he usually promotes in-house: one less family to have to move that way. Art is behind every Steeler policy. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.
Nope AND he doesn't like being inconvenienced either; Art has stated on-record that moving a new coach in is more work than he wishes. Said it's problematic to have to move a whole family into town, which explains why he usually promotes in-house: one less family to have to move that way. Art is behind every Steeler policy. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.
Wow! He really said that?!?

Doesn't he have people that handle that kind of stuff?
Wow! He really said that?!?

Doesn't he have people that handle that kind of stuff?
He did (although don't make me find it but he did say it) and yes, I'm sure he has people to handle it. But being a "family oriented" team, I'm sure Art still has some level of a "job" to do with the relocation of a coach, being there to welcome him, etc. He definitely has expressed that it's a "job" and people don't realize how detailed it can be.

There's must be a reason why he is so reluctant to replace coaches with outside folk. It's too much change for Art.
He did (although don't make me find it but he did say it) and yes, I'm sure he has people to handle it. But being a "family oriented" team, I'm sure Art still has some level of a "job" to do with the relocation of a coach, being there to welcome him, etc. He definitely has expressed that it's a "job" and people don't realize how detailed it can be.

There's must be a reason why he is so reluctant to replace coaches with outside folk. It's too much change for Art.
That’s not a job but common courtesy especially for the boss who just hired and relocated a family..
I’ve relocated three times for work.. and all three times the new boss and sometimes others have done the meet and greet thingy with me and fam..
If true… what bullshat and shame on him..
His father is turning over in his grave God rest his soul..
I stand corrected...memory is fading. And I never said Ben's success is solely because of everyone else. His career yardage though has a lot to do with the AB years. Schuster had a little over 100 yards more than AB that year. And that was the year AB was coming apart at the seams mentally, so your point isn't really a point. To have two great wide outs (one that had he not lost it would have been the GOAT)and yet want to only give credit to the QB is what's really funny.
I never said anything about the QB being the only one getting credit, you said the WR was the reason for the QB's success.
I never said anything about the QB being the only one getting credit, you said the WR was the reason for the QB's success.
Yardage success...not things like the tackle in Indy, running for first downs. Things like that.

Also, the blatant reason for yardage being a terrible metric is YAC. The QB gets credit for yards after catch which he has almost nothing to do with(yeah you can argue ball placement etc.)...and no one was better at YAC than AB. So as a stat it skews perception.
He's good at leading, not x&o . Good leaders surround themselves by the right people that can be great at things he isn't
If good leaders surround themselves with the “right people” I’d argue Shades is definitely NOT a good leader then

He surrounds himself with Dolts

Maybe he’s just a likable guy to players that they enjoy playing for and sometimes show up for since their are obviously no consequences for phoning things in