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Hungary Leads the EU!


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Apr 8, 2014
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The Daily Sceptic

Political Earthquake in Europe as Over a Third of EU Governments Shift to the Right​


15 JULY 2023 3:00 PM

Across Europe parties opposing Net Zero and mass immigration are gaining power as millions of citizens shift their allegiance towards populist Right-wing parties. Sue Reid in the Mail has the story.
The dramatic development will transform the EU if the swelling wave of populist sentiment translates into political power at the bloc’s parliamentary elections next year.
In a backlash against open borders and Net Zero diktats, the EU’s traditional social democrats, green ideologues and Left-wingers are losing their appeal at the ballot box.
The rebellion has been growing — and the dominos continue to fall.
Right-wingers have gained power in Sweden, then in Italy, Finland and Greece.
The Spanish could be next, with national elections in a week, then Holland and — as I reported in these pages earlier this week — Germany could soon follow.
Our map [below] shows that more than a third of the EU’s 27 member nations are now run, or highly influenced, by populist-style Governments or factions. All favour halting uncontrolled migration, tackling crime, promoting traditional families and pausing hated EU laws aimed at forcing people to alter their lifestyles to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
The change in political outlook means the EU, a bloc rooted in technocratic social democracy, may soon become too liberal for the ordinary people living within its borders.
Hans Kundnani, a European political analyst at the international think-tank Chatham House in London, says the surge of refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war for Germany in 2015 is the genesis of the European “convergence… of the centre-Right and the far-Right over the past decade”. The shift, he adds, may have “profound consequences for the EU”.

The Daily Sceptic

Political Earthquake in Europe as Over a Third of EU Governments Shift to the Right​


15 JULY 2023 3:00 PM

Across Europe parties opposing Net Zero and mass immigration are gaining power as millions of citizens shift their allegiance towards populist Right-wing parties. Sue Reid in the Mail has the story.

Conservatives ... here to give libbies a safe place to live while they espouse how much they want their nation to be just like Cuba and N. Korea but for some reason never move to Cuba or N. Korea!!
It don't mean nothing if they can't stem the flow of Thirdworld migrants and wean their own people off of socialism.
It don't mean nothing if they can't stem the flow of Thirdworld migrants and wean their own people off of socialism.
Hence the title of the this thread!
******* Tibilio The Rockefeller

The average gross salary in a national industry in Hungary has exceeded HUF 1 million (EUR 2,681) for two consecutive months, a record never seen before. In most Hungarian professions, this is still a dream, but by the end of the decade it could become generalized, reports Világgazdaság.

For months, salaries have been struggling to keep pace with inflation. The turnaround is still some way off (it could happen in August-September), but wage growth is still very impressive.

Regular earnings have been growing steadily since the beginning of the year, at a rate between 16 and 17 percent, barely slowing down compared to last year, with average gross earnings rising to HUF 568,000 (EUR 1,523) in April, up HUF 76,000 (EUR 204) from a year earlier.
For the average coffee maiden?
depends on if you want the milk squeezed fresh from the teet or if you want the milk squeezed fresh from the teet.

The Daily Sceptic

Political Earthquake in Europe as Over a Third of EU Governments Shift to the Right​


15 JULY 2023 3:00 PM

Across Europe parties opposing Net Zero and mass immigration are gaining power as millions of citizens shift their allegiance towards populist Right-wing parties. Sue Reid in the Mail has the story.
Obviously the Eurotrash isn’t up to U.S. standards of ballot printing and manufacturing.
Pope urges Hungarians to stop being racist

Pope Francis has urged Hungarians to "open doors" to migrants, ending his visit to the country led by a nationalist anti-immigration cabinet.

Speaking at an open-air mass in the capital Budapest, the pontiff said it was "sad and painful" to see doors closed to people who were "unlike us".

Up to 100,000 people attended the mass, including Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Mr Orban has criticised migration, building a barbed-wire border fence to stop migrants crossing into Hungary.

Addressing the crowd near the Hungarian parliament building on Sunday, Pope Francis pleaded to everyone - including "those with political and social responsibilities" - to be more open.
He was speaking about "the closed doors of our selfishness with regard to others... the doors we close towards those who are foreign or unlike us, towards migrants or the poor".

During the mass, the Argentinian pontiff, 86, also referred to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine launched in February 2022.

He prayed for the "beleaguered Ukrainian people and the Russian people" and for "a future of hope, not war".

Later, on his flight home, he said the Vatican was involved in a peace mission to try to end the war. "There is a mission in course now but it is not yet public. When it is public, I will reveal it," he told reporters.

He also said the Vatican was ready to help facilitate the return of Ukrainian children taken to Russia since the invasion. Kyiv says thousands of Ukrainian children have been deported to Russia and calls it a war crime.

The Pope said he had discussed the Ukraine conflict with Mr Orban and a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The three-day visit was Pope Francis' first major trip to Hungary since he became Pope 10 years ago.

What kept him away was the tough anti-migrant stance of Mr Orban, in contrast to his own compassion for all refugees, says the BBC's Nick Thorpe in Budapest.

What brought him to the country, besides his support for Catholics, was the war in Ukraine, our correspondent adds.

Hungary and Ukraine share a 134km (85-mile) border.

Unlike other leaders of the European Union, Mr Orban has refused to back military aid for Ukraine and maintained relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During the carefully calibrated visit to Hungary, the Pope met people of all spheres of society, including youths, the poor, politicians and academics, our correspondent says.
HOLY ****!!

Tibs is in bed with Pootin!

By Nick Thorpe
BBC News, Hungary

"If this new power plant is built,", says Janos, a tall, friendly nuclear engineer who works in Reactor block 2 of the existing nuclear power station at Paks, "it will be good for the town, and good for the country."

It's a big if.

Despite the Hungarian government's unswerving commitment to the Paks 2 project, despite the Russian commitment to supply the finance and technology, the Russian war in Ukraine is making the new power station less likely by the day.

It is the biggest single investment in Hungarian history.

The government claims it will make the country less dependent on Russia, from which Hungary gets most of its oil and gas. Critics say it will make Hungary even more dependent on Russia for much of this century.

Paks 1 nuclear power station, on the shore of the Danube and an hour's drive south of Budapest, was built by the Soviet Union in the 1980s, and its four reactors still supply around 40% of Hungary's electricity needs.

Their working life is due to end in the 2030s. In 2014, Prime Minster Viktor Orban signed a deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin to build two new 1,200 MW reactors beside the old ones.

Russia will finance the plant with a €10bn loan, which Hungarian consumers should pay back in their electricity bills, starting in 2026, when the plant was due to come on line.
Years of delays with permits meant that ground-clearing work at the site only began last August.

While Hungary has pressed ahead with Paks 2, last May Finland cancelled a similar, Russian-built plant on the Hanhikivi peninsula in mid-construction, because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine is now hanging like a dark cloud over the Paks project, too.

Fighting in the early days of the war around Ukraine's former nuclear plant at Chernobyl and artillery duels around the Zaporizhzhia plant, the biggest in Europe, have harmed the project.

Even those who believe in Paks 2 with an almost religious zeal sound worried.

"Isolation of Russia is not a solution, even in this war situation," says Attila Aszodi, former government commissioner for Paks 2.
Biden's America fights back against Hungary ( the same day Hungary slows Sweden's move into NATO)

(Bonus "I ♡ Hungaristan" stickers for anyone who can pick out the congruence with a certain coffee maiden)
Biden's America fights back against Hungary ( the same day Hungary slows Sweden's move into NATO)

(Bonus "I ♡ Hungaristan" stickers for anyone who can pick out the congruence with a certain coffee maiden)
why does Xiden hate hwyte peepoze now?
Sleepy Creepy wants to help the Ukranians conscript the ethnic Hungarians for the war against Russia:

Nathan Berger pointed out that the national security argument really fails at the US border with Mexico, where the Biden administration is trying to illegally prevent the state of Texas from defending its borders. As he said, the US is facilitating whoever wants to come, regardless of where they come from, and then spreading the mass arrivals around the country.

So to argue that any Hungarian poses a greater national security risk to the US than unknown people crossing the border is absolutely ridiculous,​

he pointed out.

The program’s host recalled that the New York Young Republican Club had previously expressed its appreciation to Hungary for protecting its national minorities living beyond the borders. In this context, Berger said that they had the opportunity to meet recently with Hungarians from Transcarpathia, Ukraine, and heard from them about the measures they are facing from the Ukrainian government, including the issue of conscription. He emphasized that it was ridiculous to say that the Hungarian government is overdoing its efforts to protect national minorities, as we are talking about thousand-year-old communities that are part of the entire Hungarian cultural community.