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I knew it was a commin'

Fascist Left = Fascist Right

just like I perdicted

all Bernie supporters too I bet

White supremacist and ‘Unite the Right’ leader, Jason Kessler, was once reportedly a supporter of former President Obama and the Occupy movement.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center Kessler revealed his political transformation around November 2016, the same month then candidate Donald Trump won the presidential election.



Goat-blood drinking (LIBERTARIAN) Orlando man had key billing for Charlottesville rally

Augustus Invictus, a former Libertarian Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Orlando most famous for saying he sacrificed a goat and drank its blood, had an important role in the white nationalist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville on Saturday.

Invictus lost the 2016 Libertarian primary for U.S. Senate in Florida to Paul Stanton, but not before state Chairman Adrian Wyllie resigned in protest. The Libertarian Party of Seminole County also disbanded and its chair, Don Menzel, resigned in protest of his candidacy. Wyllie alleged at the time Invictus wanted to lead a civil war in the country, recruit neo-Nazis to the party and supported a eugenics program.

Invictus denied he had white supremacist sympathies at the time, but the Tampa Bay Times reported Monday white nationalist leader Richard Spencer credited Invictus with writing a first draft of the “Charlottesville Statement.”


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Oh, and about those posts a few pages ago extolling the notion the cops stood down to help the AntiFa protestors. This should be concerning to any decent, law abiding citizen. What the **** has happened to this country? Armed far-right militias are now the rule-of-law in American cities and States?

Charlottesville: Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe says police failure to control protest due to militia's 'better equipment'

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has said one of the reasons the police failed to control the violence during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville was because militia members at the rally were armed with "better equipment" than the state police themselves.

“It’s easy to criticise, but I can tell you this, 80 per cent of the people here had semiautomatic weapons," Mr McAuliffe said.

Several members of militia groups, seen wearing tactical gear and carrying assault rifles, were marching from the early morning to Emancipation Park where the rally was supposed to take place to protest the removal of a statue of Civil War Confederate General Robert E Lee.

On the other side of town, counter-protesters comprised of faith leaders, groups like Black Lives Matter and Showing Up For Racial Justice, and others gathered as well.

The governor defended the police in what he called "a very delicate situation".

Mr McAuliffe said the tragic death of Heather Heyer, 32, a peaceful counter-protester who died as a result of a car being driven into the crowd, could not have been stopped.

The alleged driver of the vehicle, James Alex Fields Jr, 20, is in police custody on charges relating to Ms Heyer's death and injuring up to 35 people. He was denied bail at his first court hearing.
Saul Alinsky would be proud.

The Left's identity politics is tearing up the country's fabric and the violence will only get worse if this continues. And I expect it will.

Funny, when five Dallas cops were shot in the name of Black Lives Matter, I don't recall an uproar from these same media pukes when Obama failed to condemn that movement.

And regarding Antifa violence, the same pukes either deny it exists or pretend it doesn't exist. So spare us the sanctimonious blather.
Its painfully obvious this whole event was basically set in motion to launch Mcassholes campaign for President... the Clinton globalists love their sheeple narratives... and they just cannot escape the 1960s politics that don't matter anymore
right on cue

Left-Wing Agitators Call For Escalated Tactics In Response To Charlottesville

Far-left agitators are calling for an escalation in tactics following this weekend’s violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville. Many of the same groups that have organized violent demonstrations in Berkeley, California and elsewhere are now calling for an aggressive response to the violence in Charlottesville.

Far-left “anti-fascist” (or antifa) figures are advising agitators to do the job that police won’t: shutting down “fascists” and prevent them from organizing.

Radical left-wingers have for months justified violence as a way to fight back against “fascism” and “racism” — terms that they have applied not just to white nationalist fringe groups but to prominent figures on the right as well.


DBS, here are some of your peace-loving, Far Right extremist 'victims' that were intimidated by the anti-fascist marchers and protestors.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FN2Sreports%2Fvideos%2F1491808387593712%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="420" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
right on cue Left-Wing Agitators Call For Escalated Tactics In Response To Charlottesville

That's no surprise, when you have multiple new Far Right, White Supremacist rallies announced around the country, despite what just went down this past weekend.


Boston Police Commissioner Expects Large Crowds At Rally Saturday

White nationalists to protest in Texas in September

‘White supremacist’ patriot rally coming to San Francisco

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WE know what the left really wants

Both sides in this mess are to blame. Both Antifa showing up ready to fight and the KKK doing the same. Why are we only blaming the people who had the legal right to this protest? I don't support their vies but I support their right to protest peacefully and that became impossible when the counter protesters showed up. This is why I hate race based groups on both sides. Both sides were just itching for a fight. **** them all.
But under no circumstances can you argue away the fact that things took a devastating turn when the Far Right fascist got behind the wheel of his car and - ironically enough using ISIS tactics - sped into a street full of protestors.

See thesteelcity's video posted on Allen West's website. This is now in question as to what prompted it. New theory that the guy, while driving peacefully, was attacked by protesters in the street, tried escaping, before in fear hitting the gas.

As I said on FB, have no idea what to think at this point. The video strongly corroborates this theory.
DBS, here are some of your peace-loving, Far Right extremist 'victims' that were intimidated by the anti-fascist marchers and protestors.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FN2Sreports%2Fvideos%2F1491808387593712%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="420" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Look at the crowd on the other side of the barricade. That's what 40 to 1 Bolsheviks to White nationalists? Being threatened by an angry mob ******* declares try it and I will shoot you. Try again Tibsy, this supports what I said about the Bolshevik
Brute Squads being out in force.
I could have chose any number of your posts to make my point. How about you do some real research instead of just regurgitating the bullshit you seem to gobble up at a slovenly pace. I want you to understand something. This moment right now......is not sustainable. The rhetoric and actions are not going to last. The country is changing and will continue to do so. My generation is waiting to get a chance to really get to work and the generation behind mine. So continue on with your ignorant cheerleading and glee and enjoy your next serving of bullshit.

Just curious, were you equally as outraged when MSM began throwing around initial stories that the would-be assassin in Alexandria VA was a Conservative?
Oh, and about those posts a few pages ago extolling the notion the cops stood down to help the AntiFa protestors. This should be concerning to any decent, law abiding citizen. What the **** has happened to this country? Armed far-right militias are now the rule-of-law in American cities and States?

Charlottesville: Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe says police failure to control protest due to militia's 'better equipment'

Then why was this not the case in Auburn Alabama earlier this year?

It seems to me like governor McAuliffe and Mayor Signer are playing at political theater design to make anybody to the right of linen appear to be a Verelint racist.
Look at the crowd on the other side of the barricade. That's what 40 to 1 Bolsheviks to White nationalists? Being threatened by an angry mob ******* declares try it and I will shoot you. Try again Tibsy, this supports what I said about the Bolshevik
Brute Squads being out in force.

From an unknown person on the internet this quote says everything about the Trumptard mentality. Trying to blame the non racists at all costs....and what happens? We show who we are, right DBS?

Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn't a deal-breaker. End of story.
Oh, and about those posts a few pages ago extolling the notion the cops stood down to help the AntiFa protestors. This should be concerning to any decent, law abiding citizen. What the **** has happened to this country? Armed far-right militias are now the rule-of-law in American cities and States?

Charlottesville: Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe says police failure to control protest due to militia's 'better equipment'

Once again, as stated before, why NOW is this a problem? This is has been modus operandi for the police. See Berkeley...multiple times. Police are letting rioters across the nation riot and destroy without intervening.

I believe it is a problem, for the record. Wish they would intervene. I believed it was a problem then, and now. Just curious why you all of a sudden seem to be up in arms now? Wasn't a concern then?
Antifa = KKK for liberals

No wonder they are predominantly Bernie supporters

Antifa: Left-wing militants on the rise


Antifa is anti-government and anti-capitalist
, and their methodologies are often perceived as more closely aligned with anarchists than the mainstream left.

Antifa does not shy away from militant protest methods, including the destruction of property and sometimes physical violence.

They were present at the 2017 Berkeley protests of far-right speaker Milo Yiannopoulos and at violent protests against Donald Trump's inauguration; they were also present at Charlottesville.

Antifa's roots go back almost as far as Nazis

Much like the far-right, Antifa members around the world comprise a patchwork of groups, though the most active appear to be based in the US, the UK (under the name Anti-Fascist Action) and Germany (Antifaschistische Aktion).

The German movement was founded in 1932 to provide a militant far-left group to counter the fast-rising Nazi party.

They were disbanded in 1933 after Hitler took control of parliament and resurrected in the 1980s as a response to neo-Nazism after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

President Trump's election seems to have been something of a touchstone for the Antifa movement, which has links with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and various anarchist groups.


Then why don't you lay off the rest here? You come out with a lot of bravado and baseless claims that people here support White Supremacy. I asked you to name them and you cower away. As I've said everyone here has denounced them. Yet you continue....persist...on harping on those that you "think" support White Supremacy.

Just stop.

Another Trumptard fool that fits the quote.......wait they all do. My bad.

Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn't a deal-breaker. End of story.
I believe it is a problem, for the record. Wish they would intervene. I believed it was a problem then, and now. Just curious why you all of a sudden seem to be up in arms now? Wasn't a concern then?
Yes, it was a concern then and it's a concern now, on that we both agree. What's new information, at least for me, is an elected official suggesting the reason for the stand-down was that the Far Right militias are more heavily-armed than the police? WTF? That's the aspect that surprised me, above and beyond the fact police have shown a tendency to let protestors duke it out and have decided to stay out of the fray at some of these rallies. I think cops should uphold the law on all fronts. If there are signs of violence they should go in and remove & arrest those involved, regardless of affiliation.
Another Trumptard fool that fits the quote.......wait they all do. My bad.

Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn't a deal-breaker. End of story.

And again, you'd take that from that. Not surprised, you're a sick ****. As I've said a million times, I'll gladly put my work and life dealings with African Americans on display for anyone here. And guarantee I do more for positive race relations than most. You will continue your stereotypical Left Wing name calling and labeling while failing to see the racist in the mirror. That I'm confident of.
Tit fof tat.

My side is good yours is bad

I do do this, but you can't

My views are it, yours are wrong.

Whatever side your on, flip it and there you go.
Yes, it was a concern then and it's a concern now, on that we both agree. What's new information, at least for me, is an elected official suggesting the reason for the stand-down was that the Far Right militias are more heavily-armed than the police? WTF? That's the aspect that surprised me, above and beyond the fact police have shown a tendency to let protestors duke it out and have decided to stay out of the fray at some of these rallies. I think cops should uphold the law on all fronts. If there are signs of violence they should go in and remove & arrest those involved, regardless of affiliation.

We didn't see you go on for 14 pages, endlessly, about the police allowing Antifa to run amok.

And I'm sorry, do you really believe that the White Supremacists were more heavily armed than the police?? Tibs, you're sucking up the Liberal narrative if you believe that. Look at the videos, the photos. The police were there in full riot gear, countless police, with weapons. 200 KKK **** nuts were more heavily armed? Come on man, wake up.
From an unknown person on the internet this quote says everything about the Trumptard mentality. Trying to blame the non racists at all costs....and what happens? We show who we are, right DBS?

Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn't a deal-breaker. End of story.

Saying racists have a right to speak without being accosted by mobs of Bolsheviks is not the same as agreeing with their philosophy Elfie. I believe Bernie Supporters and Communists have the same rights too. Try again Skooter.
And again, you'd take that from that. Not surprised, you're a sick ****. As I've said a million times, I'll gladly put my work and life dealings with African Americans on display for anyone here. And guarantee I do more for positive race relations than most. You will continue your stereotypical Left Wing name calling and labeling while failing to see the racist in the mirror. That I'm confident of.

The only sick ***** here are Trump supporters, and if that quote doesn't allow you to grasp that then you're equally stupid.