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I knew it was a commin'

Sorry to come right back at you, but you can't be serious that its the Left using violence. I mean, we have to have some common point of departure to discuss these matters. Are you suggesting the Far Right did not participate in violence in Charlottesville? Just really confused about this statement. Or are you talking here about something else?

No Tibs. I'll stand up and point to Dylan Roof, and to abortion bombings and to Charlottesville. But it pales massively in comparison to the relentless bullying being driven by the Left. Since you're on the MSM side, you don't know what it's like to be told daily, non stop, that you are a racist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe....when you know yourself, you know your life, you know what you stand for. The common American is fed up with it. You don't turn on a sitcom and see this. Or late night comedy. Or NBC or ABC. You just don't. Watch House of Cards. Any show. See the veiled or direct insults thrown at middle America endlessly.

Couple that with speakers from our side being persistently denied the right to speak, violently. To seeing countless articles and news stations calling for violence against Conservatives. BLM assassinating police. The riots after the election, the 200+ felony convictions. Assassination attempts. Knock out. Black on white crime that goes under reported. I've posted countless links. Many here have. We could go on and on.

Perception is reality and the perception is that the Left means us harm. We hear it. We see it preached. We witness it. And we've seen the frequency and intensity of it increase.

Don't try saying it isn't so. It really is.
but that all ended with the defeat of Hillary Clinton and inserting Donald the Magnificent into the highest office, no?

This is where you fail in your argument Tibs. You believe that with the flip of a switch, Trump came in and everything changed. **** it's going to take a LOT more than the white house to make these changes. The media is still 97% registered Liberals. Deep state operatives are all over the federal government - witness the # of leaks the WH has suffered as compared to prior Presidents. Those stats have been posted. Universities are still a bastion of Far Left Liberal teaching. Public schools have been indoctrinated for so long it will take a generation to change, if we can.

I posted before about Alger Hiss. Scrubbed from the history books. Not taught in schools. Perfect evidence of the impact this Leftist revolution has had on our media, our education and our government.

It's going to take a long time to fix.
Deep state operatives are all over the federal government - witness the # of leaks the WH has suffered as compared to prior Presidents.
I believe when it's all said and done it will be clear Steve Bannon was and is behind the majority of those leaks. Quite the 'deep state operative', lol.

It's going to take a long time to fix.
So to be clear, Far Right brown shirts and militias on the streets is part of the fix? That was the question.

You don't turn on a sitcom and see this. Or late night comedy. Or NBC or ABC. You just don't. Watch House of Cards. Any show.
You have no idea the type of access I have to American television out here in Europe. Be it online, HBO, Netflix... I watch plenty of it.
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I believe when it's all said and done it will be clear Steve Bannon was and is behind the majority of those leaks. Quite the 'deep state operative', lol.

So to be clear, Far Right brown shirts and militias on the streets is part of the fix? That was the question.

You have no idea the type of access I have to American television out here in Europe. Be it online, HBO, Netflix... I watch plenty of it.

Your Bannon idea is a belief. I believe you're going to be sorely disappointed.

Nope, no one on the streets is going to fix any of the problems I referenced.

And regarding TV, I wasn't insinuating you don't get TV behind the wall. I do believe with your hardened Leftist filters, you watch a lot of what we see and it glosses right by you as normal. It doesn't sting. Or you laugh and find it funny and say "exactly." How many jokes about middle America, the rural, those from Mississippi or West Virginia have you found yourself laughing at before? Liberals and the coasters find these funny. Those from Middle America are hurt by them. You're from the party of the victim classes. Clearly you can understand being offended.

But as I've said before, let it continue. It's winning us elections and it is going to take time to fix these problems. Perhaps it will drive more Conservatives into education, reporting, media, acting and the like. And the pendulum can shift.
Well DIBSY, does the right want this to stop? Why is the Far Right even out on the streets? Why are they so hostile? Their main man is in the WH, along with the likes of Steve Bannon, Steve Miller and Sebastian Gorka. Not convinced, listen to the KKK head ******** heap praise on Trump over the weekend. Never in the history of the country has there been a more sympathetic presidency to their cause than now.

So I understand why the left - liberals, progressives, AntiFa, BLM et al - are upset with how things are going, but why the sudden reemergence of the Far Right on the streets? What gives? You say they're fed up by being pushed around, the perceived slights at universities, et al, but that all ended with the defeat of Hillary Clinton and inserting Donald the Magnificent into the highest office, no? Full majority in the House and Senate. Total command of governorships around the country. So why all the vitriol coming from the right? Why not just sit back and let the leftists protest, let off steam, get arrested, et al?

Seems to me, for some reason the Far Right has decided this is the right time to step up and begin intense provocations. That is what I think we're seeing, not anything else. So you conspiracy theorists, your best bet to convince me these are staged events, convince me that Soros is actually behind the Alt Right brownshirts - and not AntiFa - in pushing to escalate the situation. That would be much more believable, since the left needs zero xtra motivation right now to be out on the streets protesting. The other side? Not so much.

You surely understand the irony of this statement. More 'authoritarian state control' at this point means more Trump and the Right. Trump = the Feds. You understand that, I hope.


Of course I want the violence to stop. Only a fool will pray for civil war. I will not be intimidated by a you Bolsheviks on the left though. Your side started this **** back during the election remember? All the attacks on republicans at Trump rallies? The GOP offices that were firebombed? Did you forget about that? I haven't. There will be plenty of the state power pie to go around and its a long term strategy in any event. There are plenty of RINOs that are on board with the statist agenda of the Neo-Socialists so the Neo-Socialists will settle for small bites now. Perhaps the far right is out in the streets to counter the Bolsheviks who are agitating for the removal of the president? What I do no is that you folks on the left if given power will destroy the bill of rights and crack down on anyone that doesn't subscribe to your approved group think. That's why you lefties hate the 2nd Amendment so much, an armed population will not willingly get in the boxcars of the trains bound for the Gulag.
I will not be intimidated by a you Bolsheviks on the left though.
DIBSY, I'm no Bolshevik but by no means should you be intimidated by them.

Your side started this **** back during the election remember? All the attacks on republicans at Trump rallies?
DIBSY, you mean when Trump supporters, security and cops manhandled and beat up protesters at Trump rallies with Trump urging them on? Is that what you're referring to?

The GOP offices that were firebombed? Did you forget about that? I haven't.
Yeah, I have forgotten that DIBSY, don't remember reading about that.

Perhaps the far right is out in the streets to counter the Bolsheviks who are agitating for the removal of the president?
After working so hard to distance yourself from them, now it sounds like you're okay with the extremist Far Right on the streets, causing bloodshed and mayhem. Which is it, DIBSY?

What I do no is that you folks on the left if given power will destroy the bill of rights and crack down on anyone that doesn't subscribe to your approved group think.
How is that? Barack Obama, the evil, foreign-born, left wing, Communist, gun-grabbing, liberal, progressive Muslim was in power for eight years running. As far as I can tell the Bill of Rights is still intact and nobody confiscated your guns.

That's why you lefties hate the 2nd Amendment so much, an armed population will not willingly get in the boxcars of the trains bound for the Gulag.
I don't hate the 2nd Amendment nor any other part of the Constitution, DIBSY.. I think it's the greatest document ever written in history. And on the gulags, I will say - to your credit - you have a vivid imagination.
But as I've said before, let it continue. It's winning us elections...
Uhm, it's won you one national election. Your president is currently sitting at a 34% approval rating, last time I checked. The GOP majority just failed miserably on repeal and replace, total chaos rules the day in the Trump cabinet. But sure, pat yourself on the back for 'winning elections.'

Perhaps it will drive more Conservatives into education, reporting, media, acting and the like. And the pendulum can shift.
That right there is the answer. If you can get a complete buffoon elected to the WH, seems much easier to get non-liberal types into positions of decision-making in other fields, including the media, entertainment and education.
Uhm, it's won you one national election. Your president is currently sitting at a 34% approval rating, last time I checked. The GOP majority just failed miserably on repeal and replace, total chaos rules the day in the Trump cabinet. But sure, pat yourself on the back for 'winning elections.'

No, it's won us 1,000 elections Tibs. The Democrats have lost 1,000 elections since 2008, including the national. Those other losses are all just as material as the WH. You gotta steer clear of your filtered echo chambers and look at all of the news.


And it's 43%. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_aug14

Queue Tibs' "but that's Rasumussen" comments in just a moment.
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Selective memory much? You mean the people that got into a private event and were disruptive so they got tossed out? Sorry man that doesn't come to the level of radical leftist mobs pelting people with bottles, rocks and eggs and beating people that they got cornered with their fists. Look up the GOP office that got fire bombed it was in NC. And I base my beliefs of the lefts overbearing hatred of individual liberty and the Constitution on both the words and deeds of the left. Again its a long term strategy or as your friends the ChiComs called it The Long March.
This **** is going to get worse. See the image.

If the Alt Right protested statues being torn down in Charlottesville, how does the Left react? By wanting to destroy even more history and rewrite it. I'm telling you, this is going to escalate. Neither side will stop. As Allen West said, stop trying to re-write history.

No, it's won us 1,000 elections Tibs. The Democrats have lost 1,000 elections since 2008. You gotta steer clear of your filtered echo chambers and look at all of the news.
Glad you're so confident on how things are going. But we digress, that type of shining your own pole is for the Trump Winning thread. I guess we should steer back to the topic at hand.

This is recommended reading for some perspective on your current state of victim hood.

The ‘war on whites’ is a myth — and an ugly one

Many of those who descended on Charlottesville to attend the white nationalist rally this weekend believe there is a “war on whites” in the United States today. They believe it so deeply that they are willing, in 2017, to carry Nazi flags and chant Nazi slogans. Some were ready to act violently against those who disagreed. One man faces murder charges after driving his vehicle through a crowd of counterprotesters.

The view that white people face broad discrimination is not limited to groups like the ones espousing Nazi propaganda in Charlottesville over the weekend.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll in March 2016 — during the heated Republican primaries — asked Americans which is the “bigger problem in this country: blacks and Hispanics losing out because of preferences for whites, or whites losing out because of preferences for blacks and Hispanics?” Among GOP voters who supported Trump for the Republican nomination, 54 percent picked whites as the bigger losers. Other polls have found similar results.

The “war on whites” is a core concern of Trump’s base, but it isn’t true. White people, especially white males, still have a huge advantage in American society. White people not only control a vastly disproportionate share of the country’s wealth, income and economic power, they also enjoy tremendous advantages helping them to stay ahead financially.
Ok just get the civil war out of the way... kill off most of the dumbfucks on both sides so ill have less headaches... also i like turtles
If the Alt Right protested statues being torn down in Charlottesville, how does the Left react? By wanting to destroy even more history and rewrite it. I'm telling you, this is going to escalate. Neither side will stop. As Allen West said, stop trying to re-write history.
Not sure this is what the White Vanguard had in mind when they started this shitstorm.

Looks like people around the country are starting to react to the Far Right's provocations and taking things into their own hands. Not saying I agree with it, at all. Just noting how quickly these events seem to be taking place.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FPeopleForBernie%2Fvideos%2F2050469308506606%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="581" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
The shitstorm didn't start when the PC police and Left drove this push to remove Confederate flags and remove statues? Wow thanks for the education Tibs. It was my understanding these Alt Righters were actually reacting to the statues and flags being removed and that one came before the other.

My bad.

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The shitstorm didn't start when the PC police and Left drove this push to remove Confederate flags and remove statues? Wow thanks for the education Tibs. It was my understanding these Alt Righters were actually reacting to the statues and flags being removed and that one came before the other. My bad.
Reacting? Or showing up with tiki torches, Nazi flags, shields, bats and pepper spray accompanied by armed-to-the-teeth Far Right militias and the leader of the KKK? Yeah, your bad.
Another example of Far Righters suffering from White victimhood. Poor chaps, life is rough.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNowThisPolitics%2Fvideos%2F1665700016794815%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="562" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
I don't like Trump, I think he's impulsive, not too smart, and possibly in the early stages of dementia. But the idea that Trump is sympathetic to white supremacists or has purposely inspired or emboldened them is ludicrous. How soon we forget that Trump is half a year past being your basic Hollywood limousine liberal. The ONLY thing he has in common with the alt-right is a strong anti-illegal immigration sentiment, That is something shared by many, many Republicans and Democrats alike, and has little if anything to do with racism. It certainly has nothing to do with racism towards African Americans. There is absolutely not one shred of evidence of any kind of "white supremacist" or neo-nazi beliefs in Trump's background or persona. Nationalism does not necessarily equal racism.

The fact that some alt-righters like him because of this strong anti-immigration policy does not make him an alt-righter except in the eyes of the hysterical media and the left wing who have an interest in anything that feeds the narrative of Trump as the right-wing bogeyman. Anything and everything negative that happens in this country will be immediately linked to Trump. That's what they did to Bush, and they are doing it 100 fold to Trump.

The left has become a cult, and anyone who doesn't join up is ostracized, marginalized, isolated and shunned as everything evil and wrong in the world. It's so very reminiscent of fascism. There is no room for intelligent discourse or an honest hearing of genuine, well-meaning opposing points of view anymore. It's sad.
Glad you're so confident on how things are going. But we digress, that type of shining your own pole is for the Trump Winning thread. I guess we should steer back to the topic at hand.

This is recommended reading for some perspective on your current state of victim hood.

The ‘war on whites’ is a myth — and an ugly one

OMG WashPo...the organization that sent dozens of reporters to dig up dirt on Trump and none on Hillary.

WashPo's articles cannot remove bakeries, Miracle Pizza, BLM and knock-out, Holder's selective filing of hate crimes, the media's attacks on whites, and White Prejudice classes from history. Yet anyway.

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Dropping like flies... 2nd CEO resigns on Monday from Trump council. Looks like the President is making quite the impression.

Under Armour CEO resigns from Trump council

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I love our country & company. I am stepping down from the council to focus on inspiring & uniting through power of sport. - CEO Kevin Plank <a href="https://t.co/8YvndJMjj1">pic.twitter.com/8YvndJMjj1</a></p>— Under Armour (@UnderArmour) <a href="https://twitter.com/UnderArmour/status/897250195787964416">August 15, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I don't like Trump, I think he's impulsive, not too smart, and possibly in the early stages of dementia. But the idea that Trump is sympathetic to white supremacists or has purposely inspired or emboldened them is ludicrous. How soon we forget that Trump is half a year past being your basic Hollywood limousine liberal. The ONLY thing he has in common with the alt-right is a strong anti-illegal immigration sentiment, That is something shared by many, many Republicans and Democrats alike, and has little if anything to do with racism. It certainly has nothing to do with racism towards African Americans. There is absolutely not one shred of evidence of any kind of "white supremacist" or neo-nazi beliefs in Trump's background or persona. Nationalism does not necessarily equal racism.

The fact that some alt-righters like him because of this strong anti-immigration policy does not make him an alt-righter except in the eyes of the hysterical media and the left wing who have an interest in anything that feeds the narrative of Trump as the right-wing bogeyman. Anything and everything negative that happens in this country will be immediately linked to Trump. That's what they did to Bush, and they are doing it 100 fold to Trump.

The left has become a cult, and anyone who doesn't join up is ostracized, marginalized, isolated and shunned as everything evil and wrong in the world. It's so very reminiscent of fascism. There is no room for intelligent discourse or an honest hearing of genuine, well-meaning opposing points of view anymore. It's sad.

Quoted 1,000 times over for truth. We see it there, we see it here...it's everywhere. He is flawed. He is not a White Supremacist, Nazi, etc.

The Left will not stop.

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But the idea that Trump is sympathetic to white supremacists or has purposely inspired or emboldened them is ludicrous.
Really? Then why are Steve Bannon, Steven Miller and Sebastian Gorka in his cabinet and part of his inner circle? Read up on them and get back to us.