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I knew it was a commin'

You won't find any statues of Hitler or Goerbels though...

You will find American Revolution statues of Cornwallis, et all in England. You will find monuments and statues in Japan. In Russia. The list goes on.
Trump was right again!

Abe Lincoln Statue Vandalized In Chicago – Locals Take To Social Media To Call Him Racist

Abraham Lincoln Statue Vandalized

Chicago, IL – In the most dumbfounding vandalism of the year, somebody set an Abraham Lincoln statue on fire in Chicago on Wednesday, according to 15th Ward Alderman Raymond Lopez.

The monument has stood near 69th & Wolcott St since it was erected in 1926. It is now blackend by fire.


just like I perdicted


This bullshit right here crosses the line!! **** YOU!! Mods, if there's been anything that deserves a banning, this is it. BLATANT insulting of the US military and veterans. Enough is enough from this *******.

How am I insulting veterans ? They have LEADERS you know...civilian LEADERS. I am not speaking ill of veterans including my brother who fought in Vietnam, my nephews in various branches ,and a niece on a carrier in the Pacific as we speak.

Oh, and what happened to our love of the first amendment?????? It just comes and goes like the breeze doesn't it?
You won't find any statues of Hitler or Goerbels though...

Maybe not, although you will find statues and images of them in museums.

I personally wouldn't really have a big problem with removing or relocating confederate monuments to educational spaces. I do have a problem with destroying any historic artifacts.

I do agree there is veiled racism in the celebration of Confederate "heritage" that exists among some southern people. You can't unlink the Confederacy from slavery and call it your heritage.
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This is the last I am going to post in this thread.

This was all orchestrated political theatre by George Soros in cahoots with Terry McAuliffe and Michael Signer. They played us all. As a friend of mine put it: Gasoline announced they wanted a permit to hold a rally, and matches said we are going to show up to counter protest. what did you think would happen? Then all Soros and friends had to do was issue stand down orders to the State Troopers and City Police and let things go naturally. They knew this would happen and put rational people in the unenviable position of having to defend the civil rights of white supremacists, because like it or not they are citizens and have the same civil rights as all of us. They also knew it would allow the hysterical left the opportunity to shout "YOU ARE A NAZI SYMPATHIZER" because we said hey AnitFa and BLM came in with the express purpose of using violence and intimidation to silence people they disagree with. We lost this one. We got duped, grifted by Soros minions and the deep state into making ourselves look like racists. It was a buffalo jump and we weren't the Indians. Next time don't be the Buffalo be the Indians.


You have Neo Nazis killing people....well.......BECAUSE THEY'RE NEO NAZIS! And instead of speaking out against that you find a conspiracy theory boogeyman.......
Trump was right again!

Abe Lincoln Statue Vandalized In Chicago – Locals Take To Social Media To Call Him Racist

Abraham Lincoln Statue Vandalized

Chicago, IL – In the most dumbfounding vandalism of the year, somebody set an Abraham Lincoln statue on fire in Chicago on Wednesday, according to 15th Ward Alderman Raymond Lopez.

The monument has stood near 69th & Wolcott St since it was erected in 1926. It is now blackend by fire.


just like I perdicted



Lincoln was a racist. Do you have a point? If your point is that there are degrees of racism and we have to understand the historical context, then I agree.
It's just a vile garbage pile who is very fortunate this is just a message board. That type of nonsense anyplace else will get your teeth knocked out. Just filter it out. Put it in its own little padded room where it belongs.

Kind of like the brown shirts huh? Who also hated truth and dissent.
Perfect - they are destroying everything Bernie wanted

Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a 'major gift to the Right'

The left-wing "Antifa" movement is rising in prominence after clashing with white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., but one progressive scholar says the anti-fascists feed the fire they seek to extinguish.

"As for Antifa, it's a minuscule fringe of the Left, just as its predecessors were," Noam Chomsky told the Washington Examiner. "It's a major gift to the Right, including the militant Right, who are exuberant."

Many activists affiliated with the loosely organized Antifa movement consider themselves anarchists or socialists. They often wear black and take measures to conceal their identity.

Chomsky said, "what they do is often wrong in principle – like blocking talks – and [the movement] is generally self-destructive."

"When confrontation shifts to the arena of violence, it's the toughest and most brutal who win – and we know who that is," said Chomsky, a professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "That's quite apart from the opportunity costs – the loss of the opportunity for education, organizing, and serious and constructive activism."

It's nice to see how passionate you are about this new found belief you didn't have this day last week.

Ever heard of the Winter Palace in Russia? An opulent palace of massive wealth. When the Bolsheviks revolted, and won...they stormed the palace but refused to destroy any of it...instead wanting to leave the palace behind as a) a reminder to the people of the evil that once ruled and the opulence in which they lived as a result of the people's hard work, and b) and to leave it to the people who's hard work had built it.

When you hide demons and evil reminders of the past in the closet, eventually you forget the demons ever existed. Funny then...a few generations later...those demons reappear.

Reminders are good. Rewriting history is very very bad.

Yeah I get all my history knowledge from statues.............................................
and now...the backlash

Maine Governor Says Removing Confederate Statues Is Like Losing 9/11 Memorial

Portland, Maine (AP) -- Taking down statues of Confederate figures is "just like" removing a monument to victims of the 9/11 attacks, Gov. Paul LePage said Thursday, adding that the white nationalist and far-left protesters in Charlottesville over the weekend were "equally as bad" and "disgusting."

LePage said left-wing protesters who want to remove Confederate statues are ignorant of history and want to erase it. He compared them to "the Taliban in Afghanistan" in their desire to remove monuments.




Do you walk by them and think "Wow, Robert E. Lee, what am American hero. Glad we're honoring him." Or do you look at it as a historical artifact. I always thought of them as the latter. I mean, we don't tear down Auschwitz.

Of course neither do we talk about how beautiful it is like Trump did today. It's a horrific, ugly part of history, but it is part of history.

He just can't stop digging.

Are you black? Of course not that's why you see things only from your perspective; " I don't think about that...it doesn't bother me." WOW just WOW....

These symbols can't be avoided by African-Americans in day to day American city life, Auschwitz is out of the way and can be avoided by Jewish people in Europe if they so choose.
Perfect - they are destroying everything Bernie wanted

Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a 'major gift to the Right'

The left-wing "Antifa" movement is rising in prominence after clashing with white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., but one progressive scholar says the anti-fascists feed the fire they seek to extinguish.

"As for Antifa, it's a minuscule fringe of the Left, just as its predecessors were," Noam Chomsky told the Washington Examiner. "It's a major gift to the Right, including the militant Right, who are exuberant."

Many activists affiliated with the loosely organized Antifa movement consider themselves anarchists or socialists. They often wear black and take measures to conceal their identity.

Chomsky said, "what they do is often wrong in principle – like blocking talks – and [the movement] is generally self-destructive."

"When confrontation shifts to the arena of violence, it's the toughest and most brutal who win – and we know who that is," said Chomsky, a professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "That's quite apart from the opportunity costs – the loss of the opportunity for education, organizing, and serious and constructive activism."


I agree with Chomsky 100%
You have a problem that they marched at all.

AntiFA, BLM, Refuse Fascism, CrimethInc, and the Workers World Party tried to stop their protest and snuff out their voice. Therefore, they are heroes to you and Tibs. Just admit it, you hate the Right to Free speech. It only applies to voices you agree with.

Why shouldn't the Nazis, KKK, et all have been allowed to march? It's their right. I oppose them. I abhor them. But I support their right to Free Speech.

What if murdering abortionists staged a protest and marched and Alt Right Pro Lifers show up armed and ready to fight? Are these Pro Lifers who had the courage to go toe to toe with murdering abortionists heroes like AntiFA is to you and Tibs? Wouldn't they courageously be standing up to the hideous and heinous acts of child murder? What could be more noble?

Since you butted in, answer the question. Is it possible to associate with Nazis and white supremacist and still be a "fine person"?

And then go read up on the history of "whataboutism".
Are you black? Of course not that's why you see things only from your perspective; " I don't think about that...it doesn't bother me." WOW just WOW....

These symbols can't be avoided by African-Americans in day to day American city life, Auschwitz is out of the way and can be avoided by Jewish people in Europe if they so choose.

I see you failed to answer the original question, though. It's clear that you feel that these symbols offend African-Americans -- but do they feel offended because of the history or because someone told them they should be offended?

Do you feel that honoring to Civil War dead -- no matter the side -- is respecting their sacrifice or disrespecting African-Americans?

You do realize that there were both racist and non-racist participants from both the North and the South in the Civil war. In fact, a great many of them fought to protect their families and their liberty with no real thought about slavery. It's also true that not every Confederate soldier ever owned a slave. How many were just trying to live their lives in peace?
Are you black? Of course not that's why you see things only from your perspective; " I don't think about that...it doesn't bother me." WOW just WOW....

These symbols can't be avoided by African-Americans in day to day American city life, Auschwitz is out of the way and can be avoided by Jewish people in Europe if they so choose.

Where did you get that I said it doesn't bother me? From where I said "it's a horrific, ugly part of history"? I said I don't look at these old statues as necessarily honoring these historical figures. I look at them as depictions of history. History that is important to remember and think about, and artifacts are part of what puts us in the moment and helps us relive it. Whether you are black or white, northern or southern. Do you think African Americans would prefer to just forget the Civil War and slavery ever happened?

Should we destroy the pyramids since the Pharoahs were some pretty awful guys?
Trump was right again!

Abe Lincoln Statue Vandalized In Chicago – Locals Take To Social Media To Call Him Racist

Abraham Lincoln Statue Vandalized

Chicago, IL – In the most dumbfounding vandalism of the year, somebody set an Abraham Lincoln statue on fire in Chicago on Wednesday, according to 15th Ward Alderman Raymond Lopez.

The monument has stood near 69th & Wolcott St since it was erected in 1926. It is now blackend by fire.


This is so dumb it would be funny if it wasn't so blatantly pathetic.

Fred wrote a piece in June that got some feathers ruffled but it seems now to be closer to the truth than not. I'll just post one paragraph that stands out most when I see this burned statue.

Curiously, what made me give up all interest in the problems of blacks was not their virulent racism, the horrendous rates of crime, or the parasitism. Instead it was the assaults by blacks and their fellow travelers on Confederate monuments, particularly in New Orleans. Similarly, the banning of the Confederate battle flag at Gettysburg, for God’s sake. For reasons doubtless opaque to the historically ignorant, this annoys me. Why should the least productive, most criminal, most dependent of the population rewrite history that in any event they don’t know? The erasure of the South and the Confederacy by people most of whom couldn’t spell it, of Washington and Jefferson and Lee by grifters, race hustlers, wanton illiterates and the Brownshirts of Black Lives Matter…enough.

How many think this but won’t say it?


Unfortunately he is correct. People won't come out and say it but they are tired of the criminal element and parasites calling the shots. As we can see, while most people will just close their doors and shake their heads in disgust, others will jump into the fray and show their ***** in their own disgusting ways.

Nobody wins this game. Time for the law to step up and incarcerate all these thugs as soon as they step one foot out of line. And that includes up to and including just showing up to a protest or rally with anything covering their face and/or carrying anything that can be considered a weapon.

Protest all you want....... but peacefully.

Oh yeh, about that IQ test for voters
That's not going to make your butt buddy Tibs very happy. He loves Antifa terrorists.

Don't know if he does(sounds like hyperbole on your part), but I have no tolerance for extremists on either side. If Antifa prokoked and engaged in violence then they need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law just like the scumbag who killed that innocent lady with his car.
This is so dumb it would be funny if it wasn't so blatantly pathetic.

Fred wrote a piece in June that got some feathers ruffled but it seems now to be closer to the truth than not. I'll just post one paragraph that stands out most when I see this burned statue.

Unfortunately he is correct. People won't come out and say it but they are tired of the criminal element and parasites calling the shots. As we can see, while most people will just close their doors and shake their heads in disgust, others will jump into the fray and show their ***** in their own disgusting ways.

Nobody wins this game. Time for the law to step up and incarcerate all these thugs as soon as they step one foot out of line. And that includes up to and including just showing up to a protest or rally with anything covering their face and/or carrying anything that can be considered a weapon.

Protest all you want....... but peacefully.

Oh yeh, about that IQ test for voters

Now that we are deporting all the illegal alien criminals we have a lot more room in prisons for Antifa and BLM terrorists.
I just have one question, where are all the calls for removing the Robert Byrd statues?




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I just have one question, where are all the calls for removing the Robert Byrd statues?


They are too busy burning statues of the President who freed the slaves....go figger.
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I see you failed to answer the original question, though. It's clear that you feel that these symbols offend African-Americans -- but do they feel offended because of the history or because someone told them they should be offended?

Again............WOW just WOW..... so if they don't get it on their own we should just leave it, or are they even capable of getting it?........WOW

Do you feel that honoring to Civil War dead -- no matter the side -- is respecting their sacrifice or disrespecting African-Americans?

Individuals can honor their own dead like they do in Germany, while the German government does not tolerate Nazi symbolism of any sort.

Yeah, having swastikas and Hitler giving the Hitler salute statues....just might upset some people. In fact it might be taken as a message......just like those statues were meant to be in the South.

You do realize that there were both racist and non-racist participants from both the North and the South in the Civil war. In fact, a great many of them fought to protect their families and their liberty with no real thought about slavery. It's also true that not every Confederate soldier ever owned a slave. How many were just trying to live their lives in peace?

Many German soldiers also fought in the war and were not Nazis, doesn't mean they didn't engage in evil. They were defending their way of life, just like the Confederate soldier who may not have owned slaves, but benefited from the economy and system built from exploiting black people.
There's a steel mill in Huntington, WV. Last time I was there I checked out the Marshall campus. It's frickin Robert C. Byrd everything. And that whole area is a real hell hole. I drive with my gun on the passenger seat and I CC there.
Where did you get that I said it doesn't bother me? From where I said "it's a horrific, ugly part of history"? I said I don't look at these old statues as necessarily honoring these historical figures. I look at them as depictions of history. History that is important to remember and think about, and artifacts are part of what puts us in the moment and helps us relive it. Whether you are black or white, northern or southern. Do you think African Americans would prefer to just forget the Civil War and slavery ever happened?

Should we destroy the pyramids since the Pharoahs were some pretty awful guys?

So as a descendant of oppressors you want to relive that moment, and you want the descendent's of people who were tortured, raped, murdered, and exploited till death to also relive it?

Forget about being quite the history buff....you're quite the human being...........................
Okay when was the last time the KKK tried to topple a statue of MLK?