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I knew it was a commin'

But that is where you are wrong. I am taking sides, against both fringes that are both ruining this country.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FJefferiesShow%2Fvideos%2F1743909145909483%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="426" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
You are patently wrong on this. I've educated you on this previously. The State, as he implies, is more than the White House. He refers to all of it. The media. Our education systems (primary and secondary). Hollywood. Deep state operatives. There is so much more to the "infrastructure" in this country than just the White House and the Federal Government. Look simply at the power one George Soros can wield, hiring mercenaries, paying for ads, influencing the media.

It's going to take a **** long time to change it if we can.

In short simple terminology: Americans are suckered into a mind **** and falling for the narrative
Tim, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and take you at your word. So in defending DBS's maniacal rant, you're suggesting that when he refers to the 'State' it's not the federal government currently run by Trump and the GOP.

Great, got it.

So you are instead arguing that the 'State' he's referring to is the 'media, our education systems (primary and secondary), Hollywood and deep state operatives.' Correct?

So you are arguing, here on a message board for all to see - that 'the media, our education systems, Hollywood and deep state operatives' are all working with singular focus on achieving the following, as DBS explains:

- destroying our culture (who's culture?)
- establishing an authoritarian state where they get to decide what are the proper thoughts that 'the Proles can think'.
- send non-liberals 'who still revere freedom and The Republic' to re-education camps.
- force non-liberals into the boxcars on the trains to the (re-education) camps.

And you guys are shocked people view the Alt Right as a group of wingnuts who have completely lost their ******* minds?


Just nope LOL

You went off reservation there Komrade.

Sickle on Lenin.
Well done, Elfie. Oh wait. ...

God damned post of the week.

Well played sir, well played.

Funny watching Liberals acting just like Liberals act right? RACIST! NAZI!

Well, sad actually.
Antifa are jew haters like all good liberals
You mean this Antifa? Oh wait...

Why the Charlottesville Marchers Were Obsessed With Jews

The “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville was ostensibly about protecting a statue of Robert E. Lee. It was about asserting the legitimacy of “white culture” and white supremacy, and defending the legacy of the Confederacy.
<section id="article-section-1">
So why did the demonstrators chant anti-Semitic lines like “Jews will not replace us”?

The demonstration was suffused with anti-black racism, but also with anti-Semitism. Marchers displayed swastikas on banners and shouted slogans like “blood and soil,” a phrase drawn from Nazi ideology. “This city is run by Jewish communists and criminal niggers,” one demonstrator told Vice News’ Elspeth Reeve during their march. As Jews prayed at a local synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel, men dressed in fatigues carrying semi-automatic rifles stood across the street, according to the temple’s president. Nazi websites posted a call to burn their building. As a precautionary measure, congregants had removed their Torah scrolls and exited through the back of the building when they were done praying.

“This is an agenda about celebrating the enslavement of Africans and their descendants, and celebrating those that then fought to preserve that terrible machine of white supremacy and human enslavement,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti-Defamation League, or ADL. “And yet, somehow, they’re all wearing shirts that talk about Adolf Hitler.”

For these demonstrators, though, the connection between African Americans and Jews is clear. In the minds of white supremacists like David Duke, there is a straight line from anti-blackness to anti-Judaism. That logic is powerful and important. The durability of anti-Semitic tropes, and the ease with which they slide into all displays of bigotry, is a chilling reminder that the hatreds of our time rhyme with history and are easily channeled through timeless anti-Semitic canards.
Jesus. Just nope LOL You went off reservation there Komrade. Sickle on Lenin.
I see it's a challenge to defend your own words when they're read back to you and put in context. Understood.
I see it's a challenge to defend your own words when they're read back to you and put in context. Understood.

No Tibs, when you go that far off reservation and make that many invalid stretches, it's like determining whether or not to argue with a moron around moronic principles. You were so far off base from intent, it's not worth the effort. It went right over your head.
Antifa are jew haters like all good liberals


Everything President Trump has said is true. Both sides are at fault. Only irrational unhinged libtards are too stupid to realize it.

Only Nazis, the KKK and Trump's "good people" who willingly associate with them think that way.
So that makes it ok for Antifa? Why don't we just condemn them both. Their both wrong it is that simple. I would think you would agree wholeheartedly with me on this
Makes what ok for Antifa? Don't buy into Spike's bullshit without knowing what you're talking about. Show me one instance from Charlottesville of anyone from antifa shouting 'Jews will not replace us!', or 'blood and soil' - a well known nazi slogan, or making nazi arm salutes, carrying swastika flags, or anything of the like and I'll be the first to condemn them. You've clearly gotten caught up in this rush to equivalency which is simply a false premise. Which is why Trump and his diehard fanboys are so blatantly wrong. Don't fall into that same trap.
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...it's like determining whether or not to argue with a moron around moronic principles.
If that was the standard, I wouldn't need to reply to any of your posts. But it's cool, you can walk back from what you wrote, no big deal. And you're right, you're probably just joking with most of the stuff you post here. That makes sense. Like Trump, who's only joking when he gets called out for stuff he says but can't defend. I should have known better.
Makes what ok for Antifa? Don't buy into Spike's bullshit without knowing what you're talking about. Show me one instance from Charlottesville of anyone from antifa shouting 'Jews will not replace us!', or 'blood and soil' - a well known nazi slogan, or making nazi arm salutes, carrying swastika flags, or anything of the like and I'll be the first to condemn them. You've clearly gotten caught up in this rush to equivalency which is simply a false premise. Which is why Trump and his diehard fanboys are so blatantly wrong. Don't fall into that same trap.

Does not matter what they were saying they were there to fight and they are a fringe group of hate just the same as the KKK. They were one of the primary causes of violence here along with the KKK looking for a fight. They have caused violence all over this country at protests why is wrong to call them out along with the KKK? What am i missing. Were they not there? We have clear pictures of them there in numbers fighting. We have clear evidence of their hate. In no way am i condoning the views of the KKK or other racists I just want to make sure we blame all involved and don't give them a free pass.antifa hate.jpg
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Does not matter what they were saying they were there to fight and they are a fringe group of hate just the same as the KKK. They were one of the primary causes of violence here along with the KKK looking for a fight. They have caused violence all over this country at protests why is wrong to call them out along with the KKK? What am i missing. Were they not there? We have clear pictures of them there in numbers fighting. We have clear evidence of their hate. In no way am i condoning the views of the KKK or other racists I just want to make sure we blame all involved and don't give them a free pass.View attachment 3559

the Left take blame for anything? When they are called out on anything, they will come back with 10+ pics from a folder they have stored just waiting to clog up a thread or post. No group gets a pass from this past weekend. No one.
We still trying to argue this ****? The two perspectives will never see the same thing. Time for The Donald to bring in the National Guard each and every time one of these **** shows is planned and bring the hammer down. No arms, no masks, clearly defined boundaries, and plenty of arrests if needed. Law and ******* Order!
Makes what ok for Antifa? Don't buy into Spike's bullshit without knowing what you're talking about. Show me one instance from Charlottesville of anyone from antifa shouting 'Jews will not replace us!', or 'blood and soil' - a well known nazi slogan, or making nazi arm salutes, carrying swastika flags, or anything of the like and I'll be the first to condemn them.

Again, Tibs, for the 20th time in this thread ...

Corrosive political views - racism, Nazism, communism, statism, whatever - are addressed and defeated in the marketplace of ideas. Defeat American Nazis by telling them to visit Normandy, where thousands of our countrymen are laid to rest, and Auschwitz, and Belsen-Bergen.

Defeat communists by telling them to visit the massive open graves in Cambodia, and talk to the Chinese about the cultural revolution (a.k.a., genocide) and Siberians about Stalin's theft of farms and crops (a.k.a., genocide).

The first amendment protects all brands of political speech. The first amendment is particularly meant to protect fringe and even offensive speech. As those reich-wingers at the ACLU state, "The First Amendment really was designed to protect a debate at the fringes. You don't need the courts to protect speech that everybody agrees with, because that speech will be tolerated. You need a First Amendment to protect speech that people regard as intolerable or outrageous or offensive — because that is when the majority will wield its power to censor or suppress, and we have a First Amendment to prevent the government from doing that."

But do NOT equate violence to speech - ever. The first amendment does NOT protect violence.

And the Nazis and white supremacists, and the Antifa thugs and their ilk both showed up, ready for violence - wanting violence. Extolling violence. Pushing for violence:


Another demonstration of peaceful antifa protests:


And another:


You need to STOP being blinded by your love of all things protest and anti-Trump. The violent left fringe is a cancer to America, and no better than Nazi protesters.

Admit it. Deal with it.

If not, then you and elfie have NO standing to lecture anybody about violent protesters. NONE.
Because one side of that equation is openly eroding the basic tenets of what this country stands for. In your all-out effort to 'stay in the middle' and not take sides you're inadvertently siding with these destructive forces. It's time to wake up. It's time to take stock in what's truly at stake here. Do you stand for fundamental American values or not?

No both sides are Tibs.
“If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought — not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate.”
— Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., U.S. Supreme Court justice
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Don Lemon: "People who look like me did not come over on the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria." <a href="https://t.co/5iSejtlUdw">pic.twitter.com/5iSejtlUdw</a></p>— The Shadow League (@ShadowLeagueTSL) <a href="https://twitter.com/ShadowLeagueTSL/status/897580181262667776">August 15, 2017</a></blockquote>
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So if some redneck racist **** calls me a "greasy daygo" and I get so pissed off we end up in a physical confrontation, I am just as bad as he is? I don't get to claim the moral high ground because I let my anger towards this piece of **** get the best of me? Here's a little advice for all the white supremacists.... the next time you go marching through a town yelling "n----r" and "k--e" and "s--c", don't be shocked when someone tries to hit you with a bat. Most folks tend to get a little upset when you claim racial superiority over them.

You would actually be worse because you committed physical battery against another person. Words < physical violence. I would remind you folks on the left that it would work both ways. If you can batter someone because you don't like their words that they could do the same to you. That is not what we want discourse to turn into in this country.
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Time for The Donald to bring in the National Guard each and every time one of these **** shows is planned and bring the hammer down.

The irony being that he would calling in the National Gaurd on people chanting his name, wearing MAGA hats and vowing to fulfill his promise of "taking back America".

This is the problem with Trump blaming both sides. One side claims to represent him... AND just committed an act of domestic terror.