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I knew it was a commin'

Don't forget, someone needs to march right down on the Mall in Washington ASAP and knock that ******* Washington Monument over. George Washington owned approximately 317 slaves.

Also, I went to James Madison University. Someone go in and raze that *****. The whole university - TEAR IT DOWN. James Madison owned 100 slaves.

In fact, I think the White House should be torn down too. How many Presidents resided in that house, as slave owners? Jefferson, Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, Polk, Taylor Andrew Johnson, and Grant....all owned slaves. Burn that ***** to the ground!

You think it won't get that far? Give it time. This nonsense is in its infancy.
Don't forget, someone needs to march right down on the Mall in Washington ASAP and knock that ******* Washington Monument over. George Washington owned approximately 317 slaves.

Also, I went to James Madison University. Someone go in and raze that *****. The whole university - TEAR IT DOWN. James Madison owned 100 slaves.

In fact, I think the White House should be torn down too. How many Presidents resided in that house, as slave owners? Jefferson, Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, Polk, Taylor Andrew Johnson, and Grant....all owned slaves. Burn that ***** to the ground!

I know you are writing this in jest, but don't be surprised, if that come to fruition. Maybe not this year or even five years, but I could see it happening to some degree. You have to ask yourself, "where does it stop?" Who gets a pass and which monuments/statues do not? Everyone has a past and it's not so clean. I'd like to think they are reminders where we need to not go back to or revisit. We shouldn't forget our past, good or bad, and strive to keep moving forward to be better people and an even better nation.
You think it won't get that far? Give it time. This nonsense is in its infancy.

I know you are writing this in jest, but don't be surprised, if that come to fruition. Maybe not this year or even five years, but I could see it happening to some degree. You have to ask yourself, "where does it stop?" Who gets a pass and which monuments/statues do not? Everyone has a past and it's not so clean. I'd like to think they are reminders where we need to not go back to or revisit. We shouldn't forget our past, good or bad, and strive to keep moving forward to be better people and an even better nation.

Guys, while that was written in jest, I absolutely believe it to be completely feasible.
I mean Im fine with ripping Lee... had he told the south to **** off thatwar wouldn't have lasted a year.... i mean he was basically a traitor, but then Washington would have been one too if the British won....
There is absolutely not one shred of evidence of any kind of "white supremacist" or neo-nazi beliefs in Trump's background or persona.
I agree with you. I don't think Trump HIMSELF shares the views of the alt right/white supremacists...
I think that's up for considerable debate.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump on his superior genetics & German blood. He'll never denounce Nazis / white supremacists <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Charlottesville?src=hash">#Charlottesville</a><br> <a href="https://t.co/tkHg7elYd4">pic.twitter.com/tkHg7elYd4</a></p>— Chris Smith (@Lilyachttty) <a href="https://twitter.com/Lilyachttty/status/896464203900264448">August 12, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Couple things...

Statues aren't history. Why are losers (the South) allowed to put up statues anyway? If your team loses the lwoB repuS, there isn't a parade.
So I guess we should start with the Vietnam War Memorial "Wall" in DC then, eh? Cause we sure as **** lost that one. And let's not forget our Korean War Memorials. And we'd better get rid of the Pearl Harbor ****. That was an EPIC ******* loss, no argument there. The monolith at Bighorn Battlefield should be torn down immediately. (The white guys lost...)

And since memorials to "bad things" are generally distasteful, we should get into the Smithsonian and remove the Enola Gay. Clearly THAT's inappropriate to all the American Asians living here or elsewhere in the world.

History reminds us of what we have done well and what we have done to be less than proud of. We strive not to repeat those things that we ought not be proud of. Memorials help us remember.
Black Lives Matter Wants To OUTLAW Confederate Groups And Flags Now

The official Twitter account of Black Lives Matter and the organization’s Chicago branch have announced that all Confederate groups, flags and statues “should be illegal” in the United States.

Government officials should look to Germany’s decision to outlaw “the Nazis, their symbols, salutes” and flags after World War II, the racial activist group says.



How many “Confederates” killed some ‘hood rats in Chicago last weekend?

How about they outlaw BLM instead?

and CAIR


Council on American-Islamic Relations: Tear Down Every Confederate Memorial

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), America’s largest Muslim civil rights group, is calling on state and local governments all over the United States to tear down all monuments and memorials commemorating Confederate leaders and the short-lived Confederate States of America.

In 2009, CAIR was listed by the U.S. government as an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme that provided funding to the terror group Hamas.

History reminds us of what we have done well and what we have done to be less than proud of. We strive not to repeat those things that we ought not be proud of. Memorials help us remember.


The liberal left is now America’s ISIS -— destroying all the antiquities they can of our past and attacking everyone who won’t convert to their far left principles.
Charlottesville Racist Wearing 82nd Airborne Hat Gets Owned — By the 82nd Airborne

A fascist protester in Charlottesville, VA was spotted wearing insignia of a storied military unit over the weekend, and veterans of that unit were none too happy about it.

During the violent “Unite the Right” protest, one man was spotted in a hat featuring the 82nd Airborne Division’s insignia while he was giving the Ku Klux Klan salute (pictured below, similar to the Nazi salute).

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Would *LOVE* to know the name of Mr. 82nd Airborne Division here rendering Hitler's Nazi salute. The 82nd jumped into Normandy on D-Day. <a href="https://t.co/oObJNgXzEI">pic.twitter.com/oObJNgXzEI</a></p>— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) <a href="https://twitter.com/BFriedmanDC/status/896599401648594944">August 13, 2017</a></blockquote>
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“Anyone can purchase that hat. Valor is earned,” the official unit Twitter account wrote in response to former Obama administration official Brandon Friedman sharing the photo.

The Army unit, nicknamed the All American Division, fought fascists during several campaigns in World War II, adding some irony to the man choosing to sport the logo while at a fascist rally.

The 82nd called upon that legacy of battling Nazis in disavowing the fascist protester, saying,” Our WWII Airborne forefathers jumped into Europe to defeat Nazism. We know who we are. We know our legacy.”

The unit also put forward an image of a 82nd Airborne veteran, Rock Merritt, who fought in many key battles against the Nazis in World War II, as a true example of the unit and its accomplishments.

The unit completely distanced itself not only from the man in the photo, but also anyone who thinks he could even come close to representing the paratrooper unit, saying in another tweet, “anyone who thinks this man represents our culture and values has never worn the maroon beret…and never will.”

This year, the 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, NC celebrated its 100-year history of service in the U.S. Armed Forces.
I think that's up for considerable debate.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump on his superior genetics & German blood. He'll never denounce Nazis / white supremacists <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Charlottesville?src=hash">#Charlottesville</a><br> <a href="https://t.co/tkHg7elYd4">pic.twitter.com/tkHg7elYd4</a></p>— Chris Smith (@Lilyachttty) <a href="https://twitter.com/Lilyachttty/status/896464203900264448">August 12, 2017</a></blockquote>
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This makes Trump a Nazi??

But this doesn't make Obama a Muslim. Got it.


Black Lives Matter Wants To OUTLAW Confederate Groups And Flags Now

The official Twitter account of Black Lives Matter and the organization’s Chicago branch have announced that all Confederate groups, flags and statues “should be illegal” in the United States.

Government officials should look to Germany’s decision to outlaw “the Nazis, their symbols, salutes” and flags after World War II, the racial activist group says.



How many “Confederates” killed some ‘hood rats in Chicago last weekend?

How about they outlaw BLM instead?

and CAIR


Council on American-Islamic Relations: Tear Down Every Confederate Memorial

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), America’s largest Muslim civil rights group, is calling on state and local governments all over the United States to tear down all monuments and memorials commemorating Confederate leaders and the short-lived Confederate States of America.

In 2009, CAIR was listed by the U.S. government as an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme that provided funding to the terror group Hamas.


Did I not, in my predictions on the prior page, say this was coming? And it took just ONE page to get there!

All hail The Prophet that is Tim. Captain Obvious Prophet because any non-Liberal predicted this **** was coming a year ago.

They always said the South would Rise again. ******* Liberals are pushing them to it.
All Hail Tim!

Governor Candidate Calls For Removal Of Stone Mountain Carvings

Former Georgia House Minority Leader and candidate for governor of the state Stacey Abrams is calling for the Confederate carvings on Stone Mountain to be removed.

Abrams tweeted that the carvings is a "blight on our state and should be removed". She also tweeted that "Confederate monuments belong in museums where we can study and reflect on that terrible history, not in places of honor across our state".

The Confederate Memorial Carving has images of Confederacy President Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson and were not complete until a dedication ceremony on May 9, 1970



No difference now between the liberals and the Taliban


Buddha of Bamiyan in 1963 and 2008, after destruction
so the left champions those marginalized, suggesting that they're being oppressed and that they'll fight back.

looks like one group fought back against their oppression and the left is absolutely dumbfounded.
Last edited:
Another one bites the dust.

BREAKING: Just minutes after President Trump attacked the CEOs resigning from his American Manufacturing Council, the president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing announced that he was also resigning from the council, calling it “the right thing for me to do.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I'm resigning from the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative because it's the right thing for me to do.</p>— Scott Paul (@ScottPaulAAM) <a href="https://twitter.com/ScottPaulAAM/status/897482381275283456">August 15, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Thank God we have alternative news outlets


WATCH: This Video Shows Violence From Antifa In Charlottesville


Video from Saturday’s “Unite The Right” demonstration in Charlottesville shows what appears to be the initiation of violence by counter-demonstrators — presumably “AntiFa,” “Black Lives Matter,” and assorted neo-Marxist and Democrat-aligned agitation groups.

“Unite the Right” demonstrators — presumably white racial nationalists and assorted “alt-right” persons — are seen displaying Confederate flags.

Watch the video below.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aOT3wDR7WZU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Persons associated with “AntiFa” and “Black Lives Matter” initiated violence in Charlottesville, according to The Rebel’s Faith Goldy who reported on the scene:

"The AntiFa and BLM guys who activated this entire violent streak that we saw today with their mace, and throwing rocks."

Goldy captured video of what she described as “young black men” — seen in the video wearing red-black-green black racial and pan-African nationalist garb — behaving belligerently toward “ex-military guys.”

The ex-military guys were just walking through the parking lot, a bunch of young black men started inciting them, saying, "Go back home. Go back to where you came from. No one wants you here," the sort of language, if ever, I believe, a white man were to say that towards a black men, you would see it played ad nauseum at any one of the major cable broadcasters. The double standards are just so gross, right? And that’s what people are seeing, and that’s why they’re getting more and more pissed off, and that’s why they’re becoming more and more, frankly, hard-lined in their views.

Left-wing and Democrat-aligned news media outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, and The Washington Post neglected to note the presence of communist black racial nationalist paraphernalia displayed by counter-demonstrators; instead, often describing counter-demonstrators as “anti-racist.”
Tibsy is an expert Tim. He's over there behind that razor wire among all them racist alt-right loony birds just gatherin' up unbelievable amounts of facts, figgers and life experiences.

Best listen when he shares all his knowledge with us 'cause without that valuable insight, we would just be flounderin' around over here like moths on a fire.

Is it not scary how often Orwell was right?


There are still Civil War history classes and books.

I don't think the statues are really hurting anyone and people are using them as an excuse to be offended by something, but taking them down is not re-writing history
It's true Trog,

But as a teacher I can write my curriculum in one year to reflect what I want. My book publisher can get out a new edition within a couple years to say whatever they want. How much do you suppose is in our history books about the French resistance's help in preparing for and providing intelligence for the Normandy beach landing for D-Day?

How much is in our history books about the allied decision to mislead the French Revolutionaries about the date of the landing so they wouldn't be there for their own emancipation as a form of embarrassment to them even though they'd provided the allies with a tremendous amount of critical intelligence about where to land and what they'd be facing? Ever wonder WHY there are so many deep rooted tensions between France and the U.S.? Well, that's part of it. But that's not IN the textbooks because it was petty and small of the the U.S. and it wasn't our finest moment. So we choose not to focus on that in our civics education.

There's an example for you. So, say in 10 or 15 years the textbook editions have been revised, the curricula updated and the new talking point becomes say... The South was dramatically dependent upon slave labor to maintain its bloated economy and fought a few battles but they had no significant leadership and when the slaves rose up they essentially revolted against their masters and overthrew the plantation system leading to reconstruction. The South, with no strong military leaders and no agricultural backbone to support itself after the patriotic black slaves stood up for themselves and supported the union had no choice but to surrender. In time more and more black men and women gained prominence, although it was a slow process as ignorance and racism remained but the indomitable will of the patriotic and American black culture began to mold the South into the strong rich Democratic stronghold it is today.
It's not re-writing history, but it is the first step of trying to erase it. As I've said all along, go ahead and take Robert E. Lee down. Will that solve a glaring problem or do we take it one, two or 10 steps further? Where and when does it stop to appease everyone? You know, some people are more psycho than you or I and have the "eye for an eye" mentality. When a sacred and beloved statue/memorial is vandalized or taken down to make their point, head for cover because all Hell will certainly break loose.
but taking them down is not re-writing history


And I've asked this question, time and again. What do you now do about Gettysburg and her 1,340 monuments, half of which are dedicated to the Confederates. And the other battlefields?

The first step in re-writing history is removing the visual reminders. Then, like Alger Hiss, you edit the books.
Mt Rushmore
Stone Mountain
Washington Monument
Camp Beauregard
Fort Benning
Fort Bragg
Fort Gordon
Fort AP Hill
Fort Hood
Fort Lee
Fort Pickett
Fort Rucker
Fort Polk
Street names
Names of national parks

absolutely not a slippery slope.

**** it. remove it all.
erase it all from history as if it never happened. It sure as hell won't be taught since it'll be deemed "sensitive" and can upset someone.

then, when history is bleached and we have zero proof that the Civil War happened, you can absolutely ******* expect history to repeat itself.

oh, and keep in mind that the cost to taxpayers for all this could likely feed, house and clothe the homeless. but, **** that. we have to deal with this utter goddamned nonsense.
I was asked on Facebook:

If you were really interested in remembering the mistakes of our past, then I assume you would be in favor of replacing all of the confederate generals with Union generals, or how about victims of the confederacy? Harriet Tubman? That way we can remember the past and also not glorify traitors.

I responded that absolutely. Build and erect Union generals alongside the Confederates. Erect statues of Harriet Tubman. and MLK. and anyone else.
but, don't go bleaching history just because it can be offensive to someone.