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I knew it was a commin'



Pro-Trump, far-right commentators are now trying to distance themselves from Kessler in the wake of the deadly Charlottesville riots, claiming that he was paid by the liberal philanthropist George Soros "to invite several neo-Nazi and KKK groups to smear everyone attending."

"Just did some digging and I found out that this little f--k was a leftist operative until when? You guessed it — November 2016," wrote a commenter on the pro-Trump reddit group /r/The_Donald.

"'Unite the Right' is a Soros-funded honeypot psyop that employs the 'Pied Piper' strategy to damage the Republican brand by insinuating that Antifa goons disguised as Nazis represent the views of the entire Right Wing in America," wrote another commenter.
The hypocrisy needs to be pointed out.

For 8 years, we saw acts of terrorism. ..the root cause being obvious, to a 5 year old. We have a soldier shouting "Allahu ackbar", and then massacring fellow soldiers at Ft Hood. Did President Obama call it what it was? No, it was workplace violence. The MSM was silent. When an attack killed 50 people in an Orlando nightclub, while shouting "Allahu ackbar", and called 911, pledging allegiance to the Islamic State, did the President call it Islamic jihad? No. Did the MSM erupt with condemnation and vitriol? They were silent.

Can someone explain to me the difference here.
We are being duped, lied to and taken down a destructive path. We are getting led into another civil war and for what????
Trump's side has a history of mass murder and public lynchings since before hundreds of thousands of Americans stood up and gave their lives to stop it. There's the whole ******* story.

Yes I forgot. Anybody who is politically to the right of Vladimir Lenin is a racist.

AntiFa showed up with bouquets of wildflowers.
Umm, no, the whole ******* story is that mass murder and lynchings were perpetuated by Democrats. The South was relatively peaceful for about 30 years after the Civil War when it was run by Republicans and blacks were elected to Congress as Republicans. That all ended when the Democrats took over the South in the late 1800's.

A subset of Democrats who has clearly switched "sides" and is singing Trump's praises.
A subset of Democrats who has clearly switched "sides" and is singing Trump's praises.

you Democrats sure do a lot of switching. no wonder you don't have a goddamn clue where to piss.
And yet I don't remember Fallon talking about Obama failing to call out BLM when the officers were killed. I know his oldest daughter was very young then. Perhaps she wasn't impressionable enough yet.

The issue is with the double standard. Trump did ONE thing wrong. Instead of saying "many sides" he should have come out and condemned both the white supremacists AND Antifa. They both were involved and indeed Antifa activists started the violence so Trump ought to have named both immediately as the culprits in the weekend's tragedy. That would have sent the appropriate message to everyone associated.

As it is, the media has taken up the mantle that ONLY white people are to blame for what happened. It's unfair. Why must white people be blamed for every single thing that's wrong with the world? Seriously? I'd like to know.

I mean, would it make it all go away if Trump just names a national "Kill Whitey" Day? Is that the pound of flesh you need? Freedom from prosecution for an annual day of reckoning against any white people you wish for any reason you like? Kind of your "White Purge"? Cause I'm pretty sure BLM would be all over that. And I expect Seth and Jimmy would feel it was "fair" until the minority crew member on their show knocked on their family door with a club.

It just happens that Nazis happen to be white. If you guys were more inclusive maybe you could get someone like Ben Carson in there to rail "against the greedy jew", just as a token you know.
A subset of Democrats who has clearly switched "sides" and is singing Trump's praises.

If David Duke likes peanut butter sandwiches does that mean peanut butter sandwiches are bad?

It just happens that Nazis happen to be white. If you guys were more inclusive maybe you could get someone like Ben Carson in there to rail "against the greedy jew", just as a token you know.

You mean like Democrat and Leftist financier George Soros who was an active Nazi collaborator in WWII sending Jews to concentration camps, taking their money, and admits he felt good about it?
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"I feel like I can say this with reasonable certainty. The President is completely unhinged. The wheels are off the wagon and hurtling towards the moon right now."

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fjimmykimmel%2Fvideos%2F1961440560799703%2F&show_text=1&width=560" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" height="401" frameborder="0" width="560"></iframe>
If David Duke likes peanut butter sandwiches does that mean peanut butter sandwiches are bad?

A more appropriate example is tiki torches, which unlike Trump, has told the Nazis they can officially **** off.
A more appropriate example is tiki torches, which unlike Trump, has told the Nazis they can officially **** off.

You must not pay attention to the news then.
Please point out anything Trump has done or said that makes him a racist or Nazi. Be specific.
A subset of Democrats who has clearly switched "sides" and is singing Trump's praises.

Robert Byrd democrat KKK senator from West Virginia.

" I will have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

Lyndon Baines Johnson
Robert Byrd democrat KKK senator from West Virginia.

" I will have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

Lyndon Baines Johnson
there's no viable proof that LBJ said that, but there's no denying he let racial epithets fly ... liberally.

just like I perdicted

a false flag operation by the Liberal Taliban!

‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Ousted as Provocateur.

Charlottesville Racist Leader Was Former Occupy Activist, Obama Supporter

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reports that Jason Kessler, the organizer of last Saturday’s white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is rumored to be a former Occupy Wall Street activist and supporter of Barack Obama.


Trump's side has a history of mass murder and public lynchings since before hundreds of thousands of Americans stood up and gave their lives to stop it. There's the whole ******* story.

Woah, Dangerous son. And piss the **** off. That's the rhetoric that Liberals use. You voted for Trump, you are a Racist. Nice to see you're a scum bag just like Elftard. On the sick level.

It escapes your feeble mind why people may have voted for Trump. I'm a Union guy. I work on race relations in my daily walk of life. I'm glad as hell the Civil War resulted in the freedom for slaves. None of my relatives were responsible for slavery nor owned slaves. But I'm on Trump's side.

News flash ***, the majority of us don't fit your baseless ******* stupid generalization.

Update, since history's being re-written and lest you forget: The KKK was a Democratic organization. Democrats did the lynchings. Democrats fought to maintain slaves as slaves. Republicans emancipated them.

You may now take your inaccurate, uneducated, baseless and tasteless claim and shove it up yon ***.

Not sure what's going on over at Fox News, but times sure are a changing.

‘Fox & Friends’ guest: Anyone who defends Trump is ‘morally bankrupt’

A Republican analyst wiped tears from his eyes as he said President Trump “betrayed" the country, speaking Wednesday morning on “Fox & Friends,” a show known to be among Trump's favorites.

Gianno Caldwell said he could not sleep because of Trump’s comments at a press conference Tuesday, when the president reaffirmed that he believes “both sides” were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend, again refusing to put all the blame on the white supremacists who organized the rally.

“Our president has literally betrayed the conscience of our country,” he said. “He has failed us.”
Caldwell said it is “very troubling” for anyone to come on TV and defend the president’s actions and said that anyone who does defend his actions is “morally bankrupt.”

He responded to Trump’s comment that there are “good people” who were marching on “both sides” of the Charlottesville rally.

“Mr. President, good people don’t pal around with Nazis and white supremacists,” he said. “Maybe they don’t consider themselves white supremacists and Nazis; certainly they hold those views.”
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but wait... there's more...


After Charlottesville, spotlight falls on Rizzo memorials
Updated: August 15, 2017 — 6:58 PM EDT

by Samantha Melamed, Staff Writer

As many Philadelphians watched in horror as protests over the planned removal of a statue memorializing Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Va., turned to deadly violence, a number of them had the same thought.

They turned their attention to Center City’s Thomas Paine Plaza and its statue of Frank L. Rizzo, the former law-and-order mayor and police commissioner known for tough, even brutal, tactics aimed at minorities including African Americans and homosexuals.

Now, several members of City Council are calling for the Rizzo statue’s retirement. City Councilwoman Helen Gym said she intends to initiate a public process as soon as Council comes back to session in September to explore whether the statue should be relocated or decommissioned. She said it was not clear how that process would unfold.

“These very real issues — these wounds of racism that exist — we have to confront those,” Gym said. “The question really is whether the statue belongs in the center of our city.”
Meanwhile, a second likeness of Rizzo, in South Philadelphia’s Italian Market, has over the last several years become the most frequently defaced mural in the city. Jane Golden, head of Philadelphia Mural Arts, said that she intends to initiate discussions about whether the Rizzo mural ought to be removed, too.

“The mural has been both beloved and reviled since its creation in 1995 by the artist Diane Keller,” Golden said. “Given our history of community-driven projects, I think it’s time to have a conversation about the future of the mural.

“Our next step is to talk to our colleagues in the city and rapidly make some decisions. We are going to do this right away,” she added.

For City Councilwoman Cindy Bass, the conversation is long overdue. She said that, growing up in North Philadelphia, Rizzo loomed large. She believes his statue has no place on municipal grounds.

“He was not a beloved figure,” she said. “He saw our communities as one-dimensional, without value or merit, not worthy of attention or resources. … So that statue has for a long time been a point of conversation in terms of: Why is it downtown for all to see, without a thorough accounting of its history? Frank Rizzo with a nightstick in his cummerbund — why isn’t that the image that was cast into a statue?”

“There’s a reason why: because people don’t want to remember,” she added. “But for those of us who are Philadelphians who were there at that time, we remember it all.”

Mayor Kenney also indicated he is open to discussing the statue’s removal.

“We think now is a good time to have that conversation about the statue’s future,” Kenney spokeswoman Lauren Hitt said in an email. “We need to figure out the proper forum for that conversation in a serious, structured way, but now is the right time.”

Last year, City Council President Darrell L. Clarke also said he had questioned the location of the statue, near City Hall, since it was installed in 1998.

Councilman Derek S. Green said he wouldn’t have supported siting the statue at the Municipal Services Building if he had been in office back then. Now, though, he thinks it’s a conversation that must bring in a broad range of voices.

“I agree with the mayor the conversation needs to be had,” he said. “Because of the events of this weekend, it brought up a lot of debate regarding public figures in art in various cities around the country. But Frank Rizzo is not the same as other statues that were put up in parts of the country, especially in the South, that were put up in specific reaction to civil-rights laws being passed. It was put up to honor a past mayor and police commissioner.”

Black Lives Matter and Coalition for Real Justice activists last year called for the statue’s removal, holding protests and collecting hundreds of signatures on an online petition. There’s also now a change.org petition urging the statue’s preservation.

The outcry comes as cities are rethinking their monuments: In Maryland, Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh outlined plans to remove four Confederate memorials, while House Speaker Michael Busch called for the removal of the statue of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Roger B. Taney, who penned the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford decision upholding slavery (and for whom Philadelphia’s Taney Street is named). Officials have outlined similar proposals in Memphis; Lexington, Ky.; and Jacksonville, Fla.

Failing to remove Taney’s statue, Busch told the Baltimore Sun, “would send a message that we condone what took place, that slavery is all right.”

Not everyone agrees with that approach.

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in May argued against removing such memorials. “When you start wiping out your history, sanitizing your history to make you feel better, it’s a bad thing,” she said on the Fox News show Fox & Friends.

The situation in Philadelphia is a little different. Civil War heroes here were Union generals. There are some statues of slaveholders, George Washington among them, as well as a monument to the man who invented Columbusing. But there hasn’t been a movement to discard those. The city’s Bill Cosby murals have since been painted over. So, the spotlight is on Rizzo.

The Rizzo mural was created in response to popular demand, after Mural Arts created a portrait of Mayor W. Wilson Goode Sr.

“We received a petition that had literally thousands of signatures asking for a Frank Rizzo mural,” Golden said.

The organization hesitated but ultimately chose the Italian Market as a place that at least seemed to have an affinity to the former mayor.

One of those Rizzo champions is Ken Mugler, who served as Rizzo’s press secretary from 1976 to 1978.

“He certainly was an excellent mayor for eight years,” said Mugler, who now lives just outside Doylestown. “I think he represents to many Philadelphians of that era and that age — I just turned 81 — he represents a time when Philadelphia was a very safe place to live. The streets were clean, people weren’t afraid to go into Center City at any time in the day or evening for entertainment. You have a situation now where people are getting shot in Rittenhouse Square. It seems to me that there isn’t a safe place in Philadelphia now.”

Former City Councilman Frank Rizzo Jr., now 74, said his father was an advocate for all law-abiding Philadelphians. Many former police officers contacted him on Tuesday, he said, worried the statue was at risk. The thing about his father was, above all, “he loved this city,” Rizzo Jr. said. So much so that he died in his campaign office on July 16, 1991, running to be elected again as mayor.

Rizzo Jr. said he once encountered an African American woman paying her respects to the statue. The woman had walked into the mayor’s office seeking help for her son, who was spinning out of control. Rizzo Sr. personally called him on the phone, and told him to come to City Hall. He got him a job that day. “She said, ‘He helped me out, and saved my son’s life.'”

Gym, who spurred the conversation with a Monday night tweet, drew praise as well as backlash — including a widely shared post from Marc Ferguson, administrator of the Facebook group Taking Our South Philly Streets Back, that called the movement to take down the statue hateful and divisive.

Still, the protests and nearly annual appearance of spray-painted epithets and paint balloons marring Rizzo’s likeness in the Italian Market bespeak a different view.

“I think it’s clear that Frank Rizzo means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and I understand that,” Gym said. “But I don’t think there’s any question that his legacy is one that’s been seriously tainted by racism, and by his attacks on African American students who were peaceably marching. It’s also important for people to remember that memorials aren’t just about a frozen past. It’s about what we choose to honor in our present.”

Golden said the issue had been on her mind. Mural Arts is running a project this fall called Monument Lab, addressing the question: What’s an appropriate monument for the city? Panel conversations include one, on Oct. 18, about removing Confederate monuments in the South.

Penny Balkin Bach, executive director of the Association for Public Art, last year said there was a process for relocating or decommissioning public artworks.

“It’s always an option, but it needs to be considered in a very thoughtful, careful way,” she said. “It’s complicated to even site a sculpture anywhere in the city, and it should be equally complicated to remove it.”
They still can't GET OVER IT


Those are not antifa, Tibs - those are Americans. Take a look and see if you notice a difference:



If antifa think they are doing good, why do they cover their faces?? Tibs, you really need to step back and take a look at those rioters. They cover their faces, come armed with shields and clubs to "protests," incite violence, destroy private property, start fires, and get involved in violence. Please stop aligning yourself with those hateful anarchists.

Then RR posts that the masked, armed professional rioters are permitted to engage in violence because somebody said something racist? What the hell is going on? We need to realize that the Neo-Nazis and the masked antifa are simply two sides of the same coin - violent, extremist, destructive, hate-filled groups that enjoy blood and mayhem more than debate. **** both groups - and we are debating which group is "better"? What?

And again, a very simple question I ask to be answered: if antifa have nothing to hide, then why do they always look like this?
