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I knew it was a commin'

Sorry, nothing racist there. He was saying that Mexico would like to get rid of some of their criminals by sending them across the border and hence no longer has to deal with them. Big ******* deal. That is not a single thing disparaging against Mexicans in that statement. Try again.

So it is brainwashing. Thank you for making that crystal clear for everyone.
If armed Neo Nazis decided to come to my town and start some **** you better believe I'd be ready to defend the people here and my property. If you think these guys were there just to "peacefully" protest then you are more naive, brainwashed, and in denial than was even obvious before. You make some strong points here. Both sides are radicalized to an extent and both are doing it out of fear. I happen to be of the belief that if you feel someone may be ready to harm you or yours and make it abundantly clear that they don't value your life......that you be prepared to fight and show force.

That is a false narrative. The people fighting them are just as racist as the Nazis. It wasn't you average citizen fighting back it was an organized hate group.

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Important words from the Mayor of New Orleans. Bless him for being brave and taking a stand. Looks like this is now happening around the country. Pretty amazing sequence of events.

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Ron Burgundy said:
You must not pay attention to the news then.
Please point out anything Trump has done or said that makes him a racist or Nazi. Be specific.

You've. got to be kidding........I mean I would hope you are because the other answer is that you're completely delusional and/or brainwashed.
As I figured. You and Trog got nothing. Works every time.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,"

Fine enough. What specifically is inaccurate about that statement?
If armed Neo Nazis decided to come to my town and start some **** you better believe I'd be ready to defend the people here and my property. If you think these guys were there just to "peacefully" protest then you are more naive, brainwashed, and in denial than was even obvious before. You make some strong points here. Both sides are radicalized to an extent and both are doing it out of fear. I happen to be of the belief that if you feel someone may be ready to harm you or yours and make it abundantly clear that they don't value your life......that you be prepared to fight and show force.

Excellent post steel shinin. Funny how early on in this thread all the Trumpsters were so eager to beat their chests and proclaim what anti-fascists and anti-racists they are, yet have done nothing but continue to downplay the need to stand up against them. Just the typical far right hypocrisy we see each and every day on this board.

No, not every person. Just those who think he made the slightest bit of ******* sense when he mentioned "very fine people." You're so desperate you've forgone blaming both sides and are now blaming the left exclusively. Your manic defense of Nazis is just bizarre.
This is Tim we're talking about, what did you expect?

Liberals are domestic ISIS.
Sigh, Indy put the crayons down and try to limit your posts to when you actually have something real or true to say. This is not playtime with coloring books. Grown men are trying to engage in political discourse here. Your blurbs of sheer idiocy do nothing to advance the conversation. Thanks.
WAS a Democratic organization? What the is the KKK NOW? What the **** could possibly be your point?

What you're going to find with Tiny Tim Trump hands is that when all else fails he will call you a sicko.

It's part of that whole Mike Wiener A.K.A. Savage narrative of : "Liberalism is a mental disorder".

Savage of course being a known homosexual, racist, bigot , and Jewish self loather who tries to pretend he's a WASP male so that he can line his pockets.

All this is the backdrop here as "healthy" Reich Wingers try to deflect and defend Nazis and their racist POTUS.

Do you see the pattern?

Good luck Trog.
That is a false narrative. The people fighting them are just as racist as the Nazis. It wasn't you average citizen fighting back it was an organized hate group.

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Go right on along with this "alt-left" **** if you want. I'm not condoning any of this but the real false narrative is trying to pretend that Neon Nazis don;t need to be met with a showing of fortitude. Outside of the girl who was ran over by the scumbag there were no deaths thankfully and most of the injuries came from that ******* in the car. So please go on some more about how the poor defenseless neo nazis were beseiged by an "alt-left" hate group. Might I remind you just for posterity going forward that the Black Panthers were dismantled by the FBI and CIA and classified as a terrorist organization but the KKK still is allowed to march into a ******* town and "peacefully" protest. GTFOH.
Where to begin. There can clearly be no resolution here.

This isn't about Civil War Memorials and never has been. That's a ruse and you know it.
Absolutely true. This is so much larger than that. This is about the systematic punishment of white people as a group for perceived wrongs their forefathers committed against other American's forefathers. And that's just one facet of this cultural meltdown.

No, I'm fine with proud and brave Americans raising their voice and protesting against ******* Anti-Semites and Neo Nazis. As a veteran of our armed forces, I would think you would be fine with it as well. That was the whole point of our victory in WWII to rid ourselves of this vermin.
Tibs, you asked me earlier if I'd studied American history. Surely you know that America was loathe to enter the war. In fact it took a false flag event (Pearl Harbor) to drag us IN to the war because the economic forces that controlled the country were Nazi sympathizers and they were making far too much money at the time supporting Germany. However as it turns out, they discovered how much MORE they could make selling arms and supplies to both sides and thus the beginning of the military industrial complex was conceived. But you know that because you "Studied American History". WWII was NOT about getting rid of the Nazis. It was more about halting the spread of Communism. By the time we entered the Nazis were essentially spent. We mostly occupied them on the western front while the Soviets closed in from the east. Again, you - knowing American history are clear on this.

No, I wouldn't deny my fellow Americans their right to speak.
And yet, when they showed up in Charlottesville they were met by an armed band of anti-protesters. Who clearly were determined to deny them the right to speak. Violence erupted. Everyone was in the wrong.

He called out both violent fringe sides. How is that wrong.
It wasn't. If you have two children who get into a fight, as a parent you logically separate them and then determine who started the fight. Both deserve to be punished. But as a parent you want to know who initiated the fight. In this case it was the anti-demonstrators. But nobody wants to talk about that. They'd rather blame the child who fought back.

The Washington Monument was damaged yesterday. As was the Holocaust Museum. This is no more productive than burning down businesses. All it shows is a hypocritical and violent side that garners no respect or voice.

They even vandalized the Lincoln Memorial. Dumbasses….
This is perfect. This is precisely what the country needs. The world needs to see how completely out of control the Antifa and BLM movements have become. I pointed out yesterday that it was no stretch to see the VietNam Memorial desecrated or destroyed - I don't know why it wouldn't be. This country needs a ittle chaos right now in order to reset it's priorities. We've become completely lost in ridiculous bullshit. And if we don't re calibrate right quick and in a hurry - we're not going to be American anymore.

Why would they be protesting the hearing of a suspected white supremacist? I would think that would be what the would want, a supremacist brought to justice.
Lynch mob.

And, going back to my first point...
It just happens that Nazis happen to be white. If you guys were more inclusive maybe you could get someone like Ben Carson in there to rail "against the greedy jew", just as a token you know.
And there it is. Thank you Elfiero, for stating it so simply, clearly and obviously. Might I remind you however of that flyer that Spike posted regarding the Anti-Semitic views of Antifa which also suggests that the movement must start by eliminating our children. If that isn't frightening enough for you, I don't know what is. The flyer clearly states our children, my children, cannot be assimilated and therefore must be (as painful as it is) dealt with. I can only assume that means something particularly dark.

They wear masks. They burn buildings and cars. They attempted to kill that goofy Breitbart speaker Milo. In the attempt they stormed a campus, smashed out windows, threw alcohol bombs. The fellow had to be evacuated by helicopter. Had he walked out among the crowd - they would have killed him right there in the street. And they would have danced and streamed it on Facebook Live. These people are ******* scary. And they're coming for me because I'm white and my grandparents came from ******* Canada. I guess that concerns me.

I've never had a negative thought about a black person in my life. Not really. But now - I see every one of them as a potential threat. I really do. Men, women, even children. What are they thinking? Are they angry with me? Are they thinking about hurting my children? My wife? Do they hold some ridiculous anger against me because they perceive me as a racist? I don't know. But since I don't know I need to be careful. And let's be clear. Trump didn't do that. The KKK didn't do that. White Supremacists didn't do that.

People like you are doing that. Antifa is doing that. And it's just what they want. But it's ok. Cause I have the means to deal with issues should they arise. I live in Montana. We're good.
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You know what? **** you. You are sick. I mean ******* sick. There is no comparison. For you to portray AntiFa like that is offensive at least.

EDIT: I edited my post. No going into the sewer with you.
[h=1]Colbert: Trump’s Press Meltdown Was “the Strongest Argument” for Impeachment Yet[/h]

That was sheer genius from Colbert. The sad part though was watching Gen. Kelly with his head down in shame.

What must go through the head of a man who has had the experiences he has had in the military, and the knowledge of the history of real patriots and what they've done for this country. To have to listen to that traitorous lying sack of orange **** must just be torture.

I'm glad he's there though ,and that the soft coup is in place till we restore sanity.
Your manic defense of Nazis is just bizarre.

Show evidence. Not once has Tim or anyone else here defended Nazis. Soros hired a small group of them led by an Obama activist to stir **** up. We don't support them and neither does Trump. Calling out Antifa and BLM for the rat **** vermin that they are does not equate to defense of the Nazis. And we like Israel. They're an ally. It's you leftist muslim-loving morons who are against the Jews. And the Nazi's are socialist lefties.
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People like you are doing that.
For clarity, you may want to clean up your post a little wig, as you started out quoting a couple of my posts then went on to quote others, so it's a bit difficult to keep track who's saying what.
but the KKK still is allowed to march into a ******* town and "peacefully" protest. GTFOH.

The Klan is irrelevant. Dismantled when they lost a whopping big lawsuit. If there's 100 people at a Klan meeting now, guaranteed 80 of them are undercover FBI guys.
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge.

For the sake of clarity, The quotes came from you, Elfiero and Trog.

I have complete respect for your right to express your opinion. I don't think you truly appreciate the damage the leftist movement is doing to the country right now. I think you all see it as a wonderfully fun game that you can win.

This is the erosion of the fundamental, constitutional values of the country. The political process, the value of the presidency. Admittedly Trump's not the best president we've ever had. But given the choice, there was no choice. The Democrats put forth a literal profiteering felon, married to a career sex offender. They offered no hope for the country at large, they merely campaigned on a small fringe group expecting to launch into history based on progressive politics.

Now, the media at large is involved in a full scale attack on the president that is wholly unprecedented. And it can't be taken back. This can't be undone Tibs. The damage and the petulance displayed by the whining left, combined with the non-stop attacks from the media AND the sanctioned violence from groups like BLM and Antifa have completely changed this country.

You call me a racist because I feel it's wrong to blatantly and openly attack the office of the president unrelentingly. I just believe in fair play. I have considered myself a Democrat my entire life, but how can I trust the Democratic party anymore? How can I defend a party that stoop to this level of back-stabbing and chicanery? I get that politics are dirty, but openly supporting and fomenting American Revolution is well beyond the pale. And I gotta tell you, that's what it looks like to quite a few of us.

If our leaders are worth a ****, they'd better get together right now and get on the same page and work together to sort this **** out. And that doesn't mean impeaching Trump. That will only tear the country apart more. They need to figure out how to run the ******* country. That's what they're elected to do. Enough partisanship.
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Whatever kernels of truth may have existed in what Trump said, it doesn't matter. The media and the left desperately want to portray him as a an evil racist, and he's so stupid that he's playing right into their hands. Not to mention the fact that he seems to contradict himself on an almost daily basis. He's handling this whole thing horribly ineptly like he has handled pretty much everything else.

He's accomplished exactly nothing except to have many members of his own party running in the other direction from him. Some people will defend anything and everything he says and does, and the more **** that goes down the more embarrassing it is. Apologies to his supporters here, many of whose opinions I ordinarily respect and agree with, but this emperor has no clothes. He is basically powerless to do anything now, and it's about 25% the media's fault but probably 75% his own fault. He's giving them exactly what they want.
Where to begin. There can clearly be no resolution here.

Absolutely true. This is so much larger than that. This is about the systematic punishment of white people as a group for perceived wrongs their forefathers committed against other American's forefathers. And that's just one facet of this cultural meltdown.

Tibs, you asked me earlier if I'd studied American history. Surely you know that America was loathe to enter the war. In fact it took a false flag event (Pearl Harbor) to drag us IN to the war because the economic forces that controlled the country were Nazi sympathizers and they were making far too much money at the time supporting Germany. However as it turns out, they discovered how much MORE they could make selling arms and supplies to both sides and thus the beginning of the military industrial complex was conceived. But you know that because you "Studied American History". WWII was NOT about getting rid of the Nazis. It was more about halting the spread of Communism. By the time we entered the Nazis were essentially spent. We mostly occupied them on the western front while the Soviets closed in from the east. Again, you - knowing American history are clear on this.

And yet, when they showed up in Charlottesville they were met by an armed band of anti-protesters. Who clearly were determined to deny them the right to speak. Violence erupted. Everyone was in the wrong.

It wasn't. If you have two children who get into a fight, as a parent you logically separate them and then determine who started the fight. Both deserve to be punished. But as a parent you want to know who initiated the fight. In this case it was the anti-demonstrators. But nobody wants to talk about that. They'd rather blame the child who fought back.

This is perfect. This is precisely what the country needs. The world needs to see how completely out of control the Antifa and BLM movements have become. I pointed out yesterday that it was no stretch to see the VietNam Memorial desecrated or destroyed - I don't know why it wouldn't be. This country needs a ittle chaos right now in order to reset it's priorities. We've become completely lost in ridiculous bullshit. And if we don't re calibrate right quick and in a hurry - we're not going to be American anymore.

Lynch mob.

And, going back to my first point...
And there it is. Thank you Elfiero, for stating it so simply, clearly and obviously. Might I remind you however of that flyer that Spike posted regarding the Anti-Semitic views of Antifa which also suggests that the movement must start by eliminating our children. If that isn't frightening enough for you, I don't know what is. The flyer clearly states our children, my children, cannot be assimilated and therefore must be (as painful as it is) dealt with. I can only assume that means something particularly dark.

They wear masks. They burn buildings and cars. They attempted to kill that goofy Breitbart speaker Milo. In the attempt they stormed a campus, smashed out windows, threw alcohol bombs. The fellow had to be evacuated by helicopter. Had he walked out among the crowd - they would have killed him right there in the street. And they would have danced and streamed it on Facebook Live. These people are ******* scary. And they're coming for me because I'm white and my grandparents came from ******* Canada. I guess that concerns me.

I've never had a negative thought about a black person in my life. Not really. But now - I see every one of them as a potential threat. I really do. Men, women, even children. What are they thinking? Are they angry with me? Are they thinking about hurting my children? My wife? Do they hold some ridiculous anger against me because they perceive me as a racist? I don't know. But since I don't know I need to be careful. And let's be clear. Trump didn't do that. The KKK didn't do that. White Supremacists didn't do that.

People like you are doing that. Antifa is doing that. And it's just what they want. But it's ok. Cause I have the means to deal with issues should they arise. I live in Montana. We're good.

Okay...it all makes sense now. Carry on.
You know what? **** you. You are sick. I mean ******* sick. There is no comparison. For you to portray AntiFa like that is offensive at least. EDIT: I edited my post. No going into the sewer with you.
Why is it so important to defend the KKK and Nazis? Why does a meme like this trigger you like this? Remember, regardless of what you think of AntiFa - protestors that stand against Racists and Fascists - those on the other side are ******* Nazis! They openly stand with Nazis, with Hitler, with anti-Antisemitism, with the KKK, with lynching and murdering Americans! Why are you guys all of the sudden so sensitive to protecting White Supremacists? You have to wonder who's side are you on? I have no issues with you Sarge, I've always kept my correspondence with you as civil as I could. But here you are attacking me personally over a meme like this. Having a hard time understanding why. Read the caption on this picture. It depicts US troops disembarking their ships to launch a ground assault against Nazi German troops. The caption reads 'Anti-Fascists Disrupting A Large Gathering Of White Supremacists.' And you find this upsetting? Is this historically inaccurate? Is this insulting to our troops, hundreds of thousands of whom perished in WWII?. Again, what in the world is making you so upset?
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For clarity, you may want to clean up your post a little wig, as you started out quoting a couple of my posts then went on to quote others, so it's a bit difficult to keep track who's saying what.

For clarity, you may want to **** off.
Good to see our military commanders know where they stand.

America’s Military Leadership Sends Message To Trump Over His Defense Of Nazis

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Events in Charlottesville unacceptable & musnt be tolerated <a href="https://twitter.com/USNavy">@USNavy</a> forever stands against intolerance & hatred...<a href="https://t.co/tg0cETibaq">https://t.co/tg0cETibaq</a></p>— Adm. John Richardson (@CNORichardson) <a href="https://twitter.com/CNORichardson/status/896529683508015104">August 13, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I stand with my fellow service chiefs in saying we're always stronger together-it's who we are as <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Airmen?src=hash">#Airmen</a> <a href="https://t.co/9XxOry93nf">pic.twitter.com/9XxOry93nf</a></p>— Gen. Dave Goldfein (@GenDaveGoldfein) <a href="https://twitter.com/GenDaveGoldfein/status/897820707727577089">August 16, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No place for racial hatred or extremism in <a href="https://twitter.com/USMC">@USMC</a>. Our core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment frame the way Marines live and act.</p>— Robert B. Neller (@GenRobertNeller) <a href="https://twitter.com/GenRobertNeller/status/897591648007446529">August 15, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Army doesn't tolerate racism, extremism, or hatred in our ranks. It's against our Values and everything we've stood for since 1775.</p>— GEN Mark A. Milley (@ArmyChiefStaff) <a href="https://twitter.com/ArmyChiefStaff/status/897742317897093121">August 16, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Whatever kernels of truth may have existed in what Trump said, it doesn't matter. The media and the left desperately want to portray him as a an evil racist, and he's so stupid that he's playing right into their hands. Not to mention the fact that he seems to contradict himself on an almost daily basis. He's handling this whole thing horribly ineptly like he has handled pretty much everything else.

He's accomplished exactly nothing except to have many members of his own party running in the other direction from him. Some people will defend anything and everything he says and does, and the more **** that goes down the more embarrassing it is. Apologies to his supporters here, many of whose opinions I ordinarily respect and agree with, but this emperor has no clothes. He is basically powerless to do anything now, and it's about 25% the media's fault but probably 75% his own fault. He's giving them exactly what they want.

Is he playing right into their hands, or is it those that defend that type of behavior who we also have to worry about?

That's what I've been beat over the head with by CONservatives here when it comes to other groups.

For example:

You see i've been told when it comes to Islam it's those concentric circles of extremist defenders I have to worry about.......when it comes to alt right Nazis.......not so much.

It's the crusader's fault........so to say.