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Hottest Spring On Record Globally 2014

I thought I had explained this a while back? Stronger Pacific trade winds are the main reason.

Also ocean water is moved around in different ways it doesn't need to 'sink' . Phenomena like the Ekman transport combine with upwelling/downwelling for one provide movement of water layers.

You're not going to post that middle school experiment like someone did a few months ago to show cold water sinking without realizing that the water in the ocean has salt in it and that water in a glass doesn't have wind working on it are you? lol.....

Since you now invoke ocean currents, please comment on how the Pacific Decadal Oscillator serves to affect global climate and weather patterns.
And while on the topics of oceans, can you please comment on the effects of sea floor spreading and the volumes of noxious gases released via venting, including the dreaded green house gases, and show how climate models account fro this?

glad you are back!

thanks in advance,
Western Australia really hot = climate change.
Northeast US really cold = weather.
Combined wealth of ALL the people you mentioned= $267.73 million

Wealth of the Koch Brothers= $102 Billion dollars

I'd say there's a little bit of a difference there wouldn't you?

Koch Industries employs over 50,000 Americans and 20,000 people in other countries. In total, the number of American jobs that indirectly supported Koch Industries is over 200,000. But yeah, we'd all be far better off if they took that money and sent it in to Obama to spend.
And while on the topics of oceans, can you please comment on the effects of sea floor spreading and the volumes of noxious gases released via venting, including the dreaded green house gases, and show how climate models account fro this?

glad you are back!

thanks in advance,

Models I don't think account for sea floor emissions as that would be a feedback and in the misguided attempt to stay conservative feed backs aren't included. We are seeing though that the models ARE way too conservative as now we are experiencing 'methane explosions' in northern Russia. This is not the same as the methane clathrates under the ocean floor which you are referring to. Those are 'claimed'(conservatively again) to be safe in the Arctic for a while. If those go before we can reign this thing in, turn out the lights the party's over.

As far as sea floor spreading you can read about it yourself why is there always this attempt to make me explain/research something so that you guys can run to Watts and post some phony data from there? Besides I'm having too much fun with the racist rednecks defending the killer cop in the other thread.

I can say that because I figured out you're Canadian from a comment someone made. No rednecks in Canada.

Thank you for welcoming me back.


This is one of the holes caused by permafrost melting and putting layers of methane underneath under pressure causing an ejection/explosion. of course methane continues to leak out till it's exhausted.
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And that record breaking cold combined with all the record breaking flooding events worldwide(extreme flooding would be the most common AGW caused event predicted years ago), including the North East U.S. and Detroit doesn't make that pilot light in your caveman brain flicker for just one nanosecond?
Combined wealth of ALL the people you mentioned= $267.73 million

Wealth of the Koch Brothers= $102 Billion dollars

I'd say there's a little bit of a difference there wouldn't you?

I thought you guys loved entrepreneurs and self made people, aren't all those people the very product of those ideas?

All they are saying is that at some point wealth becomes an addiction and the poor suffer because of it. I wouldn't take what Roseann says seriously though...Roseann? Really?

Nice fairy tale though with the $32,000 dollar dinners and the conspiracies to keep the middle class entrepreneur from in true Ben Carson style 'Gettin his' You nuts do love a good conspiracy I'll give you that.

Do they ever have those dinners at Jekyll Island?


That was such a pathetically diversionary attempt at a response, that I feel pity for you. You spun for days to come up with a reply, and that's all you have? Averting the crux of the message, which you've still not addressed? The argument isn't about "absolute" wealth (do the Koch Brothers have more than Rosanne?), which is the avenue via which you chose to respond. At some point, you're rich (and in the Democrats cases above, a massive hypocrite). By how much is irrelevant.

Try again, Sparky.

Since you've little ability with comprehension, here is the critical phrase: "But, but, but...KOCH BROTHERS! Yes, the evil, terrible, awful Koch Brothers who live in Harry Reid's head for free and eat the dreams of Occupy protesters. In actuality, those guys are only the 59th biggest donors in American politics. Just the six biggest union donors in American politics combined give 15 times more money than the Koch brothers have – and, of course, that money went almost exclusively to Democrats."

You stated that "If I was after money I'd be on the other side." You didn't establish that Democrats were poor and Republicans are rich, or furthermore, that Democrats never seek and amass wealth.

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That was such a pathetically diversionary attempt at a response, that I feel pity for you. You spun for days to come up with a reply, and that's all you have? Averting the crux of the message, which you've still not addressed? The argument isn't about "absolute" wealth (do the Koch Brothers have more than Rosanne?), which is the avenue via which you chose to respond. At some point, you're rich (and in the Democrats cases above, a massive hypocrite). By how much is irrelevant.

Try again, Sparky.

Since you've little ability with comprehension, here is the critical phrase: "But, but, but...KOCH BROTHERS! Yes, the evil, terrible, awful Koch Brothers who live in Harry Reid's head for free and eat the dreams of Occupy protesters. In actuality, those guys are only the 59th biggest donors in American politics. Just the six biggest union donors in American politics combined give 15 times more money than the Koch brothers have – and, of course, that money went almost exclusively to Democrats."

You stated that "If I was after money I'd be on the other side." You didn't establish that Democrats were poor and Republicans are rich, or furthermore, that Democrats never seek and amass wealth.


"I spun for days" huh? lol you are a Reich winger.

So exactly who on your list of liberals has made themselves wealthy from promoting climate change? After you think about that tell me again who is the one with the comprehension problem?

I was merely(as a bonus) pointing out the contradiction in the fact that you guys love the free market......until democrats use it. That aspect of my post has nothing to do with profiting from being a realist or a denier, idiot.

As far as donations the Koch Bros. Are the biggest financiers of climate change denial or a close second to EXXON(I would have to look it up). This is of course based on old info. As they've all smartened up and funnel their money through front groups now. Unions and other Democrat donors are out in the open.

The Koch Bros. also donate to other Reich wing causes like anti-abortion groups, school prayer fascists, and on and on. They do this as a cover as the only thing they care about their energy interests. They don't give a flying **** about unborn babies or anything else they just know how to manipulate useful idiots like you, they have all the money to buy and sell politicians but they need your vote.

After that they could give a **** about you, or if your kid can pray in school.

Willie Soon is a scientist who has made over 1 million dollars as a paid denier for Koch/Exxon, show me a real climate scientist who has made that kind of money, I'll wait.

That's why I said what I said about being on the wrong side,idiot.
The Koch brothers spend a fraction of the money on politics that the unions do but if they are living rent-free in your head and most other Democrats, then it's all good.
Polo, you DO put your money where your mouth is and insure all your stuff with Progressive, right?
"I spun for days" huh? lol you are a Reich winger.

So exactly who on your list of liberals has made themselves wealthy from promoting climate change? After you think about that tell me again who is the one with the comprehension problem?

I was merely(as a bonus) pointing out the contradiction in the fact that you guys love the free market......until democrats use it. That aspect of my post has nothing to do with profiting from being a realist or a denier, idiot.

As far as donations the Koch Bros. Are the biggest financiers of climate change denial or a close second to EXXON(I would have to look it up). This is of course based on old info. As they've all smartened up and funnel their money through front groups now. Unions and other Democrat donors are out in the open.

The Koch Bros. also donate to other Reich wing causes like anti-abortion groups, school prayer fascists, and on and on. They do this as a cover as the only thing they care about their energy interests. They don't give a flying **** about unborn babies or anything else they just know how to manipulate useful idiots like you, they have all the money to buy and sell politicians but they need your vote.

After that they could give a **** about you, or if your kid can pray in school.

Willie Soon is a scientist who has made over 1 million dollars as a paid denier for Koch/Exxon, show me a real climate scientist who has made that kind of money, I'll wait.

That's why I said what I said about being on the wrong side,idiot.

Actually you said (we can quote it, it's here for the world to see), "If I was after money I'd be on the other side."

Don't attempt to spin now and say you intended for it to mean something about climate change, etc. You're attempting to spin the tired, exhausted rhetoric that Republicans are rich and steal from the poor and emphasize that the Dems are the party for the poor.

Fact remains, the Democrats are far more wealthy and hypocritically attack any Conservative that makes a dollar.

Fail attempt #2.
Both parties are beyond corrupt and really it would be a godsend if they both collapsed. Both receive tons of dirty money and **** the people over every chance they get. Pa and in specific Pittsburgh politics are notoriously corrupt, guys like former Mayor Ravenstal and Murphy lined their pockets with dirty money and they were already loaded. In both cases I have heard horror stories of gross abuses of power from counsilpeople. Rendell was outright evil. He supposedly took a huge kickback on those Casino deals. The Harrahs mess was swept under the rug, but he promised them asweetheart deal on a casino on the south side that was easily the worse offer for taxpayers, then was going to use taxpayer dough to buy and pave the entire south side into a larger highway leading to the casino... its a damn good thing the Pens stadium deal mucked that crap up... Corbett will go down as one of my least favorite politicians ever... I will vote wolf moreso because Corbett has virtually given away our resources with virtually no limitations and no compensation for the damage being done that the taxpayers will be screwed on later... I haven't heard anything as specific as the rest with him, namely because who has republican contacts in this jackass state... not me by any means... though Im sure he is also well off thanks to these shady dealing

the bottom line is anyone arguing either party has a moral or ethical edge is an outright moron.
Actually you said (we can quote it, it's here for the world to see), "If I was after money I'd be on the other side."

Don't attempt to spin now and say you intended for it to mean something about climate change, etc. You're attempting to spin the tired, exhausted rhetoric that Republicans are rich and steal from the poor and emphasize that the Dems are the party for the poor.

Fact remains, the Democrats are far more wealthy and hypocritically attack any Conservative that makes a dollar.

Fail attempt #2.

You're another one that just likes to be abused aren't you?

Go back to page 22
Quote Originally Posted by Supersteeler View Post
You convinced me. Where do you want your check sent, to Al Gore or directly to your house?

PoloMalo43 If I was after money I'd be on the other side. What Al Gore believes is irrelevant as far as the truth goes, If he was smart he'd also be on the denier side.

What did I convince him of? We were speaking of climate change,idiot.

You remind me of that old Bill Hicks joke about Repugnicans and their latent sadomaschostic tendencies. They do love to be abused seems like.

I'm doing my part to combat global warming this year. It's been a record cool summer, therefore I've hardly run the A/C at all in my house, therefore I use less electricity and burn less coal, therefore it doesn't get as hot outside.
I guess it really works.
Anyone else not reading anything Tim posts because his avatar is horrifying to look at? Just wondering.
I'm doing my part to combat global warming this year. It's been a record cool summer, therefore I've hardly run the A/C at all in my house, therefore I use less electricity and burn less coal, therefore it doesn't get as hot outside.
I guess it really works.

How much did you run it in 1975 and what kind of of car did you drive? What about 1970 when there were still millions of cars with no emission controls and the size of aircraft carriers with the same fuel efficiency on the roads?

Read this and you'll know why i ask

How much did you run it in 1975 and what kind of of car did you drive?
My parents' house in 1975 did not have A/C. I started driving in 1976 and my dad had a '68 Firebird that got 12 mpg going downhill with a tailwind. Mom rolled in a '73 Catalina whose mpg was worse, much much worse. LOL.
What about 1970 when there were still millions of cars with no emission controls and the size of aircraft carriers with the same fuel efficiency on the roads?
In 1970 here, everyone's dad had a good-paying job in a steel mill too and the area was growing, not depopulating.

Three of the top ten hottest years in the last 100 occurred in the 1930's, which was prior to the invention of the SUV, air conditioning, and deodorant.
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My parents' house in 1975 did not have A/C. I started driving in 1976 and my dad had a '68 Firebird that got 12 mpg going downhill with a tailwind. Mom rolled in a '73 Catalina whose mpg was worse, much much worse. LOL.

In 1970 here, everyone's dad had a good-paying job in a steel mill too and the area was growing, not depopulating.

Three of the top ten hottest years in the last 100 occurred in the 1930's, which was prior to the invention of the SUV, air conditioning, and deodorant.

Three of the hottest years in the U.S. not the world. When will you people learn that the facts you get from Heartland goons like Watts are not remotely qualified to be called facts?
Three of the hottest years in the U.S. not the world. When will you people learn that the facts you get from Heartland goons like Watts are not remotely qualified to be called facts?

*raises hand* Why does weather in certain areas (really hot Australia, really hot southwest US) count as proof of global warming, yet colder areas elsewhere are disregarded as "weather"?

Thanks in advance.
*raises hand* Why does weather in certain areas (really hot Australia, really hot southwest US) count as proof of global warming, yet colder areas elsewhere are disregarded as "weather"?

Thanks in advance.
Beat me to it.
You're another one that just likes to be abused aren't you?

Go back to page 22

What did I convince him of? We were speaking of climate change,idiot.

You remind me of that old Bill Hicks joke about Repugnicans and their latent sadomaschostic tendencies. They do love to be abused seems like.

So what you are saying is you acquiesce and agree that the Democrats are actually the party of wealth.

Thank you.