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I knew it was a commin'

Absolutely, no doubt. You don't have to convince me of that, members of my family - including my grandfather - were murdered and prosecuted by the Soviets.

then how can you possibly, rationally and logically side with the same political party that leans to communism?
You are an idiot beyond reproach. Nothing will help you at this stage. Actually maybe a hiking trip, some fresh air, long walks on some mountain trails and the like.
An idiot beyond reproach? LOL!
An idiot beyond reproach? LOL!
Yes, a perfect idiot. He may not be in person, but certainly is in his interactions on this board. Just a drop in the ocean around here, to be honest.
Trump called CNN (Jim Acosta) fake news again. From CNN.....

At the end of his quick photo op today, Acosta asked if the press could get more questions with Trump. The President told Acosta that he was fake news.

"I like real news, not fake news. You are fake news," Trump said.

Then he left the room.

Not sure why, but that is funny.
I unequivocally condemn - without the slightest hesitancy or moral deliberation - all of the following groups and individuals associated with these groups that call for acts of violence, commit acts of violence or condone acts of violence: BLM, AntiFa, CAIR and the New Black Panther Party.

Duh... politics aside the majority of humanity does recognize that the fringe psycos are wrong... its just that the left and right like to bash each other over the head with the violent gimps that associate with their political party
Trump called CNN (Jim Acosta) fake news again. From CNN..... Not sure why, but that is funny.
Just for the record, there was a follow-up...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yes and I responded: "haven't you spread a lot of fake news yourself, sir?" <a href="https://t.co/Cz1Aks3cIj">https://t.co/Cz1Aks3cIj</a></p>— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) <a href="https://twitter.com/Acosta/status/897176239928221696">August 14, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Why would he publicly respond to those punks?

They were chanting his name and wearing MAGA hats. If they were very publicly singing your praises, wouldn't you very publicly and specifically tell them to **** off?
What? No, white supremacist groups organized rallies for the weekend in a highly publicized 'call to arms' to protest against the removal of a Gen Lee statue. Counter demonstrators showed up, to protest against the Nazi far right groups. By all accounts, the far right groups surrounded the much smaller group of counter protestors and began attacking them. A member of the far right White Vanguard group who was protesting on the front lines got into his car a few hours later, and put his foot on the gas slamming into a group of counter protestors, who were marching in the street, murdering a woman and critically injured others, a total of twenty people. What is there not to understand?

That's not what the videos show, Even the MSM videos that were assiduously careful not to get the Marxist Aktion Direct and Hammer and Sickle flags showed the White Nationalists and KKK groups were the ones out numbered and surrounded and the Bolshevik Brute Squads coming at them from all sides.
You are an idiot beyond reproach. Nothing will help you at this stage. Actually maybe a hiking trip, some fresh air, long walks on some mountain trails and the like.

Then why don't you lay off the rest here? You come out with a lot of bravado and baseless claims that people here support White Supremacy. I asked you to name them and you cower away. As I've said everyone here has denounced them. Yet you continue....persist...on harping on those that you "think" support White Supremacy.

Just stop.
You are an idiot beyond reproach. Nothing will help you at this stage. Actually maybe a hiking trip, some fresh air, long walks on some mountain trails and the like.

A waaay too long reply from Tim citing multiple news stories about Antifa in 3,2,1....
Trump called CNN (Jim Acosta) fake news again. From CNN.....

Not sure why, but that is funny.

It's funny because CNN is the epitome of Fake News and Trump regularly calls them out for it. And Acosta is just a little pissant propaganda spreader who stomps his feet like a child who doesn't get their way.
Just for the record, there was a follow-up...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yes and I responded: "haven't you spread a lot of fake news yourself, sir?" <a href="https://t.co/Cz1Aks3cIj">https://t.co/Cz1Aks3cIj</a></p>— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) <a href="https://twitter.com/Acosta/status/897176239928221696">August 14, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

That is cute. See the difference is, only one calls themselves "The Most Trusted Name in News."

Funny Acosta didn't deny it
then how can you possibly, rationally and logically side with the same political party that leans to communism?

No modern political party in the States 'leans towards communism.' That's just an oft repeated misnomer. I support an FDR type federal government in a capitalist, free-market economy, with a tad more sensible allocation of tax dollars. Communism is something completely different, including the nationalization of the means of production, no private capital or ownership, a totalitarian form of government et al. There is no connection between being a liberal-minded Democrat and anything that comes close to Communism. Read up on it if you won't take my word for it. And in terms of foreign policy, my views are much closer to traditional conservative, Republican positions.
No modern political party in the States 'leans towards communism.' That's just an oft repeated misnomer. I support an FDR type federal government in a capitalist, free-market economy, with a tad more sensible allocation of tax dollars. Communism is something completely different, including the nationalization of the means of production, no private capital or ownership, a totalitarian form of government et al. There is no connection between being a liberal-minded Democrat and anything that comes close to Communism. Read up on it if you won't take my word for it. And in terms of foreign policy, my views are much closer to traditional conservative, Republican positions.
You are delusional. The left wing of this country is heavily influence by Marx, even if they don't know it.
You are delusional. The left wing of this country is heavily influence by Marx, even if they don't know it.

Delusional? Was FDR or Kennedy influenced by Marx? I don't speak for the 'left wing of this country' I speak for myself. Supe asked me a question about my personal political views and I answered him.
Then why don't you lay off the rest here? You come out with a lot of bravado and baseless claims that people here support White Supremacy. I asked you to name them and you cower away. As I've said everyone here has denounced them. Yet you continue....persist...on harping on those that you "think" support White Supremacy.

Just stop.

He don't get paid to stop Tim.


Right about now I'm thankin' the good Lord that I'm not from the South by heritage, 'cause I think I'd be one pissed off sombitch right about now.

In wake of Charlottesville, protests take aim at Nathan Bedford Forrest bust in Tennessee Capitol
Gainesville removes Confederate statute
Atlanta protesters deface Peace Monument in Piedmont Park
After Charlottesville, Mayor Plans To Remove Baltimore’s Confederate Monuments
Confederate Monuments at Kentucky Courthouse Will Be Moved, Lexington Mayor Says


Delusional? Was FDR or Kennedy influenced by Marx? I don't speak for the 'left wing of this country' I speak for myself. Supe asked me a question about my personal political views and I answered him.

FDR yes. The new deal was cribbed from the Communist Manifesto. Kennedy was more moderate. The modern DNC leans even more heavily towards authoritarian socialism than it did at the time of FDR.
That's not what the videos show, Even the MSM videos that were assiduously careful not to get the Marxist Aktion Direct and Hammer and Sickle flags showed the White Nationalists and KKK groups were the ones out numbered and surrounded and the Bolshevik Brute Squads coming at them from all sides.

Sounds like you have one side of the story down. I will give you this, there were large groups of organized anti-protestors there to face the white supremacists. And they were willing to go toe to toe with the fascists. But your account that the Far Righters were somehow 'victims' here is naive at best. Let's agree that both factions were at fault. At least, up to the point that the confrontation involved fisticuffs and pepper spray. But under no circumstances can you argue away the fact that things took a devastating turn when the Far Right fascist got behind the wheel of his car and - ironically enough using ISIS tactics - sped into a street full of protestors. Nobody was a saint on the streets of Charlottesville, not the Far Right, nor the Left there to protest against them. But at the end of the day, it was one faction that made a decision to murder and cause critical injury, bloodshed and mayhem, and that wasn't the AntiFa nor BLM, at least not on this weekend.


It Was Never Going to Be a Normal Protest. They Came Ready to Fight.
You're a moron

Guy identified. Social media outed. He is a libtard. Trump hater.

Here's his Facebook page


Friendly fire incident


I could have chose any number of your posts to make my point. How about you do some real research instead of just regurgitating the bullshit you seem to gobble up at a slovenly pace. I want you to understand something. This moment right now......is not sustainable. The rhetoric and actions are not going to last. The country is changing and will continue to do so. My generation is waiting to get a chance to really get to work and the generation behind mine. So continue on with your ignorant cheerleading and glee and enjoy your next serving of bullshit.
Sounds like you have one side of the story down. I will give you this, there were large groups of organized anti-protestors there to face the white supremacists. And they were willing to go toe to toe with the fascists. But your account that the Far Righters were somehow 'victims' here is naive at best. Let's agree that both factions were at fault. At least, up to the point that the confrontation involved fisticuffs and pepper spray. But under no circumstances can you argue away the fact that things took a devastating turn when the Far Right fascist got behind the wheel of his car and - ironically enough using ISIS tactics - sped into a street full of protestors. Nobody was a saint on the streets of Charlottesville, not the Far Right, nor the Left there to protest against them. But at the end of the day, it was one faction that made a decision to murder and cause critical injury, bloodshed and mayhem, and that wasn't the AntiFa nor BLM, at least not on this weekend.


It Was Never Going to Be a Normal Protest. They Came Ready to Fight.

Looks more like to me you cherry picked a photo that supports you narrative that the Bolshevik Brute Squads weren't out in force. There are numerous accounts of the approach routes to the park being blocked with "counter protestors". And of course they showed up ready to fight the Bolshevik Brute Squads announced that they were coming out in force as soon as the White Nationalists applied for the permit. Just go ahead and admit it Tibsy, you hate everyone to the right of Lenin and you are okay with them being attacked by the AntiFa Fascists.
He don't get paid to stop Tim.

That is a ****** up thing to say about a long-time fellow poster here. You keep repeating this over and over, maybe it makes you feel better. I bring my own views to this board as I do to all walks of life. I have a pretty strong view of the world and I enjoy political discourse. Like it or not, I stand by my opinions. You're free to disagree with me, as I am free to disagree with you. I'm not infallible, I get things wrong on occasion. But continuing to slander me in this way just make you look like an immature little punk. Maybe you're okay with that, by all means carry on. But you get zero respect from me for being such an *******, lodging constant personal attacks against me. Maybe you say these things because you can't imagine how someone not getting paid can be so relentless and adamant in their views. That, as my wife will attest, is a pretty accurate description of who I am. So SteelChip, you can stick your 'paid Soros troll' shtick right up your ***.
Looks more like to me you cherry picked a photo...
Click the caption under the photo which takes you to a pretty long and detailed account of the weekend's sad events. Actually don't bother, it seems you've already decided for yourself exactly what happened and aren't willing to read further into it.