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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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I had a very pleasant exchange with a fellow who tried very hard to help me understand that my fears are all misplaced! The new wave of American progressive liberal is calling NOT for Socialism, but for DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM.

You know, we already HAVE some Democratic Socialism right here. Social Security, the Police! Stuff like that. So if I could just stop seeing ALL the negative and focus on the positive that expanded democratic socialism could do for me, I would be GREAT.

My response...

@JelliclePat Ok. So you have thrown out the blanket term "democratic socialism" (hereafter referred to as d.s.) as a shield, however you (and the progressive liberal folks advocating for d.s. can't quite put a clear definition of what that would mean in the U.S. Ok, so we know that currently you're definition of d.s. likely includes Social Security, Emergency Services, Public Education through grade 12, Social services like welfare, W.I.C. and unemployment. What else are you planning on adding to the list? Will we be adding Universal Healthcare? What does that entail? Full dental, vision, health checkups, major medical? Do we do that just for citizens, or are we doing that for every breathing soul in the U.S.? If I'm going to give up some 70+ percent of my taxes for this universal healthcare, does that mean I can get cosmetic surgery? Can I get my wife free breast implants? Do I get to stop using generic prescriptions and just get the good brand name stuff? It's all free right? I don't have to pay an extra penny for my healthcare or elective surgery needs, ya?

Then let's talk about free education for everyone. If I'm laid off, can I go back to college, live in the dorms and start working on a few doctorate degrees? Do I get in to any college I want, regardless of my GPA or other measurables? I would kinda like to attend the Air Force Academy. That would be free, right? Will they teach me to fly commercial airliners? Cause I hear that's good work if you can get it. And after I give up a huge chunk of my taxes to send every kid in America to the school of their choosing, Do I need to worry about my job? I mean if a kid graduates in my field and has no debt whatsoever, doesn't that make him a likely cheaper hire than me? I've been working for 20 some odd years, climbed the pay ladder and it seems fair to wonder if I may be replaced by a less experienced but far less expensive option.

But it's ok. Cause we now have "guaranteed income", right? So the 70+ k I make will be simply paid to me whether I can work or not, ya? Cause it's guaranteed income. And obviously if I've gone to college, paid off my loans, worked in my field for years and years MY guaranteed income should be quite a bit higher that somebody who either hasn't gone to college, hasn't had to pay for college, or hasn't worked in their field for a few decades. I mean that's the plan, right?

But, I'm sure I won't have to worry. Cause Bernie Sanders et al. only want to heavily tax people who make just a bit more than they do. So ALL the tax burden is going to fall on folks who make say $400k to $1,000,000+ annually. Well that's GREAT news! Except, how do you keep those folks with all that money from investing in long term opportunities and reducing their trackable income to levels below your cutoff? What keeps them from doing "tax-fu" through their accountants and lawyers so they, like me, find their taxable income juuuust below that high tax rate level?

Oh! I know. We'll tax the BUSINESSES! YA. We'll tax ANY business that is doing well so they can be incentivized to make significant cuts and reductions to avoid being so heavily taxed. We'll politely ask all the big corporations to please leave the U.S. and just head over to Uruguay, or the Czech Republic somewhere and do their business there so they can enjoy the benefits of a global economy without dealing with the repressive tax punishment of the shining bastion of democratic socialism that is America.

Well... If THAT were to happen, I guess we'd have to consider lowering that taxable income level just a bit. But I'm sure it wouldn't end up affecting US! No, those rich folks are happily going to sign up to hand over better than 65% of their income so guys like me can have cosmetic surgery and get implants for my wife. Cause that's my GOD GIVEN AMERICAN RIGHT! You people OWE me breast implants for my wife! YOU OWE ME! I'll just start looking for good surgeons before they all move away.
Socialism makes everyone equal... equally poor.
I don't see this happening, this election cycle anyway. Scary that many under 30 think this way, but at that age maybe I would as well, if offered everything for free.

Just hope people don't get complacent on the R side thinking Trump is a shoe in, and stay home on election day.
Scary that many under 30 think this way, but at that age maybe I would as well, if offered everything for free.

Vader, you're a teacher. Is it our wonderful education system that's to blame for this, or is the media that influential on these impressionable dopes? Or both?
Vader, you're a teacher. Is it our wonderful education system that's to blame for this, or is the media that influential on these impressionable dopes? Or both?

I know this wasn't directed at me but I'm in the same profession. A lot of it is college brainwashing and of course the shills in the media. But yeah college is probably the main reason. In high schools, I suppose they get it in the bigger metropolitan areas as well. As for me, I work in a rural Appalachian school in Ohio, so not many teachers are all that sympathetic to the crazy left. A lot of the teachers around here have spouses or other family members in the coal mines and other blue collar jobs, so it's easy to see why they aren't Trump haters like educators are probably supposed to be. Even the teachers who don't like Trump can totally understand why the other teachers like him so they don't give them any **** for it. In this area it's pretty much expected because Trump is looking out for the interests of these people. I do love small towns.
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The irony is, McCarthyism was denounced as a wild, crazy witch hunt. Decades later, however, after the fall of the "Soviet Union" documentation was found that showed the early era russkies WERE planning a long-term paradigm shifting infiltration of the U.S. One can argue that, decades later, the goals of that plan may be seeing fruit.
Democratic socialism is a bullshit term used to make that horrifically bitter pill seem easier to swallow. The end result will be complete enslavement to an all powerful centralized governmental.

The winners in all of this misery? Those in power who will live like kings and queens while the serfs fill those coffers.

It's always been about lust for power&control. It's done under it being for your own good. No individual, just a collective whole of equal misery....
The irony is, McCarthyism was denounced as a wild, crazy witch hunt. Decades later, however, after the fall of the "Soviet Union" documentation was found that showed the early era russkies WERE planning a long-term paradigm shifting infiltration of the U.S. One can argue that, decades later, the goals of that plan may be seeing fruit.

They have most certainly poisoned our educational institutions. They're filled with worthless commie slugs. Just a matter of time before they churn out enough to vote our way of life away.
I don't see this happening, this election cycle anyway. Scary that many under 30 think this way, but at that age maybe I would as well, if offered everything for free.

Yep. I have always been pretty conservative, but at age 16 I thought government assistance for housing, food, etc. was a great idea. "Hey, people need something to eat and a place to live, right?"

Then I graduated college and began earning decent money ... and become a devout conservative. I saw that there was no unicorn that produced the money liberals love to spend - they just take it from those who work and earn a living.
Vader, you're a teacher. Is it our wonderful education system that's to blame for this, or is the media that influential on these impressionable dopes? Or both?

It's part education and part media. This started years ago. Just look up Woodrow Wilson's philosophy. They've taken over everything K-12 and especially colleges. They are anti-Christian and anti-American. Luckily where I live most of the teachers are conservative and there is less bias. If not I wouldn't send my children to public schools. If I lived in liberal cities I'd avoid public schools like the plague. They are indoctrination centers not schools.

The media side of it is simple. They've always been leftists. They covered it a little and there was no opposition voice. Understand that they hate this country and always have. They will say that they don't but when you want to "fundamentally change" something that isn't synonymous with "love". Go tell your spouse that you love them and that you want to "fundamentally change" them. See what happens. You can't love something that you want to change the very thing that makes it what it is.
It's part education and part media. This started years ago. Just look up Woodrow Wilson's philosophy. They've taken over everything K-12 and especially colleges. They are anti-Christian and anti-American. Luckily where I live most of the teachers are conservative and there is less bias. If not I wouldn't send my children to public schools. If I lived in liberal cities I'd avoid public schools like the plague. They are indoctrination centers not schools.

The media side of it is simple. They've always been leftists. They covered it a little and there was no opposition voice. Understand that they hate this country and always have. They will say that they don't but when you want to "fundamentally change" something that isn't synonymous with "love". Go tell your spouse that you love them and that you want to "fundamentally change" them. See what happens. You can't love something that you want to change the very thing that makes it what it is.

Excellent point about your spouse/significant other, that is the heart of it right there. I still can not remember his full name, but a Liberal who turned Conservative after 9/11 spoke in a video where he described how appalled he was at his fellow Liberals saying "don't help them, they deserve what they got" when those towers went down. It's an older video and I thought his name was Steve something. I would love to see that video again and be reminded of how much they truly do hate us and this country. Scary.

I remember it was somebody from this message board who posted it. Hopefully it rings a bell with someone. And yeah, I've read up on W. Wilson some, what a scumbag. And indoctrination centers, that pretty much sums it up. Most kids don't even have a chance then.
Understand that they hate this country and always have. They will say that they don't but when you want to "fundamentally change" something that isn't synonymous with "love". Go tell your spouse that you love them and that you want to "fundamentally change" them. See what happens. You can't love something that you want to change the very thing that makes it what it is.

It's part education and part media. This started years ago. Just look up Woodrow Wilson's philosophy. They've taken over everything K-12 and especially colleges. They are anti-Christian and anti-American. Luckily where I live most of the teachers are conservative and there is less bias. If not I wouldn't send my children to public schools. If I lived in liberal cities I'd avoid public schools like the plague. They are indoctrination centers not schools.

The media side of it is simple. They've always been leftists. They covered it a little and there was no opposition voice. Understand that they hate this country and always have. They will say that they don't but when you want to "fundamentally change" something that isn't synonymous with "love". Go tell your spouse that you love them and that you want to "fundamentally change" them. See what happens. You can't love something that you want to change the very thing that makes it what it is.


18 years a public school teacher. I saw it thick and consistent every day. My kids fell to it. GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. It is a leftist, humanistic, pro-gay, pro-liberal breeding ground of anti-thought. I found this true in smaller town (then, not now) Colorado, and Wyoming. Sick. I had to leave. Three years driving a truck to get my mind strong again, then back to teaching, but this time for the Department of Corrections, where they don't push this stuff at all through me.

The US media has been horrific for decades. Once they realized the power of thought control that they had over Nixon, they never looked back.

When the rest of the media sees the same thing that CNN is getting in the falling ratings, and the schools are losing numbers, they might have to recenter. Until then, it's a bunch of garbage, IMO.

18 years a public school teacher. I saw it thick and consistent every day. My kids fell to it. GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. It is a leftist, humanistic, pro-gay, pro-liberal breeding ground of anti-thought. I found this true in smaller town (then, not now) Colorado, and Wyoming. Sick. I had to leave. Three years driving a truck to get my mind strong again, then back to teaching, but this time for the Department of Corrections, where they don't push this stuff at all through me.

The US media has been horrific for decades. Once they realized the power of thought control that they had over Nixon, they never looked back.

When the rest of the media sees the same thing that CNN is getting in the falling ratings, and the schools are losing numbers, they might have to recenter. Until then, it's a bunch of garbage, IMO.

You must live in a totally different type of small town than I do lol. Anyone teaching type of propaganda on a regular basis would be drummed out of the district by the parents and probably the other teachers. I know for a fact the building Principal would pull that teacher aside and tell them to keep their personal politics out of the classroom and quit preaching to kids. In fact I've seen that happen when the occasional teacher has overstepped and inserted political or religious opinion (either for or against) in the lecture. That **** doesn't fly here. It's pretty much just the facts. In fact that pretty much goes for any district withing a 30 mile radius of here.....maybe 60 miles.
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18 years a public school teacher. I saw it thick and consistent every day. My kids fell to it. GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. It is a leftist, humanistic, pro-gay, pro-liberal breeding ground of anti-thought. I found this true in smaller town (then, not now) Colorado, and Wyoming. Sick. I had to leave. Three years driving a truck to get my mind strong again, then back to teaching, but this time for the Department of Corrections, where they don't push this stuff at all through me.

The US media has been horrific for decades. Once they realized the power of thought control that they had over Nixon, they never looked back.

When the rest of the media sees the same thing that CNN is getting in the falling ratings, and the schools are losing numbers, they might have to recenter. Until then, it's a bunch of garbage, IMO.

Like I said, luckily I'm in a different position than most public school teachers. We still say the pledge every day. We have American flags everywhere and the principal is a national guardsman. All the teachers except one is a Christian. It's a great environment except for the stupid state testing. They tests these kids way too much. If you don't have any of those things please don't send your kids to public schools.

BTW I went to 7 colleges while I worked and traveled. Some colleges are just Marxist re-education camps. I held my tongue but sometimes I had to get my shots in. I got into a few heated debates with professors including one that made Marx look like Adam Smith.

Kind of on a different note: Humanist run rampant on campus. Since I'm a science guy (not like Bill Nye but someone who actually took science classes) I had a lot of debates with biologist, physicists and geologists. Fun times.

One more thing. Science text books are full of lies and outright fables.
You and I could be great friends, Vader. I gave up on education. Glad you found an island. I was in Cheyenne, WY for my last stint. Granted, it's the biggest town in WY, but it's only about 60k, 90k with outlying areas included. My current area is only 15k for the whole county. Teachers here tell me that it's great, but I don't trust anymore.

God bless your principal. I hope he can hold up. When he goes, stack the hiring committee to ensure his successor is just as legit, or more so.
Here's the difference between areas like where I live and the world at large that you hear about in the media. My Principal, who is a friend of mine, is a staunch Democrat......who also owns an arsenal of guns, drives a huge pickup truck and goes hunting and rides dirt bikes regularly on the weekends. He also doesn't lecture people who support Trump. A little back and forth good natured ribbing is as far as it goes. I know lots of people like that around here. It's like the TDS virus hasn't spread among people here, almost like it was quarantined somehow before it ever got here. I don't know why, but I'm very thankful for it.
You and I could be great friends, Vader. I gave up on education. Glad you found an island. I was in Cheyenne, WY for my last stint. Granted, it's the biggest town in WY, but it's only about 60k, 90k with outlying areas included. My current area is only 15k for the whole county. Teachers here tell me that it's great, but I don't trust anymore.

God bless your principal. I hope he can hold up. When he goes, stack the hiring committee to ensure his successor is just as legit, or more so.

I'm sure we'd be great friends. You're in one of the few states I haven't been too yet. Never had a reason to go to WY. My county only has about 85k people. But it is growing and it's a good place to live. My school is mostly minority students even though the county is 60% white. It's a tougher school so some teachers don't make it. I'm kind of a hard guy with who was raised with a military father so it's not an issue for me. I've had to go into other teachers classes before to calm things down.

Strange thing about my principal is he is a minority as well. But he is one of the most patriotic people I know. He always finds the best teachers regardless of color. Most of our staff is white because he just hires the best people. It's a good situation for me.
I'm sure we'd be great friends. You're in one of the few states I haven't been too yet. Never had a reason to go to WY. My county only has about 85k people. But it is growing and it's a good place to live. My school is mostly minority students even though the county is 60% white. It's a tougher school so some teachers don't make it. I'm kind of a hard guy with who was raised with a military father so it's not an issue for me. I've had to go into other teachers classes before to calm things down.

Strange thing about my principal is he is a minority as well. But he is one of the most patriotic people I know. He always finds the best teachers regardless of color. Most of our staff is white because he just hires the best people. It's a good situation for me.

You have to visit the Tetons, Vader, prettiest place on earth.
My Principal, who is a friend of mine, is a staunch Democrat......who also owns an arsenal of guns, drives a huge pickup truck and goes hunting and rides dirt bikes regularly on the weekends. He also doesn't lecture people who support Trump. A little back and forth good natured ribbing is as far as it goes. I know lots of people like that around here. It's like the TDS virus hasn't spread among people here, almost like it was quarantined somehow before it ever got here. I don't know why, but I'm very thankful for it.
They used to be called Blue Dog Democrats, right? Centrists who nowadays are blacksheep within their own party, apparently.
I know it's Commiefornia, but there are still some great places in San Diego:

Historic Balboa Park


Coronado Island


La Jolla (caves)


Going to enjoy it while it's still here and the communists haven't fully taken over.