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I knew it was a commin'

Another example of Far Righters suffering from White victimhood. Poor chaps, life is rough.

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Yeah how dare they stand there refusing to move and not physically battering the police.
Reacting? Or showing up with tiki torches, Nazi flags, shields, bats and pepper spray accompanied by armed-to-the-teeth Far Right militias and the leader of the KKK? Yeah, your bad.

Yeah Tibs, reacting. It's really simple. Answer this question - which came first - the removal of flags and statues which is a part of people's culture and history - or Alt Right showing up in Charlottesville? It truly is that simple. One drove the other.

Unless of course you are saying America should roll over for this Comminist-like re-writing of American history? People should just accept it?

That really is what is at hand. You are on board with re-writing history. Alger Hiss isn't taught in schools but Nixon is? That to you is good. Got it.

Let's get to burning books next please Komrade.

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Really? Then why are Steve Bannon, Steven Miller and Sebastian Gorka in his cabinet and part of his inner circle? Read up on them and get back to us.

Jesus...Lord...God. Your desperation has desperation at this point.

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Dropping like flies... 2nd CEO resigns on Monday from Trump council. Looks like the President is making quite the impression.

Under Armour CEO resigns from Trump council

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I love our country & company. I am stepping down from the council to focus on inspiring & uniting through power of sport. - CEO Kevin Plank <a href="https://t.co/8YvndJMjj1">pic.twitter.com/8YvndJMjj1</a></p>— Under Armour (@UnderArmour) <a href="https://twitter.com/UnderArmour/status/897250195787964416">August 15, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Yes, Kevin Plank who dared express support for some of Trump's pro-business policies and was pummeled into submission by the left.

Dissent...on anything...will not be tolerated.
Uhm, it's won you one national election. Your president is currently sitting at a 34% approval rating, last time I checked. The GOP majority just failed miserably on repeal and replace, total chaos rules the day in the Trump cabinet.
Didn't fail miserably, only failed because a half dozen Liberal Republicans didn't vote with their party.

Yes, Kevin Plank who dared express support for some of Trump's pro-business policies and was pummeled into submission by the left.

Dissent...on anything...will not be tolerated.

Embrace the groupthink or off to the gulag.
Really? Then why are Steve Bannon, Steven Miller and Sebastian Gorka in his cabinet and part of his inner circle? Read up on them and get back to us.

Fake news. Nothing there but leftist propaganda. Nothing.
Yes, Kevin Plank who dared express support for some of Trump's pro-business policies and was pummeled into submission by the left.
That, plus who are the largest purchasers of hideously expensive basketball shoes? Although I swear by their underwear. Awesomely comfortable stuff and lasts forever.
No Tibs. I'll stand up and point to Dylan Roof, and to abortion bombings and to Charlottesville. But it pales massively in comparison to the relentless bullying being driven by the Left. Since you're on the MSM side, you don't know what it's like to be told daily, non stop, that you are a racist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe....when you know yourself, you know your life, you know what you stand for. The common American is fed up with it. You don't turn on a sitcom and see this. Or late night comedy. Or NBC or ABC. You just don't. Watch House of Cards. Any show. See the veiled or direct insults thrown at middle America endlessly.

Perception is reality and the perception is that the Left means us harm. We hear it. We see it preached. We witness it. And we've seen the frequency and intensity of it increase.

Don't try saying it isn't so. It really is.

OK, when the TV is bullying you, its time to talk to a professional.
OK, when the TV is bullying you, its time to talk to a professional.

After all of this, that is your retort?

Son...Hillary lost because of what is communicated via television. News. Insults. Hollywood. Have you read nothing in the loss reports on how middle America put Trump in office and why? Look at the reasons. The bulk of those reasons were communicated to these people how? Through a television.

You troll me. I get it. I'm honored. But that was a bottom of the 9th strike out, game over.
I don't support BLM, but ALL of you support Trump.

Yes, of course. It takes but a moment to find the numerous posts you have offered, critical of racist ideology on the left (BLM, La Raza).

I cannot seem to find any, but I am certain you will provide a link, referencing your intolerance of leftist racism. Any moment now ...
I don't like Trump, I think he's impulsive, not too smart, and possibly in the early stages of dementia.

Yeah. Because it takes a real dumbass to build a multi-billion dollar empire and outsmart career politicians to become a President. Yeah, he's real dumb.
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Yeah. Because it takes a real dumbass to build a multi-billion dollar empire and outsmart career politicians to become a President. Yeah, he's real dumb. Get off your ******* high horse.

I thought Boosh was the dumbest President ever and still managed to engineer four plane hijackings and topple half of Manhattan without leaving a trace?
Semantics.....and the worst kind.

I don't like Trump, I think he's impulsive, not too smart, and possibly in the early stages of dementia. But the idea that Trump is sympathetic to white supremacists or has purposely inspired or emboldened them is ludicrous. How soon we forget that Trump is half a year past being your basic Hollywood limousine liberal. The ONLY thing he has in common with the alt-right is a strong anti-illegal immigration sentiment, That is something shared by many, many Republicans and Democrats alike, and has little if anything to do with racism. It certainly has nothing to do with racism towards African Americans. There is absolutely not one shred of evidence of any kind of "white supremacist" or neo-nazi beliefs in Trump's background or persona. Nationalism does not necessarily equal racism.

The fact that some alt-righters like him because of this strong anti-immigration policy does not make him an alt-righter except in the eyes of the hysterical media and the left wing who have an interest in anything that feeds the narrative of Trump as the right-wing bogeyman. Anything and everything negative that happens in this country will be immediately linked to Trump. That's what they did to Bush, and they are doing it 100 fold to Trump.

The left has become a cult, and anyone who doesn't join up is ostracized, marginalized, isolated and shunned as everything evil and wrong in the world. It's so very reminiscent of fascism. There is no room for intelligent discourse or an honest hearing of genuine, well-meaning opposing points of view anymore. It's sad.

I agree with you. I don't think Trump HIMSELF shares the views of the alt right/white supremacists, but he sure had no problem courting them during his campaign. Steve Bannon is in his cabinet. He has harbored and allowed this latest movement by the alt right to swell. The thing with Trump is he is well aware of what he is doing despite appearances to the contrary that he is a buffoon. He ran a masterful campaign and tapped into something that I personally thought if touched would bury a campaign, but he got away with it because he is a ******* walking reality show. This is frightening on so many levels right now.

You are correct. Nationalism does not equal racism. But these alt right ******** are not marching to preserve the moral and historical integrity of America because they care about it on a patriotic level. They are marching to preserve what they feel is a country that is leaving them dispossessed. They are marching because the identity in which they feel the country was founded is being lost and in turn they feel like they are losing their identity in their country. That's too ******* bad. The mantra of democracy and of the United States in particular is to be a grand experiment. The Federalists papers outline this to a great degree. These were extremely intelligent men who were aware of what they were creating in the sense that it could serve the interest and the destiny of their own image and ideas but that it would eventually be overtaken by vast diversity and become a country unlike any in the entire world. You cannot occupy a country, claim it as your own sovereign nation and then bring in servants to build this country for you and then keep them imprisoned and oppressed in a country that promises liberty and freedom to those born within its borders. Eventually those people will become part of the fabric of the country. Everything will start to change and weave together. That's the experiment. If these white nationalists don't like it then maybe they need to go start another ******* country where they can realize their goal.

You can also boo hoo yourself to sleep with this "left media" bullshit if you are going to have the nerve to bring the rejection of intelligent discourse into the argument as a soley liberal consequence. There is almost no place left in mainstream society where you will ever hear so called conservative minded people talk progressively and intelligently to their base. They insult their "brethren" with single minded and often times baseless and dangerous rhetoric and lies. I'd actually welcome a place where this discourse could take place from both sides but you're way more likely to find someone willing to speak intelligently and objectively that is a moderate than you ever are on either side of this polarized and over politicized mess we have now.
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Last one out turn off the lights. If some of you feel this is 'group think' and these CEOs are being pressured to quit, read the Intel CEO's resignation letter.

Intel CEO becomes third exec to leave Trump council after Charlottesville

BREAKING: The CEO of Intel has announced he is resigning from President Trump’s manufacturing council, making him the third CEO to quit the council following Trump’s remarks on the violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

Earlier today, I tendered my resignation from the American Manufacturing Council. I resigned to call attention to the serious harm our divided political climate is causing to critical issues, including the serious need to address the decline of American manufacturing. Politics and political agendas have sidelined the important mission of rebuilding America’s manufacturing base.

I have already made clear my abhorrence at the recent hate-spawned violence in Charlottesville, and earlier today I called on all leaders to condemn the white supremacists and their ilk who marched and committed violence. I resigned because I want to make progress, while many in Washington seem more concerned with attacking anyone who disagrees with them. We should honor – not attack – those who have stood up for equality and other cherished American values. I hope this will change, and I remain willing to serve when it does.

I am not a politician. I am an engineer who has spent most of his career working in factories that manufacture the world’s most advanced devices. Yet, it is clear even to me that nearly every issue is now politicized to the point where significant progress is impossible. Promoting American manufacturing should not be a political issue.

My request—my plea—to everyone involved in our political system is this: set scoring political points aside and focus on what is best for the nation as a whole. The current environment must change, or else our nation will become a shadow of what it once was and what it still can and should be.
"You don't get a mulligan as President of the United States." "Too little, too late." Hard to argue with Ryan Lizza here, even on the so-called fake news network.

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Vice News was on the front lines and filmed the events in Charlottesville. DBS pay close attention. Notice what happens the first night as the torch bearers march to the statue, as far as who outnumbers who, and who attacks who. Then, watch the counter protestors as they take to the streets and the Far Right Nazi's begin to march. Notice who's got billy clubs, shields and weapons? Then confirm again for me please that your posts on this have been fair and accurate. Viewer discretion is advised.

Vice News was on the front lines and filmed the events in Charlottesville. DBS pay close attention. Notice what happens the first night as the torch bearers march to the statue, as far as who outnumbers who, and who attacks who. Then, watch the counter protestors as they take to the streets and the Far Right Nazi's begin to march. Notice who's got billy clubs, shields and weapons? Then confirm again for me please that your posts on this have been fair and accurate. Viewer discretion is advised.


My understanding is the nighttime March was not planned it announced weeks before. That gave the white nationalists an element of surprise that the Bolsheviks could not react to. And of course they were carrying their weaponry. They have to because they have to expect to be assaulted by bolshevik brute squads as any person attending a political event that is right of Lenin these days it has to.

Just be honest man. You are not angry that President Trump did not condemn the far right violence in strong enough terms. You are angry because President Trump called out the violence on both sides. If he had condemned the white supremacists and praise the Bolsheviks you would be happy as a pig in mud.
Fair enough DBS. Btw why do you constantly use the term Bolsheviks? This is how you refer to and categorize Americans standing against hate and white supremacy?
Fair enough DBS. Btw why do you constantly use the term Bolsheviks? This is how you refer to and categorize Americans standing against hate and white supremacy?

I called them Bolsheviks because they are Bolsheviks. The AntiFa Fascists are heavily socialist/Marxist influenced. They fly the hammer and sickle flag right alongside the AntiFa flag which is the flag of the German Marxist group Aktion Diriect with AntiFa on it instead. And don't kid yourself man they are not fighting racism and hate. They show up at any right-wing political event no matter who is holding it and no matter what the subject matter because they conveniently claim everyone that doesn't tow the line on the left wing agenda is a racist.

They are not heroes they are the shock troops of the DNC.
Yeah how dare they stand there refusing to move and not physically battering the police.

Where are the bricks, the burning stores, the smashed up po-po cars and the fancy union made signs.

Maybe all that comes with practice?

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When you elect a madman to the highest office in the land out of spite... its time to talk to a professional.

out of spite? It wasn't out of spite. It was to get the same ol' same ol' politician out of the WH. To be honest, our options was a **** sandwich and a ****** meatloaf. Anyone that was frustrated with the past 8 years and the Clinton's shady past didn't and couldn't vote for her. To lose to Donald freakin' Trump says a mouthful.
I am so glad I haven't been paying attention to media lately. Yes, I know I should be and that it's important. But it's also refreshing NOT to. I'm tired of seeing that the white person is the root of all evil. One of my white friends even started a gofundme page to help her donate money to non-whites because she is tired of being the oppressor. I'm just done with it all.
I am so glad I haven't been paying attention to media lately. Yes, I know I should be and that it's important. But it's also refreshing NOT to. I'm tired of seeing that the white person is the root of all evil. One of my white friends even started a gofundme page to help her donate money to non-whites because she is tired of being the oppressor. I'm just done with it all.

See, that's a liberal. Give me YOUR money to give to minorities to ease MY personal guilt. People like that need therapy.