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HOT seat he says……… Yeah, right

Drink IRON City

KAYAK Champion who drives a LUXURY S10
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
between $2 short & ten buck two
NOT one single coach is on the hot seat unless it means Coach Tomlin may be fired. That is the extreme that it will take T5hink get any replaced.

The article talks about the OC / DC / ST coaches and the likely hood of being kept after 2023. O’Canada is the only one seen as should be worried.

I think Bubbles should have been let go for quite some time now, he hasn’t done much even though he gets way abundant ST ACEes. I mean he gets 3+ when most STs coach only get 1 if lucky.

O’Canada shouldn’t even be here to be on this list. Any one could see 1/2 into his rookie year he should have been let go. Definitely
not retained for another year yet alone his 3rd year.

All though I think k Austin is in over his head (based on his past defenses), I give him a slight pass due to the “Tomlin” touch that is all over this defense. The wide open middle of the field and lack of adjustments during the game. A checker player in CHESS MATCH game.

The “HOT“ seat has been a dying term around this team / ownership for a long time running so I don’t take much stock as nothing will happen unless it gets extreme forced.

Salute the nation
All you need to know is the contract status. Anyone who has a contract through 2024 is completely safe.
Was gonna say, their seats only get warm when their contract is up.
I do like the Brazilian girl part, but the S10?...............

There is NO ethnic preference for the LUXURY S10. All are welcome, and the LUXURY S10 has ways of solving tension.

Lunar had me stop to pick up this one chic that’s was unidentifiable other than her name being LuLu (no relation to JuJu). LuLu was the top of the mountain with class act written all over.

She demanded nothing, other than a ride in the LUXURY S10, we (Lunar and I) delivered. LUNAR claimed to have gotten a little “stink” finger, but I questioned it due to he was wearing wool gloves.

The Moral to this episode is “never doubt the powers of the LUXURY S10 or you could end up enticed for a ride ONLY to be dropped off 10 milesdd from nowhere, to fend for yourself”.

Salute the nation
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A story circulated a while back about the luxury s10 had traversed the north and south poles, all the while blasting rock and roll music .
So the question I would have for Parker Abate, whomever the hell he is and for anyone on this board. Ask yourself this question and be fair, objective and honest.
Do you think that any assembly of players that Andy and Omar put together could win another championship or even participate in another SB with this current coaching staff and that includes the HC?
Is Tomlin the issue or is it his coordinators and position coaches? Or does it matter who the coordinators and coaches re if Tomlin is the HC?
Just be objective and honest and ask yourselves these questions. Perhaps you may discover the team needs a complete overhaul to be successful again like the Bengals when they finally moved on from Marvin Lewis. They could never win anything with Marvin but have gotten a lot closer now with a new HC, coaches, QB, and changed the philosophy over there. Of course Burrow adds quite a bit to the equation but I personally think the Steelers have their man in Kenny if they could manage things right. Point being, the Bengals made significant changes and it wasn't just drafting Joe. They remade the entire coaching staff.
Not a Tomlin bashing thread so please don't take it that way.
Strategy and play calling have been weakness's for years. Maybe with all the recent roster changes and new faces in the draft room they'll have enough talent to overcome the deficiencies of the coaching staff. I'm not convinced this staff can win a playoff game, let alone another title; hopefully they prove me wrong.
It would have been interesting to know who made decision to bring back Canada. If it was anyone under Rooney's level
..employment should he riding in it. Not many fans thought that a good idea.
Speaking of hot seats, did anyone else notice it appears the Steelers didn't have Canaduh go to any pro-days, etc. I really don't know how to read that other than they know he is a moron on borrowed time.
His entire focus is on his tricky, shifty offense that no DC can figure out. Leave him in the lab. Tomlin evaluates talent. K. Green comes to mind.
Speaking of hot seats, did anyone else notice it appears the Steelers didn't have Canaduh go to any pro-days, etc. I really don't know how to read that other than they know he is a moron on borrowed time.

More likely they realize he needs more Time in the “LAB”.!!!

Salute the nation