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Hillary claims Gabbard is a Russian Asset; Jill Stein moves to top of Arkancide List


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Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

Hillary Clinton suggests Russia is grooming Tulsi Gabbard for third-party run
The Hawaii lawmaker, who has launched a long-shot bid for the White House, has been called a Kremlin asset.


Oct. 18, 2019, 1:58 PM EDT / Updated Oct. 18, 2019, 4:20 PM EDT
By Dareh Gregorian and Monica Alba

Hillary Clinton says she believes that the Russians have "got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate."

In a recent interview, Clinton didn't mention Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii by name, but said she believes one candidate is "the favorite of the Russians." Some Democrats and critics have called Gabbard a Russian asset, which she blasted as "completely despicable" at this week's debate.

Gabbard also has defended Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Asked if the former secretary of state was referring to Gabbard, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said, "If the nesting doll fits..."

"She's the favorite of the Russians," Clinton said of the candidate she had in mind during a podcast appearance on "Campaign HQ" with David Plouffe, "and that's assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she's also a Russian asset. She's a Russian asset! I mean, totally. They know they can't win without a third-party candidate."

The Mueller report and congressional investigations have shown that Russia's interference in the 2016 election included bolstering Green Party candidate Stein's third-party run.

Stein responded to Clinton's comments on Twitter, saying, "It's a shame HRC is peddling conspiracy theories to justify her failure instead of reflecting on real reasons Dems lost in 2016."

Gabbard's campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Gabbard has said she has no plans for a third-party run.

Merrill said Clinton's comments are not "some outlandish claim. This is reality. If the Russian propaganda machine, both their state media and their bot and troll operations, is backing a candidate aligned with their interests, that is just a reality, it is not speculation."

An NBC News analysis in February showed Russian news sites and social media linked to the Kremlin were promoting Gabbard's candidacy in the run-up to her campaign announcement. That activity has continued in the months since, The New York Times reported this week.

Gabbard, who resigned as Democratic National Committee vice chair to endorse Bernie Sanders' presidential run in 2016, took some digs at Clinton in Tuesday's Democratic presidential primary debate in Ohio.

"I agree with Hillary Clinton on one thing, disagree with her on many others," Gabbard said at one point. She also referred to Clinton's line about President Donald Trump being supported by a "basket of deplorables," saying: "When I look at our country, I don't see deplorables. I see fellow Americans, people who I treat with respect, even when we disagree and when we disagree strongly."
Funny. In 2012, when Romney proclaimed Russia was America’s greatest geopolitical foe, everyone on the left laughed and made fun. Now they all see Russians behind every tree, around every corner, under every bed, and even in their own party.

Tulsi Gabbard served this nation militarily in a time of war. She went to combat and led Soldiers through the fight. She’s a Democrat, so I am probably never going to vote for her, but Hillary calling anyone anything dishonorable is laughable at best. Tulsi has more honor in her *** hairs than Hillary Clinton or her shrieking minions will ever know.
Tulsi Gabbard served this nation militarily in a time of war. She went to combat and led Soldiers through the fight. She’s a Democrat, so I am probably never going to vote for her, but Hillary calling anyone anything dishonorable is laughable at best. Tulsi has more honor in her *** hairs than Hillary Clinton or her shrieking minions will ever know.

Know what I think? The rest of us have to work with people we disagree with a lot of the time, and find ways to make it work. We evaluate if the other person has a point, what to do with that point, we are challenged on our position, we need to defend our positions. Meanwhile, these spoiled pols surround themselves with yes-men and yes-women. The hear nothing all day, every day other than, "Oh, you are so right. Wow, that's a great idea. Oooh, you are so awesome."

They begin to believe it. Hillary Rodham Rodham has not had anybody say to her, "Shut the **** up. You were a horrible candidate. You could not even get into a van without help, you dishonest, bloated pig. YOU lost Wisconsin. In fact, you apparently could not find it on a ******* map. YOU lost Michigan. YOU lost Pennsylvania. TRUMP won Wisconsin. TRUMP won Michigan. TRUMP won Pennsylvania. TRUMP stomped your enormous ***. Just ******* shut up and die." *

So surrounded by the endless panoply of sycophantic rump-polishers, ring-kissers and sphincter-lickers, politicians begin to believe that even their stupidest thoughts have merit. That is clearly what is going in with Rodham Rodham and her nearly endless, idiotic excuses for getting blistered in 2016, losing because she deserved to lose, losing because she is a nasty, corrupt hog and liar, and her idiotic claims about Russia.

* Okay, maybe Trump told her that, but she would not listen.

Oh, and P.S. **** Hillary Rodham Rodham, her bloated ***, her disgusting husband, and her ugly daughter. **** all of them.
Funny. In 2012, when Romney proclaimed Russia was America’s greatest geopolitical foe, everyone on the left laughed and made fun. Now they all see Russians behind every tree, around every corner, under every bed, and even in their own party.

Yeah, I remember when Obama told him the 80's called and wanted their foreign policy back.

Tulsi Gabbard served this nation militarily in a time of war. She went to combat and led Soldiers through the fight. She’s a Democrat, so I am probably never going to vote for her, but Hillary calling anyone anything dishonorable is laughable at best. Tulsi has more honor in her *** hairs than Hillary Clinton or her shrieking minions will ever know.

Hillary Clinton is less than pond scum. The most despicable human being in politics and perhaps the Western Hemisphere (maybe a little hyperbolic - maybe not). I'm actually glad this scumbag came out and said this ridiculous nonsense, it's only going to come back to bite her in her fat, disgusting ***.
Know what I think? The rest of us have to work with people we disagree with a lot of the time, and find ways to make it work. We evaluate if the other person has a point, what to do with that point, we are challenged on our position, we need to defend our positions. Meanwhile, these spoiled pols surround themselves with yes-men and yes-women. The hear nothing all day, every day other than, "Oh, you are so right. Wow, that's a great idea. Oooh, you are so awesome."

They begin to believe it. Hillary Rodham Rodham has not had anybody say to her, "Shut the **** up. You were a horrible candidate. You could not even get into a van without help, you dishonest, bloated pig. YOU lost Wisconsin. In fact, you apparently could not find it on a ******* map. YOU lost Michigan. YOU lost Pennsylvania. TRUMP won Wisconsin. TRUMP won Michigan. TRUMP won Pennsylvania. TRUMP stomped your enormous ***. Just ******* shut up and die." *

So surrounded by the endless panoply of sycophantic rump-polishers, ring-kissers and sphincter-lickers, politicians begin to believe that even their stupidest thoughts have merit. That is clearly what is going in with Rodham Rodham and her nearly endless, idiotic excuses for getting blistered in 2016, losing because she deserved to lose, losing because she is a nasty, corrupt hog and liar, and her idiotic claims about Russia.

* Okay, maybe Trump told her that, but she would not listen.

Oh, and P.S. **** Hillary Rodham Rodham, her bloated ***, her disgusting husband, and her ugly daughter. **** all of them.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Steeltime again.
She went to combat and led Soldiers through the fight.

Look, I like Major Koslova more than I like any other dim, but I doubt she 'led soldiers through the fight'. She was in a medical unit. Major, two tours in Iraq, good soldier and somebody that honors vets, yes. But 'combat'?

From her campaign website...

"The first day Tulsi arrived at her camp in Iraq, she saw a large sign at one of the gates that read, “Is today the day?” It was a blunt reminder that today may be the day that any of the soldiers would be called to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It caused her to reflect on her own life and the reality that each of us could die at any moment.

While serving in a base in the Sunni Triangle at the height of the war, Tulsi had the heart-wrenching daily responsibility of going through the list of every injury and casualty in the entire theatre of operations, looking to see if any soldiers in her unit were on the list, so she could ensure they received the care they needed and their families were notified."

"She's the favorite of the Russians," Clinton said

How does Madam Rottweiler know this, I ax myself?
Hillary stays in close contact with the Russians.
How does Madam Rottweiler know this, I ax myself?


Hillary stays in close contact with the Russians.

Answer. After all, she did give 20% of our Uranium rights to Putin. And Trump's put sanctions on Russia never even seen during the Obama administration, but he's Putin's puppet.
Look, I like Major Koslova more than I like any other dim, but I doubt she 'led soldiers through the fight'. She was in a medical unit. Major, two tours in Iraq, good soldier and somebody that honors vets, yes. But 'combat'?

From her campaign website...

"The first day Tulsi arrived at her camp in Iraq, she saw a large sign at one of the gates that read, “Is today the day?” It was a blunt reminder that today may be the day that any of the soldiers would be called to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It caused her to reflect on her own life and the reality that each of us could die at any moment.

While serving in a base in the Sunni Triangle at the height of the war, Tulsi had the heart-wrenching daily responsibility of going through the list of every injury and casualty in the entire theatre of operations, looking to see if any soldiers in her unit were on the list, so she could ensure they received the care they needed and their families were notified."

How does Madam Rottweiler know this, I ax myself?

Yes, combat. Do you honestly think that’s all she did? She was an Army officer. She led Soldiers. She has the Combat Medical Badge. You get that for performing medical duties under direct fire.

In combat, everyone has a role, and one doesn’t work without the other. Infantry doesn’t win without the BSB, for example. And they certainly don’t win without medical. No, she wasn’t out on patrol killing the enemy. But she provided vital support, and armies don’t win without it.
That Hillary....always looking out for "the people ".
Donald Trump could take a **** right on the White House steps and I would still be thankful every day he's President and not Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump could take a **** right on the White House steps and I would still be thankful every day he's President and not Hillary Clinton.

This all day. And Donald Trump could cure cancer tomorrow and the libs would ***** that he put all those medical professionals out of work.
"I agree with Hillary Clinton on one thing, disagree with her on many others," Gabbard said at one point. She also referred to Clinton's line about President Donald Trump being supported by a "basket of deplorables," saying: "When I look at our country, I don't see deplorables. I see fellow Americans, people who I treat with respect, even when we disagree and when we disagree strongly."

That's not going to win her any votes from the True Believers in the primary.
I would vote for Gabbard, but she has no chance on hell
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Does Hillary not remember that without Ross Perot taking votes away from Bush, her rapist husband never sniffs the WH. Clinton never won over 50% of the vote because Perot ran twice and filtered off conservative votes from both Bush and later Dole.
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Does Hillary not remember that without Ross Perot taking votes away from Bush, her rapist husband never sniffs the WH. Clinton never won over 50% of the vote because Perot ran twice and filtered off conservative votes from both Bush and later Dole.

The general public is ignorant, forgets and is easily distracted by cheap trinkets taken from others.

Hildabeast new book"How To Suicide Em Good"
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Does Hillary not remember that without Ross Perot taking votes away from Bush, her rapist husband never sniffs the WH. Clinton never won over 50% of the vote because Perot ran twice and filtered off conservative votes from both Bush and later Dole.

Perot probably pulled some Labor Democrats too.