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I knew it was a commin'

"After being pressured into reading a carefully scripted statement denouncing Nazis on Monday, President Trump has spent the rest of the week showing us who he really is — and this is exciting — a lying racist."

FAIL! "Well, if it's required due your job or if you're not aware..." Answer the question in the context In which we are discussing, coward! You're against taking down confederate statues, would you have participated in the Charlottesville march? Is it possible "fine people" participated?

And yes, I believe people can peacefully protest anything, but once they start chanting "Kill all Jews" it turns into intimidation and threats.

Oh son, stop, LOL. Desperation, again. I had a choice to coach with the prison convict.

Let me give you another real life example. My youngest son is quite the accomplished basketball player. We pay a personal trainer to work with him. He's fantastic, super talented, played in Europe and Australia. Works with kids. I pay him $50 for each hour and he's helped my son. I trust him to pick my son up, in his car, and take him to gyms when I'm unable. He's come to my home, when no one is here but my son, who's 14. He also happens to be a convicted felon who spent time in jail. I've seen his mug shot and his prison uni. It's on his Instagram page I follow.

It ain't just about a job. People make choices every day on who they associate with and in what context. A person can associate with people they disagree with ideologically, etc. and it bears no reflection upon them. Using your failed logic, I am no different than these men I know well, interact with regularly, and call friends.

Liberals...redefining Pieces of **** Human Beings every day.

It's called tolerance. Tolerance is not acceptance. Liberals where that badge. They should try it.
Since you didn't post a link or put the text in quotes, I can only presume you wrote all of this yourself. / edit - aha, I see the title links to breitbart, makes perfect sense

Let's just say for a minute this is the only point you're trying to make regarding the events this weekend.

That the KKK & Nazis had a permit to march and the counter protestors showed up and boo hoo, they couldn't hold their rally because of the chaos that ensued.

So, basically, you should be angry with the Charlottesville police for not having the foresight this was gonna be chaotic event with a lot of people involved. They should have upheld the law - the KKK's right to protest with a permit - and provided safety and security on the ground to allow that to happen.

So your gripe can only be with the Charlottesville Police Dept. I wonder, if you've sent them an email or phoned them to raise your voice in protest.

Since according to you, nothing else bad happened in Charlottesville besides the fact the poor KKK and Nazi choir boys were denied their first amendment rights by having their protest truncated by the counter protestors.

No Tibs. I have a gripe that the White Supremacists came armed looking for a fight. I have a problem that the Alt Left came to the rally, looking for a fight. It really is that simple. Charlottesville was a congregation of some of the worst in humanity, on all sides.

But you keep on defending your fascist, violent armies. You've exposed yourself enough on this matter and you'll keep on doing so. Violence to you is only reprehensible when it comes from the opposition.
Shhhhh.....White Supremacists caused this. He deserved it. AntiFA were heroes last Saturday and this man deserved it. How else were the Alt Lefters supposed to react when this man was about to speak his neanderthal beliefs other than with violence?

it's just one example that they were not innocent and peaceful bystanders during all this mayhem. Until the blinders come off, we will keep seeing these deadly clashes. Like the POS Nazis, the AF went there armed to fight. End of story. Anything further, you are a damn hypocrite.
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A person can associate with people they disagree with ideologically, etc. and it bears no reflection upon them. It's called tolerance.

So the other day, when you said, and I quote "**** White Supremacist and Neo-Nazis up the *** with Lucille", that was a moment of weakness? Or it was just before your Lord and Savoir Donald Trump enlightened you that there were "very fine" people there?

You're pathetic. You would rather make an *** of yourself with a preposterous statement about having tolerance for the absolutely intolerant than admit Trump ******-up.

Seek help.
I do think it's true you can protest along side hate groups and not believe in their beliefs or tactics. For example members of BLM called for police killings, but i am sure not everyone who protests police brutality wants to kill police.
Also if a group would call themselves WLM (white lives matter) and you had athletes / celebs supporting them they would be labeled racist. However BLM gets a free pass.
People want to be treated equally which they should be, but that is not the case. Minorities have extra scholorship chances and some jobs have diversity quotas. People should be accepted / hired based on merits not race / sex. I think jobs / colleges should do away with the race / sex boxes. Although not sure how you would get around seeing someones name. The country is just a sad mess and it happened long before trump came along
Liberal Taliban on the march!

Trump was right again...... and again!

Al Sharpton: Defund the Jefferson Memorial

New York activist Al Sharpton offered an emotional and personal case calling for the federal government to halt funding to Washington, D.C.'s Jefferson Memorial.

Sharpton said America's third president and the author of the Declaration of Independence had several slaves.

He said that his great-grandfather was a slave who was owned by an ancestor of former Sen. J. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.).

"Our families were victims of this," he said. "Public monuments [to people like Jefferson] are supported by public funds."



Missouri State Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated’

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – A Missouri state senator wrote on social media Thursday morning that she hopes the president is assassinated. As political leaders call for her resignation, she says “there’s no way in hell that I’m resigning.”

Responding to someone’s post on Facebook who said they’d probably get a visit from the secret service, Maria Chappelle-Nadal wrote, “No I will. I hope Trump is assassinated.”




Lock her up!
So the other day, when you said, and I quote "**** White Supremacist and Neo-Nazis up the *** with Lucille", that was a moment of weakness? Or it was just before your Lord and Savoir Donald Trump enlightened you that there were "very fine" people there?

You're pathetic. You would rather make an *** of yourself with a preposterous statement about having tolerance for the absolutely intolerant than admit Trump ******-up.

Seek help.

You simply don't get it and your stretches to troll me are (my favorite word) desperate. You white-guilt, self-loathing Liberals have filled this thread with non-stop "Every Conservative is Racist Because of Charlottesville"

Phrases from us like "I condemn White Supremacy" didn't work. We were still racists. Phrases like "they are reprehensible" weren't strong enough for the AntiFA of this board. Personal anecdotes about the work I do in minority lives every day...wasn't strong enough. So "**** White Supremacist and Neo-Nazis up the *** with Lucille" was used to try to make the point that the intolerant fascists of this board wouldn't hear - that I despise White Supremacists as does every...single...person...on...this...thread.

Now you wanna try to turn this around? LMAO. Let's revert since you have a horrible history here of keeping things in context, staying on track, and remembering the points you've made. Try to keep this in perspective boy. Loosen the man bun and pay attention.

You asked me the following question: "Is it possible to associate with Nazis and white supremacist and still be a "fine person"?" I answered YOUR question. That a person can be associated with people of despicable, bad, terrible, less than desirable character and still be a fine person. I do it daily, know many who do, you do, Tibs does...we all do. We all deal with and associate with people of lesser standards and character and it doesn't likewise make us just like them. That's factual, otherwise if you EVER met a person who was a rapist, then you too would be a rapist.

But see....you were trying to be clever, and well...clever isn't your strong suit.
You feebly attempted to tie this into what Trump said. But you ****** that up too. Here's what Trump said. Trump blamed both sides for the conflict adding that there were "very fine people" among both the protesters and the counter-protesters.

Who were the protesters? White Supremacists.
Who were the counter protesters? AntiFA, BLM, Refuse Fascism, CrimethInc, and the Workers World Party

So now the question to you, my man bun Son: "Is it possible to associate with AntiFA and BLM and still be a "fine person?" Because Trump said there were very fine people among the AntiFA, BLM and the White Supremacists.

I EAGERLY await your reply.
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I'm not sure how many people AntiFa has killed, but the white supremacists have a 6 Million plus head start.
I'm not sure how many people AntiFa has killed, but the white supremacists have a 6 Million plus head start.

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Here's a question I have -- to everyone here.

Do these statues offend you because of your own beliefs or because someone told you you should be offended?

Reason I ask... in most cases, when I walk past a statue in the park, I just see a statue in the park.

Do you take notice of it and what it represents -- or what the artist says it represents? Does a statue actually stop you in your tracks and make you think about history?

It's really never made much difference to me... outside of the Statue of Liberty and the Lincoln Memorial.

Nope. I just see a statue. If the mood strikes, I'll read the plaque in front to see what it is, but then I move on.
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To summarize 41 pages:

1. Everyone dispises Nazi scum bags
2. Only the conservatives and Tibs dispise other hate groups like the BLM and ANTIFA.
3. The left feel that statues of Confederate soldiers, who stood up to the tyranny of the Northern aggressor, should not stand in reflection of that accomplishment but torn down as they were slave owners.
4. Minorities have been oppressed for so long that they've started fighting back. The narrative is that white Christian straight males need to check their privilege because they are the reason for the plight of generations. Bunch of racists!!
5. White Christian straight males are tired of being labeled as evil and are starting to swing back. See!!! They are Racist!
6. Elfie is nothing more than a miserable ****

This thread shows just how divided a Nation we really are. Common sense dictates that hate is hate, but when the hate is directed at something or someone that you also hate, then it's warranted and justified? What ever happened to loving your fellow man? My years in the military showed me that men and women of all colors, religions, cultures, sexual orientation, and political beliefs can band together and accomplish great things as Americans. The ********, us Americans so cross breed that we need DNA analysis to figure out our ******* family trees. It's a beautiful ******* thing we have here and the powers that be don't like it! Well, **** them. I'm here to state that I love every one of you American ********, even you Elfie ya **** *******!
Some of that I can agree with Badcat but when people start dictating their ideals without having to worry about the consequences, then it turns into anarchy. It's past time to reign in all sides of this convoluted issue to the rule of law.....No exceptions.



So the other day, when you said, and I quote "**** White Supremacist and Neo-Nazis up the *** with Lucille", that was a moment of weakness? Or it was just before your Lord and Savoir Donald Trump enlightened you that there were "very fine" people there?

You're pathetic. You would rather make an *** of yourself with a preposterous statement about having tolerance for the absolutely intolerant than admit Trump ******-up.

Seek help.

you ask if there were people there who were protesting, but not part of the KKK, White Supremacists, Antifa or BLM. You're erroneously assuming that everyone there was a member of one of those organizations. If that is the case, then we have a ******* town of 46k people who ******* hate each other.

is that even remotely ******* possible? loosen your ******* manbun and realize there absolutely, most certainly IS a middle ground.

the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

you ask if there were people there who were protesting, but not part of the KKK, White Supremacists, loosen your ******* manbun and realize there absolutely, most certainly IS a middle ground.

No. I am asserting that if you find yourself marching alongside Nazis and KKK as they chant "Jews will not replace us!", you most certainly are NOT "middle ground" anymore. If their presence isn't a deal breaker, you aren't being "tolerant", you have lost your ******* mind. Just like Donald J. Trump.