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I knew it was a commin'

Dipshit, he was talking about the people who wanted preserve the statues as part of our history. He has condemned the white supremacists at least 3 times.
Sounds like he wasn't very convincing.

Republican Jewish Coalition urges 'greater moral clarity' from Trump

The Republican Jewish Coalition, a group backed by billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, urged President Trump on Wednesday to "provide greater moral clarity" in denouncing hate groups, the day after he appeared to equate white supremacists with protesters opposing them.

"There are no good Nazis and no good members of the Klan. Thankfully, in modern America, the KKK and Nazis are small fringe groups that have never been welcome in the GOP," Republican Jewish Coalition national chairman Norm Coleman, a former senator from Minnesota, and executive director Matt Brooks said in a statement.

"We join with our political and religious brethren in calling upon President Trump to provide greater moral clarity in rejecting racism, bigotry, and antisemitism," they continued.
This aged well.

This man is a ******* hero. LOL

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTomMorello%2Fvideos%2F10155773390769273%2F&show_text=0&width=476" width="476" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
**** the Communist agitators


President Trump’s Interior Department Won’t Be Removing Confederate Monuments From Civil War Battlefields

The Interior Department won’t be removing monuments to Confederate soldiers at national battlefields that are “an important part of our country’s history,” according to a spokesman.

“The National Park Service is committed to safeguarding these memorials while simultaneously educating visitors holistically and objectively about the actions, motivations and causes of the soldiers and states they commemorate"

Word on the street is that there were a bunch of people gathered to peacefully protest the removal of the statues and before the event was even started, it was co-opted by fringe elements. The protestors while marching quietly along the streets were swept up in a melee of pepper spray and mayhem from both sides and beyond. Outta control juveniles bent on grandiose took the stage and the protestors are now White Nationalists, even though they don't even know what that is.

Once again the left has suckered the sheeple into their lair and covered them with media slime. Gee whodda thunk-it.




Yeh stupid enough to continue to take that money and not give a **** the ultimate goals.
Trump just guaranteed another landslide southern states sweep in 2020!

4 more years!

4 more years!

4 more years!

Trump gets it

The violence in Charlottesville, and the tearing down of Robert E. Lee's statue there and in Durham, has made me angry and unhappy. I, like many Americans and Southerners of my generation, have seen the tremendous progress in racial harmony. I remember the bad old days and do not want to return there, but I also do not like attacks on my ancestors. Then I listened to President Trump's remarks yesterday from Trump Tower.


Trump jumped to the chase. He gets the progressive mind.

He asked, "Will you tear down George Washington's statue next? Do you like Jefferson? He was a slave owner. Will you tear down his statue, too? You are changing the history and changing the culture."

Finally, we have a leader who fights back against the tyranny of the culture-changing socialists.

Trump understands that these actions are warm-ups. The progressives are tearing down Confederate statues, and they are kicking and spitting on the memorials to the dead because they cannot yet kick and spit on President Trump and his voters. If they could imprison Trump and deport his voters, they would do that and not worry about statues. They are lashing out where they can.

Progressives want a socialist society cleansed of traditional values. To get power, we, as a country, must reject our heritage of freedom and embrace Marxist values of state control.

That is why they fight so hard to control the teaching of history and why they denigrate the ideals and values of the Founders and the pioneers.

Trump just guaranteed another landslide southern states sweep in 2020!

4 more years!

4 more years!

4 more years!

Trump gets it

The violence in Charlottesville, and the tearing down of Robert E. Lee's statue there and in Durham, has made me angry and unhappy. I, like many Americans and Southerners of my generation, have seen the tremendous progress in racial harmony. I remember the bad old days and do not want to return there, but I also do not like attacks on my ancestors. Then I listened to President Trump's remarks yesterday from Trump Tower.


Trump jumped to the chase. He gets the progressive mind.

He asked, "Will you tear down George Washington's statue next? Do you like Jefferson? He was a slave owner. Will you tear down his statue, too? You are changing the history and changing the culture."

Finally, we have a leader who fights back against the tyranny of the culture-changing socialists.

Trump understands that these actions are warm-ups. The progressives are tearing down Confederate statues, and they are kicking and spitting on the memorials to the dead because they cannot yet kick and spit on President Trump and his voters. If they could imprison Trump and deport his voters, they would do that and not worry about statues. They are lashing out where they can.

Progressives want a socialist society cleansed of traditional values. To get power, we, as a country, must reject our heritage of freedom and embrace Marxist values of state control.

That is why they fight so hard to control the teaching of history and why they denigrate the ideals and values of the Founders and the pioneers.


Ha ha! You can't win without Florida! LMAO!

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Completely agree. That didn't even cross my mind when I posted that, a meme which I came across on the net.

They've crossed the line many times, no doubt about that and for that they should be condemned. As I've tried to point out in several posts, the protest this weekend was not an AntiFa dominated one, full of violent, black-garbed, masked and armed leftists, of the likes we've seen many times before. There may have been some of those hardcore types in the crowd, but this was not an AntiFa event such as you see at anti-globalism protests.

And as a final note, I want you to know that I respect you and thank you for your service and the sacrifices you've made for this country and for all of us. There should be no doubt in your mind that is how I feel. I meant no harm and no disrespect to you personally or to any of our dedicated soldiers by posting that meme.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but I have never said that AntiFa dominated or started anything. Not at all. But their presence there did not help, and escalated the tensions and violence. Sure, decades of hatred is awful. But it isn't any worse than 6 months of hatred. Hatred is hatred. Period. Whether hatred is initiated or retaliatory, it is still hatred. Neither is more acceptable .
You do know this whole thread is a right wing circle jerk of "They started it" right? Yes and even Trump is playing that game....the "many sides" game.


This post pretty much sums this up. There is no getting through to some people. You even have some dumbass here showing pictures of Trump with Rosa Parks like that somehow absolves him of his CURRENT behavior. Or trying to tell us that years ago Democrats were in the KKK. No **** man. Times have changed. Whatever makes it easier for some people to swallow the sauce I guess. Thanks for summing this up for all of us.
This post pretty much sums this up. There is no getting through to some people. You even have some dumbass here showing pictures of Trump with Rosa Parks like that somehow absolves him of his CURRENT behavior. Or trying to tell us that years ago Democrats were in the KKK. No **** man. Times have changed. Whatever makes it easier for some people to swallow the sauce I guess. Thanks for summing this up for all of us.

Hysteria has supplanted rational debate. This sums it up.

TIbs once again you are reaching for something that is not there. Yes they all are offensive and yes as long as they are peaceful they are free speech, but not free from the consequences free speech can bring not including violence. If on the other hand they go looking for violence well then **** them.
I never even heard of white nationalists until this happened
For those saying Antifa is not a corollary to the Nazis remember they are a communist movement then watch this video.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fprageru%2Fvideos%2F1509770529065798%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
I never even heard of white nationalists until this happened

Good for you. I unfortunately was made aware of them at a very young age. One of them introduced themselves to me personally by calling me a nigger and saying he hoped that I go back to where I came from because I got too close to his truck. The altercation ended with my Dad's foot up his *** when I told him. He then vandalized my Mom's car and my Dad beat his *** so bad that he disappeared for almost a month. This guy routinely beat his wife and his kids. We took in his kids on many occasions while their father terrorized their mother. His friends were as awful as he was. Skinhead pieces of ****. I felt so bad for those kids man. All that dude ever talked about was how *insert minority here* was taking over the country and how white people needed to take it back.
Good for you. I unfortunately was made aware of them at a very young age. One of them introduced themselves to me personally by calling me a nigger and saying he hoped that I go back to where I came from because I got too close to his truck. The altercation ended with my Dad's foot up his *** when I told him. He then vandalized my Mom's car and my Dad beat his *** so bad that he disappeared for almost a month. This guy routinely beat his wife and his kids. We took in his kids on many occasions while their father terrorized their mother. His friends were as awful as he was. Skinhead pieces of ****. I felt so bad for those kids man. All that dude ever talked about was how *insert minority here* was taking over the country and how white people needed to take it back.

Sounds like he might have needed a few more beatings to knock some sense into him lol. People are idiots.
Donald Trump's die-hard supporters show no signs of straying

"He has done nothing to turn me away from him," said Patricia Aleeyah Robinson, of Toledo, Ohio.


NEW YORK (AP) -- They wash their hands of neo-Nazis and wag their fingers at leftists. They denounce a press corps they see as biased and controversies they view as manufactured. But in the frenzied blame game over the deadly violence at a rally of white supremacists, Donald Trump's loyal base is happy to absolve the president himself.

Even as Trump's zig-zag response to the weekend bloodshed in Charlottesville, Virginia, has brought criticism from some Republican lawmakers, many men and women who helped put him in office remain unmoved by the latest uproar.

Three hundred miles south in a Charleston, West Virginia, shopping mall, Joyce Ash took a moment to ponder Trump

The 71-year-old woman summoned nothing but support for the political novice who led her to ditch her lifelong support of Democrats. She recalled sitting up all Election Night to watch Trump clinch the win, and said nothing since made her reconsider her vote.

"Let the president do his job instead of trying to take him out every time you turn around," Ash implored. She didn't follow the back-and-forth over Trump's statements on Charlottesville but saw no reason to question him: "I believe in Donald Trump, I really do. I believe that if they would just give this man a chance, the economy, everything will start going better."

Though images of Nazi flags and men in white hoods sickened many Americans, the president's most ardent champions saw no reason any of that should change their feelings for Trump.

"You know why it doesn't bother me? Because he is everybody's president whether you like him or don't like him. Everything he does, he's doing it for our country," said Patsy Jarman, a 70-year-old retired factory worker in New Bern, North Carolina. "And if you don't like being here, you need to leave."

In Florida, 50-year-old Steven Damron of Spring Hill said the president handled the Charlottesville situation well, and he agreed with Trump that "both sides" were to blame.

In Iowa, Branden Nong, 35, of Waukee said that while he wished the president was more careful with his tweets or in his criticism of fellow Republicans, his vote was driven by economic issues, and he has been happy with Trump's performance.

And in Pennsylvania, 46-year-old substitute teacher Julie Horrell of Mohrsville said: "I am sticking by the president. It's early in his term yet. He needs to get the time to dig in his feet."

Julie Brown, a 42-year-old real estate agent in Gilbert, Arizona, accused the media of twisting Trump's statements on Charlottesville and said local officials did a bad job preparing for the protests. But she remains fully behind a president she sees as exactly the unpolished, authentic leader that the U.S. needs right now, and thinks of how her 4-year-old son will someday learn of this time.

"He's going to be reading in a textbook one day about the good and the bad that this president is going to do," she said, "but I hope and I believe it's going to be more good."

Someone put a burning cross in BO yard. Nice!?

**** no. Neither is this. ******* people

If Trump was a Jew, you'd have an analogy. And I wasn't referring to the vandalism of his Hollywood star, I was referring to the quip.

But according to the logic of many of the posts I've read, the fact that America responded to Nazi aggressions with American aggression ... sending bombs and bullets of our own right back at them.... that makes us as bad as them I guess?
Simply put, you do realize there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, even millions of law-abiding, peace-loving Americans that are willing to march in opposition to the ******* KKK and Nazis that have nothing to do with AntiFa or BLM groups?

Quite aware Captain Obvious. I'm one of them.

And it's not them showing up. It's the armed, radical Alt Left that shows up.