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Hillary Blames Self-Hating Women for Her Loss


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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She loses again!

Hillary Clinton has granted her first public interview since losing the election. It came on April 6 at the Women in the World Summit, organized by leftist editor Tina Brown. Clinton was introduced by comedian Samantha Bee. On cue, as expected, she gushed: "You deserve to hear it 100 times -- it should have been you."

The assignment to interview Clinton fell to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. He later wrote a column on his Hillary chat, beginning by saying: "In the most wrenching, humiliating way possible, Hillary Clinton has been liberated. She is now out of the woods again, and speaking her mind."

And why not? The path is marked by rose petals dutifully placed by her equally humiliated legions in the press.

It was "humiliating" to lose to Donald Trump -- that lout. Clinton was the anointed one, and as the press told us, she was the most qualified presidential applicant since Thomas Jefferson. So the feminists at this conference wanted to know: Why do Americans hate women so deeply? What the hell is wrong with those self-hating white Republican women?

This was the kind of challenging "question" Kristof lobbed at Clinton: "This is a women's empowerment conference, so I have to ask. You know, fundamentally, a man who bragged about sexual assault won the election and won 53 percent of the white women's vote. How is it that in the 21st century -- and what does it say about the challenges that one faces in women's empowerment -- that in effect, misogyny won with a lot of women voters?"

Clinton loved the question. It's the kind of softball she's been served her entire career. "Certainly, misogyny played a role," she declared. "I mean, that just has to be admitted." She and Kristof mulled over what he called "abundant social science research" that says we admire men for being ambitious and successful but find women "less likable" when they are powerful.

So here we are, five months after the election, and the best analysis these people can muster sounds exactly like ... the last weekend of the campaign. Then-President Barack Obama used this argument as his closer: Don't be a sexist! He said: "I want you to think about it because she is so much better qualified than the other guy. She has conducted herself so much better in public life than the other guy."

Clinton complained that when she left the State Department, her approval rating was 64 or 65 percent, but "by the time they finished with me, I was Typhoid Mary." "They" meant Trump and the conservative media. Never would this woman ever concede that the more the public saw and heard her, the less it liked her. In an added note of self-pity, she added: "Poor Mary. She didn't deserve it either."

Hillary Clinton never allows an interviewer who would ask her about her role leading the Bimbo-Bashing Patrol to destroy the reputations of her husband's victims. No one is allowed to ask whether Broaddrick was lying when she said that after the alleged assault, Hillary Clinton gripped her hand firmly and thanked her for her support, and suggested that she stay quiet.

They certainly refuse to contemplate that women could vote for Trump because Clinton stood passionately on the libertine left, supporting abortion on demand, every LGBT dictate and the erosion of religious liberty. It is reported that half of the aborted babies are girls. Couldn't that be "misogyny"?

If only someone at these media-elite confabs would ask how a majority of women can be smeared as hating themselves if they don't check every radical-feminist box.



Rule #1 - "Progressives" never accept responsibility for their failures.
That evil ***** has no one to blame but herself. Benghazi, unsecured emails, fugly, horrible campaign, kankles, no visits to swing states, no clear policy other than gun grabbing and globalism... she got


And I love it.

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**** her with Trog's dick
Saw bits and pieces of this interview. "Certainly misogyny played a role" lol. She blamed her loss on everything except for the main reason why she lost the election. Herself.

Typical democRAT who refuses to take responsibility when something goes wrong.

"Misandry" is the word for the hatred of males. If there was a word for the hatred of WHITE males, Romney's failed bid could have been legitimately blamed partially on that.
How is voting for a woman versus a man because she's a woman any different that voting for the black guy versus the white guy because he's a black guy?
Love it when identity politics bites Libs in the ***.
She's absolutely nuts,delusional and has no business even running a lemonade stand.
the winning speech was written, the champagne was chilled, the party was planned and she lost. Whoops! I don't care who she blames, she still lost to Trump. Look in the mirror, sugar britches.

With a wrecking ball.


(Hildebeast's motorcade)
How is voting for a woman versus a man because she's a woman any different that voting for the black guy versus the white guy because he's a black guy?
Love it when identity politics bites Libs in the ***.

More to the point...why is self reliance no longer relevant ?

The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver, came out strongly opposing AZ's new immigration laws.

Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law:

"What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into games without paying?

What if they had a good idea who the gate-crashers are but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected.

Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink?

And what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured, the Suns had to provide free medical care and shelter?"

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer
The real pity is that she was a tremendously weak candidate and that the democrats believed that the party had progressed far enough that a woman candidate would win without opposition. They particularly believed that when Trump became the fore-runner of the republican party. Hell, everyone believed it.

The media pushed so hard for her, doctored her poll numbers so much that pretty much everyone in America believed she had it in the bag. Folks who may have otherwise felt compelled to vote for Clinton out of necessity weren't invested enough to go out and vote. Meanwhile, Trump, the proverbial turtle just kept on moving, kept on churning. Clinton's "campaign" if you could call it that had fallen asleep long before the elections and relied largely on name-calling and mud-smearing. They believed probably rightly that Trump's "***** grabbing" sound bite was the kiss of death.

But then the video clips stared coming out talking about democratic party dirty tricks. That began to gain more and more traction and the clips became more and more detailed about the depth and complexity of the democratic "dirty tricks" machine. At the same time "Turtle Trump" continued to hammer on Clinton's deficiencies and his ongoing campaign promises. Whether he could keep them or not, he was at least saying the kinds of things Americans wanted to hear.

Too late Clinton realized an ugly tide was rising but the media had already firmly denounced any possibility whatsoever of a Trump victory. Slowed by the campaign's lethargy and expecting the unassailable optimism of the Obama followers as well as the new "ladies liberation movement" Clinton couldn't possibly believe that she wouldn't manage a victory over Trump even if it was closer than she truly wanted.

Therefore when the absolutely impossible happened. When Trump actually destroyed her. Not just defeated but utterly and absolutely humiliated her in the electoral college what was left but to turn on the media and the weak liberals that had failed her when she needed them most? It certainly couldn't be HER fault. Had she or her loyalists been more prepared and better informed they would have spent more, done more. But, alas, over-confidence and a tragic assumption that she deserved to win for no other reason than that she was a woman did her in.
The real pity is that she was a tremendously weak candidate and that the democrats believed that the party had progressed far enough that a woman candidate would win without opposition. They particularly believed that when Trump became the fore-runner of the republican party. Hell, everyone believed it.

The media pushed so hard for her, doctored her poll numbers so much that pretty much everyone in America believed she had it in the bag. Folks who may have otherwise felt compelled to vote for Clinton out of necessity weren't invested enough to go out and vote. Meanwhile, Trump, the proverbial turtle just kept on moving, kept on churning. Clinton's "campaign" if you could call it that had fallen asleep long before the elections and relied largely on name-calling and mud-smearing. They believed probably rightly that Trump's "***** grabbing" sound bite was the kiss of death.

But then the video clips stared coming out talking about democratic party dirty tricks. That began to gain more and more traction and the clips became more and more detailed about the depth and complexity of the democratic "dirty tricks" machine. At the same time "Turtle Trump" continued to hammer on Clinton's deficiencies and his ongoing campaign promises. Whether he could keep them or not, he was at least saying the kinds of things Americans wanted to hear.

Too late Clinton realized an ugly tide was rising but the media had already firmly denounced any possibility whatsoever of a Trump victory. Slowed by the campaign's lethargy and expecting the unassailable optimism of the Obama followers as well as the new "ladies liberation movement" Clinton couldn't possibly believe that she wouldn't manage a victory over Trump even if it was closer than she truly wanted.

Therefore when the absolutely impossible happened. When Trump actually destroyed her. Not just defeated but utterly and absolutely humiliated her in the electoral college what was left but to turn on the media and the weak liberals that had failed her when she needed them most? It certainly couldn't be HER fault. Had she or her loyalists been more prepared and better informed they would have spent more, done more. But, alas, over-confidence and a tragic assumption that she deserved to win for no other reason than that she was a woman did her in.

It was more than that. I think if you are being honest, people just found her to be dishonest. I mean, the whole secret server, classified email thing weighed heavier than libs want to admit. She was the poster child for what America is tired of: an elitist that plays by a different set of rules than everyone else. I mean "With a cloth?" Really? Who bought that?
We had a special election here in Wichita to replace Mike Pompeo. The Dem candidate lost (who was a sleezebag) to the Republican (who was another sleezebag). The Dems are saying that they WON because they won Sedgwick County ( which is where Wichita is) because in November, Sedgwick County went undoubetdly Red, I hated both candidates, and I didn't vote, Thompson sent TEXT messages to my friend begging for votes. IMHO- even if I support you, but you send me texts (how in the HELL did you get my number and know it takes texts) or call me on my cell (unlisted for a reason). you lose my vote,

Bernie bots were so useful

Susan Sarandon: Hillary Clinton Supporters Harassed Me On The Phone

Susan Sarandon says Hillary Clinton supporters harassed her on the phone to the point where she had to change her number.


Sarandon appeared on Wednesday’s “The View” to discuss her FX series, “Feud.” But before the chat wrapped up, the outspoken celebrity activist was asked to weigh in on the current state of politics. When Joy Behar pointed out the actress “took a lot of heat” for supporting Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein over Clinton, she revealed, “I had to change my phone number.”

“The Hillary people , ‘Are you happy now?!'” Sarandon confessed. “I would’ve ridden out, but my sons explained to me that once they have your number, they can hack into everything so I had to change my phone number.” She didn’t say how her number was obtained in the first place, but admitted she’s “still trying to remember” the new one.

Yes that's it it was self hating women.

It couldn't possibly be that she was completely unlikable. Or demonstrably corrupt, or despite what Attorney General Lynch would have us believe indictable on felony offenses.
Voting for her just because she's a woman is pretty misogynistic too.
We had a special election here in Wichita to replace Mike Pompeo. The Dem candidate lost (who was a sleezebag) to the Republican (who was another sleezebag). The Dems are saying that they WON because they won Sedgwick County ( which is where Wichita is) because in November, Sedgwick County went undoubetdly Red, I hated both candidates, and I didn't vote, Thompson sent TEXT messages to my friend begging for votes. IMHO- even if I support you, but you send me texts (how in the HELL did you get my number and know it takes texts) or call me on my cell (unlisted for a reason). you lose my vote,

I'm thoroughly confused on this post....so the Dems said they won because Sedgwick County went red? How can they claim that when Red is Republican? And who the hell is Thompson????
I'm thoroughly confused on this post....so the Dems said they won because Sedgwick County went red? How can they claim that when Red is Republican? And who the hell is Thompson????

It wasn't an election JUST in Sedgwick County. It was District 4, which is Wichita and surrounding counties. But because WICHITA went blue (Wichita being the biggest city in KS), they are ignoring the Red votes from the surrounding counties which gave Estes the win. I went back and reread my post and see where the confusion was. The Dems are excited they won Wichita NOW because in November, Wichita voted for Trump. So they see it as Wichita becoming a Democrat city in less than 6 months and are playing that angle.

Thompson? I have no idea. Someone I never heard of. Pro gun, (BIG here), but Pro choice. So he played both sides of the aisle, from what I gather.
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