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I'll post this here.....I didn't make it Political the NFL did..............

What's worse is the media doesn't even try to hide the hypocrisy and the sheep just follow. It's like no one dies in this country anymore other than young black males at the hands of the police.

I am almost certain that major cities now recognize just two, and only two, causes of death:

  • If black, being shot by police.
  • If other, the Chinese ... uhh, Covid.
The nfl is dead to me. That includes the Steelers.

It started with the 'hands up, don't shoot' BS the Rams did coming out of the tunnel. That was it for me for 15. Then all the kneeling and disrespect. Didn't watch a game in 16. Lurked a little but didn't watch a game in 17, 18 or 19... except SBs - family forced me to watch. I'm not one of those idiots that burned their regalia - that's just stupid. But it's all in boxes. I don't care. The league can go to hell. Actually, it is.

What really frosts me is the hyper-indulged, dim witted, smug ******** calling fans, 75+% of whom are white 'racist'. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! It isn't possible for a fan of a league comprised of 75+% black children to be racist.

The good news is that after the stupor of this BS wears off you realize how infantile and utterly meaningless it all is. Its a colossal waste of time and expense for something that hasn't been entertaining for more than a decade. The left destroys everything it touches.

You are correct, but not in the way you think. Blake was shot multiple times for resisting arrest and for maybe, possibly, potentially reaching for a weapon, while Rittenhouse shot and killed two people point blank and injuring a third, and was allowed to waltz away. Mind you, police were seen grab-assing and lolly-gagging earlier in the protest with Rittenhouse and the other Patriot gun nuts, no wonder they let him walk right by after the shooting took place.

BLM advocates armed with AR-15's were not arrested. Know why? Carrying is not a crime.

Police did not witness the shooting. You are not a lawyer and don't know this, but for any crime, the police can arrest only if they (1) witnessed the crime or (2) have probable cause supporting the arrest. Some bill of rights thing, I think, the numbers between 3 and 6. The shouts from the crowd, "He shot somebody" are not probable cause. Otherwise, every goddamn jail in the country would be filled with people based on angry shouts from a mob.

Once the police had probable cause based on statements given to police and a warrant, they arrested him. So here's my question:

If the cops came to Rittenhouse's home to arrest him, he got into a scuffle with two of them, grappled with the cops, shook off a taser, and went to his car and opened the door in contravention to repeated orders to stop and get down, would the police have been justified in shooting him? Asking for a friend.
I've been following Sarge's advice and streaming the Steelers games for free on Reddit. The NFL doesn't get a dime.

Same here. DirecTV tried to automatically renew me at $65.99 for 6 payments, that's almost $400 so they actually raised the price. They're not getting another dime from me for the foreseeable future.
Oh, and just to return to Tibs' earlier discussion of polling from June and mid-July ... here are the true facts on the "support" for black lives matter:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">6). According to Democracy Institute the Dems badly miscalculated on BLM:<br><br>74% prefer all lives matter<br>26% prefer black lives matter</p>— PollWatch (@PollWatch2020) <a href="https://twitter.com/PollWatch2020/status/1299928828886671362?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Should be 100% agree that all lives matter. Seriously, how is this a topic of discussion.

But Tibs blatantly misrepresented the national mood as of today.
From our interactions on here, I never got a single hint you were anything but a damn nice and level-headed guy (especially with all the exercise advice you've given me).

I guess I implied you lost your **** (wasn't really my intention though). And I don't doubt a word you say (or have really ever said on here). Christ, I can't get through one post without using multiple parentheses, lol.

Anything I would do outside of self defense or defending the defensless would be done inside of a cage. Gloves, cup,mouthpiece,ref and a release of liability form for full contact mma sparring. It's much safer for all parties involved.
Not sure where to drop this. Libs will have no comment on this, I'm sure.

'I am 100% Antifa': Alleged Portland shooter was previously arrested—and released—for bringing illegal loaded gun to a riot


The man being investigated by police in the fatal shooting of a Trump supporter in Portland identifies as Antifa and is an ardent Black Lives Matter supporter. Michael Forest Reinoehl was previously arrested at an Antifa riot in July and charged with illegally possessing a loaded firearm and other crimes. He was let go and the charges were never pursued. He allegedly went on to kill Aaron "Jay" Danielson on Saturday night in downtown Portland.

The Oregonian was first to report that Reinoehl, 48, is being investigated by Portland police for the homicide. He has not been formally named or charged.

In the early hours of July 5 during the start of violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots outside the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse, Reinoehl was cited for possessing a loaded gun in a public place, resisting arrest, and interfering with police. He was photographed at the time fighting cops while on the ground. A gun laid on the ground next to him. He was cited, released and spent no time in the county jail. Like for the majority of those arrested at riots, local prosecutors did not pursue the charges.

Danielson, the homicide victim, was shot in the chest in downtown Portland just before 9 p.m. by a man believed to be Reinoehl, who fled the scene on foot. Video recorded of the shooting shows Danielson lying motionless on the ground immediately after two shots are fired. He wore a blue pro-police patch on his shorts at the time of his death. He was a participant in the “Trump 2020” car caravan that drove in and around Portland and was an associate of Portland-area conservative group, Patriot Prayer.

When part of the caravan arrived in downtown earlier in the evening, Antifa rioters confronted the drivers by throwing rocks, eggs and other projectiles. In response, pro-Trump drivers and passengers were seen shooting them with paintballs and spraying them with pepper spray. Some rioters tried to physically block cars from driving in the road using their bodies or other barriers.

Katie Daviscourt, a Seattle conservative activist, knew Danielson. "He wasn’t a violent type. [He] just loved this country and our president," she tells The Post Millennial.

Reinoehl has an extensive social media history that shows he identifies as Antifa and has been at many of the riots in Portland. He posted frequently about Black Lives Matter and even has a tattoo of the "black power" fist on his neck.

On Instagram, Reinoehl posted in June: "Every revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight. There are many of us protesters that are just protesting without a clue of where that will lead. That's just the beginning that's where the fight starts. If that's as far and you can take it thank you for your participation but please stand aside and support the ones that are willing to fight. I am 100% ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters! Even if some of them are too ignorant to realize what antifa truly stands for."

He continued: "We are currently living through a crucial point in Humanities evolution. We truly have an opportunity right now to fix everything. But it will be a fight like no other! It will be a war and like all wars there will be casualties."

Reinoehl also touted his military experience and desire for armed conflict: "I was in the army and hated it. I did not feel like fighting for them would ever be a good cause. Today's protesters and antifa are my brothers in arms. This is a Cause to fight for This truly is fighting for my country!"

Portland has been the focus of nearly 100 days of continuous violence organized by Antifa and far-left activists. Multiple public buildings have been smashed, broken into and set on fire since late May.

Livestream video recorded soon after the shooting on Saturday shows Antifa black bloc militants outside the Justice Center celebrating Danielson’s death by dancing and cheering. Some Antifa accounts on Twitter had earlier wrongly claimed that a "fascist" killed one of their black comrades.

“He was a f*cking Nazi! Our community held its own, and took out the trash,” shouted a woman on a bullhorn. The crowd cheered in response.

Reinoehl is believed to still be at-large. He currently has a warrant for his arrest for an unrelated June 8 incident in eastern Oregon where he is charged with driving under the influence, recklessly endangering another, driving while suspended and uninsured and unlawful possession of a gun. Police in Baker County allegedly found him driving while in possession of drugs and an illegal handgun. His 11-year-old daughter was the passenger at the time.
Burn Loot Murder was burning flags and chanting death to America. How sweet and very Iranian of them.

They truly need our support.
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Burn Loot Murder was burning flags and chanting death to America. How sweet and very Iranian of them.

They truly need our support.

amazed at all the social distancing by the personally responsible peaceful protesters in Steeltime's video.
amazed at all the social distancing by the personally responsible peaceful protesters in Steeltime's video.

You keep forgetting. The rules only apply to Trump supporters. Biden supporters can’t get it.
I’m all for this. I am tired of people judging me because I am white.

Nice. One of many internet "discussions," I was asked, "Yeah, you ever been subject to racism?" Responded, "Absolutely. I applied to college."

I know we are not supposed to talk about this, but the only systemic racism I actually know of consists of favorable treatment to non-whites for application to college, graduate schools, professional schools, and basically every position in government.

So you know how "education is so important"? And that is where the United States regularly, overtly, consistently practices racist, anti-white policies.
Nice. One of many internet "discussions," I was asked, "Yeah, you ever been subject to racism?" Responded, "Absolutely. I applied to college."

I know we are not supposed to talk about this, but the only systemic racism I actually know of consists of favorable treatment to non-whites for application to college, graduate schools, professional schools, and basically every position in government.

So you know how "education is so important"? And that is where the United States regularly, overtly, consistently practices racist, anti-white policies.

I've been saying it for years. There is a reason why Warren put down "Native American" instead of white on her form. She knew being white wasn't a help. She knew that being an Indian would give her a leg up. You don't see whites getting benefits for just being white. But you can get all kinds of free stuff if you are a minority.
I've been saying it for years. There is a reason why Warren put down "Native American" instead of white on her form. She knew being white wasn't a help. She knew that being an Indian would give her a leg up. You don't see whites getting benefits for just being white. But you can get all kinds of free stuff if you are a minority.

White Privilege: The concept that being white is such a privilege that whites pretend to be not white so they ... because ... uhh, since they can do the ... can I ask Biden to explain?

In your face, racists.

NFL to stencil 'End Racism' on end zone borders as part of social justice rollout for kickoff week

I'll see your stencil and raise you a helmet pad...


NFL Players May Display Names Of Those Killed By Police On Helmet Padding

The NFL will continue its social justice pivot led by commissioner Roger Goodell and will allow players freedom rarely seen out of the league office when it comes to making statements on jerseys. This freedom will come in the form of names on the padding of their helmets.

“Per a source with knowledge of the situation, players may display the names of victims of police violence and/or systemic racism on the padding along the bottom of the backs of their helmets,” Mike Florio reported this weekend.

The area of the helmet that will be used is where you see the team name. Florio reports the names will come from an approved list of available names. There’s no word which names will appear on that list or who will decide which names will be available for the players to choose from.

Roger Goodell has spent his time during training camp on a social justice awakening campaign. He’s met with Patrick Mahomes to talk about the subject and Goodell recently said he should have “listened earlier” to Colin Kaepernick.

“Well, the first thing I’d say is I wished we had listened earlier to Kaep, to what you were kneeling about and what you were trying to bring attention to,” Goodell said during an interview with FS1’s Emmanuel Acho.

And may I add a hardy '@#$% you' to goddell, the owners, coaches and players. Never again.
I believe I've made the decision not to watch any NFL games. I have been teetering the last couple years and even more so in the past couple weeks since the league and the players have decided to publicly praise rapists and woman beaters and are even willing to not play in order to protest for them. I've seen enough I think. It's been a good 35 year run of watching the Steelers. It's a shame it has to end.
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It's been a good 35 year run of watching the Steelers. It's a shame it has to end.

I watched my first Steelers game in 1971. Still remember the QB debate between the Terry's ... Bradshaw and Hanratty.

49 seasons.
I'll see your stencil and raise you a helmet pad...


NFL Players May Display Names Of Those Killed By Police On Helmet Padding

The NFL will continue its social justice pivot led by commissioner Roger Goodell and will allow players freedom rarely seen out of the league office when it comes to making statements on jerseys. This freedom will come in the form of names on the padding of their helmets.

“Per a source with knowledge of the situation, players may display the names of victims of police violence and/or systemic racism on the padding along the bottom of the backs of their helmets,” Mike Florio reported this weekend.

The area of the helmet that will be used is where you see the team name. Florio reports the names will come from an approved list of available names. There’s no word which names will appear on that list or who will decide which names will be available for the players to choose from.

Roger Goodell has spent his time during training camp on a social justice awakening campaign. He’s met with Patrick Mahomes to talk about the subject and Goodell recently said he should have “listened earlier” to Colin Kaepernick.

“Well, the first thing I’d say is I wished we had listened earlier to Kaep, to what you were kneeling about and what you were trying to bring attention to,” Goodell said during an interview with FS1’s Emmanuel Acho.

And may I add a hardy '@#$% you' to goddell, the owners, coaches and players. Never again.

And yet another deep sigh by me. Ahhhhhhh

Really wanted to see BB and what we can do. Just don’t know man. Just don’t know.
If you want a little silver lining in this matter and as much as it loathes me to praise a former Bengal, I just read that Tyler Eiffert has chosen to display a patch or decal in honor of David Dorn, the Black police captain who was murdered by a leftist scumbag. Kudos to you brave sir. He'll most likely get cut now.
Can players put the names of cops murdered by armed criminals on the backs of helmets? A ****-ton more of those names.

We can't have any of that. Remember a few years back when 'the league' wouldn't let the cowfelons put a sticker on their helmets honoring the five Dallas cops killed by a blmer? Not that I'd ever acknowledge anything positive the cowfelons did, but that was despicable of 'the league'. Gave us an early glimpse of who they are.
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