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I knew it was a commin'

See, that's a liberal. Give me YOUR money to give to minorities to ease MY personal guilt. People like that need therapy.

Oh she is VERY liberal, as is her husband. He works in immigration law, and she works as a disabliltiies advocate. What's funny is that her parents (whom I have known for close to 40 years) are as conservative as they come. She has even subtly called her dad a racist for having working class, middle american views. She refuses to admit that BLM is just as racist as KKK....because blacks can't be racist.
I am so glad I haven't been paying attention to media lately. Yes, I know I should be and that it's important. But it's also refreshing NOT to. I'm tired of seeing that the white person is the root of all evil. One of my white friends even started a gofundme page to help her donate money to non-whites because she is tired of being the oppressor. I'm just done with it all.

I'm kinda paying attention, but I think it's best to keep our heads down and continue with our normal, daily lives. Most of it seems like it's out a movie. The lines in the sand grow deeper everyday and the extremes are getting worse. Action gets a reaction and that's what we are seeing. All this hate and violence is rearing it's ugly head and NO ONE is stepping up to put an end to it. The volcano is erupting and it's about to overtake the town. I'm sick of hearing about race, hate, division, violence, alt this and alt that. I'm so happy that football is almost back to take my mind off of this.
out of spite? It wasn't out of spite. It was to get the same ol' same ol' politician out of the WH. To be honest, our options was a **** sandwich and a ****** meatloaf. Anyone that was frustrated with the past 8 years and the Clinton's shady past didn't and couldn't vote for her. To lose to Donald freakin' Trump says a mouthful.

Take it up with Tim, Supe and whoever else is saying it's the left's fault that people nominated and voted for Trump. That is saying they did it for spite. It also seems to be an admission that they ****** up, but it's not their fault.
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Is it not scary how often Orwell was right?

Most of it seems like it's out a movie. The lines in the sand grow deeper everyday and the extremes are getting worse. Action gets a reaction and that's what we are seeing. All this hate and violence is rearing it's ugly head and NO ONE is stepping up to put an end to it. I'm so happy that football is almost back to take my mind off of this.

You are not alone by any means tsc but in just the last decade we have seen some gruesome manifestations of racial and ethnic hatred in America--literally, murder in the streets, blood spilling everywhere. We have seen political fights in Congress over who should get the most of America's goodies--fights that have caused shutdowns of the federal government and mind-boggling gridlock in Washington. One senses that our nation is split irrevocably and that there is no one to bring us together again.

The blame game seems to be played with every American failure.

Rather than uniting to face the real foe—do-nothing politicians, legislators, and others in power—we fall into the trap of turning against each other, expending our energy battling our allies instead of our enemies.

Yeh, the lines in the sand grow deeper everyday but it is important to guard against the persistent pressure to keep us focused on vitriol and hate instead of attacking those that continue to drive the wedge for their own political advantage. To them you might reasonably say, “Come back and talk to me when you have done something worth talking about.” and great silence should follow.

Football is back but even that has seen progress in the war against unity.

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Here is an article from a journalist who was a supposed to speak at the rally. He lays out exactly what happened in the park. He also lays out how the Charlottesville city police and Virginia State troopers did nothing to control the rioting AntiFa Fascists and BLM thugs. It's almost as if the administration of both the city and the state wanted a confrontation with the white nationalists and The bolshevik brute squads. CWII is fast approaching. We are no longer one America.

Is it not scary how often Orwell was right?


The records and history books still very much show this period of American "exceptionalism". No one is erasing history here. People just don't want to live in communities where there are erected and prominent statues of figures who had the death and desecration of their ancestors on their hands. The first black student in the desegregation era is my Mom's age. She's in her 60's. There are people who are still fairly young that can remember what it was like to still be beaten and in some cases killed on these streets with these monuments still over looking and overshadowing their communities. This was barely 50 years ago. And if you want to talk about Orwell and 1984, the manner in which Trump is running his administration and the types of people he has chosen to surround him in the White House if the most Orwellian thing we've ever seen in modern American politics.
Take it up with Tim, Supe and whoever else is saying it's the left's fault that people nominated and voted for Trump. That is saying they did it for spite. It also seems to be an admission that they ****** up, but it's not their fault.

Voters didn't or couldn't vote for HC, is to a point, the Left's fault. They put a corrupt, slimy, unlikable person with her hubby lurking behind her as the face of the party that was a slam dunk W. Also, you had BO pushing HARD for her and if you weren't keen on BO for the past eight, why would anyone in their right mind want another 4-8 years of that? You can also blame the Right for not having a viable candidate that a billionaire hotel mogul/TV host got the gig.
The whining and temper tantrums are so out of control, that's why it seems electing Trump was f'd up. There are marches, violence, protests, from both sides of the spectrum and not one group will let anything rest and play out. Statues and monuments are being destroyed to erase history. Govt and LE are letting this go on and it will get worse. No one wants to step up to offend anyone, so we now have chaos. It's now brewing in the South and when does it come up North then head West? What will a group be offended about tomorrow? When will it end? When will "everyone" be happy to live their lives again? Let me guess, when Trump is out of office and the other half approves. It's going to be a long, rocky and unsettling four years. I hope everyone has their hardhats on. It's going to continue to get uglier and uglier because no one will stand down.
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Just wait until the next presidential election cycle rolls on in. It's not going to be pretty or pleasant. This **** storm started over 8 years ago when we elected a snake in the grass marxist. I actually am beyond giving a **** about any of it other than a states constitutional convention that's long overdue. You can't drain a swamp when you have no place for it to go. Tired of it. Tired of the media. Tired of Hollywood who live in some fictional reality . Tired of self serving politicians who act like royalty above all with special privledge over the serfs. This game is getting old.
"You don't get a mulligan as President of the United States." "Too little, too late." Hard to argue with Ryan Lizza here, even on the so-called fake news network.

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You're such a ******* hypocrite. Obama never mentioned BLM after that ******* killed the Dallas cops. He even said he would wait to comment further after investigation and facts came to light. Everything Trump has said was perfectly fine. You are just little ***** nitpicker libtard.
I understand the outrage from people over making Lee some kind of honorable icon.

Lee was a slaveowner—his own views on slavery were explicated in an 1856 letter that it often misquoted to give the impression that Lee was some kind of an abolitionist. In the letter, he describes slavery as “a moral & political evil,” but goes on to explain that:

I think it however a greater evil to the white man than to the black race, & while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more strong for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence. Their emancipation will sooner result from the mild & melting influence of Christianity, than the storms & tempests of fiery Controversy.


Having said that, it doesn't justify any of the bullshit from either the soros clowns or the neo-numnuts. It's just a pretense at this point.
And if you want to talk about Orwell and 1984, the manner in which Trump is running his administration and the types of people he has chosen to surround him in the White House if the most Orwellian thing we've ever seen in modern American politics.

You really need to read 1984. And if you say you have already read it, you need to re-read it.
Seeing how amped up the situation is getting, including a massive rally going on right now outside of Trump Towers in NY, as well as the multiple new Far Right rallies planned for the coming days and weeks (along with the anti-demonstrations that will surely follow), where will this all lead to?

It seems those on the fringes are becoming increasing agitated and violent, evidently on both sides of the spectrum.

I guess the question is, are there enough sensible people not on the fringes, for instance State and City elected officials, police departments and members of the general public that can help ease the tension? Or are we are on doorstep of sustained clashes throughout the country? Feel free to chime in, this isn't a question for anyone in particular. Just wondering where you all see this heading in the near future?

There will be more clashes. Probably a lot more.

I've been listening to the reports now that the weekend was over. I'm hearing interviews. Yes, the media is strongly blaming this all on one side, but if you read between the lines you start to get the answers you are looking for.

The initial "protest" was scheduled and licensed for the park where the Lee statue is/was. The protesters showed up in large numbers. Anti-protesters showed up in large numbers. The park was too small and the police unprepared. The police "broke up" the protest but what that did was scatter protesters to all sorts of smaller groups, each meeting with the anti-protesters in different numbers and proportions. On some streets you might have more peaceful groups as well. On some back streets or areas with less police coverage, the real wackos might have congregated. I'm surprised there wasn't more violence to tell you the truth. Sounds like once the Charlottesville police broke up the demonstrations in the park, things got really out of hand. They just couldn't pin down where anything was happening in real time.

That's partly why you see different pictures. One street might have neo-nazis vs. normal peaceful college kids. One street my have Antifa vs. normal southern hicks just protesting to keep General Lee up. But if the real hard core Antifa guys met the real hard core Neo Nazis or White Supremacists, things likely got real bad, real quick.

In a lot of ways this whole thing was handled poorly because we have a tolerance now for "anti-protests" to show up without permits and without planning. Some cities do a better job of keeping both groups away from each other. In this case it wasn't done well. Maybe a good lesson for police control of situations like this.

We'll see. I'm pretty sure both sides can use this situation to "recruit" more sympathizers. The hard-core neo-nazis, white nationalists will continue to pound the table about inequality (both in how they were treated as a rightful protesting group and how they were portrayed in the media). The Antifa crowd will recruit based on the media's over exaggeration of the Neo-Nazi and White Supremacist problem/prevalence. Both sides are like gangs right now bringing weapons to the protests. The Sharks and the Jets.
The records and history books still very much show this period of American "exceptionalism". No one is erasing history here. People just don't want to live in communities where there are erected and prominent statues of figures who had the death and desecration of their ancestors on their hands. The first black student in the desegregation era is my Mom's age. She's in her 60's. There are people who are still fairly young that can remember what it was like to still be beaten and in some cases killed on these streets with these monuments still over looking and overshadowing their communities. This was barely 50 years ago. And if you want to talk about Orwell and 1984, the manner in which Trump is running his administration and the types of people he has chosen to surround him in the White House if the most Orwellian thing we've ever seen in modern American politics.

You are deluding yourself if you think history isn't being erased. This is absolutely step 1. As I've said for numerous pages, go research Alger Hiss. He has been erased from much of history. Not taught about in schools. Step one is remove the visual cues.

As I've asked before, what is next? Go to Gettysburg and remove all Confederate monuments? There are 1,340 monuments at Gettysburg. What about every other battlefield? When that first flag was removed, we took the first step down the slippery slope. Then it became one statue. Now it's statues and flags in every state on an ever increasing scale (and violence is ensuing).

So when does it end? You can't say. And you can't say it will end when statues are removed from a few Capitol buildings and state parks. It won't end. After the statues and flags are gone, it will be made illegal to display the flag on a personal vehicle. Or the words in the school books will be changed. Robert E. Lee was a Confederate. He did have some merit to this country that is of value that we can learn from. History will be reworded to villify Lee and the others. Any positives removed. He will be turned into 100% villain, a Hitler. The stories will be changed, so as not to offend anyone that thinks any person from the South was celebrated in any way.

Those are the next steps. Where we are going.

Note: Since we have to do this in the face of Liberals today who respond to posts like mine by screaming RACIST! and the like, I am from the North (sort of), a Union person if I had to be, a person with black blood relatives, a mentor to a young African American man, proud neighbor and community member in a multi racial community, father to two young sons who often have black, Jewish and Asian friends sleep in our home, person who had three African Americans in my home Sunday night to watch Game of Thrones, youth coach, high school volunteer, businessman, and husband. If after reading this you have an erection that lasts for four hours, please consult a doctor.

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I understand the outrage from people over making Lee some kind of honorable icon.

Having said that, it doesn't justify any of the bullshit from either the soros clowns or the neo-numnuts. It's just a pretense at this point.

I tell my kids often, every human being is a mixture of good and bad. As scary and warped as it may seem, Jeffrey Dahmer at times in his life did kind things for people, made people smile, made someone's day. There's angel and devil in each of us. The challenge is, how much of each.

(the reason I tell my kids this is to ensure they don't simply label people as good or bad and look for value in each person - no, don't search out the next Jeffrey Dahmer and look for value in him)

I do not look at Robert E. Lee as a hero. Likewise, he's not the devil. But we can and should learn from both sides of that ugly war where good triumphed evil. Robert E. Lee was a smart person on the wrong side of history. Learn from the man.


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There are marches, violence, protests, from both sides of the spectrum and not one group will let anything rest and play out.

The equivalence game.

And you think I don't notice that you grouped "marches, violence, protests"? I did. Marching and protesting is part of American history and a right. Violence is not.

Please remind me of the violence after Obama's election in 2008? How about 2012? Can we compare that to the left's behavior post-Trump?









Please help me locate the violent, anti-Obama protests circa 2008 and 2012. I can't seem to find them.

So after years of leftist violence - riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, riots in Los Angeles, looting, destruction, fires, burning, assaults, attacks - a bunch of whack jobs show up in Charlottesville and return some violence.

And the left is shocked, SHOCKED!!!
The Fake News MSM and leftist idiots are vile, vomitous hypocrites.

How Obama Handled An Attack By A Racial Nationalist
Photo of Scott Greer
Deputy Editor
12:59 AM 08/15/2017
President Trump is still facing a torrent of criticism for his responses to the Charlottesville violence.

After calling out the hatred and violence from “many sides” on Saturday, Trump finally did what the media demanded and condemned white nationalists and other hate groups by name.

Yet, that wasn’t good enough for the chattering class, and the new denunciation is not winning the president any goodwill.

While it’s certainly true the president could have articulated a better message over the weekend, his administration is taking a very hard line on the Charlottesville violence. The Department of Justice is launching a civil rights investigation into the matter and Attorney General Jeff Sessions described the car attack that left one woman dead as domestic terror.

But the president continues to be barraged with accusations that he’s basically letting white nationalists get away with murder.

In light of the criticism against the current president, it’s worth remembering how the previous president dealt with an act of domestic terror committed by a racial nationalist.

In July of 2016, an avowed black nationalist murdered five police officers during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Dallas, Texas. The act of violence was well-planned and was motivated entirely by the hate-filled ideology of the shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson.

With several officers dead by the hand of a committed black nationalist, one might think the Obama administration may have considered the assassinations domestic terror and launched an investigation into groups associated with this ideology.

Not at all.

Barack Obama condemned the shootings, but he did not call out or even allude to Johnson’s hateful views. He did, however, blame “powerful weapons” for the violence.

In her statement on the shooting, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch exploited the tragedy to push for gun control and praise the cause of Black Lives Matter. No mention of Johnson’s ideology or “hate” in was made in her statement, but she did manage to directly name multiple cases of police-involved shootings — all after cops were the ones murdered.

Trump and his administration were urged to speak strongly against the alt-right on the presumption that there would further violence if none was taken.

In the case of the Dallas shooting, there was further violence from black nationalists following the attack. In the same month, three officers were gunned down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana by an adherent to this radical ideology. (RELATED: Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel)

In a less violent case that also occurred in July of 2016, several churches in the area of St. Louis, Missouri, were vandalized and graffitied with rhetoric associated with black nationalism.

Once again, no demands for the Obama administration to condemn these actions — quite unlike how Trump is browbeaten to do so any whiff of extremism from the Right.

This violence has continued into the Trump era as well. A black Muslim, Kori Muhammad, murdered three white men in Fresno, California back in April, because of the color of their skin. Muhammad openly admitted this racial motivation in interviews with police and laughed about his murders. Prior to the killings, the shooter had made numerous anti-white social media posts and rap videos. (RELATED: Anti-White Fresno Killer LAUGHED About Murders During Police Interview)

In May, a black nationalist, Derrick Lamont Brown, shot a paramedic and opened fire on police. The authorities were responding to Brown killing his roommate and shooting a neighbor. This black nationalist was associated with the Huey Newton Gun Club, to which Micah Johnson also had ties. (RELATED: FBI Was Investigating Black Nationalist Leader Who Shot Dallas Paramedic, Cops)

Based on this evidence, there seems to be a lot of violence associated with black power ideology. But there has hardly been any mention of it by the press. In the case of Kori Muhammad, most major outlets ignored the violence entirely, in spite of its clearly hate-filled nature. No condemnation was made of it by Trump or any other politician.

A clear contrast to the violence in Charlottesville.

The federal government has a responsibility to look into groups that may be responsible for violence. But it appears the chattering class only considers groups that can be tied to Trump — however distant or non-existent of a link there may be — as threats worth pursuing.

As left-wing demonstrators are emboldened and getting more aggressive following the violence in Charlottesville, this avoidance could continue to cost lives.
Statues aren't history. Why are losers (the South) allowed to put up statues anyway? If your team loses the Super Bowl, there isn't a parade.
Kids today and that will be entering school will be so uniformed, uneducated and misled to our history. They will be taught a fraction of the past and will have to seek it out on their own. Add to the confusion and questions to "why were we not taught this in school?" They will be coddled and guided into one direction.
Major holidays will be next to be dismissed. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter are on the chopping block. Have already heard rumblings to why they are negative and need to go away. Fun times. Whooooo!
Statues aren't history. Why are losers (the South) allowed to put up statues anyway? If your team loses the Super Bowl, there isn't a parade.

Next Super Bowl, the losers will get a mini SB trophy, so they don't feel left out. Btw, a statue represent a moment in time or an event. You go to Gettysburg and there is a slew of them. They tell a story.
Statues aren't history.

What...the....****. And you are writing a book??

Statues are absolutely a part of history. They tell a story. Look at the origin of statues...where they came from, and why. They are the keystones of history. One of the first ways man told and shared history for those to come after they passed. My God I can't believe you wrote that.

And...books are re-written, burned. Bit harder to get rid of statues, monuments, plaques.
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So we should tear down the Lincoln Memorial and blow up Mt. Rushmore? How about knocking down the statue of Liberty? Libtards.....smdh.
So we should tear down the Lincoln Memorial and blow up Mt. Rushmore? How about knocking down the statue of Liberty? Libtards.....smdh.

Don't forget, someone needs to march right down on the Mall in Washington ASAP and knock that ******* Washington Monument over. George Washington owned approximately 317 slaves.

Also, I went to James Madison University. Someone go in and raze that *****. The whole university - TEAR IT DOWN. James Madison owned 100 slaves.

In fact, I think the White House should be torn down too. How many Presidents resided in that house, as slave owners? Jefferson, Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, Polk, Taylor Andrew Johnson, and Grant....all owned slaves. Burn that ***** to the ground!
One of the main tenets of true communism and control is you eliminate heroes. You eliminate the idea that any one man accomplished more than another. There are no extraordinary individuals. We are all the same. The lazy is equivalent to the hard worker. The dumb is equivalent to the smart.

I have no doubt there are some among the hard left that feel any accolades to anybody somehow act as a reminder of inferiority to others. And instead of being inspirations they act to guilt/hold back.

To praise our founding fathers is an affront to the leaders of today as "equivalents". To praise General Lee (no matter his side) is an affront to those front line soldiers that lost their lives under his command.

Communist/Socialists have long been proponents that accomplishment is more circumstance and "luck" than skill and this explains all inequality from color to religion to sex to age to any difference at all. That none among us are extraordinary and that only that the conditions of our circumstance, only the "nurture" part leads to success and discovery. We are all interchangeable in our social importance.
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