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I knew it was a commin'

So serious question. How long until Bannon is on CNN or MSNBC or any network for that matter downloading on Trump? I give it until Monday, only because this is the weekend. Tuesday at the VERY latest.

That said, I guess I wouldn't be surprised to see him do the rounds on the Sunday morning talk shows.

He's a Neo Nazi, so I'm sure he's negotiating with Fox News for his own prime time show as we speak.
Confederate flag 'looking' tiles to be changed in subway

In a statement to Fox 5 News the MTA says: "These are not confederate flags, it is a design based on geometric forms that represent the "Crossroads of the World" and to avoid absolutely any confusion we will modify them to make that absolutely crystal clear."


The station sits below the former New York Times building and Times Square didn't actually exist at the time of the Civil War.



More neo-fascist Liberals on the march!

ACHTUNG! - Vee vill change 'Jews' to Confederacy and wipe them out!
Here’s what Bannon’s aides are saying about his revenge plans

Allies of Bannon say that Breitbart News is reportedly “ramping up for war against Trump” following the news of Steve Bannon’s departure from the White House.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bannon friend says Breitbart ramping up for war against Trump. "It's now a Democrat White House," source says.</p>— Gabriel Sherman (@gabrielsherman) <a href="https://twitter.com/gabrielsherman/status/898594013409882112">August 18, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Contending that “it’s now a Democrat White House,” sources close to Bannon’s extreme right publication say that they plan to “go ‘thermonuclear’ against ‘globalists’ that Bannon and his friends believe are ruining the Trump administration, and by extension, America.”

Bannon was infamous for warring against other Trump officials such as Jared Kushner and General McMaster because they were at odds with his nationalist agenda.

But perhaps one Breitbart editor put it the most consicely:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WAR?src=hash">#WAR</a></p>— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) <a href="https://twitter.com/joelpollak/status/898595085247324161">August 18, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Pause for a moment, if you will, and ask yourself why aren't there aren't any Hitler, Goebbels or Himmler statues in Germany? Or why the first thing our troops did in Baghdad was to topple Saddam's statue? Or why have all the Soviet communist statues been cleared out of central Europe and placed in museums and isolated historical statue parks? And the list goes on.

Pause for a moment, if you will*, and ask yourself why statues of Confederate officials must suddenly be removed after being up for 100 years or more. Ask yourself why Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters suddenly want Confederate statues removed from the Capitol after walking past them every day for 30 freaking years and not seeming to be bothered.

* Tomlinism
Country Music Legend Compares Tearing Down Statues To ‘What ISIS Is Doing’

Country music legend Charlie Daniels isn’t in favor of people tearing any of the Confederate statues down and even compared the act to what ISIS is doing.

“The Devil Went Down To Georgia” singer joined Rita Cosby on Newsmax on Wednesday to discuss the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend and the events that have followed since then. Daniels started off his argument about why the Confederate statues should stay standing by comparing those who mean to tear them down to ISIS.

“That’s what ISIS is doing, There were pieces of history over there they didn’t like, they’re taking ’em down,” Daniels began.

“Where does it go to Rita? I mean where does it stop? Is it just gonna be Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson or are we headed into Jefferson and Washington, who were both slave owners. How deep in history are we gonna go? Is everybody that we disagree with, we are gonna have to wipe every semblance of them out? Is that what this is all about? Is this where it’s gonna end, is this where it’s gonna go?”



I get a lot of people feel like the guy is being railroaded. I do also to a certain extent, but really only on the Russian thing.

I feel like the media didn't really give him a chance in the beginning. They were on him from minute one. And with his ego, or whatever it is that drives him to get on twitter and make an *** of himself, took over. It has been down hill since. Now all the media has to do is wait for him to speak, or tweet and then it is open season. They were laughing at his Pershing comment to Spain. I mean, what the **** was that? I was kind of embarrassed for him. **** has been debunked a million times, and he spouts it as truth. How does that help? Just feeds the media cycles against him. And on and on we go. It is exhausting.

If people see that as fighting back, more power to him. Looks to me like he is getting his lunch money stolen on a daily basis. No the media hasn't helped. But he has plenty of blame in his own damn failures.

Anyone in a leadership role, whether in the public or the private arena gets "railroaded" to some extent or another....It WILL happen and what makes or breaks you as a leader is how you handle these situations when they happen...Obviously this has been a HUGE fail for Trump.

Trump's real problem was his leadership perception of him by the general public from the "get-go".....
I think most of us who were concerned, but waiting to give him the benefit of the doubt, now realize his **** show prior to becoming elected, wasn't really a "show" after all.
It was Trump being himself....unfortunately. This behavior is great and entertaining for reality shows, but not so much for the POTUS.
His conduct and behavior during the debates and election process prior to him being elected, is what cemented his fate even before he put his right hand on the Bible.

Credibility is sadly lacking with this President in the eyes of most of the nation...and world.
He is done...stick a fork in him.
Pause for a moment, if you will*, and ask yourself why statues of Confederate officials must suddenly be removed after being up for 100 years or more. Ask yourself why Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters suddenly want Confederate statues removed from the Capitol after walking past them every day for 30 freaking years and not seeming to be bothered.

* Tomlinism

They know this is working against Trump so they have grabbed onto it. Unfortunately he has played right into their hands better than they could have ever dreamed.
Pause for a moment, if you will, and ask yourself why aren't there aren't any Hitler, Goebbels or Himmler statues in Germany? Or why the first thing our troops did in Baghdad was to topple Saddam's statue? Or why have all the Soviet communist statues been cleared out of central Europe and placed in museums and isolated historical statue parks? And the list goes on.



unpause for a moment and realize that in Germany, they teach students about the Holocaust. So as to prevent it from ever happening again. We must be like European countries, correct?

except the Civil War lasted years and currently it's been sanitized down so as to not offend any aspiring transgender bigender fluid +/- snowflake from blossoming into the manbun-sporting jackass that they can be. also realize that while there will --- for now --- remain books that will tell the tale of the Civil War, we live in a hyper-digital age where snowflakes melt if their wifi connection drops for more than 15 seconds. They have an attention span of 140 characters or less. Removing actual monuments of our country's history will not, in any way, remove the ugliness of the Civil War. And it WILL be forgotten. The left will see to it that the Civil War is summed up nicely in a few paragraphs of American History.

When I was in school, we spent two days of American History on the Civil War.
which equates to two hours.
and my generation was not a bunch of pussyhat wearing jackasses who had no idea where to pee.
Pause for a moment, if you will*, and ask yourself why statues of Confederate officials must suddenly be removed after being up for 100 years or more. Ask yourself why Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters suddenly want Confederate statues removed from the Capitol after walking past them every day for 30 freaking years and not seeming to be bothered.
Now that is an excellent point, one that I have no answer for. But I stand by my basic premise there's no good reason to have statues in public places and government buildings representing the losing side in any war. Why they went up in the first place and have been tolerated - as you write - for over a hundred years is a legitimate question.
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Country Music Legend Compares Tearing Down Statues To ‘What ISIS Is Doing’
With apologies to Charlie Daniels, that's a pretty stupid comparison. Nobody is 'destroying' any Confederate statues, nor is anyone calling for that. There's a huge difference between ISIS blowing up monuments and statues and simply moving them to museums, cemeteries, historical parks, etc.
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Anyone in a leadership role, whether in the public or the private arena gets "railroaded" to some extent or another....It WILL happen and what makes or breaks you as a leader is how you handle these situations when they happen...Obviously this has been a HUGE fail for Trump.

Trump's real problem was his leadership perception of him by the general public from the "get-go".....
I think most of us who were concerned, but waiting to give him the benefit of the doubt, now realize his **** show prior to becoming elected, wasn't really a "show" after all.
It was Trump being himself....unfortunately. This behavior is great and entertaining for reality shows, but not so much for the POTUS.
His conduct and behavior during the debates and election process prior to him being elected, is what cemented his fate even before he put his right hand on the Bible.

Credibility is sadly lacking with this President in the eyes of most of the nation...and world.
He is done...stick a fork in him.

"End of an Error"

Pretty much says it all.

With apologies to Charlie Daniels, that a pretty stupid comparison. Nobody is 'destroying' any Confederate statues, nor is anyone calling for that. There's a huge difference between ISIS blowing up monuments and statues and simply removing them and moving them to museums, cemeteries, historical parks, etc.

Actually people are destroying and defacing them all over the country.

irreparably destroyed by his fall: his musket mangled, his legs bent forward, and a huge dent in his head from some zealous protester’s boot.


Why would anyone ever be proud that slavery was part of their cultural heritage?

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

no one is, other than the white supremacists and kkk. and both have been summarily condemned and denounced in this thread more than a few times.
We must be like European countries, correct?
Not at all. Why must America be like Europe? America must be like....America.

except the Civil War lasted years and currently it's been sanitized down so as to not offend any aspiring transgender bigender fluid +/- snowflake from blossoming into the manbun-sporting jackass that they can be. also realize that while there will --- for now --- remain books that will tell the tale of the Civil War, we live in a hyper-digital age where snowflakes melt if their wifi connection drops for more than 15 seconds. They have an attention span of 140 characters or less. Removing actual monuments of our country's history will not, in any way, remove the ugliness of the Civil War. And it WILL be forgotten. The left will see to it that the Civil War is summed up nicely in a few paragraphs of American History. When I was in school, we spent two days of American History on the Civil War. which equates to two hours.and my generation was not a bunch of pussyhat wearing jackasses who had no idea where to pee.
I don't see anyone suggesting the Civil War should not be taught in schools. There are plenty of Confederate cemeteries and museums Hopefully the statues being currently removed will end up at these sites to remain a part of the historical record.

Why the hysterics?
Actually people are destroying and defacing them all over the country.

irreparably destroyed by his fall: his musket mangled, his legs bent forward, and a huge dent in his head from some zealous protester’s boot.
They can be, and should be repaired. Hopefully paid for by fines doled out to those that did the damage. As noted, if these statues must go, they should be placed in Confederate cemeteries and museums where they can turn to rust and be overrun with vines. It was a dark, dark part of America's history, but a part of our history nonetheless.

edit -- I was curious, so I checked. You'd be shocked how many Confederate monuments and statues there are in total. I guess if you lose a few to vandalism, there are 20 more to take their place. The fact is if you kept every 20th one you'd still have plenty to scatter around in Confederate museums and cemeteries, to preserve the historical record.

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Not at all. Why must America be like Europe? America must be like....America.

I don't see anyone suggesting the Civil War should not be taught in schools. There are plenty of Confederate cemeteries and museums Hopefully the statues being currently removed will end up at these sites to remain a part of the historical record.

Why the hysterics?

Tibs... it is NOT taught in school. It just isn't. It's bleached away and sanitized.
I had a discussion on FB with a snowflake who said he didnt understand the outcry about a statue being removed from Gainesville, FL since there was NEVER a Civil War battle that far south and he "knew his history"

consider that for a moment.

then re-read my statement.
When I grew up, I lived about 20 minutes away from Gettysburg. As you can imagine, in my small town school of predominantly white (but not all) children the Civil War was a big thing. I always think I was taught more about it then most through middle school. We had field trips there every year. I went with my parents often in addition.

I'm not here to try to argue about how much slavery and the economics of slavery had to do with the war. Some believe it was 99% of it. Others believe is was less than 50%. I'm of the opinion it was most but certainly not all of the reason the Southern States felt "enough was enough" and took such violent acts and declared War.

But all that said, one of the basic tenets of studying our Civil War was that is was "brother against brother". That is was Citizen against Citizen. That it tore our country apart and without heroic (almost impossible) leadership somehow it was brought back together. I was never taught everyone in the south was a "traitor". I was never taught that the War of Succession meant every soldier, general, leader, et. al. was an evil bigoted person. I was never taught to gloat over the North's victory or to treat people from the South differently.

For all the historic study the actual War gets, we don't often talk about reconstruction and the time period of our country's history from 1865-1920, except in the context that this was another period of racial injustice (another white guilt era like so many others) that opened our borders to Europeans in unfathomable numbers and colonized the west as the expense of Native Americans. Or the rise of our economic power and world influence culminating in our involvement in a European World War.

The Civil War might have ended with an official document/treaty in 1865, but the reconciliation of the North and South is still going on. To me, they are still my brothers. They are still fellow citizens. I will not gloat over the North's victory even if I believe it was the correct side and better for history (but certainly not perfect). Racism is wrong. To act upon bigotry and anger against a person based on the color of their skin is deplorable. To feel superior because of race alone is a path to darkness. Character is all that matters. Actions. How you live your life every ******* day. How you treat people no matter what is inside. No matter what demons you carry. No matter what statues are around or flags are flown or government is in office.

I was taught and believe Robert E. Lee actually had character. He wasn't perfect. As a military man from a southern military school, he fate was probably set given his time on earth. But I bet his character is better that half those people that protested to removing his statue. That's my gut feeling on it.
Tibs... it is NOT taught in school. It just isn't. It's bleached away and sanitized. I had a discussion on FB with a snowflake who said he didnt understand the outcry about a statue being removed from Gainesville, FL since there was NEVER a Civil War battle that far south and he "knew his history" consider that for a moment.

If anything, it seems the Civil War is taught differently in southern states relative to the rest of the country. That the slavery aspect and confederate losses and defeats are watered down in some schools in the south. I think your FB conversation was with someone who either didn't pay attention in history class or slept through it. In any event, it seems like an isolated example. If the Civil War has been wiped out of US history textbooks and is no longer part of the curriculum, I stand corrected. I was not aware of that.
I have mentioned this before about race relations but I think there is a growing sentiment among the left (the racial left, which is different than the euro-socialist left) that equality is not enough.

That punishment and retribution have to part of it as well. In some ways I think their "caring" about removing these statues has nothing to do with how they feel. What they really want is to take something away from the people they don't like. They want to spit on the prisoner. They want to take their cheap shot when they get a chance.

All the rhetoric about these statues causing trauma or emotional distress I think is a bunch of bullshit (and I think most liberals in their hearts know it). I think it's just a way to say "look what we can do to you and what you care about". All eye-for-an-eye bullshit that isn't going to solve anything.

I don't really know what the racial democrat wants. I never have. I know I don't think equality will be good enough to push the anger from their hearts.
If anything, it seems the Civil War is taught differently in southern states relative to the rest of the country. That the slavery aspect and confederate losses and defeats are watered down in some schools in the south. I think your FB conversation was with someone who either didn't pay attention in history class or slept through it. In any event, it seems like an isolated example. If the Civil War has been wiped out of US history textbooks and is no longer part of the curriculum, I stand corrected. I was not aware of that.

he lives in and grew up in California.
and claims to this day study history.

which I find oddly humorous and sad.