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I knew it was a commin'

Trump called out the alt-left protesters for their role. Rightly so.

President Trump, responding to criticism that he failed to condemn white supremacist groups forcefully enough after the Charlottesville, Va., protest violence, called out 'alt-left' protesters for their actions that same day, asking, 'Do they have any semblance of guilt?'

After a speech about a new executive order concerning infrastructure at Trump Tower in New York Tuesday, President Trump defended his response Saturday to the violent white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia, saying that it was impossible to make a judgment in real time on rapidly unfolding events.

“I want to make sure when I make a statement that the statement is correct,” he said. “And there was no way of making a correct statement that early. I had to see the facts unlike a lot of reporters.”

“There is blame on both sides, I have no doubt about it,” Trump said.
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And yet I don't remember Fallon talking about Obama failing to call out BLM when the officers were killed. I know his oldest daughter was very young then. Perhaps she wasn't impressionable enough yet.

The issue is with the double standard. Trump did ONE thing wrong. Instead of saying "many sides" he should have come out and condemned both the white supremacists AND Antifa. They both were involved and indeed Antifa activists started the violence so Trump ought to have named both immediately as the culprits in the weekend's tragedy. That would have sent the appropriate message to everyone associated.

As it is, the media has taken up the mantle that ONLY white people are to blame for what happened. It's unfair. Why must white people be blamed for every single thing that's wrong with the world? Seriously? I'd like to know.

I mean, would it make it all go away if Trump just names a national "Kill Whitey" Day? Is that the pound of flesh you need? Freedom from prosecution for an annual day of reckoning against any white people you wish for any reason you like? Kind of your "White Purge"? Cause I'm pretty sure BLM would be all over that. And I expect Seth and Jimmy would feel it was "fair" until the minority crew member on their show knocked on their family door with a club.

Uhhhhhhh.......I don't know maybe you should study American history.

You are right though in that not all white Americans are to blame. Those that seek social justice( which is just fairness for ALL people) are exempt.

We call them progressives.
when are the Redskins and Indians changing their names and logos? If we are going full board, then let's go. . . Thanksgiving. . . offensive to Native Americans. Christmas is offensive to all other religions. Come on, what else can we do away with? Valentine's Day. . . why not! Screw anyone in love. . .
Trump called out the alt-left protesters for their role. Rightly so. "President Trump, responding to criticism that he failed to condemn white supremacist groups forcefully enough after the Charlottesville, Va., protest violence, called out 'alt-left' protesters for their actions that same day, asking, 'Do they have any semblance of guilt?'"
The alt left sure murdered a lot of people this past weekend. Nice to see Trump spreading the blame in such an even-handed manner. His angry, rambling presser today will only further agitate the country and create even more division and animosity. Putin will lean back with a glass of vodka on ice tonight and smile contentedly.
slippery slope getting steep...


Leftist Activists Demand New York Museum Take Down Statue of ‘Racist’ Theodore Roosevelt
You give an inch, they take a mile.

Social justice warriors are never satisfied. If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. After demanding that southern states take down statues of Confederate figures, the activist Left is now targeting an iconic American president featured on Mount Rushmore.

On Monday, more than 200 SJW zealots held a protest inside the American Museum of Natural History in New York City to take down the supposedly “racist” statue of former President Theodore Roosevelt. The protest’s organizers, NYC Stands with Standing Rock and Decolonize This Place, also called for Columbus Day to be renamed Indigenous People’s Day.

“A stark embodiment of the white supremacy that Roosevelt himself espoused and promoted,” pontificated the group of protesters in a statement. “The statue is seen as an affront to all who pass it on entering the museum, but especially to African and Native Americans.”

be vewy, vewy quiet. we dont want to upset the left.


Democrat Clayton Carter murders Chesco GOP committeeman Brooks Jennings

August 9, 2017

Meet Clayton Carter, the new James T. Hodgkinson and Pennsylvania Democrat who murdered Chesco GOP committeeman Brooks Jennings over his support of President Donald Trump. Clayton Carter is another pasty white, Democrat terrorists who shot (and this time killed) Republicans for being Republican and supporting Trump. I guess Carter was just trying to finish off what James T. Hodgkinson couldn’t do. Terrorist Clayton Carter’s lawn is loaded with anti-Trump/anti-GOP signs. Left wing liberal terrorism is more of a threat to this country than North Korea could ever be. Democrats have blood on their hands yet again. If Carter’s yard has been littered with pro-Trump signs and he murdered a Dem committeeman, North Korea would be wiped completely out of the news coverage for this story.

Clayton Carter shot and killed Chesco GOP committeeman Brooks Jennings execution style with two bullets to the head as Jennings’ wife looked on in horror. Officials say Carter shot Jennings once in the head, knocking him to the ground. Carter then allegedly stood over Jennings’ body and shot him once more in the head. Jennings was on his own property. Don’t expect any media coverage of this latest left wing domestic terrorist attack outside of a few local reports from the area that will be buried anyway. Take for example the local ABC station out there. The only mention of Clayton Carter being an anti-Trump fanatic was near the end of the write-up.

Neighbors say Carter was a quarrelsome, argumentative man. Court records claim Carter had a history of disputes with multiple neighbors. His front yard was crowded with cars and hand lettered anti-Trump signs.

But the disputes along the block were not political, but personal. Neighbors say they were fueled apparently by some unknown anger inside Carter’s head.

“We steered clear of him. We were frightened of him because he’s so unpredictable,” said Kathy Pratt.

On hearing of a shooting Tuesday morning, former neighbor Mary Beth Wallace came to the scene fearing the suspect had been involved in harming someone.

“My heart sunk to my feet, because I knew something had happened,” Wallace said. “I had seen that there was a shooting on Box Elder, and my heart just sunk to my feet. I knew all the way over here, I just suspected what I was going to find.”

so the MSM won't even ******* report on this, but will throw gobs of resources at Charlottesville's bullshit?
Imagine if the guy had been in a Dodge Charger (as was the Dukes of Hazard's General Lee)!

Luke Duke recently got coked up and arrested for grabbing a woman.

[The 65-year-old Tony Award-nominated actor played Luke Duke on the 1980s television show "The Dukes of Hazzard." Wopat was supposed to play Julian Marsh in "42nd Street" at the Waltham-based Reagle Music Theatre of Greater Boston but has been replaced since he was alleged to have inappropriately touched the woman July 23. Wopat was released on $1,000 bail and was told to stay away from the woman.

Police said they searched him and his vehicle and found two bags of white powder believed to be cocaine. He told police he buys cocaine "in large quantities and uses it over time," the court documents said.
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Wow, that may have been the most unhinged presidential press conference in American history. I wonder if Kelly's remaining hours in the WH will be measured in days, or in hours?

This photo of Chief of Staff John Kelly during Trump’s wild press conference says it all

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">John Kelly during the President's Q and A at Trump Tower <a href="https://t.co/vxR3hTUqe3">pic.twitter.com/vxR3hTUqe3</a></p>— Kristin Donnelly (@kristindonnelly) <a href="https://twitter.com/kristindonnelly/status/897551033743921152">August 15, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Fox News Host: Trump Is ‘All Too Happy To Reap The Benefits’ Of Racism

<script type="text/javascript" src="//video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=5541075989001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="//video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>
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A big round of applause for the President. Job well done.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth about <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Charlottesville?src=hash">#Charlottesville</a> & condemn the leftist terrorists in BLM/Antifa <a href="https://t.co/tTESdV4LP0">https://t.co/tTESdV4LP0</a></p>— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) <a href="https://twitter.com/DrDavidDuke/status/897559892164304896">August 15, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

When historians start protesting the removal of statues, I'll be concerned. Historical preservation wasn't the primary cause of the ******* morons in Charlottesville.

What was the point of the Alt Right ***** coming to Charlottesville? To protest the removal of a statue.

Jesus Christ man.

As well as the Trump golf outfit-inspired khaki pants, white golf shirt uniform of the Neo Nazi Alt Right.

First it was not inviting the press corps to dinner. Then it was eating ice cream. THEN it was eating steak well done. Now it's wearing white.

I'll repeat...your desperation smells of desperation.

Next week, tune in when the Alt Left members of the board attack Trump for using the word "the."
Remember Van Jones? Many of you were big fans when he said a few positive things about Trump a few months back. How 'bout now?

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Ftheleadcnn%2Fvideos%2F1660277537315946%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="420" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
**** it. remove it all.
erase it all from history as if it never happened. It sure as hell won't be taught since it'll be deemed "sensitive" and can upset someone.

Erase all of history? Yes! I'm all for it. But how will the future people know that whitey is to blame for everythi??.......ahhh Superman you sneaky son of a *****....
Yeah. Because it takes a real dumbass to build a multi-billion dollar empire and outsmart career politicians to become a President. Yeah, he's real dumb.

Maybe dumb isn't the right word. Ignorant. I have no doubt he knows what he's doing in terms of commercial real estate deals. I don't think he's very educated or well-informed on much else. If he is knowledgeable than he's the most inarticulate person I've ever seen. Make George Bush look like a silver-tongued genius.

I think his victory had more to do with his opponents and the general mood of the country than anything brilliant he did. I think he was as surprised as anyone else that he won.
Erase all of history? Yes! I'm all for it. But how will the future people know that whitey is to blame for everythi??.......ahhh Superman you sneaky son of a *****....

Come on Boot, you know damn well that as soon as you decide to agree with a Libtard, they will change the agenda and attack something else. It's not like there is an end to the list they can draw from.

#1 The U.S. Constitution

#2 Liberty

#3 Freedom

#4 Success

#5 Big Trucks

#6 Capitalism

#7 Free Markets

#8 Wealthy People

#9 Economic Prosperity

#10 The Rule Of Law

#11 Traditional Values

#12 The American Flag

#13 The Founding Fathers

#14 Guns

#15 Limited Government

#16 Religious Freedom

#17 Homeschooling

#18 Private Schools

#19 Christian Schools

#20 Entrepreneurs

#21 Ronald Reagan

#22 Donald Trump

#23 Mike Pence

#24 Country Music

#25 Rush Limbaugh

#26 The Tea Party

#27 Lower Taxes

#28 Old-Fashioned Light Bulbs

#29 Jesus

#30 The Bible

#31 The Christian Faith

#32 The Drudge Report

#33 John Wayne

#34 Alex Jones


#36 Tupperware

#37 Big Cheeseburgers

#38 Football

#39 Clint Eastwood

#40 The Army

#41 The Navy

#42 The Marines

#43 The Air Force

#44 Ron Paul

#45 Rand Paul

#46 Marriage

#47 Family

#48 Babies

#49 Wal-Mart

#50 Flag P

#51 Steakhouses

#52 Chuck Norris

#53 Bottled Water

#54 George Washington

#55 The 1st Amendment

#56 The 2nd Amendment

#57 The 10th Amendment

#58 The Pledge Of Allegiance

#59 McDonald’s

#60 Coca-Cola

#61 Fried Food

#62 Muscle Cars

#63 Charlie Daniels

#64 Dolly Parton

#65 Duck Dynasty

#66 Johnny Cash

#67 Sarah Palin

#68 Cheesesteaks

#69 Sean Hannity

#70 Rodeos

#71 Cadillacs

#72 Barbie Dolls

#73 Ted Cruz

#74 Fiscal Sanity

#75 Charlton Heston

#76 Israel

#77 Benjamin Netanyahu

#78 Miners

#79 Loggers

#80 The Coal Industry

#81 National Sovereignty

#82 National Borders

#83 Uncle Sam

#84 The Washington Redskins

#85 Small Businesses

#86 Self-Employment

#87 Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

#88 Military Veterans

#89 The Phrase “Islamic Terror”

#90 Big Families

#91 The Bible Belt

#92 The Creation Museum

#93 The 10 Commandments

#94 Anyone That Is Pro-Life

#95 Anyone That Disagrees With Them

#96 Hard Work

#97 Patriotism

#98 Winning

#99 The Truth

#100 The American People

Oh yeh....and civil war statues
Seems to me a lot of the AntiFa and other progressive protestors are also white. Just saying.

Yes, but they feel guilty about being white.

Take down 'racist' Theodore Roosevelt statue, activists tell New York museum

Will they demand that statues of Woodrow Wilson be removed? He was the most racist President of all time. Of course he was a Democrat, so....
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More and more people are deciding for themselves to be on the right side of history. The more the better. It is time to stand up for what is right and for what it means to be an American and to believe in American values. The President has dug a massive hole for himself and it will just continue to expand. Sure, we'll get to the bottom of Mueller's investigation, but Trump may not be around to see it.

Breaking: AFL-CIO president leaves Trump advisory board


The president of the AFL-CIO stepped down from a council advising the White House on Tuesday, hours after President Trump reiterated that both sides were to blame for deadly violence in Charlottesville, Va., where white supremacist groups rallied over the weekend.

"President Trump’s remarks today repudiate his forced remarks yesterday about the KKK and neo-Nazis," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement.

He announced that both he and AFL-CIO leader Thea Lee would step down from Trump's Manufacturing Advisory Board.

"We must resign on behalf of America’s working people, who reject all notions of legitimacy of these bigoted groups."

Trumka said earlier Tuesday he was still considering whether to leave the advisory board after Trump condemned racism as "evil."

But Trump's blame of the "alt-left" for charging white supremacist and neo-Nazi protestors prompted Trumka and Lee to leave the board.
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Come on Boot, you know damn well that as soon as you decide to agree with a Libtard, they will change the agenda and attack something else. It's not like there is an end to the list they can draw from.
Or you can stand with Donald Trump and stomp the American flag and core American values into the mud. What a ******* disgrace.
This is the only thing that should be written on Confederate monuments. They are literally the ultimate participation trophies, something I thought the Right railed against.

I don't know maybe you should study American history.
I have studied American History. I live here in fact. And I'm pretty sure you'd be right in line with that "White Purge". Don't try to deny it. Deep down you want it. You want it all to blow up.
Dan Rather doesn't mince words.

The real Donald Trump has stood up... again.

There will be no pivot. There never was going to be.

There will be no becoming presidential. There never was going to be.

There will be no humility. No decorum. No sense of justice or empathy. There never was going to be.

We are far past the time for excuses, for anyone.

In one of the most surreal and depressing presidential press conferences ever, Mr. Trump said what most people dreaded but already knew. His blatant false equivalence between Nazis and those who oppose them that he said on Saturday, that's how he really feels - times a thousand.

With any other president this would be unbelievable. But with Mr. Trump it is all too believable. It is clear that he doesn't consider himself to be the President of the United States of America - no matter what his official job title says. Down where he lives he is the president of his base, which includes a lot of bigots and even Nazis and members of the Klan. Not everyone who voted for him is in this category, not nearly. But they make up a large majority of his personal base. And thankfully for all of us, this is a distinct (but frightening) minority of our nation. The vast majority of Americans are decent people of conscience. And I believe in the end this vast majority will prevail.

The question is whether those who defend the President, or seeks to normalize him or change the subject, will be seen as worse than enablers. Will they be viewed by history as sympathizers to the worst instincts of American hatred?

Seems to me a lot of the AntiFa and other progressive protestors are also white. Just saying. Sure, it's a much more mixed group of people than the white supremacists /duh, but there were plenty of whites that were out on those street standing up against the Neo Nazis. So of you're blaming them, you too are also blaming white people, are you not?


Bolsheviks who hate the USA and are intent on destroying our culture one piece at a time you really think it will stop with Civil War Memorials.