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I got to ask: What has changed?

Greg Lloyd

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2023
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So, just a month ago, everything seemed like "business as usual" with the Steelers. I mean, sure they hired a new OC and - gasp - he actually came from outside the building. OK, so there was a slight change there; Pgh has mostly been only hiring from in-house the last few years, but hiring a coordinator from outside was not THAT great of a difference, it had been done in the not-so-distant past (Haley, Uncle Brucie).

And then we had the Rooney speech, immersed with the usual regularities: "We still believe in Kenny, we will have a QB competition, competition is good for all positions." It truly seemed like a fake QB competition was in order, same as usual. It seemed we were on course for a typical Steeler offseason; replete with virtual no-name FA signings of players we barely ever heard of. Typical Steeler stuff.

But then holy hell broke out. It's well documented now: In Russ Wilson, Fields and Queen, out Kenny and DJ. Just the addition of Queen would have been a refreshing change from our "no big name FA acquisition" typical free agency. But what happened was next to complete anarchy in Steeler nation. Things went completely bonkers.

So, something changed. What? I'm not sure. But something did. Something made Rooney change his normal mode. But what? Was it merely the sensation of fans "having it?" Did the social media allow fans to express their thoughts more fervent than ever before? Did the fans just have enough of the horrid, putrid offense and no wins in the postseason?

Or, did something happen more tangible than that? I am sure there is some matrix that allow team insiders to monitor ticket sales, or precursor to ticket sales. Did Art see something that alerted to less sales? I mean, even if the games are all technically sold out, is there some indicator that could foretell a lessening of fan interest? Or, was it a matter of Kahn having the stones to stand up and give Art the cold truth about how undisciplined and sloppy Shades was running the ship? Or, a combination of the above?

All I know is that something tangible has changed. Something real and undeniable. It's as if someone dropped some hot sauce into Art's vanilla milkshake. All of a sudden, they didn't believe in Kenny any longer. Did Kenny's immature breakdown to Russ' signing just begin a sequence of events? Or was it more deliberant and planned than that?

I don't know, but I do know this: I like it. This does not mean to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but it does indicate that the "grown ups are in charge." Hopefully, this means the Tomlin nonsense is out. Just "not losing" is not acceptable. Winning games 13-10 only to lose in the 1st playoff game is not acceptable. Being overly conservative in all ways, including game days, no longer cuts it. Being "buddy buddy" with coaches and players is OUT. If he doesn't like it, there's the door.
Art II will be 72 and it’s now a question of time not being on his side.
Art wants to win again and I don’t mean having non losing seasons either, he wants to hoist another trophy.
i think he gave the directive to Omar and Andy to do whatever it takes and to rid themselves of the non contents if you will.
Changes to how they do business! OC, QB Coach, WR Coach all hired from outside and not associated to Tomlin.
I think he’s tired of being embarrassed and think it started to show in Cleveland when after that embarrassing loss he was unapproachable which is very uncharacteristic for Art. He was very upset and 24 hours later, Canada was fired.
He’s heard all the criticism of himself and wants to change the perception now so it’s not the same ol’ Steelers anymore.
So, just a month ago, everything seemed like "business as usual" with the Steelers. I mean, sure they hired a new OC and - gasp - he actually came from outside the building. OK, so there was a slight change there; Pgh has mostly been only hiring from in-house the last few years, but hiring a coordinator from outside was not THAT great of a difference, it had been done in the not-so-distant past (Haley, Uncle Brucie).

Haley and "the bruce" were Eons ago in football life. We actually contended with both and personally, I credit Haley as Tomlin's best OC to date.

And then we had the Rooney speech, immersed with the usual regularities: "We still believe in Kenny, we will have a QB competition, competition is good for all positions." It truly seemed like a fake QB competition was in order, same as usual. It seemed we were on course for a typical Steeler offseason; replete with virtual no-name FA signings of players we barely ever heard of. Typical Steeler stuff.

Mostly Tombert combination of the two. No change philosophy.

But then holy hell broke out. It's well documented now: In Russ Wilson, Fields and Queen, out Kenny and DJ. Just the addition of Queen would have been a refreshing change from our "no big name FA acquisition" typical free agency. But what happened was next to complete anarchy in Steeler nation. Things went completely bonkers.

I think the public outcry and on field (both football & hokey) raised concern with-in the Rooney family. I even think some power has shifted to Danny boy and he is making bigger impressions as to how things are handled (taking some power away/back from Tomlin).

So, something changed. What? I'm not sure. But something did. Something made Rooney change his normal mode. But what? Was it merely the sensation of fans "having it?" Did the social media allow fans to express their thoughts more fervent than ever before? Did the fans just have enough of the horrid, putrid offense and no wins in the postseason?

Or, did something happen more tangible than that? I am sure there is some matrix that allow team insiders to monitor ticket sales, or precursor to ticket sales. Did Art see something that alerted to less sales? I mean, even if the games are all technically sold out, is there some indicator that could foretell a lessening of fan interest? Or, was it a matter of Kahn having the stones to stand up and give Art the cold truth about how undisciplined and sloppy Shades was running the ship? Or, a combination of the above?

Concession sales are in-game indicators of attendance spending, Team memorabilia is also another measure.

I think Younger Rooney, along with Kahn (and crowd) have gotten Art2 to listen to how much over power Tomlin has assumed over the years. It has been taken back by an aggressive GM and new kid on the block(to a degree). Art 2 is listening to his advisors.

All I know is that something tangible has changed. Something real and undeniable. It's as if someone dropped some hot sauce into Art's vanilla milkshake. All of a sudden, they didn't believe in Kenny any longer. Did Kenny's immature breakdown to Russ' signing just begin a sequence of events? Or was it more deliberant and planned than that?

I don't know, but I do know this: I like it. This does not mean to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but it does indicate that the "grown ups are in charge." Hopefully, this means the Tomlin nonsense is out. Just "not losing" is not acceptable. Winning games 13-10 only to lose in the 1st playoff game is not acceptable. Being overly conservative in all ways, including game days, no longer cuts it. Being "buddy buddy" with coaches and players is OUT. If he doesn't like it, there's the door.

Can Mike Tomlin handle the ERA of STEELERS football, time will tell. He will have to win playoff games, yes, that';s right...... more than one. He will also have to accept some of his coordinators input and actually allowing the team to be coached.

Call Me CRAZY--- ?

Salute the nation
I believe Omar has proven with a number of trades that he knows what he's doing, and Mr. Rooney is giving him more leash to go get that ring. It's obvious that the old Steeler way of building dynasties through the draft and developing talent just isn't working any longer. Khan is plugging holes with proven players to make the team better now rather than waiting 3-4 years to "hopefully" fill the holes with young talent. Bush and Claypuff are recent examples of the "Hopefulls" that just didn't pan out.
What has changed most is they no longer have an almost $30 million dollar QB. If they had that they wouldn't be making these moves. Don't think too deeply into it. They are because they can.
That certainly helps, a lot. But there is a clear change in how they approach trades and free agency. This isn't the Steelers FO of old.
Like stated above, making changes an bringing in players is much easier to do when you are carrying less huge money contracts.
A couple years ago Rooney told Tomlin he wanted drafted players ready to play much sooner than the 3 years typical of Tomlin. Tomlin couldn't deliver. That's why we shop for proven talent. Tomlin doesn't coach up. Rooney recognizes that fact.
What has changed most is they no longer have an almost $30 million dollar QB. If they had that they wouldn't be making these moves. Don't think too deeply into it. They are because they can.
No, sorry but I don't buy that; these are moves the Steelers would have never made until lately and it's not just "because they can." I don't buy that. Maybe the Queen move - but even that was "unSteeler-like." The moves they are making are completely out-of-the-norm. We were very much headed for Kenny being the unchallenged QB1 and then "whammo" something changed.
Like stated above, making changes an bringing in players is much easier to do when you are carrying less huge money contracts.
Yes, easier, but that alone falls short of a full explanation of what we have seen lately.
Russ Wilson wanted to play for Pittsburgh without a multi-year contract. That's what changed.

The consequences were Pickett turning to a whining ***** that didnt want to compete, trading him to the eagles closed that door for the bears shopping Fields and creating a vacuum of trading partners that lowered Fields cost so we could trade for him, with the help from Fields who sees Pittsburgh as an opportunity to relaunch his career after Wilson's 1 year contract.
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all valid points regarding ownership and the FO

and do not discount the negativity flowing on social media. i'd think that the Steelers see/hear the fans complaints and concerns just as well as other teams. Addressing those and making bold moves shows we're not going to be complacent and not going to be some middle of the pack team for lack of trying.

remember all the chants to "Fire Canada" that went on in Pittsburgh - and not just at Steelers games? those have to carry a weight with management and ownership.

i mean, this IS an entertainment industry. give the people what they want.
I dont really see as much change as people perceive, I think all of these movesxare mostly what we have done in the past.

we have sold low on wrs who were damaged and disgruntled players for a while now... we just normally didnt have multiple cases in a year.
Examples of disgruntled or damaged wrs traded low on include Santonio, AB, Claypool, Bryant, and Coates.
Examples of traded "hostages" include melvin Ingram, a couple of those wr and we released a bunch more in season like Harrison and that safety from green bay...

Trading low for draft picks from other teams they loved or getting them as cheap free agents is another long term thing they have done...

Look at WJ3, Gilbert, or signings like Alualu

I think Queen is the biggest deviation, but its not like they dont have precedent for this kind of move and they contract he signed was like 5 million per year less than his perceived market value... its not like they went overboard

The fact is the Steelers have made lots of moves like these in the recent past, just rarely so close together
That certainly helps, a lot. But there is a clear change in how they approach trades and free agency. This isn't the Steelers FO of old.
You can have a change in approach, but if you don't have the cap room to do it, it matters very little. I'm not saying they haven't changed things, but the freedom from a $30 million QB has allowed it. Moving Pickett on a rookies salary with no repercussions allows it. They can't do that as easily if he is a 6th year guy or something.
Like stated above, making changes an bringing in players is much easier to do when you are carrying less huge money contracts.

Eventually that will have to change. If Fields does hit on a few cylinders, his contract will go way up. Wilson on the other hand, pending on Fields, may just get waived.

I read / heard somewhere the balance in m only between offense and defense is staggering in relations to the Steelers.

Memory only (and fading), it’s D= $170mil VS O= $70mil-ish.. I don’t have time to look up break-down.

Account for all the rookies / young player contracts and one can see why. I just hope we have money when the time comes to extend All those offensive players.

Salute the nation
all valid points regarding ownership and the FO

and do not discount the negativity flowing on social media. i'd think that the Steelers see/hear the fans complaints and concerns just as well as other teams. Addressing those and making bold moves shows we're not going to be complacent and not going to be some middle of the pack team for lack of trying.

remember all the chants to "Fire Canada" that went on in Pittsburgh - and not just at Steelers games? those have to carry a weight with management and ownership.

i mean, this IS an entertainment industry. give the people what they want.

ANY chance of you staking me $50.00 until payday ???

Salute the nation
The obvious answer for me seems to be a combination of Khan being given more control to run things by management while probably limiting Tomlin's overall input on the business and player evaluation side when it comes to who makes the final call on who to draft, sign and get rid of.
I don't think what fans say or chant anywhere makes a difference. If so, Tomlin woulda been gone by at least 2013, at least judging by the forum here.
What has changed most is they no longer have an almost $30 million dollar QB. If they had that they wouldn't be making these moves. Don't think too deeply into it. They are because they can.
So is this a one year thing?
Speculatively speaking here....if Wilson or Fields ball out this season do we extend them? I would think so. If we simply finish say like we have over the past 10 seasons do we extend one? If Wilson starts all season and we have a so so season do we pick up Fields option? I see that as an option speculatively speaking.
So is this a one year thing?
Speculatively speaking here....if Wilson or Fields ball out this season do we extend them? I would think so. If we simply finish say like we have over the past 10 seasons do we extend one? If Wilson starts all season and we have a so so season do we pick up Fields option? I see that as an option speculatively speaking.
I believe it might be to some degree, because as you said, they will have to extend at least one of them if they play well. So there goes some cap freedom of not having a big QB salary. Ultimately, outside of Queen, there hasn't been a big money signing. It's just all this movement that seems so different. There may be some bigger moves coming as Dulac says, which I think might be more of a one off. We'll see.
A couple years ago Rooney told Tomlin he wanted drafted players ready to play much sooner than the 3 years typical of Tomlin. Tomlin couldn't deliver. That's why we shop for proven talent. Tomlin doesn't coach up. Rooney recognizes that fact.
Geez we get it: Tomlin = Bad.