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I knew it was a commin'

No. I am asserting that if you find yourself marching alongside Nazis and KKK as they chant "Jews will not replace us!", you most certainly are NOT "middle ground" anymore. If their presence isn't a deal breaker, you aren't being "tolerant", you have lost your ******* mind. Just like Donald J. Trump.

But that isn't what you said dipshit. You've ****** this monkey like a football all over this thread. Ya can't even remember what you originally wrote and intended.

Stop dude, it's utterly embarrassing.
Personal Accountability is a huge issue at the moment, and I couldn't agree with you more on that. There are many ails to our society, too many to list really. But this day and age of "Look at me" on YouTube, social media, and the like we are bombarded with information and it makes it difficult to get the facts. Many people jumping to conclusions and regurgitating Op'ed from uncredible sources. All on display in this thread alone.
No. I am asserting that if you find yourself marching alongside Nazis and KKK as they chant "Jews will not replace us!", you most certainly are NOT "middle ground" anymore. If their presence isn't a deal breaker, you aren't being "tolerant", you have lost your ******* mind. Just like Donald J. Trump.

as Tim pointed out, that is exactly NOT what you asked.
your implication was that there is not any middle ground. none. all one side or another.
that is and always is the left's contention.
But that isn't what you said dipshit.

It's what Trump said and you and all the other "fine people" here tring to defend.

Their has been much ridicule and mockery in the media and late night about it. I'm sure you can't bring yourself to watch or read about it, but I'm not alone on this.
It's what Trump said and you and all the other "fine people" here tring to defend.

Their has been much ridicule and mockery in the media and late night about it. I'm sure you can't bring yourself to watch or read about it, but I'm not alone on this.

No dipshit, you've taken what Trump said and changed that. I posted exactly what Trump said. You've posted a completely different, man-bun-infected, twisted self version that is NOT what Trump said.

Are you gonna keep ******* this football?
as Tim pointed out, that is exactly NOT what you asked.
your implication was that there is not any middle ground. none. all one side or another.
that is and always is the left's contention.

YES! You can oppose hatred and bigotry and be a fine person. If you are willing to "tolerate" hatred and bigotry and participate alongside hate groups in events like Charlottesville, you are NOT a fine person!

What Trump said is NOT possible. Quit defending it.
YES! You can oppose hatred and bigotry and be a fine person. If you are willing to "tolerate" hatred and bigotry and participate alongside hate groups in events like Charlottesville, you are NOT a fine person!

What Trump said is NOT possible. Quit defending it.

he condemned ... wait for it ...

all of them.

he did not choose sides. despite what the cackling cankled hens on The View have told you while you sip your cappucino soy non-gmo with a touch of cinnamon and almond milk latte while you wait for your manbun to dry from the weekly cleansing.

you can lead an idiot to data, but you can't make him interpret it correctly. obviously.
aside from your glaring false assumptions, what makes you think that those who were offended by the protestors or counter-protestors who aligned with SOME of what they thought did not remove themselves from the three-ring circus and watch with curious morbidity?
No dipshit, you've taken what Trump said and changed that. I posted exactly what Trump said. You've posted a completely different, man-bun-infected, twisted self version that is NOT what Trump said.

He said there were "fine people on both sides" - that includes the Nazi/white supremacist side. How can anyone twist that?

Is this going to be some kind of Kellyann Conway "You can't take what he says literally" defense?
He said there were "fine people on both sides" - that includes the Nazi/white supremacist side. How can anyone twist that?

Is this going to be some kind of Kellyann Conway "You can't take what he says literally" defense?

he's a dipshit and should have called everyone out and not try to be PC. He should have told both sides to calm the F down. Someone lost their life because of their dick measuring contest. Stupid! If no one paid the Nazis/WS any attention and let them protest/rally to themselves, it would have been the first step to squash them, but no, AntiFa, BLM and media all had to add gasoline to the fire. Both sides needs to be called out for going to VA with violence and hatred in mind.
he condemned ... wait for it ...

all of them.

he did not choose sides..

The problem for Trump is that one side chose him. He needed to address and disavow the side chanting his name. He tried to walk the fence to and made the whole thing a bigger disgrace than it already was. . The CEOs on his disbanded council think for themselves, they don't need the media, Bob Corker doesn't, neither do I. Trump ****** up.
he's a dipshit and should have called everyone out and not try to be PC. He should have told both sides to calm the F down. Someone lost their life because of their dick measuring contest. Stupid! If no one paid the Nazis/WS any attention and let them protest/rally to themselves, it would have been the first step to squash them, but no, AntiFa, BLM and media all had to add gasoline to the fire. Both sides needs to be called out for going to VA with violence and hatred in mind.

Agreed. You can't take a side when it comes to violence.
He has condemned the hatred and bigotry from Nazis, Antifa, BLM, but people on the Antifa/BLM side of things are angry that they got lumped in with the Nazis.
The problem for Trump is that one side chose him. He needed to address and disavow the side chanting his name. He tried to walk the fence to and made the whole thing a bigger disgrace than it already was. . The CEOs on his disbanded council think for themselves, they don't need the media, Bob Corker doesn't, neither do I. Trump ****** up.

He HAS disavowed them... multiple times. Just because you don't want to hear it, doesn't make it any less true.
“I think there is blame on both sides,” the president said in a combative exchange with reporters at Trump Tower in Manhattan. “You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now.”

Mr. Trump defended those gathered in a Charlottesville park to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups,” he said. “Not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”

and he went a sentence or two too far. . . again. He did condemn the neo-Nazis, though. Rather black and white.
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He said there were "fine people on both sides" - that includes the Nazi/white supremacist side. How can anyone twist that?

You ask, how can anyone twist that? Just as you just did ...as you continue to do so...for PAGES. Let us repeat, this is what Trump said (not what you said Trump said):

Trump blamed both sides for the conflict adding that there were "very fine people" among both the protesters and the counter-protesters.

You continue to OMIT that the man said there were good people also among BLM, AntiFA and a half dozen other Alt Left violent terrorist groups. So I'll ask you again, can you associate with the hateful AntiFA and their terrorist-fascist views of life and still be a fine person?

I STILL eagerly await your answer.

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You continue to OMIT that the man said there were good people also among BLM, AntiFA and a half dozen other Alt Left violent terrorist groups. So I'll ask you again, can you associate with the hateful AntiFA and their terrorist-fascist views of life and still be a fine person?

I STILL eagerly await your answer.

So, first accept there's a moral equivalency and then answer the question?

Despite their tactics, it's possible to have the same cause as BLM and AntiFa and be a fine person. The same cannot be said for Nazis and white supremacists. That's the difference between the "sides".
Nooooo, say it ain't so Donny! Before you know it, there will be no one left in the WH besides Trump, Ivanka and Jared Kushner.

And then will come the Big Bow Out, where he blames the GOP, the media, the Left, Democrats, Obama, Hillary, Soros, migrants, transgenders, National Park rangers, gays, blacks, Roseanne Barr, Bernie, the CEO's, the solar eclipse and Muslims for derailing his presidency. He will declare himself the Greatest President in History then he'll leave office in the middle of the night. In the nick of time, just as Mueller is set to release the findings of his investigation.


Breaking: Steve Bannon expected to be fired by Trump, White House officials say

White House officials expect Donald Trump to fire Chief Strategist Steve Bannon after an internal review conducted by chief of staff John Kelly.

Mr Bannon has long been rumoured to be on the chopping block in the White House, but he has so far eluded termination. But, recent media coverage of Mr Bannon, including a conversation he had with the American Prospect, have reportedly caught the attention of both Mr Kelly and Donald Trump.

In that interview, Mr Bannon seemed to undercut Mr Trump's threats of "fire and fury" against North Korea if Kim Jong Un continued to threaten the United States, and instead said that there was "no military solution, forget it."

White House officials reportedly are no longer asking "if" Mr Bannon will be fired or asked to resign, and instead are considering "when" that scenario will play out, according to Axios. Mr Bannon is suspected of leaking information to the press about his West Wing colleagues, and has garnered a fair amount of publicity for having been the "mastermind" of Mr Trump's presidential campaign. The President reportedly resents that publicity.

"His departure may seem turbulent in the media, but inside it will be very smooth. He has no projects or responsibilities to hand off," one official told Axios.

Mr Bannon, though, has persisted publicly in spite of rumours that he might be axed. He has given on the record interviews with major media outlets recently, and just this week publicly defended Mr Trump's statements on the racist attack in Charlottesville that left one woman dead after a suspected white supremacist drove his car through a crowd of counter protesters.

More follows…
What worries me is that a genuine push back of Socialism and far left ideology's will get commingled with these alt-right KKK Southern Law groups. It looks like a push back has started over the Confederate statue removals but sadly the leaders look to be, or are reported to be extremists.

I don't know if there is a way to actively push back on the Liberal college Marxist doctrine without being labeled a white nationalist, neo-Confederate or alt-right activist. Seems the new liberal dog whistle has incorporated 'white nationalist' as the cherry on top of the "you're a racist" sundae.

I don't know that there is a way to push back without attracting extreme elements.

I don't know how the people of the south feel about them yanking their history away, I'm just another transplanted Yankee, but I do know that I can't see rewriting history as a good thing even if it wasn't perfect.

I also know that I am seein' this Country edge closer and closer to civil disruption and that can't be the answer.

Both sides are gonna have to back off.


I'd like to see the Alt-Left supporters police their own. Trump should quickly issue a statement condemning any act of future domestic violence and move on. Do not take sides.
So, first accept there's a moral equivalency and then answer the question?

Despite their tactics, it's possible to have the same cause as BLM and AntiFa and be a fine person. The same cannot be said for Nazis and white supremacists. That's the difference between the "sides".

And this is where you go Clockwork Orange.

You are ranking evil. To you, White Supremacy and being a Nazi are "worse" than being a fascist racist or a cop-killing racist. To you, White Supremacy is worse than ISIS. You'd rather deal with a member of Al Quaeda than a white American Nazi.

Unless your rankings mirror my own, this is a futile discussion. A large % of the country (as we've seen this week) EQUATE AntiFA and BLM with White Supremacy. You, Tibs, et al can't comprehend this, so it's a discussion stopper. The Right (translated as correct) side can see the same level of evil between the groups - their actions, their ideology. You do not. As evidenced by people like Tibs calling AntiFA heroes (sick, I know).

So it's impossible to answer your question because the question is based on the notion that White Supremacy is evil and AntiFA and BLM are not. You have mentally watered AntiFA and BLM down to a "nuisance" category vs. a "terrorist" category.

So that's called Game Over. You've now just admitted that you don't and will not see BLM, as example, as a terrorist organization despite them killing the police, calling for violence against all police, and calling for violence against all white people.

Until you're willing to call BLM a terrorist organization, this discussion with you is moot and it's no wonder you're put off by Trump's comments. He is above you. I am above you. We are above you. Because we have the objectivity and foresight to condemn all hate, all bigotry, all violence. That's what a leader should do. We identified and condemned all of the violence and hatred Saturday. We're just bigger and better people.

You, Tibs, and the rest of the Alt Left out there are protecting evil people and evil organizations by attempting to redefine them and to recast them as heroes, non-violent, and non-bigoted.

That's the difference between the "sides".

I don't think anyone disagrees. I think blaming one side and absolving another side when both showed up with weapons and bad intentions is what is getting under everyone's skin.

But don't misunderstand. BLM and AntiFa are both terrorist organizations. Their well documented actions prove it.
I don't think anyone disagrees. I think blaming one side and absolving another side when both showed up with weapons and bad intentions is what is getting under everyone's skin.

But don't misunderstand. BLM and AntiFa are both terrorist organizations. Their well documented actions prove it.

This is the show stopper. It's all clear as a bell to me.

To Trog, Elftard, LIEberals, they truly do view Nazis and White Supremacists as the evil of all evil. They view AntiFA as heroes (Tibs words), not as terrorists. Same for BLM and the other Alt Left organizations.

Until the Left recognizes their own violence and their own racism, we can't ever have a discussion. Period. It's utterly that simple.

To the Lib, it goes like this, on a scale of 1-10, 1 being Godly, Saint-like and 10 being Lucifer-driven EVIL.

10. White Supremacist
10. Nazi
9. Conservatives
8. ....................
7. .......................
6. .......................
5. .........................
4. BLM
3. AntiFA
2. George Soros
1. Hillary Clinton

The Conservative views it vastly polar:

10. White Supremacist
10. Nazi
10. BLM
10. AntiFA
10. Hillary Clinton
10. Russia
10. North Korea
10. Syria
9. Rosie O'Donnell
Until you're willing to call BLM a terrorist organization, this discussion with you is moot and it's no wonder you're put off by Trump's comments. He is above you. I am above you. We are above you. Because we have the objectivity and foresight to condemn all hate, all bigotry, all violence. That's what a leader should do. We identified and condemned all of the violence and hatred Saturday. We're just bigger and better people.

You, Tibs, and the rest of the Alt Left out there are protecting evil people and evil organizations by attempting to redefine them and to recast them as heroes, non-violent, and non-bigoted.

No, it was just a rumor that James Fields was with BLM, he was actually a Nazi.