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I knew it was a commin'

Show evidence. Not once has Tim or anyone else here defended Nazis. Soros hired a small group of them led by an Obama activist to stir **** up. We don't support them and neither does Trump. Calling out Antifa and BLM for the rat **** vermin that they are does not equate to defense of the Nazis. And we like Israel. They're an ally. It's you leftist muslim-loving morons who are against the Jews. And the Nazi's are socialist lefties.

Whatever that thing is where you blame the victims of the domestic terror act that was committed against them by Nazis and the entire world is like "OMG! WTF?"

Yeah, that thing.
The Klan is irrelevant. Dismantled when they lost a whopping big lawsuit. If there's 100 people at a Klan meeting now, guaranteed 80 of them are undercover FBI guys.

No can't be, because according to Trump he won the popular vote.........they are not at the meetings, and they have also traded the hoods for white polo shirts.
Nope. Not gonna get me to go there. I condemn ANY violent, systematic, calculated hatred. The Antifa movement has grown as the number out outward white supremacists has grown.

Bullshit. You need to go do some research on AntiFA, its origins, the protests, rallies and riots they've participated in v stepping into the thread and inventing your own reality.
"..we are endowed by our forefathers with unalienable rights.." That Affleck...A regular William F. Buckley.

But that's not the point. The point is that this is the one and only time you guys LOVED Bill Maher and Sam Harris. I KNOW because I witnessed it on this board.
You do understand that people like Heather Heyer were there, along with hundreds of others like her. Americans from all walks of life that felt they needed to protest against Nazis, the KKK and Anti-Semites who've taken to the streets. Are you suggesting she was a part of AntiFa or BLM?

What are you suggesting she was? How did she get there? Did she get invited by BLM? Maybe an invite from AntiFA? One hand delivered by Soros? Perhaps, and most likely, she heard about the planned protests locally and decided to show up and protest against of her free will.

I feel for that poor woman's family. That small group of idiot white supremacists should have been allowed to protest, march and go home like KKK marches of old. Just ignore the morons and carry on.

Nope. The Left had to turn it into a war. And she died.

Now, it's all beginning to look like a Left-organized, Left-paid event as well.

That ****'s gonna go down like a lead balloon.

"Trump's side has a history of mass murder and public lynchings since before hundreds of thousands of Americans stood up and gave their lives to stop it. There's the whole ******* story."

Let's break that down.

"Trump's side"
= Republicans. Those who voted for Trump.

Those who voted for Trump have a history of mass murder and public lynchings - wild generalization and factually inaccurate. Democrats owned slaves. Democrats formed the KKK. Republicans emancipated the slaves.

If you wanted to make a factually correct, albeit stupid generalization, it would read "Democrats have a history of mass murder and public lynchings before hundreds of thousands of Americans stood up and gave their lives to stop it." Then, it would be factually correct as a stupid, broad brush generalization.

Let's not rewrite history. Clearly you have in your head. What's next, you're gonna tell us the Democrats didn't create, fund and run the KKK forever?

I voted for Trump. My family voted for Trump. My family and my ancestors don't have a history of public lynchings and murder.

So again, **** you and your Elftard-like, Libtard-like mass generalization of all Trump voters as now murderers and racists.
That's your fallback isn't it? Just imply I'm a racist. You don't know me. Never met me. But I must be a racist. And don't pretend you're not referencing ME through association. The fact that I could not bear to vote for Hillary Clinton, in your mind automatically paints me as, it would seem, a Nazi.

I simply can't fathom your hatred. I can't.

No I did not call you that. let me dig out the quote again:

Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn't a deal -breaker. End of story.

The Montana comment also was not about racism, it was about the Montana/Idaho/ Wyoming/ etc. types who are a little bit isolated(culturally) and tend to believe all kinds of conspiracy theories. You know "false flags" and other such nonsense.
Bullshit. You need to go do some research on AntiFA, its origins, the protests, rallies and riots they've participated in v stepping into the thread and inventing your own reality.
Yeah, stepping up and going toe-to-toe with Nazis, Racists, the KKK and anti-Semites is such a terrible thing. Have they crossed the line on occasion where things have gotten out of hand? Yes and they should be condemned for it.

But you can't lump everyone together with members of the AntiFa or BLM. You can't say people don't have the right to stand up to hate groups. From my end, I applaud their efforts, in particular when things remain non-violent. But this is the KKK we're talking about. These are neo Nazis we're talking about. These are openly anti-Semites we're talking about. Surely you don't oppose the notion that people should be standing up to these groups, or do you?

And here is where it gets real. You can argue the opposite and say I shouldn't generalize about those that march with the KKK or the Nazis. But that's where the moral equivalency ends. Anyone that marches with or associates with or is in the same car or room with openly anti-Semitic, Nazi, KKK members is inherently supporting their hatred and beliefs. You can't sugarcoat it. On the other side, the opposite is true. Anyone can take a stand and march with the AntiFa or BLM in opposition to these Far Right hate groups, yet that doesn't mean they participate in violence or condone such acts. That's where the equivalency ends. I know that may seem a bit twisted to you, but if you try to wrap your head around it will help you understand the incredible, resounding, nationwide backlash Trump has faced over the past 72 hours for his comments.

Simply put, you do realize there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, even millions of law-abiding, peace-loving Americans that are willing to march in opposition to the ******* KKK and Nazis that have nothing to do with AntiFa or BLM groups?
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The Left’s Impulse To Tear Down Confederate Statues Is Like Mao’s Cultural Revolution

'These are tactics that are well-known. You start by tearing down statues and burning books, and eventually you go after people.'

“This is not about the Confederacy,” he continued. “This is not about the Civil War. This is about political power and it’s about a small group of people on the Left trying to exert outside influence on American politics by following in the footsteps of Mao, of the armed thugs in Weimar Republic, of the Taliban. These are tactics that are well-known. You start by tearing down statues, and burning books, and eventually you go after people.”

“This is what happens with identity politics,” he said. “If you push identity politics, eventually you get around to identity politics for white people, which is a dangerous thing in a country that has a huge white majority. You know, this is why the Left has been sowing these seeds of what’s been happening for a long time. Are they surprised eventually some white people are going to say, ‘Yeah, let’s do identity politics,’ and we have white identity politics. It’s all poisonous garbage.


It's one thing to generalize about whatever overreaches BLM or AntiFa have done in the past. Certainly members of both those groups have crossed the line and should be condemned for whatever violence and harm they've caused.

But we're talking here about this past weekend in Charlottesville. You do understand that people like Heather Heyer were there, along with hundreds of others like her. Americans from all walks of life that felt they needed to protest against Nazis, the KKK and Anti-Semites who've taken to the streets. Are you suggesting she was a part of AntiFa or BLM?

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNewDay%2Fvideos%2F1427531533978692%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="626" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

There is NO defending the Neo-Nazi, alt-Right crowd from this weekend. None whatsoever. They came looking for a fight -- and when they got it, one of their own took it upon himself to ram through a crowd of anti-protestors. I was busy working on the weekend and didn't really see anything on the news or online until Monday.

Trump should have come right out them out from the beginning... coming out 2 days later to condemn them was too little, too late.

I DO think there is blame to be shared from both sides as well as local government and law enforcement for the events in Charlottesville, but the President needed to be out in front of it from day 1.

He was one of the biggest detractors of Obama when he wouldn't come out in front of the cop killings in Dallas -- so it's just more obnoxious to see him take the same approach for Charlottesville.
It's one thing to generalize about whatever overreaches BLM or AntiFa have done in the past. Certainly members of both those groups have crossed the line and should be condemned for whatever violence and harm they've caused.

But we're talking here about this past weekend in Charlottesville. You do understand that people like Heather Heyer were there, along with hundreds of others like her. Americans from all walks of life that felt they needed to protest against Nazis, the KKK and Anti-Semites who've taken to the streets. Are you suggesting she was a part of AntiFa or BLM?

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNewDay%2Fvideos%2F1427531533978692%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="626" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

I think it is how the media is handling this vs BLM movement. It is like night and day.
An innocent person was killed and of course it is wrong. But how many innocent cops have been shot and you hardly see any press or people speaking out about that. Trump did condemn the hate groups. You can protest a statue being removed without hating blacks not everyone on both sides was there due to hatred. History is what it is good or bad and should be factually taught. If there was a statue i found offensive i would just shrug it off and think to myself it was stupid. People are trying to create problems and making mountains out of molehills.
"Trump's side has a history of mass murder and public lynchings since before hundreds of thousands of Americans stood up and gave their lives to stop it. There's the whole ******* story."

Let's break that down.

"Trump's side"
= Republicans. Those who voted for Trump.

Jesus. *******. Christ. What are we talking about, Tim? Trump's "many sides... many sides" in reference to Charlottesville. Actually it was only two sides: Nazis and those protesting against them. Trump's side was chanting Trump's name and wearing MAGA hats. I don't think it's unfair to label them as Nazis and KKK.

So even though 99.99% of Trumpers weren't there, you took that and blew it up to be "all Republicans, anyone who voted for Trump" because, well, you're ******* miserable and nuts and having a really bad week. So is Trump.
Perhaps, and most likely, she heard about the planned protests locally and decided to show up and protest..
Yeah, believe or not, it was as a simple as that. She lived and worked in Charlottesville as a legal assistant. She considered herself a civil rights activist and decided to protest when the armed Far Right militias, Nazis and the KKK decided to march through her streets. God Bless her for her bravery and may she rest in peace. She died standing for core American values, run down in cold blood by a murderous, hate-filled Nazi. On the streets of America. Yes, people should be outraged, as they rightfully are, and people should continue standing up to Nazis and the ************* KKK. As you should be doing yourself, because I believe you too cherish the same American values she stood for.
You see i've been told when it comes to Islam it's those concentric circles of extremist defenders I have to worry about.......when it comes to alt right Nazis.......not so much.

Dude, no one is defending Nazis. No one. Not even Trump.
Yeah, believe or not, it was as a simple as that. She lived and worked in Charlottesville as a legal assistant. She considered herself a civil rights activist and decided to protest when the armed Far Right militias, Nazis and the KKK decided to march through her streets. God Bless her for her bravery and may she rest in peace. She died standing for core American values, run down in cold blood by a murderous, hate-filled Nazi. On the streets of America. Yes, people should be outraged, as they rightfully are, and people should continue standing up to Nazis and the ************* KKK. As you should be doing yourself, because I believe you too cherish the same American values she stood for.

Then she was an innocent if she was not being violent but that does not excuse the Antifa people who were violent as they always are. I will stand for anyone's right to peacefully express their opinion even if I don't like it(KKK).

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and look at these ******* pigs........FACISTS claiming they are against Facism.

Scum of the earth


Claimed they showed up armed because ‘the police won’t protect the people’

Dude, no one is defending Nazis. No one. Not even Trump.

It seems you've missed the basic premise, that by arguing a false, moral equivalence between Nazis/KKK and those protesting against them, he did exactly that.

This breaks it down fairly clearly.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcnn%2Fvideos%2F10157183018911509%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
It seems you've missed the basic premise, that by arguing a false, moral equivalence between Nazis/KKK and those protesting against them, he did exactly that.

This breaks it down fairly clearly.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcnn%2Fvideos%2F10157183018911509%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

No again that is a false narrative the violent counter protests were also hate groups themselves!!! Antifa is a ******* hate group and they were a large part of the violence what the **** do people not get about that. The peaceful counter protest are fine and good for them but not the violent ones.
For whatever it's worth to those defending the alt right on here who have suggested the crazed, dangerous and violent AntiFa commandos attacked the sheepish, law abiding Nazi and KKK choir boys, this video of the confrontation seems to prove the opposite.

"Follow me!!"

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FOccupyDemocrats%2Fvideos%2F1657093234383724%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="645" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>