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Immigration Crisis at the border

We are a nation of immigrants, and stronger for it.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This ad will air tomorrow morning, July 4th, on selected stations including Fox News, to remind our fellow Americans, Republicans and conservatives that we are a nation of immigrants, and stronger for it. <a href="https://t.co/3XdKAeFVTU">pic.twitter.com/3XdKAeFVTU</a></p>— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) <a href="https://twitter.com/BillKristol/status/1014127188281626624?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 3, 2018</a></blockquote>
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We are a nation of immigrants.

And we welcome all of those that come here LEGALLY.

This fact always escapes stupid Libtards.

There's a difference between open borders and legal immigration.
That's part of the problem with socialism and the welfare state. How the **** do you handle immigration? If you are successful at socialism, everybody OUTSIDE wants to come for all the free **** but that is an untenable situation. Europe is experiencing this right now. For the last 20 years, they've instituted socialism in their lily-white, homogeneous countries (with strong, underlying racism). They can afford this because they pay literally nothing on self defense (thanks America!).

Now they are going to experience what America has had to deal with since it's inception.... immigration. REAL immigration from different cultures and different colors and different religions. Europe has no clue what it's in for. NO CLUE.

Look, no other country is like America. No country had slavery like us with that many blacks. No country has had immigration like us. No country has to deal with so many cultures, so many languages, so many different ways to look at things. It's not always pretty, but we actually have done okay. It works. We are unique. We can't "copy" anyone else because no one is like us. We have to stick with what got us here. Our Constitution, the law and our strong belief we are doing the right thing.

Immigration has, and always will be, a mutually beneficial basis. We can't let in everyone. That is the first law of immigration. You can't let in everyone. Once that is clear, then everything after it starts to fall into place. How many, which countries, what criteria.... Sure we may disagree on these issues, but you can't disagree on the first law of immigration. You just can't.
That's part of the problem with socialism and the welfare state. How the **** do you handle immigration? If you are successful at socialism, everybody OUTSIDE wants to come for all the free **** but that is an untenable situation. Europe is experiencing this right now. For the last 70 years, they've instituted socialism in their lily-white, homogeneous countries (with strong, underlying racism). They can afford this because they pay literally nothing on self defense (thanks America!).

Fixed it for you.
At one time we let in a lot of legal immigrants because at the time we needed a lot of unskilled labor. Today the demand for unskilled labor is going down while the supply is going up. This leads to large numbers of people who cannot support themselves, need government assistance, and will vote Democrat to get it. Further, most people, Democrats especially, would be horrified if we applied the same entrance tests today that we used at Ellis Island for immigrants to enter legally.
Bill Kristol has turned out to be quite the idiot. I wonder how many times in his life he's had that **** eating grin slapped off his face.
That's part of the problem with socialism and the welfare state. How the **** do you handle immigration?
Actually the way you framed that is a big part of the problem with socialism and the welfare state. Libs never identify the real problem and constantly morph the argument into something else. Illegal border crossings is an immigration problem, crime in the inner cities an education problem, and black unemployment a racism problem - and of course everything is an opportunity to bring up slavery.
Bill Kristol has turned out to be quite the idiot. I wonder how many times in his life he's had that **** eating grin slapped off his face.

To Trump supporters the whole world has turned into idiots. How dare they not buy into Trump's constant deceits and lies?
To Trump supporters the whole world has turned into idiots. How dare they not buy into Trump's constant deceits and lies?
So you think immigration and illegal border crossings are the same thing. If so, that makes you an idiot.
So you think immigration and illegal border crossings are the same thing. If so, that makes you an idiot.

Liberals always use the word "immigrants" without dividing between legal and illegal. Deliberately want to blur that line.
That's part of the problem with socialism and the welfare state. How the **** do you handle immigration? If you are successful at socialism, everybody OUTSIDE wants to come for all the free **** but that is an untenable situation. Europe is experiencing this right now. For the last 20 years, they've instituted socialism in their lily-white, homogeneous countries (with strong, underlying racism). They can afford this because they pay literally nothing on self defense (thanks America!)..

I presume you mean "successful at implementing socialism".

Also, European nations aren't as "lily white" (a term I detest) as you think. England for example The 2011 census recorded that 85.4% of England's population was White, 7.8% Asian, 3.5% Black, 2.3% Mixed, 0.45% Chinese and 0.44% of another ethnic group.

They are 85% white, while we are between 60 to 70%.

Btw...do you call African countries "charcoal black"?

It is illegal in France to collect demographics based on race, but the estimates are:

As of 2004, French conservative think-tank Institut Montaigne estimated that there were 60 million (85%) white people of European origin, 6 million (10%) North African people, 2 million (3.5%) Black people and 1 million (1.5%) people of Asian origin in Metropolitan France, including all generations of immigrant descendants

Now they are going to experience what America has had to deal with since it's inception.... immigration. REAL immigration from different cultures and different colors and different religions. Europe has no clue what it's in for. NO CLUE.

Look, no other country is like America. No country had slavery like us with that many blacks. No country has had immigration like us. No country has to deal with so many cultures, so many languages, so many different ways to look at things. It's not always pretty, but we actually have done okay. It works. We are unique. We can't "copy" anyone else because no one is like us. We have to stick with what got us here. Our Constitution, the law and our strong belief we are doing the right thing.

Immigration has, and always will be, a mutually beneficial basis. We can't let in everyone. That is the first law of immigration. You can't let in everyone. Once that is clear, then everything after it starts to fall into place. How many, which countries, what criteria.... Sure we may disagree on these issues, but you can't disagree on the first law of immigration. You just can't.

Woah! Hold your horses! In fact we were one of the countries with the least amount of slaves.

Only 5 to 7 % of African slaves brought to the Americas landed in the Continental U.S

The most, 35% went to Brazil. The remaining 58% went to other S American countries and the Caribbean.

Odd that Tibs " liked" your post because there was a lot of truth in it.

I bet he only liked the parts that were misleading or false.
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A nationwide manhunt is underway for 3 men in the alleged rape and kidnapping of 2 teenage sisters in Ohio

(CNN) - A nationwide manhunt is underway for three men accused of kidnapping and raping two sisters, ages 13 and 14, in northern Ohio, Bowling Green police said.

One suspect, David Ramos Contreras, 27, of Mexico, was spotted Saturday with two women in a lightly colored vehicle at a Walmart in Holland, Ohio, said police, who are asking for the public's help in their pursuit of the suspects.

All three men are classified as dangerous, police said.


To Trump supporters the whole world has turned into idiots. How dare they not buy into Trump's constant deceits and lies?

the world has been full of idiots. the idiots elected former President Obama...twice....

love you calling President Trump out for lies, but never minded all the ones from President Obama or Hillery.
love you calling President Trump out for lies, but never minded all the ones from President Obama or Hillery.

Nice try. Nobody comes even close in modern American history to the amount and frequency of Trump's lies. He serves them up on a conveyor belt. It's well documented. Maybe you should take your partisan hat off on occasion and try to see things from a more bird's eye view. Trump lies a mile a minute, and has been doing so non-stop since his campaign started, through the primaries and then being elected. What changed since he's been in the WH? The lies have become more frequent, his animosity and anger more persistent. I don't know what causes Trump to act this way. Maybe this is who he is. Or, perhaps he thinks he can use deceitful, misleading statements to get public opinion on his side and somehow silence his detractors. Either way, if you don't see and accept his lies for what they are, well, that's your problem, not mine.
Nice try. Nobody comes even close in modern American history to the amount and frequency of Trump's lies. He serves them up on a conveyor belt. It's well documented. Maybe you should take your partisan hat off on occasion and try to see things from a more bird's eye view. Trump lies a mile a minute, and has been doing so non-stop since his campaign started, through the primaries and then being elected. What changed since he's been in the WH? The lies have been more frequent, and his animosity and anger more persistent. I don't know what causes Trump to act this way. Maybe this is who he is. Or, perhaps he thinks he can use deceitful, misleading statements to get public opinion on his side and damage his detractors. Either way, if you don't see and accept his lies for what they are, well, that's your problem, not mine.

blah blah blah

the only difference now is that the media won't hide lies from President Trump (if he has any) Former President Obama and Hillery could say any ******* thing and the media would spin it not only as fact but as what was best....

I've already recapped their biggest lies in a post you have ignored...which wasn't a surprise....

just go on believing what your liberal friends in the media say and ignore the facts....
Tibs or Trog, elfie, 21.............

Should the United States of America have any immigration laws, yes or no?

Just trying to establish a perspective in all of this, because right now all I'm seeing is my Dad can beat up your Dad in this pissing contest.
My point of contention with Trump's lying, I don't think anyone this dishonest should serve in any elected office, in whatever capacity. You don't want a sheriff, a mayor, or city councilman to be constantly lying. It's not a good look. I know you guys think it's cute and suggest Trump's just 'toying' with the libs and media. But you can't pull that **** as the President of the United States. It's a rather small, but significant reason I think Trump is unfit for office. I felt that way from the word go, when he announced his candidacy. You can whine and say I'm a sore loser and pissed about the election, that's why I hate Trump. And that is as far from the truth as can be. I understand and know Trump is the President. I got 'over that' half an hour after the election a year and half ago. I support him on the level I want him to serve in the best interest of the country, and the electorate. Donald J. Trump has a personality crisis going on, aside from whatever legal trouble he may be in. Maybe Nixon was the last President so untruthful to the American people. That is what bothers me about Trump, not the fact Hillary lost the election. If anyone's not over the election it's Trump and his supporters. Constantly harping on how many friggin' votes he got and how unfair the whole system is, everything skewered against him. It's belittling and pathetic for a President to act this way. To feed straight up lies to the public, day after day, week after week. I guess you guys don't see it that way, or simply have grown numb to it.
My point of contention with Trump's lying, I don't think anyone this dishonest should serve in any elected office, in whatever capacity. You don't want a sheriff, a mayor, or city councilman to be constantly lying. It's not a good look. I know you guys think it's cute and suggest Trump's just 'toying' with the libs and media. But you can't pull that **** as the President of the United States. It's a rather small, but significant reason I think Trump is unfit for office. I felt that way from the word go, when he announced his candidacy. You can whine and say I'm a sore loser and pissed about the election, that's why I hate Trump. And that is as far from the truth as can be. I understand and know Trump is the President. I got 'over that' half an hour after the election a year and half ago. I support him on the level I want him to serve in the best interest of the country, and the electorate. Donald J. Trump has a personality crisis going on, aside from whatever legal trouble he may be in. Maybe Nixon was the last President so untruthful to the American people. That is what bothers me about Trump, not the fact Hillary lost the election. If anyone's not over the election it's Trump and his supporters. Constantly harping on how many friggin' votes he got and how unfair the whole system is, everything skewered against him. It's belittling and pathetic for a President to act this way. To feed straight up lies to the public, day after day, week after week. I guess you guys don't see it that way, or simply have grown numb to it.

so much ******* bullshit in this post....

don't worry though, you are safe where you are....
I've already recapped their biggest lies in a post you have ignored...which wasn't a surprise....
Sorry, I don't give two ***** about rehashing what the previous President, and the runner-up a year and a half ago said or did, or didn't say or do. You guys have a constant hard on about bringing up Obama and Hillary, as does Trump. Do as you please, but don't expect others to join you in constantly re-litigating the past. Trump won the election, he's calling the shots now. You can sit back and re-hash the past and ponder all you want about Obama and Hillary ******* Clinton. I choose to focus on current events, what's happening here and now. If I supported a President who lied all the time and had this many skeletons in the closet, I too would look for a distraction, a sideshow, to lessen the amount of wincing. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame you for your infatuation. Hillary/Obama live in Trump's head 24/7, it's no surprise to see his supporters follow along.
Sorry, I don't give two ***** about rehashing what the previous President, and the runner-up a year and a half ago said or did, or didn't say or do. You guys have a constant hard on about bringing up Obama and Hillary, as does Trump. Do as you please, but don't expect others to join you in constantly re-litigating the past. Trump won the election, he's calling the shots now. You can sit back and re-hash the past and ponder all you want about Obama and Hillary ******* Clinton. I choose to focus on current events, what's happening here and now. If I supported a President who lied all the time and had this many skeletons in the closet, I too would look for a distraction, a sideshow, to lessen the amount of wincing. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame you for your infatuation. Hillary/Obama live in Trump's head 24/7, it's no surprise to see his supporters follow along.

you don't want to talk about them because in your heart you know they were the biggest turds to hold office. President Trump has done more good for this country in his short time than our former President did in 8 years. The only reason President Trump thinks about the former administration is because he has to fix so much that they ****** up.
My point of contention with Trump's lying, I don't think anyone this dishonest should serve in any elected office, in whatever capacity. You don't want a sheriff, a mayor, or city councilman to be constantly lying. It's not a good look. I know you guys think it's cute and suggest Trump's just 'toying' with the libs and media. But you can't pull that **** as the President of the United States. It's a rather small, but significant reason I think Trump is unfit for office. I felt that way from the word go, when he announced his candidacy. You can whine and say I'm a sore loser and pissed about the election, that's why I hate Trump. And that is as far from the truth as can be. I understand and know Trump is the President. I got 'over that' half an hour after the election a year and half ago. I support him on the level I want him to serve in the best interest of the country, and the electorate. Donald J. Trump has a personality crisis going on, aside from whatever legal trouble he may be in. Maybe Nixon was the last President so untruthful to the American people. That is what bothers me about Trump, not the fact Hillary lost the election. If anyone's not over the election it's Trump and his supporters. Constantly harping on how many friggin' votes he got and how unfair the whole system is, everything skewered against him. It's belittling and pathetic for a President to act this way. To feed straight up lies to the public, day after day, week after week. I guess you guys don't see it that way, or simply have grown numb to it.

Hildebeast couldn't tell you the truth if you asked her what she had for lunch yesterday.
Those are "old" lies. Doesn't count anymore. Forget about those lies.

Much like many other runners-up have been forgotten, Mitt Romney, Al Gore, Dukakis, Mondale. Hillary failed miserably as a candidate and lost accordingly. Let me know when she's up for election somewhere, I'll make sure not to vote for her. I see no relevance between her lying, or really anybody else's lying. The sitting President is lying and has been lying non stop. That's a problem, whether you see it or not, or simply don't care.
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Much like many other runners-up have been forgotten, Mitt Romney, Al Gore, Dukakis, Mondale. Hillary failed miserably as a candidate and lost accordingly. Let me know when she's up for election somewhere, I'll make sure not to vote for her. I see no relevance between her lying, or really anybody else's lying. The sitting President is lying and has been lying non stop. That's a problem, whether you see it or not, or simply don't care.

sure, President Trump didn't even mean it when he says Happy 4th of July....
Let me know when she's up for election somewhere, I'll make sure not to vote for her.
2020. She never stopped campaigning. Bank on it.