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Hilary not healthy?

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Judge for yourself. Video below:


She's either badly drunk, or something is seriously wrong. Trump is right, her healthy is a serious issue. There was a lot of smoke on where's Hillary and is she healthy. Now we know. Rumor has it the inner circle of the DNC is talking about a new candidate.
Judge for yourself. Video below:


She's either badly drunk, or something is seriously wrong. Trump is right, her healthy is a serious issue. There was a lot of smoke on where's Hillary and is she healthy. Now we know. Rumor has it the inner circle of the DNC is talking about a new candidate.

I don't think that will happen (since they have legitimate fear for their lives) but the rumor is they will pick Biden. If that happens it'll be fun to watch the Bernie Bots lose their minds.

Actually, the released statement was a late diagnosis and its been there for a while, not one week. Bill said she was dehydrated. Um, okay she's not smart enough to drink water?

Voters don't want to elect a weak grandma type, especially one who lies and is very untrustworthy.

I think the passing out clip will cost her 1-4% of people who would vote for her now. The video is a powerful medium.

Hillary Clinton is never seen walking up stairs and needs to be seated or propped up. If not for people catching her, she can fall and injure herself. The concussion she suffered seems to have lingering lifetime effects.

This is why she is seldom seen. Something is wrong, Tibs. She could have blood pressure issues ( My guess ) and cognitive issues. As she said she couldn't remember when being questioned by the FBI. Is this the lie, or the truth? Both are scary possibilities.

IMO, she's physically unfit for the most important job in the United Sates.

If you believe after 2 years of consistent medical issues that this is about pneumonia, you're dumber than we give you credit for.

PS...and stop trying to be all nicey nice by giving me karma here and there. Batman never hugs the Joker. I feel like I need to take a shower :)
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Hillary’s health problems are not a figment of Matt Drudge’s imagination


Hillary Clinton looks on the road to recovery from her episode of pneumonia, and all men and women of goodwill are glad of that. But we still don’t know whatever else it may be that ails the lady.

Partisans of limited goodwill should be careful of what they wish for: if Hillary retires from the race to take it easy to recover fully from something that looks more menacing than “walking pneumonia,” the Democrats could field a substitute with much stronger appeal to November voters. It’s difficult to imagine they could find someone with less.

Hillary and her wise men, flacks and flunkies apparently never learned that suppressing a story that’s likely to emerge in spite of everything they do is very risky business. When facts finally emerge the candidate and the campaign look foolish and exceedingly dishonest, and Hillary is not likely to regain whatever trust she had. It’s the oldest story in Washington, repeated as if on an endless reel of scandal across the years. Better to let it all hang out, and there’s no such thing as “limited hangout.” Richard Nixon and his wise men tried that, and look what happened to them.

Hillary and her defenders, many in the media — comprising what you might call a vast left-wing media conspiracy — have been peddling the story for days, weeks even, that she was in perfect health, and it was mean and irresponsible to ask questions about her stumbling, shuffling, coughing, wheezing and putting on weird facial expressions, given to inappropriate giggling with her head bobbing violently. The evidence was all out there on the internet, which anyone with a laptop, smartphone or iPad could see for him/her/self. It might have been unpatriotic to look, as if it were a wreck on the highway, but a lot of people looked, anyway.

Some of the nannies in the mainstream media answered legitimate skepticism with medical diagnoses of their own, parading the expertise of neurosurgeons, lung specialists and even chiropractors. As Hillary’s coughing fits became ever more obvious, her stumbling up stairs on the arms of solicitous aides became more frequent and more dramatic, her friends in the mainstream media became ever more scornful of anyone, however sympathetic, asking the obvious questions.

“The simple fact is that there is zero evidence that anything is seriously wrong with [Mrs.] Clinton,” wrote Chris Cillizza a few days ago in The Washington Post, though for all anyone knew his only medical training was at a barber and beauty college somewhere deep in Appalachia, fortified by mail-order courses in brain surgery. “If suffering an occasional coughing fit is evidence of a major health problem,” he continued, “then 75 percent of the country must have that mystery illness. And I am one of them.”

Only now does he seem willing to call in a specialist from another discipline, perhaps from Zurich or even Harvard Medical School. “Well,” he says of his earlier diagnosis, “that is no longer operative. A coughing episode is almost always just a coughing episode. But when coupled with [Mrs.] Clinton’s ‘overheating’ on Sunday morning — with temperatures something short of sweltering — [Mrs.] Clinton and her team simply need to say something about what happened (and why the press was in the dark for so long).

“And as The New York Times’ Adam Nagourney tweeted on Sunday morning, now might be a good time to release a fuller record of her medical history.”

Well, depending on what that “fuller” record could reveal. Who knows what Bubba might have brought home from the office? What makes things difficult for Hillary now is that no matter what she says a lot of people won’t believe her, and even those who want to believe her will take her words with a large serving of salt. Her humiliated press spokesman, Brian Fallon, who had to go out over the past weeks to say things he was not required to actually believe, says Hillary does not suffer from “other undisclosed conditions.”

Hillary has a record of dismissing as mere conspiracies well-founded stories that turn out to be true. She haughtily dismissed Monica Lewinsky as a figment of Matt Drudge’s imagination, she scorned the stories that said she was ailing from something that turned out to be pneumonia, and now her campaign — and her enablers in the mainstream media she burned on the pneumonia story — scoff at speculation that she suffers from a serious neurological disorder.

We can hope that the speculation is wrong without apologizing for asking to see the evidence. Only an examination by independent doctors — and we should include Donald Trump in this, too — can reassure a public that has all but decided to never believe anything anyone says.
Okay *******, then **** you! Better?

Much, thank you. And you can thank Justin or ask him to repair the board...the broken image link above is a smiley face and won't show.
Hillary Clinton's health problems that everyone was saying was a conspiracy theory a few days ago just got proven TRUE.

She LIED about her health, like she lies about everything.

And the MSM still cannot figure out what to say or how to spin it.
Hillary Clinton's health problems that everyone was saying was a conspiracy theory a few days ago just got proven TRUE.

She LIED about her health, like she lies about everything.

And the MSM still cannot figure out what to say or how to spin it.

My gosh the utter meltdowns by some of my pro hillary friends and family the last two days have been epic... some of the most even keeled people I know went into full emotional ranting raving psycofits over Hillary being sick... its all an alt-right conspiracy and she is fine FINE FFFFIIIIINNNNEEEE I tell you!!!!

My gosh this country is going to tear itself in half no matter who wins this year...too many polarized morons who really believe the other side is going to end the world...
FACT: If not for this, the MSM would still be branding questions about her health as conspiracy theories.

How a smartphone camera changed the discussion on Clinton's health

The Clinton campaign almost got away with it.

On Sunday at a 9/11 ceremony marking 15 years since the attacks, Hillary Clinton wasn't feeling well to the point she had to make an early exit. Her handlers obviously knew what such an exit would do: Feed the narrative — irresponsibly called conspiracy theory at that point by too many posing as objective journalists — that there really was something more than allergies surrounding the Democratic presidential nominee's health.

So Clinton was whisked away. Reporters embedded in her campaign were left in the dark for 90 minutes as to her whereabouts while the escape from New York was concocted.

And she almost got away without any video footage via news crews showing it.


Tibs, I am SO glad you posted THAT exact video. Like an animal stepping into a trap...

My buddy who ran for Congress had some commentary on this exact piece today. His words, cut and paste:

Lie : “Well, I just didn’t think it was going to be that big of a deal.”

She can't stop lying.

What you are posting is further evidence that shows this woman is a chronic, habitual liar. A woman so power hungry, that her nation be damned, her party be damned, everyone be damned - she must get that seat in the White House, no matter how much damage is done. It's likely going to take the Democratic party to step in and ask for her to step aside, which would be quite Faustian.


Hillary: I Didn’t Tell The Truth Because ‘I Just Didn’t Think It Was Going To Be That Big A Deal’ [VIDEO]

Appearing on CNN Monday night, Hillary Clinton told Anderson Cooper she didn’t have her campaign tell the truth about her health issues because, “I just didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal.”

Cooper asked, “Why not just say on Friday, as you said apparently to Senator [Chuck] Schumer on Sunday, ‘I have pneumonia, folks, I’m gonna power through it.’ Why keep it a secret?”

“Well, I just didn’t think it was going to be that big of a deal,” she replied. “It’s the kind of thing that, if it happens to you, and you’re a busy, active person, you just keep moving forward.”

Hillary Hates To Drink Water, And Also, She Drinks A Lot Of Water

The real issue is chronic dehydration, exacerbated by her lung problem and Clinton’s reluctance to drink water, which has become a source of tension with her staff.

“She won’t drink water, and you try telling Hillary Clinton she has to drink water,” said a person in her orbit – who described a frenzied rehydration mission that included multiple bottles of water and Gatorade...

Oh, okay. She got pneumonia and collapsed because she won’t drink water. And this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

Which is weird. As Jeremy Stahl at Slate notes, Clinton said something very different to Katie Couric back in 2008. Y’know, back when Hillary was a spry and sprightly 60 years young. Here she is bragging to Couric about her “stamina” and “resilience.” How does she do it?

KATIE COURIC: Having said that, do you pop vitamins? Do you mainline coffee?

HILLARY CLINTON: I take– I take vitamins. I– I drink tea, not coffee anymore. I have really stopped drinking diet drinks. Because I found that they gave you a jolt, but they weren’t good over the long run. I used to drink a lot of them. I drink tons of water. Just as much water as I can possibly drink.

So there you have it. Hillary Clinton stays vibrantly healthy by drinking as much water as she can, and she doesn’t want her aides telling her to drink more water because she doesn’t like to drink water.

Lying liars lying.
Tibs, I am SO glad you posted THAT exact video. Like an animal stepping into a trap...

Huh? I posted it as a response to Spike saying the MSM didn't go after Hillary. It seemed to me, in this clip at least, Anderson Cooper went after her rather hard with his line of questioning.

What you are posting is further evidence that shows this woman is a chronic, habitual liar.

I've never said she wasn't. Sadly, she's among the most 'honest' politicans we have, according to analysis, which tells you where we're at with our current pool of politicians. I agree that she's a chronic, habitual liar. She's also 5x more honest than Trump. Again, that tells you everything you need to know.
Huh? I posted it as a response to Spike saying the MSM didn't go after Hillary. It seemed to me, in this clip at least, Anderson Cooper went after her rather hard with his line of questioning.

I've never said she wasn't. Sadly, she's among the most 'honest' politicans we have, according to analysis, which tells you where we're at with our current pool of politicians. I agree that she's a chronic, habitual liar. She's also 5x more honest than Trump. Again, that tells you everything you need to know.

I think trump is shady as hell, but there is no way you can look at the list of transgressions documented between the two and come away with the remotist idea that Hillary isnt much more dishonest than Trump... in fact every single thing the Media has critiqued Trump on, from Taxes to dishonest business practicess, to ties to organized crime and foriegn despotic regimes, to insensitive crass and xenophobic remarks... all of them have plaugued Hillary in the past... its such a short term thought type of society we currently are in that no one realizes how simular they both are for real... and hillary has been much worse at least in doucumented events, not theory like much of the trump speculation is.... Literally the positives people see in these two is directly related to their political persp[ectives going into this elections... democrats are going to minimize HRC's flaws... Republicans will minimize Trumps... but having said that , there are literally books of known, proven, politically motived lies Mrs clinton has told... trump may (probably) be just as dishonest, but there just isnt enough non celebrity material out there to harp on him past what has come out the last two years or so...

and those stats about her were already shown to be lies themselves... spun to meet an agenda of disproving she is a liar
Huh? I posted it as a response to Spike saying the MSM didn't go after Hillary. It seemed to me, in this clip at least, Anderson Cooper went after her rather hard with his line of questioning.

My apologies then. When he said "And the MSM still cannot figure out what to say or how to spin it." and you simply posted the video, it 'appeared' as if you were posting this as if to say "she and they came clean about it."

I've never said she wasn't. Sadly, she's among the most 'honest' politicans we have, according to analysis, which tells you where we're at with our current pool of politicians. I agree that she's a chronic, habitual liar. She's also 5x more honest than Trump. Again, that tells you everything you need to know.

I'd enjoy seeing this analysis. I've seen many of the articles, mostly left leaning, that show Trump lies more by pointing to facts he gets wrong. To me, it's important to discern between two forms of lies: Being wrong because you have your facts wrong, and lying about your actions and cover ups.

Most of these Left articles, like from Politifact and WashPo, ignore these points of distinction:

Clinton’s deceptions tend to be defensive — her reputation is under attack and she’s trying to save face. As determined by PolitiFact, a political fact-checking service, her false statements often come in response to scandals and allegations against her.

She lies about her actions, covering up her indiscretions and illegalities.

On Trump:

Among his false statements, according to PolitiFact: Hillary Clinton “invented ISIS,” even though the group predates Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. The United States is allowing “tens of thousands” of “vicious, violent” Muslim terrorists into the country every year.

Comparing one to the other is not the same. Hillary lies about putting our nation's Intelligence at risk, for instance, decisions that were illegal and have already led to loss of human life. Donald's floats incorrect facts and numbers. One is not the same as the other.
The media tough on Clinton. Damn Tibs that is some funny **** right there. I can't even believe you posted it. The ***** lies every time she takes a breath.
The ***** lies every time she takes a breath.
I think that she is SO corrupt and been doing wrong for SO long that it is just second nature to lie about everything, no matter how small, no matter how irrelevant.
She would be unable to tell the truth if you asked her what she had for breakfast.
Remember when the popular analysis of this election was that trump really doesn't want to be President?

I think the opposite is closer to the truth. I don't think Hillary wants to be President. I think she would just rather go off and be a Grandma, and rake in millions for their "charitable" foundation. I think ole Billy the child molester wants to be back in power to some degree so badly he is pushing the hell out of this poor old broken down lady. Why isn't that a story?
To be accurate, all Trump need do to "match" Hillary is provide a detailed note from his accountant, rather than the returns.


I don't care about the Clinton's 2016 return. They knew she was running for President and set things up to look good.

When she releases her 2015 return, then I'll be more inclined to want Trump to release his.
I don't care about the Clinton's 2016 return. They knew she was running for President and set things up to look good. When she releases her 2015 return, then I'll be more inclined to want Trump to release his.
Maybe you're thinking of 2014?

Democratic White House candidate Hillary Clinton has released her 2015 tax return that sought to pressure presidential rival Donald Trump to disclose his tax returns. Clinton and her husband Bill, the former president, reported $10.6m in income for 2015. They paid $3.6m in federal income tax, according to the document released on Friday, which was posted on her campaign website.Trump has refused to make his filings public, saying they are under audit by the Internal Revenue Service and he'll release them only once that review is complete.

All major US presidential candidates in modern history have released their returns.

Trump could really help the vets if he finally caves in and discloses his tax returns. Come on Trump, what do you have to hide? Do the right thing.

Will Trump Release His Tax Returns? Billionaire Pledges Up to $5 Million for Veterans if So

The billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, has pledged to give up to $5 million to veterans groups if Donald J. Trump agrees to release his tax returns before the Oct. 19 presidential debate.

Mr. Hoffman announced his challenge in a statement published Monday on Medium that said he was offering a matching donation to support a crowdfunding campaign started by Peter Kiernan, a former Marine.
Remember when the popular analysis of this election was that trump really doesn't want to be President?

I think the opposite is closer to the truth. I don't think Hillary wants to be President. I think she would just rather go off and be a Grandma, and rake in millions for their "charitable" foundation. I think ole Billy the child molester wants to be back in power to some degree so badly he is pushing the hell out of this poor old broken down lady. Why isn't that a story?

Disagree. She's the most power-hungry person ever on the planet. She wants to run things so bad it's indescribable. Beware of people whose goal in life is to have power over other people.
Bill isn't pushing her, she's been pushing him for 40 years so she could ride along.
I thought this thread was about Hillary's health?

Why you ******* letting Tibs take over another thread?

Isn't it ironic that, on the anniversary of the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Hillary was done in by a video?

And why didn't the real press cover it?

Think about this: at a huge press event it took some citizen with a cell phone camera to capture the moment that will decide this election.
