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Hillary claims Gabbard is a Russian Asset; Jill Stein moves to top of Arkancide List

We are all Russians now
From Gabbard

"Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a ...... concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and ...... powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.

It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly."

Tulsi wins at girl fights. Look what she did to Kamala Harris.

Tulsi didn't deny she was a Russian asset though. Somebody got some 'splaining to do.
From Gabbard

"Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a ...... concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and ...... powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.

It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly."


Tulsi wins at girl fights. Look what she did to Kamala Harris.

Major Koslova doesn't fight like a girl. She fights like a soldier. That comeback was devastating.

Tulsi didn't deny she was a Russian asset though. Somebody got some 'splaining to do.

To what end is she a 'Russian asset'? If anybody on the planet is a sov asset it is the lintons. They are as dirty as anybody can be dirty, and in every way one can be dirty, and have been so since their college years. Evil incarnate.
Major Koslova doesn't fight like a girl. She fights like a soldier. That comeback was devastating.

To what end is she a 'Russian asset'? If anybody on the planet is a sov asset it is the lintons. They are as dirty as anybody can be dirty, and in every way one can be dirty, and have been so since their college years. Evil incarnate.

I was completely kidding. Tulsi Gabbard is about as much a Russian asset as my U.S. flag-waving neighbor 'Joe' down the road. BTW I proudly hang my flag while about 2% of other residents around me display anything showing their patriotism. I honestly think some of them are just worried to do it as they don't want to get any grief from libs (I live in the land of fruits and nuts).
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why would Clinton attack someone that is running at less than 3% in the polls. makes no sense at all

That's why she is attacking her. She isn't a front runner in the Dem primary. She's an easy target and she not socialist enough. So she's trying to get rid of all non-conformers.
no way Clinton runs in 2020 right?
no way Clinton runs in 2020 right?

I still think there's a chance she rides in at the last minute saying she's the most electable Democrat, which is probably true, although she'd get beaten worse a second time.
Part of the Democrats' problem, which I've mentioned before, is that her and Bill rigged it to hold down opposition within the party so that Hildebeast would be the only candidate so the Dem's bench isn't very deep. Although she was supposed to be The Candidate in 2008 she was unlikable enough that a one-term junior Senator from Illinois beat her in the primary. The only way she can get votes is by promising to give things to people. No one is going to vote for her because they like her.

These two going at is like a fight in the stands. Fun to watch but no impact on the game.
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I still think there's a chance she rides in at the last minute saying she's the most electable Democrat, which is probably true, although she'd get beaten worse a second time.
Part of the Democrats' problem, which I've mentioned before, is that her and Bill rigged it to hold down opposition within the party so that Hildebeast would be the only candidate so the Dem's bench isn't very deep. Although she was supposed to be The Candidate in 2008 she was unlikable enough that a one-term junior Senator from Illinois beat her in the primary. The only way she can get votes is by promising to give things to people. No one is going to vote for her because they like her.

In my opinion, the Democrats’ biggest problem is that they are all the same, with the exception being Tulsi Gabbard. God forbid one of them come up with a solution to a problem that doesn’t center around victim hood, higher taxes and free everything. Stray from that, you will get run off the plantation.
I'd like to see Tulsi get in fight with Alexadia Ocasio Cortez and put that little Puerto Rican ***** on her back where she belongs.
Gabbards policy stances align with the Hildebeast in every way except that Gabbard has an non-interventionist foreign policy view. Its like picking the least virulent strain of Bubonic plague.
Yeah I hate the electoral college. As a republican if I lived in a place like California there is no point in voting. At this point, there is no chance in hell a republican will win that state so you may as well write in peewee herman. With the popular vote then at least every vote truly counts. I realize this would have made Clinton president in 2016 which would have been terrible, but sooner or later it will back fire on republicans. Some states just carry too much weight and lean heavily one way or the other. The election is basically determined by the same 10 states or so , PA, OH, FL, Mich, Wisconsin etc etc.....To me all that shows is the population of those states are split. It shouldnt matter where you live a single vote should make a difference.. With the electoral college it is technically possible for a person to win the election with less than 25% of the popular vote. Obviously this is extremely unlikely to happen, but points out the absurdity of the electoral college.

As for Gabbard I cant think of anything totally radical that she has said compared to the others (including Trump). I like that she was a vet, she fights back when attacked, she is well spoken, and I just like her demeanor in general. I believe she is also the most moderate besides Biden. There is no way she will get the dem nomination though and Warren or Sanders wont pick her for VP. She could really F things up for the dems if she ran as independent.
If they want to use the electoral college then they should get rid of the winner take all idea. There are 1 of 2 ways i would support. If a state is worth 100 points and 60% voted for one and 40% voted for another then give 60 points to 1 and 40 to the other. Every vote would matter, and more populated areas would still carry more weight. Second system i would support would give the winner of the state a "bonus" based on their total "points" . So in my example the winning party would get 60 points + 10 for the outright
The electoral college is brilliant. Popular votes are great in a pure democracy. Fortunately we are a representative republic. It is essential to ensuring every vote counts.