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I knew it was a commin'

It seems you've missed the basic premise, that by arguing a false, moral equivalence between Nazis/KKK and those protesting against them, he did exactly that.

This breaks it down fairly clearly.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcn n%2Fvideos%2F10157183018911509%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Dipshit, he was talking about the people who wanted preserve the statues as part of our history. He has condemned the white supremacists at least 3 times. You libtards and Fake News take parts of what he said and twist it to fit your ****** up agenda. Here is his full un-edited press conference. I love how he shuts down the howling jackals of fake news.

It’s Time To Blow Up Mount Rushmore

The alt-right rally that took place over the weekend was premised on opposing the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue in the Virginia town. Now, with the notion that these site are magnets for neo-Nazis firmly planted in the minds of leftists, other monuments are being targeted for removal.

Seemingly to preempt any violent demonstrations, Lexington, Kentucky, announced Sunday that it was speeding up its removal of Confederate statues in the city.

Georgia Democrats renewed their call to blow up the face of Stone Mountain that depicts Confederate generals. There is a precedent for these kinds of removal, as the Taliban blew up colossal Buddhas carved into cliffs in Afghanistan during its reign.

On Monday, Durham, North Carolina let random demonstrators take a statue dedicated to boys who died fighting for the South. In a scene reminiscent of the Bolsheviks, a leftist mob pulled down the statue and then proceeded to kick it, spit on it and flip it off.

If the Left takes follows the course of its own logic, then there’s one landmark they should want to blow up ASAP — besides Stone Mountain.

It’s Mount Rushmore.

All four presidents carved into stone on the mountain would be called white supremacists today. So it would make sense for our progressive nation to wipe them from the face of the landmark.

Let’s start with Washington. He owned slaves. He approved the Naturalization Act of 1790 that restricted citizenship to “free white men.” He also earned the nickname “Town Destroyer” from the Iroquois for he fought against Indian tribes.

Jefferson has a more damning record, according to the Left. He also owned slaves and is widely believed to have had a relationship with one of the women he kept as property. That relationship is considered by many liberals to have amounted to rape.

Besides his personal behavior, the third president considered blacks were inherently inferior to whites. Jefferson also opposed granting citizenship to African-Americans and thought that America couldn’t survive as a multiracial democracy.

Additionally, he described Native Americans as “merciless Indian savages” in the Declaration.

Does it really matter who attacks first in situation where both parties are looking for a fight? Had armed militant counter protestors not been there and the Nazi's attacked peaceful protesters I would have nothing but sympathy for the innocent protesters harmed and nothing but anger for the violent offenders. Seeing as that was quite obviously not the case as the Antifa side was armed and masked this was a case of who is the bigger ******* and unfortunately good people got caught in the middle.
Dipshit, he was talking about the people who wanted preserve the statues as part of our history. He has condemned the white supremacists at least 3 times. You libtards and Fake News take parts of what he said and twist it to fit your ****** up agenda. Here is his full un-edited press conference. I love how he shuts down the howling jackals of fake news.

Dipshit, if there were any "fine people" historical preservationists, they would have high-tailed it the **** out of there once they realized the fellow rally goers were a bunch of Nazis and white supremacist.
Does it really matter who attacks first in situation where both parties are looking for a fight?

Why did you wait until now to ask that question?

Fault on both sides because the other side started it. Oh, they didn't? OK, does it really matter?
Does it really matter who attacks first in situation where both parties are looking for a fight? Had armed militant counter protestors not been there and the Nazi's attacked peaceful protesters I would have nothing but sympathy for the innocent protesters harmed and nothing but anger for the violent offenders. Seeing as that was quite obviously not the case as the Antifa side was armed and masked this was a case of who is the bigger ******* and unfortunately good people got caught in the middle.
You do realize the majority pictures of the so-called AntiFa in this thread aren't from this weekend's protests in Charlottesville? You have to me very mindful, have your head on a swivel, when it comes to digesting information posted on this board. If you're not careful, you'll allow yourself to be swayed by false premises.

Here are real pictures of real Americans that decided to take to the streets to oppose Fascism and the KKK in Charlottesville. Try to count how may 'armed and masked' counter protestors you see. Btw the photos with protestors in helmets, body armor and shields are Far Righters, in case that isn't clear.






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A couple of things:

- I know left wing protestors come prepared to rallies. Some of them, perhaps many of them do have pepper spray, clubs on them. I am not painting a rosy picture of AntiFa, I know they've been known to 'gear up' and prepare for - and at times - instigate violence at rallies.
- the bandanas you see on some protestors is to thwart the effect of tear gas (from cops) or pepper spray from the other side. Same thing with the eye goggles. The reality of these types of skirmishes is that - usually the riot cops - will come in and disperse the protests.
- in Charlottesville, it seems to me the anti-Fascist protestors were a mix of people, some of them for sure were associated w AntiFa and Blm. But there were plenty of people - probably the majority - that were not, and who came down to raise their voice against KKK and Nazis.
- relative to other protests dominated by AntiFa or BLM, it seems to me there were very few counter protestors dressed in the typical AntiFa all black hoods and masks as at other rallies.
- that is why it's so ridiculous to see this argument being made, particularly when images have flooded this thread of AntiFa protestors from other marches that may have been months or years ago, with fires in the streets, burning cop cars et al. That is done for obvious reasons, to create an illusion in your mind that whatever point they're trying to make is an accurate one. It is not.

If you want to talk about 'heavily armed' look no further than the Far Right militias that were prevalent throughout the weekend. You cannot in your right mind compare the two or draw equivalence with the counter protestors.





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I hope the nazis/kkk and Antifa/BLM bigots kill off each other. Then we can ignore the remaining libtards, move forward AND the crime rate will drop.
if you're defending the white supremacists and what they believe in, you're 100% categorically wrong.
if you're defending the antifa fools and their actions, you're also 100% categorically wrong.
if you're defending blm, their message and actions, you're also 100# categorically wrong.

if you see all three as being on the far fringes of the associated parties, then you're able to view this correctly.

if you see that the ******** white supremacists did have their bullshit speeches denied and their FA rights trampled on, then you are able to separate from emotion and see this logically.

if you somehow have a problem with how this is worded, re-read it.

for the record:

Awful People Who are also Disgusting:
White Supremacists
What's with the face covering from the protesters again white supremacy? They ashamed?
for the record:

Awful People Who are also Disgusting:
White Supremacists
Sorry Supe, but I respectfully disagree. To me there is no moral equivalency between those standing in opposition to and protesting Nazis and the KKK and the Nazis and the KKK themselves. Even if some of the protestors - in this case AntiFa and BLM - have crossed the line and committed violence in the past. They were wrong to do so and should be condemned for it. But that does NOT put them on the same moral plane as Nazis and the KKK who represent decades upon decades of bigotry and the murders of millions of people across continents. We will just have to agree to disagree on this.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Ftheleadcnn%2Fvideos%2F1661251800551853%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="439" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Why is it so important to defend the KKK and Nazis? Why does a meme like this trigger you like this? Remember, regardless of what you think of AntiFa - protestors that stand against Racists and Fascists - those on the other side are ******* Nazis! They openly stand with Nazis, with Hitler, with anti-Antisemitism, with the KKK, with lynching and murdering Americans! Why are you guys all of the sudden so sensitive to protecting White Supremacists? You have to wonder who's side are you on? I have no issues with you Sarge, I've always kept my correspondence with you as civil as I could. But here you are attacking me personally over a meme like this. Having a hard time understanding why. Read the caption on this picture. It depicts US troops disembarking their ships to launch a ground assault against Nazi German troops. The caption reads 'Anti-Fascists Disrupting A Large Gathering Of White Supremacists.' And you find this upsetting? Is this historically inaccurate? Is this insulting to our troops, hundreds of thousands of whom perished in WWII?. Again, what in the world is making you so upset?

Don't say that. I have not and will not defend the KKK or Neo Nazi's. Do not imply I am a racist or that I am defending them. You do not know me, my values or what I stand for.

But just so you understand....My grandparents fled Nazi Germany during WWII. For you to post a meme, one I hope you didn't create, suggesting that a group like AntiFa had ANYTHING to do with defeating Nazi's in WWII is offensive to me. AntiFa is nothing like the greatest generation, don't even imply it. And they are nothing like our modern military, defending freedom the world over.

AntiFa is a far left, riot inciting, property destroying, group of scum bag domestic terrorists. Their work is well documented, even if you refuse to see it. They are not heroes. They do not stand against fascists. They are fascists.
What's with the face covering from the protesters again white supremacy? They ashamed?

From that post:

- the bandanas you see on some protestors is to thwart the effect of tear gas (from cops) or pepper spray from the other side. Same thing with the eye goggles. The reality of these types of skirmishes is that - usually the riot cops - will come in and disperse the protests.
Why did you wait until now to ask that question?

Fault on both sides because the other side started it. Oh, they didn't? OK, does it really matter?

What the **** are you talking about? I never stated nor cared who started it since it involves two hate groups looking for a fight A fight between two willing parties is both their faults. I am not taking about violence to non combatants. That I blame on whoever did it. The woman who died is the responsibility of the guilty party and to the police for not stopping this **** sooner. I condemn the KKK and Nazis for any violence on their part and I condemn their views, furthermore I condemn Antifa for their views and violence. Both should be held accountable for their crimes. Violent protest has no place in a civil society. Quit trying to make people into something their not. No one I have seen is trying to say the Nazis are not **** or the KKK is not wrong and not responsible.

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suggesting that a group like AntiFa had ANYTHING to do with defeating Nazi's in WWII is offensive to me. AntiFa is nothing like the greatest generation, don't even imply it. And they are nothing like our modern military, defending freedom the world over.
Completely agree. That didn't even cross my mind when I posted that, a meme which I came across on the net.

AntiFa is a far left, riot inciting, property destroying, group of scum bag domestic terrorists. Their work is well documented, even if you refuse to see it. They are not heroes. They do not stand against fascists. They are fascists.
They've crossed the line many times, no doubt about that and for that they should be condemned. As I've tried to point out in several posts, the protest this weekend was not an AntiFa dominated one, full of violent, black-garbed, masked and armed leftists, of the likes we've seen many times before. There may have been some of those hardcore types in the crowd, but this was not an AntiFa event such as you see at anti-globalism protests.

And as a final note, I want you to know that I respect you and thank you for your service and the sacrifices you've made for this country and for all of us. There should be no doubt in your mind that is how I feel. I meant no harm and no disrespect to you personally or to any of our dedicated soldiers by posting that meme.
A couple of things:

- I know left wing protestors come prepared to rallies. Some of them, perhaps many of them do have pepper spray, clubs on them. I am not painting a rosy picture of AntiFa, I know they've been known to 'gear up' and prepare for - and at times - instigate violence at rallies.
- the bandanas you see on some protestors is to thwart the effect of tear gas (from cops) or pepper spray from the other side. Same thing with the eye goggles. The reality of these types of skirmishes is that - usually the riot cops - will come in and disperse the protests.
- in Charlottesville, it seems to me the anti-Fascist protestors were a mix of people, some of them for sure were associated w AntiFa and Blm. But there were plenty of people - probably the majority - that were not, and who came down to raise their voice against KKK and Nazis.
- relative to other protests dominated by AntiFa or BLM, it seems to me there were very few counter protestors dressed in the typical AntiFa all black hoods and masks as at other rallies.
- that is why it's so ridiculous to see this argument being made, particularly when images have flooded this thread of AntiFa protestors from other marches that may have been months or years ago, with fires in the streets, burning cop cars et al. That is done for obvious reasons, to create an illusion in your mind that whatever point they're trying to make is an accurate one. It is not.

If you want to talk about 'heavily armed' look no further than the Far Right militias that were prevalent throughout the weekend. You cannot in your right mind compare the two or draw equivalence with the counter protestors.






Honest question about the heavily armed militias. Were they involved in the fighting directly and if so why aren't their more deaths from their arms. If they are involved and as heavily armed as these few pictures I would expect a ******* bloodbath. I am not saying they weren't I just have not heard of any guns being involved in this. If so they certainly were restrained in their use of their weapons.

This was an ugly situation to be sure. I feel though that the counter protests both violent and non violent feed directly into what the KKK wants. **** if you just ignore the ******** they craw back into their holes and hide. This is what they wanted and the violent protesters gave it to them on a silver platter.

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The silence has been deafening, from those willing to step up to defend Trump in making the comments that he did. That's pretty telling, at least it is to me. It has to make you think, or at least give you pause, on why that is.

Fox's Shep Smith: We couldn't find a Republican willing to come on and defend Trump

<iframe class="video-embed" src="https://www.mediamatters.org/embed/217662" width="480" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen scrolling="no"></iframe>
Honest question about the heavily armed militias. Were they involved in the fighting directly and if so why aren't their more deaths from their arms. If they are involved and as heavily armed as these few pictures I would expect a ******* bloodbath. I am not saying they weren't I just have not heard of any guns being involved in this. If so they certainly were restrained in their use of their weapons. This was an ugly situation to be sure. I feel though that the counter protests both violent and non violent feed directly into what the KKK wants. **** if you just ignore the ******** they craw back into their holes and hide. This is what they wanted and the violent protesters gave it to them on a silver platter.

Lebanon, no doubt the militias were restrained, thank God, otherwise it would have been a bloodbath. Something that should worry all of us if these types of events - and clashes - continue in other parts of the country.

It would be well worth your time to watch, or re-watch the VICE News video that's been heavily circulating. It shows the sequence of events from the viewpoint of the Far Right protesters, the KKK, the Nazis and these militias. I posted it earlier in this thread but will do so again, if you have the time to watch it. It gives you a pretty good sense of the mindset of these racist extremists, including their seeming willingness to resort to violence. Particularly the last five or so minutes I found most alarming.

Again, let's be grateful that didn't happen this past weekend, besides of course the maniac extremist that plowed his car through a large gathering of people and murdered Heather Heyer and seriously injured 20 people.

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All sides...meh. If you are kicking nazis in the balls, you're ******* golden with me.
Don't say that. I have not and will not defend the KKK or Neo Nazi's. Do not imply I am a racist or that I am defending them. You do not know me, my values or what I stand for.

But just so you understand....My grandparents fled Nazi Germany during WWII. For you to post a meme, one I hope you didn't create, suggesting that a group like AntiFa had ANYTHING to do with defeating Nazi's in WWII is offensive to me. AntiFa is nothing like the greatest generation, don't even imply it. And they are nothing like our modern military, defending freedom the world over.

AntiFa is a far left, riot inciting, property destroying, group of scum bag domestic terrorists. Their work is well documented, even if you refuse to see it. They are not heroes. They do not stand against fascists. They are fascists.

1. The Soviets almost single handedly defeated the Nazis.

2. The U.S. military since before WW2 does not defend anyones freedom. They are a tool of American empire.

That is not being disrespectful of anyone who has served nobly including my own family members. They are not aware of how things work , they just go when called upon.
1. The Soviets almost single handedly defeated the Nazis.

2. The U.S. military since before WW2 does not defend anyones freedom. They are a tool of American empire.

That is not being disrespectful of anyone who has served nobly including my own family members. They are not aware of how things work , they just go when called upon.

Your ****** in the head. Totally insane I am done with you.

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