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I knew it was a commin'

Of course they're Communists, they voted for Bernie

Who are the Workers World Party, the group who helped organize the Durham Confederate statue toppling

It's a communist party that was founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy of the Socialist Workers Party.


The party is active in the Black Lives Matter movement and supports the struggles of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.

The group says they're "dedicated to organizing and fighting for a socialist revolution in the United States and around the world."

The group said it destroyed the statue hoping to "take down white supremacy."

Remind me who murdered a woman, ganged-up on and brutally beat a man in a garage and put 20 people in the hospital - several of them in critical condition - this past weekend in Charlottesville? Asking for a friend.

See Tibs, it's bullshit posts like this that stir the pot. Your post simply attempts to ignore, to bury, the never-ending list of political and social violence wrought by the Left - to act as if it never happened. You dismiss his whole post by shifting discussion back to Charlottesville. It's dismissive, by design. You've learned well from your beloved propaganda media.

Steelr4evr didn't fabricate anything. For two years we have been wrought with Left Wing Violence that you barely utter a peep about - Ferguson, Charlotte, Baltimore, Berkeley (over and over), the post election riots that led to 231 arrests and damage all over DC, Sacramento, San Jose, Portland over and over and over. You know I could go on. New Jersey has listed AntiFA as a terrorist organization. When pressed you offer a press statement that reads, in the #1 Font Size - "I condemn this violence."

"But Charlottesville!" has become the Left's new "But Booosh!". You, of all people, who constantly deride posters here for pointing back to Obama and Hillary and Lynch (let's live in the present) will now in perpetuity say "But Charlottesville!" any time the Leftist violence kills, maims and destroys. AntiFA could participate in 14 more riots this year that lead to 20 deaths, millions of dollars in tax payer money and you will say "But James Fields."

Read this entire damned article, word for word, on a realistic view of just what AntiFA is, believes and the violence they sow while damning others the right to Free Speech. Read especially what they do in Portland when the city government tries to meet.

Then look at the chain of events in Portland. It's just what happened in Charlottesville:

Demonstrators have interrupted so many city-council meetings that in February, the council met behind locked doors. In February and March, activists protesting police violence and the city’s investments in the Dakota Access Pipeline hounded Mayor Ted Wheeler so persistently at his home that he took refuge in a hotel. Joey Gibson, a Trump supporter who organized the June 4 Portland rally, told me that his “biggest pet peeve is when mayors have police stand down … They don’t want conservatives to be coming together and speaking.” To provide security at the rally, Gibson brought in a far-right militia called the Oath Keepers. In late June, James Buchal, the chair of the Multnomah County Republican Party, announced that it too would use militia members for security, because “volunteers don’t feel safe on the streets of Portland.”

Are you kidding me? The AntiFA took up issue with the political issue of the Dakota Access Pipeline and harassed and threatened the mayor over this to the point he had to hide in a hotel??? This wasn't a racist or socialist issue, it was a POLITICAL issue. That **** is scary. That means that AntiFA is now the violent arm of the Left used to violently protest policies they don't agree with. DBS is right when he calls them Bolsheviks.

Then the police issue you've bitched about throughout this thread. Read above why this happens. Police have been standing down all over the country. They did so in Berkeley. They refuse to protect Conservatives from the violent Left that now always shows up, even at speaking engagements - which is leading the Right to bring in militias as they have no choice.

Do you not see the recipe for ******* disaster? And where does it begin? With these so called "Anti Fascists" who are literally fascists themselves trying to silence every voice they don't agree with through violence. They recruit, they then overwhelm events through disruption and violence, the police can't handle it and as a last resort militias and alt right groups are brought in.

This violence begins because the Left no longer discusses problems in this country, they violently attack disagreements. There is no argument Tibs et al. None. We didn't riot after the Obama elections. After any of his decisions. We didn't attack the pink ***** hat wearing women in the women's march. We are still the civil side of the aisle, but we are being forced to bring guns to the fight.

You say we are WISHING for civil war? Why don't you ask your side to allow civil discord?


The Rise of the Violent Left

Antifa’s activists say they’re battling burgeoning authoritarianism on the American right. Are they fueling it instead?

Since 1907, portland, oregon, has hosted an annual Rose Festival. Since 2007, the festival had included a parade down 82nd Avenue. Since 2013, the Republican Party of Multnomah County, which includes Portland, had taken part. This April, all of that changed.

In the days leading up to the planned parade, a group called the Direct Action Alliance declared, “Fascists plan to march through the streets,” and warned, “Nazis will not march through Portland unopposed.” The alliance said it didn’t object to the Multnomah GOP itself, but to “fascists” who planned to infiltrate its ranks. Yet it also denounced marchers with “Trump flags” and “red maga hats” who could “normalize support for an orange man who bragged about sexually harassing women and who is waging a war of hate, racism and prejudice.” A second group, Oregon Students Empowered, created a Facebook page called “Shut down fascism! No nazis in Portland!”

Next, the parade’s organizers received an anonymous email warning that if “Trump supporters” and others who promote “hateful rhetoric” marched, “we will have two hundred or more people rush into the parade … and drag and push those people out.” When Portland police said they lacked the resources to provide adequate security, the organizers canceled the parade. It was a sign of things to come.

For progressives, Donald Trump is not just another Republican president. Seventy-six percent of Democrats, according to a Suffolk poll from last September, consider him a racist. Last March, according to a YouGov survey, 71 percent of Democrats agreed that his campaign contained “fascist undertones.” All of which raises a question that is likely to bedevil progressives for years to come: If you believe the president of the United States is leading a racist, fascist movement that threatens the rights, if not the lives, of vulnerable minorities, how far are you willing to go to stop it?

In Washington, D.C., the response to that question centers on how members of Congress can oppose Trump’s agenda, on how Democrats can retake the House of Representatives, and on how and when to push for impeachment. But in the country at large, some militant leftists are offering a very different answer. On Inauguration Day, a masked activist punched the white-supremacist leader Richard Spencer. In February, protesters violently disrupted UC Berkeley’s plans to host a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos, a former Breitbart.com editor. In March, protesters pushed and shoved the controversial conservative political scientist Charles Murray when he spoke at Middlebury College, in Vermont.

As far-flung as these incidents were, they have something crucial in common. Like the organizations that opposed the Multnomah County Republican Party’s participation in the 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade, these activists appear to be linked to a movement called “antifa,” which is short for antifascist or Anti-Fascist Action. The movement’s secrecy makes definitively cataloging its activities difficult, but this much is certain: Antifa’s power is growing. And how the rest of the activist left responds will help define its moral character in the Trump age.

Antifa traces its roots to the 1920s and ’30s, when militant leftists battled fascists in the streets of Germany, Italy, and Spain. When fascism withered after World War II, antifa did too. But in the ’70s and ’80s, neo-Nazi skinheads began to infiltrate Britain’s punk scene. After the Berlin Wall fell, neo-Nazism also gained prominence in Germany. In response, a cadre of young leftists, including many anarchists and punk fans, revived the tradition of street-level antifascism.

In the late ’80s, left-wing punk fans in the United States began following suit, though they initially called their groups Anti-Racist Action, on the theory that Americans would be more familiar with fighting racism than fascism. According to Mark Bray, the author of the forthcoming Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, these activists toured with popular alternative bands in the ’90s, trying to ensure that neo-Nazis did not recruit their fans. In 2002, they disrupted a speech by the head of the World Church of the Creator, a white-supremacist group in Pennsylvania; 25 people were arrested in the resulting brawl.

By the 2000s, as the internet facilitated more transatlantic dialogue, some American activists had adopted the name antifa. But even on the militant left, the movement didn’t occupy the spotlight. To most left-wing activists during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama years, deregulated global capitalism seemed like a greater threat than fascism.

Trump has changed that. For antifa, the result has been explosive growth. According to NYC Antifa, the group’s Twitter following nearly quadrupled in the first three weeks of January alone. (By summer, it exceeded 15,000.) Trump’s rise has also bred a new sympathy for antifa among some on the mainstream left. “Suddenly,” noted the antifa-aligned journal It’s Going Down, “anarchists and antifa, who have been demonized and sidelined by the wider Left have been hearing from liberals and Leftists, ‘you’ve been right all along.’ ” An article in The Nation argued that “to call Trumpism fascist” is to realize that it is “not well combated or contained by standard liberal appeals to reason.” The radical left, it said, offers “practical and serious responses in this political moment.”

Those responses sometimes spill blood. Since antifa is heavily composed of anarchists, its activists place little faith in the state, which they consider complicit in fascism and racism. They prefer direct action: They pressure venues to deny white supremacists space to meet. They pressure employers to fire them and landlords to evict them. And when people they deem racists and fascists manage to assemble, antifa’s partisans try to break up their gatherings, including by force.

Such tactics have elicited substantial support from the mainstream left. When the masked antifa activist was filmed assaulting Spencer on Inauguration Day, another piece in The Nation described his punch as an act of “kinetic beauty.” Slate ran an approving article about a humorous piano ballad that glorified the assault. Twitter was inundated with viral versions of the video set to different songs, prompting the former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau to tweet, “I don’t care how many different songs you set Richard Spencer being punched to, I’ll laugh at every one.”

The violence is not directed only at avowed racists like Spencer: In June of last year, demonstrators—at least some of whom were associated with antifa—punched and threw eggs at people exiting a Trump rally in San Jose, California. An article in It’s Going Down celebrated the “righteous beatings.”


An antifascist demonstrator burns a Blue Lives Matter flag during a protest in Portland, Oregon, in June. (Scott Olson / Getty)

Antifascists call such actions defensive. Hate speech against vulnerable minorities, they argue, leads to violence against vulnerable minorities. But Trump supporters and white nationalists see antifa’s attacks as an assault on their right to freely assemble, which they in turn seek to reassert. The result is a level of sustained political street warfare not seen in the U.S. since the 1960s. A few weeks after the attacks in San Jose, for instance, a white-supremacist leader announced that he would host a march in Sacramento to protest the attacks at Trump rallies. Anti-Fascist Action Sacramento called for a counterdemonstration; in the end, at least 10 people were stabbed.

A similar cycle has played out at UC Berkeley. In February, masked antifascists broke store windows and hurled Molotov cocktails and rocks at police during a rally against the planned speech by Yiannopoulos. After the university canceled the speech out of what it called “concern for public safety,” white nationalists announced a “March on Berkeley” in support of “free speech.” At that rally, a 41-year-old man named Kyle Chapman, who was wearing a baseball helmet, ski goggles, shin guards, and a mask, smashed an antifa activist over the head with a wooden post. Suddenly, Trump supporters had a viral video of their own. A far-right crowdfunding site soon raised more than $80,000 for Chapman’s legal defense. (In January, the same site had offered a substantial reward for the identity of the antifascist who had punched Spencer.) A politicized fight culture is emerging, fueled by cheerleaders on both sides. As James Anderson, an editor at It’s Going Down, told Vice, “This **** is fun.”

Portland offers perhaps the clearest glimpse of where all of this can lead. The Pacific Northwest has long attracted white supremacists, who have seen it as a haven from America’s multiracial East and South. In 1857, Oregon (then a federal territory) banned African Americans from living there. By the 1920s, it boasted the highest Ku Klux Klan membership rate of any state.

In 1988, neo-Nazis in Portland killed an Ethiopian immigrant with a baseball bat. Shortly thereafter, notes Alex Reid Ross, a lecturer at Portland State University and the author of Against the Fascist Creep, anti-Nazi skinheads formed a chapter of Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. Before long, the city also had an Anti-Racist Action group.

Now, in the Trump era, Portland has become a bastion of antifascist militancy. Masked protesters smashed store windows during multiday demonstrations following Trump’s election. In early April, antifa activists threw smoke bombs into a “Rally for Trump and Freedom” in the Portland suburb of Vancouver, Washington. A local paper said the ensuing melee resembled a mosh pit.

When antifascists forced the cancellation of the 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade, Trump supporters responded with a “March for Free Speech.” Among those who attended was Jeremy Christian, a burly ex-con draped in an American flag, who uttered racial slurs and made Nazi salutes. A few weeks later, on May 25, a man believed to be Christian was filmed calling antifa “a bunch of punk *******.”

The next day, Christian boarded a light-rail train and began yelling that “colored people” were ruining the city. He fixed his attention on two teenage girls, one African American and the other wearing a hijab, and told them “to go back to Saudi Arabia” or “kill themselves.” As the girls retreated to the back of the train, three men interposed themselves between Christian and his targets. “Please,” one said, “get off this train.” Christian stabbed all three. One bled to death on the train. One was declared dead at a local hospital. One survived.

The cycle continued. Nine days after the attack, on June 4, Trump supporters hosted another Portland rally, this one featuring Chapman, who had gained fame with his assault on the antifascist in Berkeley. Antifa activists threw bricks until the police dispersed them with stun grenades and tear gas.

What’s eroding in Portland is the quality Max Weber considered essential to a functioning state: a monopoly on legitimate violence. As members of a largely anarchist movement, antifascists don’t want the government to stop white supremacists from gathering. They want to do so themselves, rendering the government impotent. With help from other left-wing activists, they’re already having some success at disrupting government. Demonstrators have interrupted so many city-council meetings that in February, the council met behind locked doors. In February and March, activists protesting police violence and the city’s investments in the Dakota Access Pipeline hounded Mayor Ted Wheeler so persistently at his home that he took refuge in a hotel. The fateful email to parade organizers warned, “The police cannot stop us from shutting down roads.”

All of this fuels the fears of Trump supporters, who suspect that liberal bastions are refusing to protect their right to free speech. Joey Gibson, a Trump supporter who organized the June 4 Portland rally, told me that his “biggest pet peeve is when mayors have police stand down … They don’t want conservatives to be coming together and speaking.” To provide security at the rally, Gibson brought in a far-right militia called the Oath Keepers. In late June, James Buchal, the chair of the Multnomah County Republican Party, announced that it too would use militia members for security, because “volunteers don’t feel safe on the streets of Portland.”

Antifa believes it is pursuing the opposite of authoritarianism. Many of its activists oppose the very notion of a centralized state. But in the name of protecting the vulnerable, antifascists have granted themselves the authority to decide which Americans may publicly assemble and which may not. That authority rests on no democratic foundation. Unlike the politicians they revile, the men and women of antifa cannot be voted out of office. Generally, they don’t even disclose their names.

Antifa’s perceived legitimacy is inversely correlated with the government’s. Which is why, in the Trump era, the movement is growing like never before. As the president derides and subverts liberal-democratic norms, progressives face a choice. They can recommit to the rules of fair play, and try to limit the president’s corrosive effect, though they will often fail. Or they can, in revulsion or fear or righteous rage, try to deny racists and Trump supporters their political rights. From Middlebury to Berkeley to Portland, the latter approach is on the rise, especially among young people.

Revulsion, fear, and rage are understandable. But one thing is clear. The people preventing Republicans from safely assembling on the streets of Portland may consider themselves fierce opponents of the authoritarianism growing on the American right. In truth, however, they are its unlikeliest allies.
The death penalty punishes a criminal for SINS OF THE PRESENT, you ignorant ****.

Elftard's been inaccurately trying to teach this board the meaning of hypocrisy for days now. It's really quite comical.
See Tibs, it's bullshit posts like this that stir the pot. Your post simply attempts to ignore, to bury, the never-ending list of political and social violence wrought by the Left - to act as if it never happened. You dismiss his whole post by shifting discussion back to Charlottesville.
What the **** do you think this thread is about? What have we been discussing for 48+ pages? You immediately pounce on anything that doesn't fit your agenda to obfuscate and brainwash others. By all means tell us how innocent Nazis and the KKK are and what immediate danger those protesting hate groups pose to us all. Quick, look! There's a black-masked AntiFa BLM anarchist climbing through your pantry window! He's got a backpack full of Lenin and Chomsky, someone do something! Heeeeeeelllllpppp!!

We know the drill, knock yourself out.
Make no mistake violence is coming and it has nothing to to with the Boogyman in the Oval Office. Race relations have turned completely to **** in the past decade. It seems to get worse every year and it seems like it's been by design. Stir up as much racial tension and mutual disdain for other races as possible, then step back and watch it explode. I'm not sure who is solely responsible but there are people high up that have been pulling those puppet strings for years.

Lemme give ya a hint as to one of the main money sources, there are more agitators to be sure but without this one...the others would be inconsequential.


And then you have the everyday, out in the open, planned stuff to contend with.

Nice to see American anti-fascists turning up in droves today in Boston. No reports of violence thus far, let's hope it stays that way. I think the KKK/Nazi rats were scared to show up. Now more than ever people need to raise their voice, take to the streets and show the world what America truly stands for. Sure, we may have elected a President that cow-tows to racists and the far right, but that does not represent Americans on the whole.

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This is how it's done. Rinse and repeat at Far Right rallies throughout the country. Problem solved.


Anti-racism protesters totally eclipsed Boston's right-wing Free Speech rally

The Boston Free Speech rally, which many feared would draw a violent crowd of white supremacists Saturday, was instead overshadowed by thousands of counter-protesters denouncing bigotry and racism.

The dueling demonstrations on Boston Common showed a shocking disparity in size. As Vox’s Alex Ward reported from the scene, the Free Speech rally, scheduled to begin at noon, was only permitted for 100 participants. The press was not allowed within a policed perimeter of the Free Speech rally, gathered in by the Parkman Bandstand — a small gazebo in Boston’s public park.

<iframe class="instagram-media instagram-media-rendered" id="instagram-embed-0" src="https://www.instagram.com/p/BX-12BilmEH/embed/captioned/?cr=1&v=7&wp=877#%7B%22ci%22%3A0%2C%22os%22%3A299.545%7D" allowtransparency="true" data-instgrm-payload-id="instagram-media-payload-0" scrolling="no" style="background: rgb(255, 255, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; border: 1px solid rgb(219, 219, 219); margin: 1px 1px 12px; max-width: 658px; width: calc(100% - 2px); border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; display: block; padding: 0px;" height="816" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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What a beautiful day in Boston today. 20,000 anti-fascists? Wow!

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Fox CEO Rips Trump’s Response To Charlottesville, Pledges $1MM To The Anti-Defamation League


The overwhelming hypocrisy of the right.....it's just unbelievable. It was/is Murdoch's network that is the media granddaddy of fomenting all this hate and mistrust against minorities.

All the now well known A-holes that spout this **** 24/7: O'Reilly, Hannity, At one time Lou Dobbs, and on and on.

Funny what happens when your sponsors start to pull out starting with the O'Reilly fiasco....it's almost like you grow a conscious and become human........NOT!
What the **** do you think this thread is about? What have we been discussing for 48+ pages? You immediately pounce on anything that doesn't fit your agenda to obfuscate and brainwash others. By all means tell us how innocent Nazis and the KKK are and what immediate danger those protesting hate groups pose to us all. Quick, look! There's a black-masked AntiFa BLM anarchist climbing through your pantry window! He's got a backpack full of Lenin and Chomsky, someone do something! Heeeeeeelllllpppp!!

We know the drill, knock yourself out.

Stop with your holier than thou bullshit Tibs. You persistently change topics in other threads for years.

Yes we are discussing Charlottesvillle. And White Suprmecists and Nazis have been condemned by EVERYONE. So that portion of the discussion is over. The police standing down? Not over. What's leading to this violence? Absolutely not over.

And the rational members of this board are trying to discuss the WHOLE problem. Your side will only discuss White Supremacist + KKK. That's it. Laser focused. The whole god damned problem to you is that and that alone (except your questions about the police standing down interjected intermittently at times).

You're bright enough - at least I think you are - to recognize that Charlottesville was not just about the White Supremacists. You absolutely know that if no counter protesters had shown up, Charlottesville barely would have made the news.

So there is a bigger problem at play here but you won't entertain it because RACISTS! Be ******* reasonable man. We are trying to be. One week ago was NOT the fault of one group or one ideology. It was the Alt Right, the government, and the Alt Left.

Now let's discuss fixing the problem like adults instead of you petulantly screaming RACIST, trying to be AntiFA and shut down all conversation related to the problem that doesn't support what YOU want to talk about. That IS exactly what you are doing is being AntiFA on the board.

That article hits the nail on the head. Look at Portland, a perfect case. Dissent is now intimidation and violence. Mayors hiding in hotel rooms. Roads shut down. Local law enforcement won't step in. So the local conservatives are bringing in THE GOD DAMNED militia and fringe Right groups to protect them. WHY are we there? Because of intimidation and violence and threats.

In order to fix a problem, you have to get to the root of the problem. You keep pulling back the layers of the onion. Until you get to the cause. Racism isn't the cause because this situation plays itself out over the Dakota Pipeline, Racism, the President, Abortion. Those are events. It's deeper.

The problem is how we communicate, or do not. There is no discussion. There is no listening. We shout each other down. Then we shout and punch. Then we shout and shoot. We need to STOP violent protesters on both sides of the aisle and respect the rights for all voices to speak, to march. That would be a start.

Every bit of my prior post was a blistering ******* indictment - an accurate one - on the origins of this problem.

You can choose to be a part of the solution by being willing to talk about THE PROBLEM and not just one event in a years long chain of events that is THE PROBLEM. Or you can continue to scream Charlottesville! and RACIST! with your blinders on and perpetuate it.
What a beautiful day in Boston today. 20,000 anti-fascists? Wow!

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Well that answers the question I posted in my new thread on how white Americans would react.to the scumbag haters on the right. And THIS IS WHY I LOVE AMERICA !
This is how it's done. Rinse and repeat at Far Right rallies throughout the country. Problem solved.


Anti-racism protesters totally eclipsed Boston's right-wing Free Speech rally

<iframe class="instagram-media instagram-media-rendered" id="instagram-embed-0" src="https://www.instagram.com/p/BX-12BilmEH/embed/captioned/?cr=1&v=7&wp=877#%7B%22ci%22%3A0%2C%22os%22%3A299.545%7D" allowtransparency="true" data-instgrm-payload-id="instagram-media-payload-0" scrolling="no" style="background: rgb(255, 255, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; border: 1px solid rgb(219, 219, 219); margin: 1px 1px 12px; max-width: 658px; width: calc(100% - 2px); border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; display: block; padding: 0px;" height="816" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<script async="" defer="" src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>

This is great news and absolutely how it is done. I hope the Alt Right, BLM and AntiFA take a page out of the book of the Bostonians and remember what "peaceful" protest is about. We could learn from everyone there today and I pray it remains peaceful.

This supports everything I said in post #961. This is how you fix the problem, peacefully.
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I think the KKK/Nazi rats were scared to show up.
I doubt it, there simply aren't any in the northeast. From NY/NJ up to Maine there are only about 40 people who aren't Libtards.
Tim Steelersfan said:
This violence begins because the Left no longer discusses problems in this country, they violently attack disagreements. There is no argument Tibs et al. None. We didn't riot after the Obama elections. After any of his decisions. We didn't attack the pink ***** hat wearing women in the women's march. We are still the civil side of the aisle, but we are being forced to bring guns to the fight.
If the Left has to rely on elections to further their agenda then they will lose every time.
This is how it's done.

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More fallout from the President's tepid comments on Charlottseville. Glad to see this happen. Since this will hurt his bottom line, which is all he cares about, maybe he'll sit up and take notice.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FAC360%2Fvideos%2F10159322521990533%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="420" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
I doubt it, there simply aren't any in the northeast. From NY/NJ up to Maine there are only about 40 people who aren't Libtards.

Yeah and they don't travel well as we saw in Charlottesville...........................................
more fallout from the president's tepid comments on charlottseville. Glad to see this happen. Since this will hurt his bottom line, which is all he cares about, maybe he'll sit up and take notice.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3a%2f%2fwww.facebook.com%2fac360%2fvideos%2f10159322521990533%2f&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="420" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

NAACP calling for boycott of NFL, Atlanta Falcons

This is ridiculous! Look, the Falcons totally **** the bed agaist the Patriots in the Super Bowl, but it was nowhere near as disgraceful as Trump's handling of Charlottesville.
Um, charities don't pay and those were events to raise money for themselves. Dumbasses, overreacting. Yeah, The Trump Org will lose some write offs. They'll make it up.
Do you ever not talk out of your ***?

For Trump, the cancellations will mean a significant loss of income, unless the staff at Mar-a-Lago finds new customers who want to book a 20,000-square-foot ballroom embellished with 24-karat gold leafing, modeled, as Trump told Florida Design magazine, after Versailles.

Um, charities don't pay and those were events to raise money for themselves. Dumbasses, overreacting. Yeah, The Trump Org will lose some write offs. They'll make it up.

You're right, other than that Trump had a really good week.