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I don’t think Trump and Pence are or will be friends

Based upon what I saw, it was more like Trump's team edited out footage that would have quickly explained away what was being alleged. I'm sure that's not what happened, considering that it sounds borderline criminal. It's much more likely that all of the election workers were in cahoots, including all of Georgia's Republican election officials, their Republican governor, the courts etc.

So you saw the unedited footage? That wasn't edited?
So you saw the unedited footage? That wasn't edited?

I saw what Georgia alleges is footage that wasn’t included in the clips that were floating around the web showing election workers pulling crates of ballots from under tables. The “missing footage” showed the same workers putting those boxes under the table, within clear sight of election observers, when they believed they were going home for the evening. Apparently, within a short period of time, they learned they were not going home, so they pulled them out and continued counting.

Georgia also did a manual, statewide recount of something like five million ballots, compared the results to the machine counts etc. The margin of error was apparently insignificant, like thousandths of a percent.

That may not address everything that is alleged to have happened, but I have no idea what other states have done. Perhaps they did nothing. I’m not sure why that information isn’t being made publicly and widely available. It seems like under the circumstances it would be a pretty good idea. Perhaps it is out there and I just haven’t looked.
The United States is the Constitution, freedom from tyranny with the Bill of Rights, and free Elections with integrity. If one isn't for those things, he isn't part of the United States.

Who said I was going to stop voting? But I won't vote for a Nikki Haley or other RINO offering in the future unless America First and Common Sense are on the ballot. I'm not sure how you extrapolated from my post that I would summarily stop voting? I just won't vote for the Lindsey Grahams and Nikki Haleys of the world anymore.

But I'm curious, if Texas seceded based on principles and that the US government had failed in its Constitutional obligations to protect from foreign invasion to just name one potential Article, are you saying that you would go and fight against that state and in "defense" of preserving a tyrannical Federal government? If that State wished no aggressive posture nor ill will to the USA otherwise?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Then **** or get off the pot.

If you think the "evidence" of voter fraud is enough for you to start a civil war over, go do it. Quit sitting behind your computers acting like spoiled children.

I think you are crazy. And, IN THIS CASE, I will fight against you on the side of our government. Maybe not in every case. Maybe the next thing, I might change my mind. But the election of 2020? You guys are delusional.

So make your decision, because I'm actually tired of all this board's bluster and big talk. Buying ammo and buying more guns and talking about revolutions and civil war. You guys make me sick.

Go do it and see how far you get.

I mean, on one hand you say the election was completely rigged then you say, "Oh, but I am still going to vote again, just not for X and Y candidates". What does that mean exactly? Since when did I say you had to vote for someone I liked? I never once said you had to vote for anyone in particular.

But the way you guys talk about the 2020 election, you IMPLY that voting means nothing. So, yes, I'm assuming many of you will stop voting. At least by the tone of your posts and your constant whining about the election. I mean, if you think 2020 was ****** up, then why not 2024. Why even participate?

You guys are turning into the very things you despise. Overreacting whiners that have no sense of perspective or history. Like conservatives are never going to win an election again because Donald Trump lost. What a bunch of horse ****.

I just don't understand anyone's here end game. What is next for you guys? Joe Biden IS YOUR PRESIDENT, just like you screamed at Tibs for 4 years that Donald Trump was his President, remember? So now what? Your whining and conspiracy theories and Trump already lost the Senate. What are you going to do next? Hide in your bunkers? Fight? Go to work like normal? Sit behind a keyboard and complain?

You guys can continue to look and complain and talk of revolutions and how the glass is half empty. I'm not going down that path with you guys and I'm going to call all you out on it, even if I AGREE with you guys on a lot of your political positions. Just not this time. I think you guys talking about a stolen election are wrong. REALLY wrong. And we are just going to have to agree to disagree on that.

But even with that disagreement, I don't know what your next move is. And I don't see any benefit in trying to "fight it" or continuing to support Trump right now. There will be other battles to fight. The 2020 election fight is over. Unless you want to go down a very dark and criminal path.